s Ptfnte nupitl pail? JSctof R n Radio Dial an Y I 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Chant?e) V.'tdnesday, June 13, 1949 BOY SCOUTS TO OTTAWA 8:30 Music for Modern 8:45 Little Concert 9:00-BBC News and Com'ty 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30-Sunrlse Serenade :45 Coffee Time 9:59 Time Signal , in. ni Till -fit' 12:00 Mid Dsv'm " -CBC Ne, -.30-B.C Farm Broadcast '"O-Intermrzzo 2.30-Musical ProEr SOROPTIMISTS NAME OFFICERS The Soroptomist Club of Prince Rupert elected a new slate of officers following its monthly business meeting at Miller Bay Hospital Nurses' Residence. New officers are: President, Miss Muriel Vance RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE ft ( ju.uu ciien Harris Morning Melodies 110:15 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Mlnrtir? 11:00 Bernie Braden Tells a COUNCIL WOULD INVESTIGATE POWER OUTPUT Northern B.C. Power Co. will be asked by the city to provide a record of its balance of electrical power production with consumption during the last year. The request was approved by city council Monday night on recommendation of the utilities committee in order to substantiate a statement allegedly made by the company to the B.C. Power Commission, that the Hans Schmidt, Magnus Eyolfson, Ross Ingram, Roy Webber Going Plans are now "being finalized to send four first class Scouts from Prince Rupert district to the All Canada Scout Jamboree at Ottawa. Following J-Muslral "'""ienury-Biif.1. Pni;U J. 15 Serenade 3:30-Divortunemfl 1 i "i WEDNESDAT P.M. 4:00 Edmund' Hockridge 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4 : 30 Foot light Favorites 4:45-Mingle Muggins 5:00 Pops On Parade 5:30 Don Messer and His Islanders 5:45 Supper Varieties 6:00 -Supper Serenade 6:15-Sammy Kaye and Orchestra 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News Story 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 1 1 : 33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Mediodla a winter of intensive training, j Hans Schmidt and Magnus Evolfson of the Second Prince' First Vice-President, jviiss Winnie Poxon. Second Vice-President, Miss D. C. Stevenson left bv tiidiiv fur vi..i. i ' i i Margaret McLeod. l, ' , " "'""a io attend Masonic Grand Lod Rupert Troop and Ross Ingram and Roy Webber of the Third Prince Rupert Troop have been selected. Thpsp lads will be leaving j . Secretary, Miss Frances Thoin-i son. j Treasurer, Miss Margaret ! Smith. TOrtlTE THIIRQ . 9:03 7 p.m. company is developing enough power to meet current demands and to take care of anticipated needs. To satisfy themselves, the al Prince Rupert on July 11 and by! dermen supported a recom SUNDAY, JUM: 10 LASSIE KD.Ml'ND GWENN DONALD CltlSP TOM DRAKE JANET LKIGII in SAT. 2 - 4:20 . 6;45 Another Swell Show' JKANNE RAIN WILLIAM IIOUhs ' LDMl Nl) (,WENN I Directors: Dr. R. Purves, Miss lAnnc McLeod, Mrs. C. O. Ham, I Mrs. N A. Baker. The new slate was formally 'installed by Mrs. M. Willa Ray, ji ctiring president. A report indicated that six special arrangements are to De flown to Vancouver by Canadian ( P4cific Airlines. They leave Vancouver with the British Col- umbia contingent of some 350 ; Scouts on a special train, arriv- j ing in Ottawa July 16. The Jam- j boree is exuected to include in ADAM HATS SI ITS SPORT COATS SPORT SHIRTS RAINCOATS TIES SHIRTS r.XTS SOCKS SLIPPERS mendation by the committee that the power company furnish the city with graphs illustrating the maximum and minimum weekly development during the last year and also show a record of maximum weekly consumption during that period. It "HILLS OF . I nnn hnvt thp B C. contingent APARTMENT 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Marie Karenko, Soprano 3:00 Election Return3 and Commentaries 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Election Returns and Commentaries 11:55 CBC News 12:00 -Weather and Fish Arrivals THURSDAY AM 7:00 -Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song tables and 12 benches are ready to be installed at the Salt Lakes Park, improvement of which, is a major Soroptimist project. HOME" FOR PEGGY being led by Col. Keith Dixon, i former District Commissioner for Prince Rupert-Thanks to V. D. Lambic, a local baseball enthusiast, these boys will be helped on their way by a special film showing of the 1948 Baseball World Series which will be shown at the Civic Centre ! The treasurer's report showed a successlul year with donations being made to various causes. ! Folowing the meeting, refreshments were served by the 'hospital staff. I5UY AT DAD'S FAVOKITE STOKE Rupert Mens & Boys Store on Friday afternoon and evening of this week. Proceeds of a silver collection will be used to help the boys with their expenses for the Ottawa trip. 1 H. " 1 JuiiLjS in PLA' $10,0 '5pee .last FATHER HAS HIS DAY- Sunday, June I 9 Spnd him a Suitable Card-one of Coutt's Canadian Cards, of course. 