AT of tuna feed," Mr. Touchlngs a FIRST INYZ 5TIG ATION (Continued rrom Fagfc 1) tPtlntt ttuperf DaMp I3eto Wednesday, June IS, 1943 Local News It ems ... level Cedar Siding trying to get a complete record Strawbenv Tea ' Thimbu i rin. MwianH lpft tnd.iv bv of their movements a3 a guide said. ' ' Leaving Y'ctoria 0,1 June 3, the Laurier cruised to a point 220 miles southwest of Cape Flattery, Washington. Her course led her to a spot 100 miles west of Estavan Point, then north to a place 100 miles south of Cape Cook, then further northward to the industry "x8" rresoyienan Church, 35c. 139iir on a trip to Vancouver. Al Manson left todav bv air Carpenters Union meeting For the service of the fishermen, the Laurier also makes three daily broadcasts, indicating her position, water tcmccra- 4n a business trip to Vancouver. Special bust ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertisements In this column will be charged for full month at 25c per word Strawberry Tea, Presbyterian Church, June 16. H.M.C.S. Haida I.O.D.E. Tea, June 25. Wednesday, 8 p.m. ness- (139) C" Grade per 1000 f.s.m. $75.00 SIX IS FOR YOUR LUMBER REQUIREMENTS f carry complete stocks of finish and dimension lumber HOOKING, SIDING, SHINGLES, LATH, etc June 19 Father's Mrs. Jens Mud the returned to the city by air Tuesday afternoon after a trip to Vancouver ture and the presence or a'o- to 40 miles south of Cape St. sence of tuna at that time. So James, then up the west coast Ralph Morin left by air today for Victoria to attend a Masonic and Victoria. She attended a 1 Grand Lodge session, far, no tana have shown up. of the Queen Charlottes about 65 miles offshore. national LODE, meeting in Bazaar October 5 Victoria. Catholic and 6. ..MY.. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Earl Batt left today by air on a business trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands. . I !! Attention all Baseball fans! Be sure and see the World Scries films to be shown at the Civic Centre Friday at 8 p.m. Free admission. Silver collection in aid of Boy Scout Association work. (141) "EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" PHONE 116 Inspector Art Touchlngs of Port Alberni, who Is in charge of the tuna Investigation aboard the Laurier, said that in her extended cruise, water temperatures exceeding 55 degrees were encountered. Last year's experience indicated that tuna are present In water temperatures ranging from a minimum of 57 degrees into the 60's. "We encountered no ''blue" Thursday, the vessel leaves for the open sea again to head westward 120 miles southwest of Lan-gara Island. She will work her way south until she arrives at Victoria, after which she will go In for overhaul. Her sister ship, the Howay, will continue the patrol later in the summer. St. Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Cnaptcrs Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. to fit every type of job "Chrysler-Built" in Canada ARGO TRUCKS CAMBRAI LAYS SUMMER PLANS The following models in 'slock at Rupert Motors Lid. Fisheries biologist aboard the water nor any appreciable slgn3 Laurier Is A. B. Parlo. Fall St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. for Immediate delivery: 12fi" W.H. 1-ton Express 132" W.H. 2-ton Chassis and Cab with Reinforced Frame and 2-Spced Rear Axle. 170" W.H. 3-ton Chassis and Cab with Reinforced Frame and 2-Speed Rear Axle. PASSING OF BEN EVANS Benjamin T. Evans, a resident of Prince Rupert since earliest days, died in the PrUWc Rupert General Hospital at four o'clock yesterday afternoon. He had been there for medical attention and nursing care, at different times, for a period extending over years. Mr. Evans, whose age was eighty-one and who was unmarried, was born In England. From THien It's Time To Eat, i It's Time To Refresh - Cambral Chapter, I. O. D. E., held its final meeting of the summer at