BATTLE OF BEEF ! Ptlnre Humeri DaTTj? Jatuii Tutday, December 6. 1949 HOME SAVED BY PROMPT ACTION TERRACE Horn of Mrs. C. R u-rtiay l-oJte ou Baker, a r nej.flh,.. DcKergommeauK on Lakelse A-enue, which , U undergoing al we and cl!!f(1 partment !li,.h SDondpH . terations on the front, was saved (, . ..." x y ' " ' i X I irom s?rious aamnse and DOS- '.!. . . '" tuW. Wrestling Quartet To Stage Big Show Here This Saturday Night The largest parcel of beef on the hoof to be shipped into Prince Rupert for many a year will arrive here on Thursday night's train consigned to Don Forward, at the Civic Centre, for display here on Saturday evening. The shipment will include four s:b!e destruction about 4:45 yes ' " mi, Eligible. ' - p U I e f well-known villians of the Coast and American j . wrestling circuits in the persons( ( jtr . w "";. i i oi cmer munneruiiu, uc uniei TnunaerDira is a wen Saint.' Leo Karlenko and Felix known Canadian Indian who t v , j Kohnke. The aggregate weight; so popular with the wrestling; youngsters. 1 ol this jolly foursome grosses fans, particularly that he is called upon to sigr around one half ton. clothed, or, as many as five thousand auto-j graphs each month. In Montreal not long ago he held up the' p., - Mitchell & Currie Ltd. Builders and Contractors BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS V if v nine hundred pounds dressed for batik. Leo Karlenko Is well known to local wrestling fans as he was the villain of the piece when Jack McLaughlan won his last bout here in Rupert. On that occasion he provided the fans '.vith about the best action ever seen in a local wrestling ring and the fight only ended when he was thrown progres -For Your Personal S 1 s 75c, IS Asscjrted Xmas Card 15 Brilliant Polntsettla A.t. Cards l : 15 "The Xmas Birds of Happiness" "1 18 Ass't "Jolly Old Santa" ZZZZ l t main event for forty minutes while he autographed eards for boys and girls.. He is considered one of the finest heavyweight wrestlers in the worla and he and Leo Karlenko should itage one of trie oest matcne of the winter season. The first match of an ail wrestling program will be between Felix Kohnke, who weighs in at 225 pounds and hails from the Cariboo district, where he wrestles steers to keep himself in top shape. He meeu another well-known villain of the wrestling circuits who uses the nom-de-plume "The Saint'' but is better known for the saintly appearance of his opponents as sively and methodically over the ropes, on each of the four sides 1 D M of the ring, to at last come to an ignominious end at the feet of the hysterical crowd. This tdvrftisfmrnt is not published or ditptavrd hv the I iqunr Coot ml Board I by Ok Ciuvcrumcnt of brtrisii Oituiitbia. ceuuuiui Aosuriasu iaras 12 Bronzed and Embossed ass't cards . 18 color'ul Snow Scenes 13 Cards "Coachlnf Days" STILL HAS PLENTY OF OOMPH" LEFT YET Retired heavyweight champion Joe Louis Is s-en walking to his corner while his opponent, Johnny Shkor .of Baltimore, climbs wearily to his ft-e after Louis dropped hmi In the third round of their 10-round exhibition bout at Boston. The retired champ, opening a crosscountry tour, dropped Shkor three times during the exhibition that looked as If the boys were playing for keeps. However, Shkor managed to stay with the ex-champ for the fall dUtunce. . l.. Ji Ass't Canadian Snow Scenes j AMAZING VALl'E 50 ASSORTED COLORFUL CAI Only 1.23 & $1.50 per bos Call in today to VICTORY FOR HIGH SCHOOL they are carried solemnly from the ring at the end of the! (Continued from Page One) match. The third and main event of a busy Saturday evening will be a tag team match In which Karlenko, Thunderbird, the Saint and Kohnke will battle it out. This will go two out of three falls to a finish. The first two matches will go to one BESXEB BLOCK, 3RD AVE. Pitt 4. Parnell 5. Scdgwii q. K;'U-hcson ?, Hamilton. FASHION Gil! 10. lit bb 3 Lien 4, Haugan 11. Watson, H:!.' 4. Brew. Lad'cs League High School won a close ?ame over Doms by a 15-13 score. The game was juiie gi;d, with less iouls committ: d than usual. Th? girls are starting to play much better ball, although very weak on their shooting, but improving In their passing. Irene Xildal, for j fall or 30 minutes. t r v a. ' rrojessionaifind misin Capt. William McCombe has taken over command of the steamer CoquiUam on the Van- r' ' , 1 Ail' 4 couver-rrmce Kupen Alice Arm-.Dom's, nd Mona Lvi:epaard nd Stewart route of Union Steam- NeUie Pavich ;or IU e I . -a mi .mi kui. ui ui iju 4uiui scored 6 noints. Eichuen f.iu!