1 UfcJHARY 11 TICTOBIA, B. C. IAT 3150 i VICTORIA, B.C. - (TW CABS .. "P Lleetion Prelude CANDIDATES FOR CIVIC OFFICE AIR VIEWS AT JUNIOR CHAMBER RALLY onriES DRUGS Daily Delivery PHOHE 21 ... , NORTHXHN AND C1NTHAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NIWSPAPEa ...mmn at ( nilda'i Most Rfrt!- t.!- rince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" XYXV1M W,. ..or. X', I""""1" OJ- i'KlNCK RUPERT, B C. WKDNKSDAY, DKCEMBKR 7. 194! PRICE FIVK CENTS ' If last night's election rally in the Civic Centre auditorium is an example of Prince Rupert's voting enthusiasm, then not a great deal of balloting will tie done ThumJay. Of all the eligible voters in this city, not more than 1200 showed up at the gathering to hear, the various candidates four for " ". ; I r i :'i I Robbed While Af Funeral Us hrtimns Arctic Areas Im TTTT mayor and 11 for alderman deliver campaign speeches. Btiore the rally had ended, about one-quarter of the gath- Don Fitch believed, in a combination, of youth and experience In the city council and sought support as a representative of the youthful element VANCOUVER Skipping his regular Monday deposit for the f. mi ,01 1 first time in years Monday night erins were out the door. All candidates agreed that, of the city. He had always been cost Reeve R. M. Grauer $5000 In i a unique foray made on his sub- icaso Hears narduuD iw vv ar , in due" to the present deplorable interested In civic affairs. state, the water and sewerage Eric Faure supported the systems would need to be re- sewer bylaw and stressed tilt; habilitated. j importance of maintenance of Mayoralty CanO.-alc the water "supply. What wouia Alderman G. W. Rudderham, have happened had a scnoin contesting the mayoralty stated: fire broken out during the re-"In a pinch we can get by with- cent water crisis? ; - out telepnones, lights, elec- Aid. Casey believed In more tricity, etc. but not without rigid economy, efficiency in water." The old water lines Durchase of materials and coa urban Sea Island grocery store. "Pirateyegss" made off in a small fishing vessel with a 000-pound safe containing $5000 in cash and checks.' A second strong box, containing $1000. was abandoned when the thieves failed to crack it. - "These thieves seem to know every move you make," Mr. Grauer complained. He saitl lie ii;o T)-Thc , 'I'lilmnc in a from it I'aris mdent, said to- mprovement Author Takes Kis Own Life At Commerce ' Chamber Meet1 Of Fisheries I SEBRING, Florida r Rex Beach, 72, internationally known novelist, was found dead with a pistol wound In his head at his home near here this morninK. had attended a funeral instead of taking the money to the bank. Highways, Mcllakatla Lights, Air Matters, Waterfront Facilities I cannot be depended upon," he ordination of the various de? j added. parunenU under one sur j Aid. Dag?ett agreed that the visor. Mr. Casey was glad to s.-k I city needed new utilities. He young men in the contest in ! believed in the sincerity of all city office. : candidates in their pledges but, August Wallln saw gruai i il elected to office, might find things in store for Prince Pn- Three New Branches of" Department Announced by Minister QTTAWA 0i Fisheries Minister. Robert Mayhew -announced Tuesday establishment of three Monday night's meeting of the His dnatn was pronounced sui- Prince Rupert Chamber of Com- clan bV a JudSe and sheriff. merce considered a variety of , Beac" al been suffering from a subjects. ihroat ailment for three years. Sees No Reason For House Fire NELSON ft-John I. Lebcdoff, leader of the radical Sons of new departmental branches In a Ihe implementation or those Pt. He auuaea u me trauu. pledgees difficult owing to the problems and the attention city's financial position. He they would require. i-v was sympathetic to public own- Aid. T. B. Black explained thttt er-ship of utilities and suggested the budget for the last two yean more efficiency in Dublic works, bad been exceptionally high Allan Armstrong, for a special , ,Iis boc,y wa found by hU nurse program ,or improvement of the Alaska railroad committee, re- wno brought him his breakfast, i fisheries industry Russia is maK-ensive efforts" its Arctic regions ( & the United States, rrcpoi'denl, lltr.ry1 that he had ob-iornw'-iou from two -om ion-eel labor pro-e area Tlie