the Civic Centre Monday night laying plans for later activities and hearing an address by Miss B. Plowman, of Miller Bay Hospital. The meeting agreed to cooperate with the Red Cross blood donor campaign to be held In July and started plans to take part In the Municipal Chapter fall tea and bazaar to be held, next November. Members also agreed to aid in put- A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" See Our Window Display of SIMMONS and RESTMORE Bedding 327 3rd Ave. West Phone 775 11 LIMITED upert , Motors , -7 :S 806 AND 566 Ontario, where he spent his Make June l'J, a super day for Dad with a smart, practical gift ! Our stock is now at its best with fine neckwear, sport shirts and Arrow dress shirts, pure - wool sweaters, a ' wide selection of dress sox ... and don't forget a Stetson Hat Gift Certificate is on Dad's special youth, he moved west where he ting on 'the Civic Centre car-.was employed in mining camps, nival iii August. The Chapter! later coming to Prince Rupert. Here, he helped clear the town site and, after working on will also support the sale of cancer drive stamps during the summer. . f. Following the business session, steamers for a while, entered the Post Office service in this J the meeting heard an address on Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General-Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 city, remaining until reaching the retiring age." A few years ago, he had a visit from a d Acivcru.sins is payable in advance. Please refrain from Australia by Miss B. Plowman ns. uiHssiucas, ic per wora per insertion, minimum nf the . miiw Bay Hospital list. 0c. Birth Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanks. Death Notices. ' . .... v - V I H, nk. "II" -TS brother, Rev. Robert A- Evans, who has been notified. Notices. M.irrlnoe and Enaiiment. Annnnnrnmnnlc 9 ,1rsl"b oiau. . Sl'EOIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE Chairman . of the meeting, which was attended by 15 members, was Mrs. O. G. Withers, the Regent;, AGEMENT NOTlCE LOST ANI FOUND ST. PAUL'S AID id Mrs: E. R. Foster, 432 LOST In Post Office lobby. Thin Avenue, announce keys on ring. Under please r4 TEA AND SALE ii. t i. I i I i '! 9 f 1 1 I n cement or their dauuh- leave with Daily News. (139) ivs Enid to Frederick ' .. You Saw It in The News! Smith, son of Rev. and OK Kt.Nr :llev Smith. 3302 W. Sec- tymttmct .m,,n Dh..n DeLuxe Delivery Phone 383 Phone Vancouver, B. C. The "rr. Ked T 471. JVt """"- to take place Thurs- Store Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 7 at 8:15 U lll. at First FOR RFNTRli-pninir ronm pIosp St. Paul's Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid held a very successful tea on Saturday in the church parlors. The rooms were, decorated with fresh flowers. There were delicatessen, home-cooking and novelty booths- Restless Nights (144) iiurcn, , in. Phone Green 937. Prompt and Efficient Service on trouble- d Mrs. Andrew Thomp- FOR RENT One sleepily; room.' often mm-nr brinm uunce the engagement 843 9ln Ave West- (144) lrrcl!UlHr, IrrcitulHrltlps , In kidnev fmic ANYTIME ANYWHERE oiuv uauKilier Jeanne i Mr. George Maurice WANTED Ktonlnt?. an affliction which responds eii to maneslan treatment. (MAU- I'rince Rupert Florists drips:, mn nf Mr nnri 1300 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel.777 P. Perdue of Nelson, B.C. WANTED Sewing Mrs. Earl Soiland, wife of the pastor, and Mrs. Harry Hanson, president of the Ladies' Aid,e-celwd the numerous guests. f" Phnnp Blue NOPiliS). Burning sensations. (14) Po'nlul twitches arc relieved, and 1 the bladder returns to normal. Th Eytcheson & Ponderj! ding will take place in ! Flowers lor AU Occasions I ltd Church, frince ku- I patient fcela an almont Immediate HELP WANTED July 7, 1949 at 8:15pm change for the better tu his whole ;. Lawton officiutins. I Rnvs WANTF.nRrii:ihip hovs