"iriTrr ?rfnce Rupert Daflp r2eto3 , Wtc!4esday,.June 15, 19-J9 Long Distance subjects for Cnr MUNICIPAL MEET SIMPSON COUPLE MARRIED HERE BASEBALL SCORES MONDAY No games scheduled in Na tional or American Leagues. Western International Vancouver 7, Salem 4. ' SUNDAY Pacific Coast IUI lildllUi aooooooooooooeooooooooooooo will be sub Five resolutions Word has just been received by tne annual conven. YOU BET IT'S IMPORTANT If you rder your winter coal supply NOW, you're absolutely sure of comfortable warmth and good First United Church was the setting for a pretty wedding at 7:30 Saturday evening when Beatrice Doraine, younger I t by Ted Appievrnaite, Liberal tion of the Union of Central Seattle 1-2, Los Angeles 0-10 Portland 5-3, B.C. Municipalities . this month to obtain support of interior ahT f Mr- and Mrs. Charles San Francisco Dudoward of Port Simpson, towns when they are presented candidate for Skeena from Hon. Lionel Chevrier, Minister of Transport, in reply to representations made by the. candidate, the Minister stating that a public radiotelephone . service is 4-2. Sacramento 3-3, Oakland 2-1 San Diego 7-5, Hollywood 5-2. was joined in marriage to Edward George Sampson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R- Sampson of to the convention of the powerful Union of B.C. Municipalities Western International 'this city. Rev. R. A. Wilson about to be inaugurated between Prince Rupert and Queen Char next September. The meeting; of the Union of Central B. C. Municipalities, health for your family from the first 'old nip and on through winter. ORDER NOW! Spokane 2-15, Bremerton l-l Wenatchee 12-1, Tacoma 8-0 SATURDAY Pacific Coast which takes place June 29 and performed the rite. Given in marriage by herla-ther, the bride was gowned in traditional white. Her maid of honor was Miss Lillian Morrison. Groomsman was Robert Smith- lotte Island points on Graham! Island. This will be by way of, the frequency modulation sta-' Oakland 3, Sacramento 2 (11 CALL 651 30 at Burns Lake, will consider ' . ... yes the finest of aU " I ne cuts or Kreater briefs iron), municipal govern- Innings) Portland 8, San Francisco 2 tion at Masist now being taken over by Dominion Government Telephone service. Telegrams ments in the central area, coordinate them and give them PHILPOIT, EVITT & CO. Los Angeles 10, Seattle 9 (10 At Intervals during the ceremony, organ music was played by Mrs. E. F. Dudoward. innings)-San Diego 7, Hollywood 5 LIMITED (11 mutual support at the U.B.C.M. meeting which follows. Delegates to the central B.C. municipal meeting will be Alder- Lumber Ituildin? Supplies will continue to be handled through Dead Tree Point. The Minister also stated that, contrary to rumor, there is no ausiu.iiuu i c VsmoKirn; innings). Western International Salem 12-7, Victoria 9-8 Vancouver 7-2, Tacoma 6-3 Bremerton 10, Spokane 7 thought of rinsing n,n th tk. n T. B. Black, W. F. Stone Tree Point station at this timeJand Geor8e Rudderham. Mayor; The inauguration of lone diS-.lNora Arn,,ld- who was to have) Fallowing the wedding, a re-( ception was held at the Commodore Cafe with 75 guests attending. Speeches of felicitation were made by Charles Dudoward, W. R. Sampson, James Lawson and Matthew Hill of Kitkatla. The bride and groom will reside at Port Simpson. Grant Stewart, manager of the Wenatchee 8, Tacoma I delegation, was headed the granted leave council. of absence by conditions, cost - of - living and I such local factors as may be tance service to the Islands will fill a longfelt want there, and will be of great benefit to both business and pleasure travellers. 1 The five resolutions which will encountered in the various dis WELCOME GYROS ... TO PRINCE RUPERT m xvuj, 'local branch of the Royal Bank delegates will cover a wide ,- A third resolution aks that- , . . . . the , of Canada, returned to city yesterday from a brief business trip to Vancouver, coming north 1 mrni We hope you'll like your little visit. You'll find our people open hearted and variety of subjects aimed at certain sections of the Muni correcting situations which the cipal Act be amended to grant aldermen are convinced are to municipalities the power detrimental to the city and the llm"- tre number of licensed municipalities of the Drovlnce taxi cabs operating within the Mil.v' ' tfZ? '' .J MQISTURE-PpOW as local cjud representative aboard the Chilcotin, Gyro convention, ship. friendly as is usual in the north You'll llnd our climate better than expected. you on the basis of municipality NEWFIE LINES (Continued from Page 4) population. The fourth brief stops were made by the Corner Brook today and Gran party at the Truro terminal Falls on Thursday. The railwa urges that the as a whole. . , The first attacks the practice of invoking provin-wide daylight saving time by order-in-councll and resolves that "the provincial government be re Act be amended to jicers there an(j continued with yesterday morning, and North officers will take part in con Municipal eliminate the poll tax as a them on the tour of company Sydney, last evening. ferences to be held along th voting qualification and that the property making up the New- After crossing to Newfound- route of the inspection trip an R A? foundUnd district of the rail- land on the company's steamer at St. John's where it is ex way. the Cabot Strait, visits will be pected the party will be fror quested to submit a plebiscite' Po" Tax Act be repealed. to the electors of the province A clause in the' Protection of ?! l. r. We don't have to wear gum booU and slicker all the time. If you hoe a little rain lt'i only the same kind you get at home so do as we do, just let It rain. v Sometimes we'd like a little rain. We are glad to be free of lots of nuisances other places have, such as floods, dust storms, extreme cold, sweltering heat, cyclones, thunderstorms, flies and mosquitoes, poverty and .slums. i We have no snakes or reptiles, no dangerous wild animals or epidemics or serious diseases. We hope you'll come again. John's Nfld., made to Port Aux Basques and Thursday evening until Sunda: i Enroute to St in order to obtain their opinion Children Act which permits the 'as to whether or not they favor city to be held liable for main- ..... . . ..... daylight saving time and that tenance of children to unfor-legislation be enacted, If neces- tunate of , delinquent parent? sary, to standardize throughout formerly resident in the city, the province the wish of the even though the city had no majority." 