principal ' Wales' iicfo.int are: military bases, new-' Vork')iit.: and Tiksi.i 'sibs of the Potsuraj rivers. Other poruj 3 (i"vi loped nt the j the Dvma. Ob, Yc- ; ,iriu and Amumi i railwav is hcln-ij j fn mi Lake BaiUul, i;,g Sea opposite Al- j i The government, he said in the ported on views of Governor Ern- ; l"c est Gruening of Alaska in regard to the extension of the Pacific , Great Ea;itsrn Railway, also on Basketball Comes Back vRobert McKay was critical of telephone bylaw. He felt that. . NO PROVINCIAL TEST OTTAW A The Federal Government has rejected a request from Saskatchewan for Supreme court test of lb validity of provincial rent controls. In a letter to Premier Douglas, Finance Minister Abbot said that such a test would s'mply delay and confuse Supreme Court deliberations on whether existing federal rent controls are constitutional. . AI.BLRTA TO CONTROL JJIMOXTON Premier E. C. Manning announced today that legislation providing for modified rent controls would be introduced at the forthcoming session of the Alberta Legislature and the federal government would he asked lo withdraw from the field. The legislation will be con House of Commons, aims at ex- j Freedom sect of the Doukhobor paneling North American and 'group, said yesterday that his overseas markets and develop- j home was burned Monday by due to increases In costs ol material and labor. The city'j present bonded indebtedness would be liquidated by 19ip. the- proposed "pay as you go a letter from Ralph Browne of mcirt of backward fishing areas, four of his followers on instruc-' with experience he had had in Despite the impending improved ne the Alaska Development Board. negotiations in the past, Victory For It appears that the extension of i the P.G.E. is generally favored over the Hazelton route. The highway committee, John Gurvich, chairman, was request High School imanciai position oi uie city, however, there should be caii-tion in regard to excessive borrowing. A good Job had been done In the administration -ot the city's sinking fund. Elmer Clausen said he couM be labelled a real product "ol would be able to assist In easing the current housing shortage. His experience he felt, would be or value to the city should he be elected. Aid. Whalen declared that fishing was the basic Industry at Prince Rupert but promised For iliis purpose,, he said, a new! tions from a fifth. But Lebcdoff, ' fisheries inspection branch was who Is organining a migration of being established, also a new j Sons from this country to Turkey technical service branch and if possible, told the Nelson Dally consumers' service branch. News that he knew of no reason Inspection of boats, plants and why his two-room house should handling will now be made at the ' have been burned, retail level under regulations to. Lebedoff's wife, Florence, rein1 set up after consultation with latcd how they were ordered from industry. their $500 home at nearby Krest- " Technical services will be va yesterday, leaving so hur-ainied at overall Improvement in ! riet,ly lr,at she ha1 til1lc "'y to ed to interview the Department, .the Red Army uses r us its chief hitth (i mi I i olor;lcal sla-. brt ii established in "" rrgS' His. of Public Works in regard lo fill- hcniwr ew is Close lug material which Is being used' (ro"' l,pwl in the reconstruction of the high- Basketball redeemed lUeir .f. encouragement to new industries with due protection for the fishing. He urged support of the cerned only in dealing with (way just beyond the city limits, ter the week-end exhibition ser. exploitation on the pari oi also if it is the intention to re- irs when Brown woods and Bo-M:;-l) la.st nifht played one ol individual operations and raising snatch tucir lniant from lis crib. Prince Ruporl. He pledged business-ilke service if elected to the city council. , ' Douglas Frlzzell did not Intend to make promises he could rot keep, but promised service to the best of his ability and talents if elected to office. George Dawes admitted lack of knowledge of civic admlnis- TAX of the qualit y of I : : ii'-.