-- Boden who U now ashore tn Van MARGARET OPTOMETJI Room were called, and of 10 foul siioU PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE C0LUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East Umstmas-daY Kills I ccuver on vacation. Th tried Hign S-nool made 50 per STONE Bll Coquitalm arrived here at 5:15 Sunday evening from the South, .sailed at 11 p. m. for Alice Arm, Stewart and other northern points and returned here yesterday morning to sail at 1:30 in J) THAT GIVE EVERY-DAY PLEASURE y I- Flpftrical aDPliances are sure-to-plnase Jhon1 ' BLUE cent, and's made 33 per ci'nt of their 9. Statistics prove that the team most proficient, in foul shooting will, win most games, and this wa& again evident by night's score. LINEUPS: DOM'S B. Hamilton 3, PeuL, Shier 1, L. Youngman, Williams. Currie 3, A. Hamilton. N. Youn-man, Kildal fi. , . HIGH SCHOOL -Matson.'Wrtt I the afternoon on her way back to I - ... . HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 P.O. BOX j - " ii rn Mii Vancouver and waypoints. ffl E'llts localise iney K'xe i"c"ou' c . ster 3, Greenwood, Lyneaaard 6. I i toaster, radio or any of the many 1 I other elcctric app,!ancef now on ' -I 3 ' srz- Jf (SwZl ' display will delight the heart of nTTYhl 1 I II) Cyj fwy- anyone on your Christmas list. r L I i f I rS) I Come in and see these tiuality ttJ j GEORGE ROai i Public Accountai tors. Income Te compi: O. L. RORIF,' S. B. LAIRD. Besner Block -II WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED SIS Pavich 6, Keays, Marshall, S?dt;-7.ick. Junior I.faeue Kinsmen swamned Stone's 1 rt Fleece Lined Flight Boots Women's Sizes Black or Brown $7.45 Red $7.75 V Cr V appliances first chance you Ket. kLLZiAAJZJ I the Junior game,, winning bv ? o8-14 sccre. Stones were badly outclassed and only Parnell was sble to show effectively, scorin'; V 'V Prices shown cover only a lew oi i m fJ I C-i lhe many electric PPPl'ances flfVT"TVjE) 1V' ' YjSliJjivftfc J ttlta - from $37.80 rrTSW'' 8 of his teams 14 points, but al-1 so having the doubtful distinc- DR. P. J. Cj DENTIf. SUITE 5, EMIT? Phone 765 i QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. tion of making rne largest number of fouls. D?rek Letourneau starred for Kinsmen, scorin? 9. to lead Henry Blackaby and Mcintosh b yo.nt margin. McKay made 7, and played a cood game, atne.s commiUed the ylrl J T T VtJ Radios Irom 29. 9S y V ? Ttr Il'im .S I fi IJlllMdllty talljlll') AwUytd by Llqu. Control tWd ' 'T Ti ! Go..M.W l.ilid, Colymbi.. HANDY HOME SFJ GENERAL C0N1J. Building and Rf kinds; ROOFS - ca OIL BORjl PHONS At the FAMILY SHOE STORK LIMITED WE HAVE IN STOCK CUMMINS dlesels' and SIMPLEX gas engines. Boat owners and parties Interested are Invited to view these machines at our shop. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS lion's share of the fouls Called, guilty of 15, to 5 by Kinsmen. LINEUPS: STONES Stuart 2, P. Parnell 4, Marshall, J. ?ane!l 8. Adkins . Jeffry, Brown, Antone. KINSMEN White, MacAfee 4, H. B'ackaby 8. Peneff. Letourr.-eau 9, A. Blackaby 2, Mcintosh 8. McKay 7. W. Blackaby. Ave. Hox C38 Ph. 357 Rlar-k S3 P P.O. Box i tSC. i crn 'K-.1,: Tll.. tj j k icata ui lvia.jvunj jelly ruwaers iissures ' -,'s. B & W TR 111 I I Cord Wood, Ce l I Kindling wood it PHONE RE Looks Lovely, Tastes Wonderful PjMLcIv Parity MoutcL 1 packtt Orange JeU-O 3 cups hot water (or water and syrup from canned peaches) 1 cup sliced canned peaches, ' drained SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis ' OFFICE HOURS , 9 a m. to 5 p.m. 23 St 24 Besner Block Telepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment Commodore Cafe "Better Thn Ever" MATTSd UPHOLSTfi Phone Blue 818 j I J30 Second Prlncs Rupel ej Best Food and Service In Cltj sP Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders David Chow, Mgr. j? Hilrd Ave. For two generations, the Jell O people Dissolve Jtll-O in hot water. Chill. When slifjhrly thiikened, I fold in peaihes. Turn into mould ami chill until firm. Un- mould and garnish it desired wirh whipiieil cream an.l I tiona! sliced peaches. This cles- I serr is equally delliious made : with Strawberry Jell O or I with Lemon JelU) and canned ' Jewel-clear, brilliant and tempting jtll-O fulfils your most hopujil expectations of fresli flavor, wonderful fruity goodness. Ajid oh, most mar- FOR c ROCK & CONCR CALL BU" M. J- SAU1 New, Modern E All Work Gua have been making jelly powders that folks like better. Set you can be certain of more delicious taste, surer results, when you use Jcll-O Jelly Powders. Seven grand "ltxked-in" flavors. Get Jell O tomorrow. CATHERINE LAURIE PUBLIC , STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 667 Days Green 412 Evgs. ' I velKis! those favorite family desserts take only moments to mak,e, and cost less than 2f i serving. HEW ROYAL HOTEL i. I iear slices. Makes 6 setvinRi. I (v I An Easy, JELL-O Treat V A Home Away from Iiome A Product of General Food f V A. P. GARDN CHARTERED ACi 1118 Mel11"' VANCOUVE 50 RtKima Hot and Cold water A, Dissolve Jell O in hot water. Chill m shallow pan. Cut in cubes. Pile in dessert glasses, combining culies with remaining 1 (Miokagt Ratpbvrry J!l-0 3 tup hoi wattr I inwih mallow , Ucd Yl cup dictd cannod pintoppU or DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1218 ingredients. Garnish with whip HtlNCE RUPERT, B.C. diced rppefruU sections ped cream. Makes K serviugs. .110 , Wione 281 P.O. Box 198 luH O if trade marit uwutd by General Foorli, limired Adverttse in