tin at all Ask for it tilher way . . . both trade-marks mean the same thing. FOR SALfc desiring Daily wews rouu5! k"i re '"r should file their names at tne Drug. stores. Dailv News Office. (tf) Mrs. I Eidsvik was In charge of the kitchen, assisted by Mrs. Olseri, Mrs. G. Mostad and Mrs". Johansen. The cashier was Mrs. B- Ped-ersen. In charge of the home-cooking table were Mrs. R. Webber EX- LE OR PART WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE , Amateur and Professional Supplies Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. jE 1947 2V ton Maple HELP WANTED Young man REAL ESTATE Autharwd bottlar of Cot.-Col. under contract with C M Ltri North Star Bottling Works Phone 132 ritlNCE Rl'PERT, B.C. ruck witn urenuoru for front end and lubrication . .. iv tall gate loader, work Preferably single. An- FOR SALE 4 room Wartime and defroster, smnai P)V Bob Parker Ltd. (tf) furnished or unfurnished. Sac-Mrt flares etc. 12.01)0 - . i rifice for cash.. Annlv 1532 is new. i4'J license. ntLr niiniLu fti:ii,u ,, 2nd Overlook. (144) 1 ana Mrs. DyDnavn. PA l.v At ft r best offer. Will taKe . wun meat experience, oui- .v v..v.-, Mrs. Stangbye presided at the ..ii .. -...rt mi. Ipv Marbnt. U FOR. SAI.F. 4 rnnmpri fnlrlV - -- -r, - -.,..v,---- ,uui-i io. m' t"v, ,-- 1( (M APPiy Annlv uoa Box aib UailV . T TT ' larKe caoin, L.aKr ivauuyii. 'lu'c'v' """" (143) , WANTED Three taxi drlvcss shore fTontMe. one lot, 132; Serviteurs were Mrs. M. Het- PLANNING SUMMER MENUS! amru. ."PP'.y nnuw wauo, ,,,ct Wrie, Annly Mrs. J.;, , ,,. . NOTICE TO TRUCKERS Mrs. R. M F.Vinlin. reasonable.1 2nd Ave. West. IW nrii'-rs Rnx irt Kmlthers. B.C. ml' - 718 IHU) ... rrT-.-j (141) uisxe ana Mrs. a. jonnson. wanted Woman cook wanted need rr: Easthope, for Limberlost Lodge. Apply SEPARATE sealed tenders mark- LE 5 h.D. It Pays to Advertise! National Selective Service. pd "Tender for Prorjertv Pur Price, (142) I or and shaft. P. O. Box 155. (142) B-Y MARKET wait- lAXE- Men's wool work WANTED Experienced lll!lilllU!!IUiliyilll!l!lllllll!lliillll!llllllll!!llli! Apply, As a temporary expedient, pending revision of the "Street Traffic Si Parking By-law," trucks will be allowed to back into the curb on the south side of Third Avenue between Fulton Street and McBrlde Street while actually engaged In loading or unloading from 8 a.m. to 12 noon daily. II 1). THAIN, City Clerk. ply 44) Direct from mill. HI- ress and bus girl. -orks $4.00 ner doz. Broadway Cafe )tcd leg-reinforced teei . .., ., - I chase" will be reteived up to noon Friday, June 24th, 1949, for the purchase of the following properties: Parcel 1: Lot 15. Block 33, Sec.. I, located on Frasor Street between 5th and 6th streets. Parcel 2: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block II. Section 1, located on Wayne Place- The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. H. D. Thaln. City Clerk. (It) :o Chart Knitting 4iiif Groceries Fresh and Cold Meats Produce PHONE RED 441 FOR I REFJ DELIVERY oi", Ontario. PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-lne. Letourneau & Sons. 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf :,E-Ncw and used fum- :icw roofing paper, lirst naUu. loso.iiu lacKs 1 ilwks,' good bicycles. REAL ESTATE THE v(k tvDCwritcrs, oat- SALE Going concern, linoleum, new electric ; FOR T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call FOR SALE foiiH Inmimc S8.nii() tu handle. 8G9 Sixth Ave. E. Seal Cove Store. (139) 'ps, toasters and elec-ms, new rugs, beauti-tterns, now cups ana Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors i FOR SALE Second hand Morris piano. $125. Apply H. O Hclgerson Ltd. (139) SV.VAV.V.V.V.W.WWAV.VAV.V.'.V.V.VA'.V.V.'A' t Evrrvthine at tne nriccs See B. C. Fur-Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE One acre lot. new, house, water and lights, woodj shed, chicken house and big, earden. Apply Bill Pruss. Terrace. .. ; FOR SALE On Lakelse Avenue, centre of Terrace. 