5c U SI -80 SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. I1IOXK 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASEK STREET PRINCE RUPERT CAI HE) ?Heo fpTTn net Father's Day Suggestions A Good nook I'layinu Cards Addrrn Book -Fockn This is a Hook Key ('as Pen Prm il Set Photo Supplies Snapshot Album IH-sk Accessories A Trailr llandboot Chess Set Poker Chip llurnt Lfathrr Souvenirs Magazine Subscriptions His I avorite Ketords GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS He: l '" aTf ,.Thi) .. .!.' ' trlei wh ftss o 5SllP(t Joult lotlce It t) om Jon .1 'f lea rUt altd vrltln . DM Ire, fay Q ir ana I MaAMd CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REl'AIRS Attention Housewives Treat Hit Family t ) a Delicious Dtfi c REAL FRESH FISH TERRACE MEAT MARKET t G ncoi 'Bei y FLOOR SANDING A SPECIALTY KI D 5!il P.O. BOX 721 ....W.'.V.'.'.V.VJ'.V. WANTED Oeoruc E. Tcters. Prop. MEATS : BITTER : EGGS :- rolLTRT QUALITY SKItVICK I b: hcjr t i pianmtni Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT lOl'U DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 HOUKS ....!) a.m. to ! P "'-. . 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to ! p i- Weekdays . Sundays . . . I i j Then, there is the liberal health program. Already federal grants are helping the provinces to increase their health services. IJut the Liberals' aim is a nal ion-wide colli rilmlory health insurance plan which will end, for everyone, the tragedy of inadequate health. Care and the financial strain of lengthy illness. ' Or take employment. Liberal measures are helping to maintain cmpIo)mcnl in Canada at record levels, and at the same time unemployment insurance reserves have been building up. The government has encouraged enterprise and high production. I'lant have expanded, new Industrie started up. New opportunities are being created every day. ( Old Age Pensions and pensions for the blind have been steadily increased by the Liberal government. Hut it isn't stopping there, lis aim is a nation-wide plan of contributory pensions which will help everyone to enjoy a comfortable and secure old age automatic ally and as a right. These are all pari of the Liberal program of social betterment ... a program to achieve "a national standard of social security and human welfare which assures the greatest possible measure of social justice to all Canadians". Conditions have hem yoodthe fosf few years. More people are working than ever before making more, spending more, saving more. hn't lhat what you want? After all, you have a family to think about , . . and you are planning for their future . . , The Liberals are planning and working for your family's future too. Here are some of the things the Liberals are doing: family Allowances are increased. Already a billion dollars lias lx-cii invested in Canada children. Millions of hoys and girls arc heller clothed, fed and housed have a belter chance for an education and a real start in life because of this Liberal measure. It has brought new security and well-being to countless Canadian homes. In housing, toe, the Liberals have taken the lead in providing Canadians wilh decent homes. More homes have been built in Canada, in relation to population, than iu any nation. Already a million Canadians live in homes built since the war. The liberal government is ready to help solve' lite low-rental housing problem and has offered its cooperation to provinces and municipalities. SIXTH STREET and TI HUD AVENU I CHIROPRACTOR i i ft PHONE 79 I John V. L. Hughes, DC, Ph.C. 21-22 Bcsner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment ikm'RH 10:30 a.m. to T2:3Q p.m. and a to 5 p.m. 1-1'I-'.KI'1M PL PACIFIC Monday nrt Friday. 7:30 p m. foi those unable to come durlnf? the ; day. RECEPTIONIST Id attend ance alternoona. Stevedoring & Contracting COMPANY LIMIT bi 0( MAKE SURE THE WORK IS CARRIED ON ! COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY 1 I Your Dally I ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Stevedores for Canadian National M HE A D f CABLE ADDRESS T jj . ttixjrV. Ki ll''"' NEW ROYAL HOTEL All Types - r m ppeus eoh oFTirj pbintinc A Home Away From Home I OB STATIOXEBV . CBEETIN0CAM rENClLS PENS A INSERTED BY NATIONAt LIBERAL COMMITTEE 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water L IN SKEENA PRINTING CO SUPPORT DIBB B.C. PRINCE RUPERT, Ted ' PHONE p Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 , Applewhaite Your Liberal Candidate B EBLOCK