-u iniAiri pleaders oi inei,p s,iitlard , i.ii. It wasn't, always good U he product. sewer bylaw. Water supply was a matter of primary Importance as far as the city's Mivii-e-, were concerned. Aldermanic Candidates I iie tu! tress of 11. F. tilasse?, sUirc the road between Port Ed-j ward and Prudhoinnie Lake to good condition alter the present. pipe line construction To l.li'; (Watson Island cejanese plant, j E. T. Applewhaitc M. P., re- HONED Comic Book landlords or tenants and will not apply where mutually agreeable rentals are arranged. AI.LD MAN Ml KI)l !tH) VAN(UVi:R Seventy-year old William Rent was found murdered in hm houseboat In Coal Harbor yelcrday. He Colisuniers' service branch will test recipes, give demonstrations r;.si.eionii aim i,nere wa.s plenty oi wild sliixiting and passing, but '.t wxs the kind or ball the crowd candi'lati for alderman, drew truth in but referr:d to his lontr ing and lectures on cooking and generally seek enlarged use of sea foods, among all classes of con- I v . ff'M" the . udience. citizenship in Prince Rupert an ', "Many iiniblems coul'oiiU us hit i iilf Tal.es l l'.r li.ilf of Miitin; j 'l-E. T ApplrwhuiU-.! nl:iy in five House! ported that there was little like, jikes Ut soe with excitement, ' lihiKxl of liehts bein;; ins'alled in il(,c .scores, and a thi il'ln;: over-! Mctlakatlu Pss;e but Wmt t he I imp nei ioft. Brownwimds lool'.ed VANCOUVER--OV-Afl'-"em r,? J fru.r' nfffpefV,"-ri5-?IfW? "Bu'i Un"r1 In bnilm-ss - ' "' ' hmMjwn. Itriitcuitbhcad j flannel. vu!4 .be." w-t -nwrki-U like cirtahi nirni-'Cs 'Jiftfie'l'irsi j I Hip water system la the gnat- i W. A. McLean felt that Prince jciaooiate oooueygmg in crime wiih an ae or smue other est, problom. We urns', control rtiinert hart oeetl started fiftv il. I !)T ;TT'liTi iT a pro- unlit In lite Income that it allowed j and keep it from, spreading, yc.irs b,.fore lls time but now epidemics and diseases. A OCl-1 -jtmnrt rprl l.i ul. 1rul. liyyp ar jimili-ni's lo parlJi'-r- with buoys. I Ix fi't.i::al iik in-1 fj u;tr r :nd l.flr had a foul her promised to elucidate fur-'shot with the .score tied am! sec-ther on tlus mat ter when he re- j oikIs only bi play, but they turns home shortly from Ottawa, couldn't hold their nine point Mr. Applewhaitc also wrote in lead of Mir first peri id and mis-rcgard Ui the Haines Highway sed the crucial Jmil shot to fore" expressing the opinion that it. 'the1 earn in to an overtime per wa.i loo !at lo get that road re- iod- in which High School emerg-opened this winter but suggest lug Ml Hie victors"iby a 51-49 score. iilivi and corpora- comic hooks is torccast, by a prominent University of British Columbia English professor und author. "To ban comic books," said Dr. Earle Blrney, "will place upon them the atmosphere ol the tor-bidden." Dr. Birney is the author of u new novel, "Turvey," currently sweeping Canadian literary rived in the era of development and protvrcs, which, had Ion;.; been anticipated. He referred to his experience hi the city service and in . business:. Quest ions ... I ' Following the short talks, ter showing than that of the last six mouths on Third Ave. had better he produced if the water- system is to be brought up to a belter stundard," he added with emphasis. He demanded to know w hat- had happened to $147,000 the city 9r - Sj,1. 5 a -M it in ml exploration i '11 finance i Ai not explain I he j WTi'jMiicy hut lie i (in vimi.i similar pro-) nut. bri-n protested. ! !ulir- admitted that , weaixin. Itnlilirrv is brlieveil to have hern (he motive. ALCOA STKIKi: M lTI.f l riTTSHI tt(il'nitrd Mine Uorkers of Amrrira and Aliiiiimiim I'd, of America have rraeheil an agreement to mil I lie right weeks' old strike. I.I (.IM.ATl Hf. OI'KNINli VICTORIA The British Columbia legislature is expected to open i's session about the middle of February. It miiihl have hren earlier lint for Hip Dominion - provincial conference lo be held in January. I Eric Spears, who had been, lit hud received hour the federal trorfuclng the candidates to-trie that an early opening next spring and future maintenance throughout, the whiter lie pressed for. The mat ter will be followed up by the Alaska committee. Premier B. 1. Johnson, Hon. K. Thi.s gives Hirh S :iiool the necessary 2 points to pull them out of the cellar position., which standing is taken over by the luckless Browiiwoods. Co-op, of course, holds a romforUbb lead Tiii'ia:: concern i.s in-1 More reaching Hi'' to'inu an iiiniine tax governuient 'for rehabilitation. Michael W. II. Krueger, a cooperative fisheries