5 roomed , house. $2,625 cash or $3,000 terms, half cash. E. T. Ken-ney Ltd., Terrace. 141 LE Good second hand and windows all sizes, iuit you like. Phone 93!) (144) HAPPY VACATIONING! WE'LL SHOW TOU THE WAY . . . Our quality gas and lubri Irs V &5y FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK . CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING i Houses built under the N.H.A. Plan 20 down payment balance in easr monthly payments over a period of 15 to 20 years. Free Estimatees I.E-32' x 0' combination t'rr and trolling bout, CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. rainier engine, some i ... oroo -,,a,,i Tl nn li i'l ' f I Jit OlijiJ " 4 w, v - - oady to fls:i. EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. rhone Green 83 Box 58S bath, iirii 4-roomed house with r..ll ..lumhlnir rlnsp to r TO- ALLY KNOWN NAMES vinctal Inlirmary. $3,500. E T. Kenney Ltd,, Terrace. (141) We always check your: GAS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION eit Speeder SUdvcis,' cants plus our service make your car more dependable For Carefree vacationing, let us service your car. HOURS Weekdays 8 a.m to 12 midnight Sundays 8 a m. to 10 p.m .Adumi I SI iER P.O. BOX 1676 Advertise in tne Dally Newsl PIlunE BLACK 221 Oradrrs: Littleford Bros.' Top Road Malntcnanefl i . ("lent; Owen Clamshell and Rock Grannies; OIL WATEIt TIRES BATTERY BOB PARKER'S Smith Concrete Mixers; fork lift Trucks: Nelson ire i' the UMI'.I 6T' f Loaders for Stockpile "w Removal: Rice Port- fnliifugal Pumps; Na-Drauline f?c.raners and SX Appliances UPTOWN SERVICE STATIOli 'X National All Steel ne llninrv Nut.lonal THONE 791 Second and McBrlde We Sawmill's; National v Screens and Conveyors. niormatinn from Na-Machinerv Co. Ltd., Nver, B. Ci (tl) E fALE 1D41 Plymouth 4- A Representative Warehouse Stock to Save You Time and Money dan. $120000 Can be 1 Rupert Motors Ltd. (tf) YOUNG MEN Between 17 and 30 Yeari Havinfl a minimum of complf GrnHe IX education con btcom part of Canada's new expanding Air rorc. , TRAIN AS Aero Engine Technician Airframe Technician , Instrument Technician Or Other Tradesmon Former R C A F. tradesmen may retain their trade arouping) Sound Ptniion Plan Medical and Dental Cart Provided 30 Days Vacation a Year with Pay Plus other Benefit Mail Coupon to: Officer Commanding, R.C.A.F. Recruiting Unit, . Kingsway Ave., Edmonton Plerm send me without obligation full particulars concerning nli.tment in tht R.C.A.F. Nome) -.... Street Address Town or City Province 98 from: Save ... TOASTERS ! f ;! IKONS' ?!,-9" 10 12-)0 HEATINfi PADS $8.93 BLANKETS $11.50 to J4.o0 KFTTLES $12.0 ELECTRIC HOT WATER TANK $119.50 ELECTRIC WASHERS $1 19.50 with Pump Control ELECTRIC RANGES $229.30 ELECTRIC IRONERS ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER . $91.o0 Tank Type M-28-foot cabin cruis- ollie .lav" riininlptplV Prt. Can hp Keen at, Club. For particulars B'ue 103. (tf) tloodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. General Dry Battery Co. of Canada Ltd. Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd. (Lamp Division) Imperial Wiping Raff Co. Ltd. G. H: Wood & Co. Ltd Dustbane Co. of B.C. Ltd. and others at 5TS M'E 1M7 rhruclnr An- fMst Overlook. ' (139) 0 9f L,E-27 ft trollcr Danny 0 3f - ".p. Vivian engine nape. PHpp spin Annlv PRECIOUS TIME ERISHABLE FREIGHT Call 470 For information on Regular or Charter Flights throughout British Columbia . IPc, Dodge Covej Digb'y PRINCE RUPER1 SUPPLY HOUSE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR ; 712 Second Avenue Phone 683 P. O. Box 773 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. rtiE-Speed boat 17 ft. tin irtday p'. engine. Cheap for rnone Grepn hsh Mini BESNER BLOCK PHONE 210 Last grade completed ot choJ STEWART, BC PRINCE RUPERT ""dltlon. Phone Blue (142)