1 awareness of the court order The second resolution asks making it liable, inspired Uip that ''a minimum salary sched- final resolution, ule for teachers be adopted an-' A year ago, the city was In- nually through negotiations ber maintenance of children appre- mm? tween the provincial Depart- formed that it owed $4,300 fov went of Education and the. hended by the court in 1946, al- Teachers' Federation and-. that though during that Interval, the. such schedules be binding on city had no knowledge of its all school boards in the prov- liability. ince." It sideration provides that be taken of The resolution petitions the Lieutenant Governor-ln-Council to amend the Protection of Chil dren Act so that the section In THE CANADIAN ARMY -INSURANCE FOR PEACE" , question will be redrawn In BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL if- ' , ill MIW ill 6 X - A simple and unconf using terms J, and.Kiat the revised section will npt have the effect, no matter how construed, of imposing such retroactive liability on any muni DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK N'S RADIO CLINIC Kor Satisf actory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West cipality. Phon 7C5 P.O. Box 140!. r& mm mff ' A. IIUNDEIDE WATKIN'S DEALER il7 Seventh Avenue West APPRECIATIVE STUDENTS CANBERRA U The average mark of university students financed by the Australia government was 80 per cent compared with an average of 65 per cent for other students. Since th scheme began -n 1943, 5,300 students have been assisted at a cost of 1,500,000 ($4,000,000). MATTSON'S . UPHOLSTERINO Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 62 330 Second Avenue t t Prince RuDert. B.C. ne BLACK 890 Box 29fl PIANO TECHNICIAN unlng, Voicing and P'Nalrs i: ,WNKrv vrrzzizj - MIKE COLUJ$ Phone BLACK i"s' 1421 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 972 10th Exst Phone 655 204 4th Street ARC A RET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OM 10, STONE BUILDING 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY " OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO U P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 1 Midnight ' PHONE RED 709 Bowl in Clean and Pleasant Surroundings PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 '"That mountain is mine FOR YOUR PCK AND CONCRBTE WORK'. i BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Apents for SIMPLEX OAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of In CA11. BLUB 93U M. J. SAUNDERS N'w, Modern Equipment All Work Ouat an teed f.re 1Y KINDLING WOOD n',h'' " 1 .bows" dustrial Engines are Invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equip 50c Sack Delivered fap Wood, Random Lengths tin tier load ment problems. HONE B & W TRANSFER Oreen 188 "I know, it sounds a little strango. But I was die first man ever to rcarh the top of that mountain. Of course, there were others with nie hut I got to the top first. So tliey let me name it and 1 railed it Mine." 1 A survey party of the" Royat CanaJliah Engineers!'' One of nuiny that set out every summer to explore Oi nuil.i's vast unknown wilderness. These men map and survey areas of Canada's wilds, collecting data lor mineral development and settlement. The Engineers are typical of the soldiers of Canada's tirw JVrmy. They are fully taught for such trades as draughting, carpentry, hri klaying and mechanics. Young men with Senior Matriculation are heing jent to University on full pay and allowances tuition and hooks free. Upon graduation, these nien will ljegrajited commissions. Truly, Canada's new Army lias a great deal to offer young men of ambition. Visit your nearest recruiting office soon. Get full details on the advantages of an Army career. You are eligible if you are 17 years of age or over and can meet Army requirements. Bring along certificates. of your age and education. GEORGE L. RORIE A?$LW in(e0, UnR d Well Cartage Ltd. Complete Motlng Service arrive Flic Accountant, Auditor, etc. 'ome Tax Returns Complied Cratlnr Packlnf Cartafei ener Block Phone 387 I BLUB 781 RED 16 V I II 6?.! ,.-.ntOi-- UjfAIN SCHEDULE Monday, Wednesday, mday, f 00 p.m. . tn th East- fwsday, Thursday, Saturday I30 P m. Gypsum, Lime w Alabaslinev Cnd, Limatecl HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Phone 654 Ha. 11 Prunnl Daoot. 4th Avtnu It Highbury Strxt. Building and repairs of all kinds irlT JriCho, VANCOUVtS, B.t, s Roof, Chimneys Oil Burners l3e ptr doicn pid for tmptici libdc J by ny B.C. Brewery , m Gyproc Products For Sale in Prince Rupert by Albert & McCaffery Ltd, QOALIT? KtTAWp w DownirodCen Heels na Worn glM AC SUM? UfKPITAI PHONKS join the CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE Now! I Thli tdvitlimtnt it not published i tthUy td by lh Liquor Control Betid or V GemtiiUt b.ituh CUbit. Black 687 Red 894 evenings Fx ,7 lunl Att. 1 : P.O. Box 1070 r- Wn'TrWJWPM?a