scientist, advocated the application of the .aieiitific approach in the administration of civic affairs so that there might be a maximum of benefit for a minimum of cost. The ratepayers should audience, asked members of the gathering for questions pertaining to civic matters. The matter of teachers . not being allowed in civic affairs, was raised by a member of the audience. Alderman Thomas Black, candidate for a two year aldermanlc term, answered the Mild Form Of Winter Here lw asked assurance j '''lips and syndicates Ih1 iliscriiii ln:il crl ' T. Kcaney and Hon. W. T. Strait h over both teams, wrote from Victoria slating that! MH t .,,,, , j-,.,r, L., a proimsul for provincial aid to V;Knt. played ' bang-up ball for public libru-ics was being consid-i Brown woods, .scored 11 pofnt.s (-'1'rt'- leach on sum,; s:i'mins:ljt mipos- ; A cominunication from the - ible shots and executed some A mild iorui of winter has at-1 MiiiLsi it Abbott mom- I have a closer relationship with query by saying the matter had 'li.Hn invcsligaUili i tacked Prince Rupert since Monday night. Snow fell lor a few' minutes ut approximately 7 p.m. the city council. (Continued on Page 3) iUlUlll. ! Alexander Esler Remarkable Boy i and the mercury slid to a free?;- ; FISHERIES MINISTER -Robert Wellington Mayhew ol Victoria has been fisheries minister since June, 1948. Mr. Mayhew was first elected to the Commons for Victoria in a posuu (lepanineni, ai ui tawa ex-jbiiiiil.irul passinit plays. Ray pressed the opinion that an air SMing nrld.-d a terrific' amount mail service from Prince George ,,; ('rive to the Bo-Mr-Hi plays westward ! Terrace and inter-1 und came up with 13 vaiuahl'! medial poinU could hardly be : points. Spring iistiatt.V, has his defended as being Justifiable in full quota of fouls but last niuht "'ty Creagh. has i ""'vi i' where, he ex- j tain 1 1 ir (lie winter. ' Firsl In Radio 1937 by-election. He was born 1 is a prospector, and view oi uie amount oi service committed lust one. Cai Ison was Alexander F.slcr Plays Organ I ike of much more advanced Years Imprpssivc Soloist In Kl;:ena Valley that woiikl be rendered. AIP. STRIP llnlds a lew cmims uf not so lucky, leaving the game in the overtime with his lifth fouls. IIto newer players en thr PuiiHc un the Skeeila Hi' lias been intrresled Alexander Esler. eight-year old T. N. Youngs reported on en Oct. 13, 1880, at Cobden, Out. He has just announced im-k portant new measures to promote the Improvement of Canadian fish products and extension of markets. (CP Photo) boy vocal and instrumental pro-i couraglng n"v dcvclopnicnts in 'student team arc coming along; Dasl, few .ki'.'iviiw ing level overnight. j The weatherman on Dlghy Is- 1 laud recorded a low of 33 degrees i between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. yesterday morning. But his thermometer was on Digby Island unci not in Prhfce Rupert. Icy roads and sidewalks arc ample 'proof of freezing tempriaturcs here. Half an inch of snow was recorded. This sudden spell of weather .which Monday night, cleared the heavens, brought a crisp chill to the evening and morning air and touched a soft spot in many a prairie mini's heart. . , . Yesterday, the weatherman cany through f ur- jpniertts. c!i"v. who Is here lor a recital j connection with the possibility j bitter each pnme. and coach nt. First United Church tonight lor establishment of a landing jJacf. Evans can be commended marking the inauguration of the j. strip at Tugwcll Island In which ! for his persistence in pulling out jnrw organ there, possesses the i the Canadian Pacific Airlines the regulars, to give the younuer I Kidlicicncy that lew students w as ugain taking an interest. A players a chance. His strategy CABS AV'S STOCKS son 3, Bill 10, Sharpc 1, Ratch-rord 7. Intermediate Fashion continues to lead the way in the Intermediate league. With only two snares on the ..eliii ve even ut ago of seventeen I reconnaissance of the ground is r cluhtecn. remarked his teach- I to be made with a view to esti- uiniilvcr paid-off la.st night, as Webster find Danny Bill and Ratchrord shared 28 points in the Ba-Me- (Continued Page I) bench, compared with four for cr. Mrs. Jack Harrod, who Is also here to b? a featured organ-v'l at the recital. The lad plays with high degree or skill and interpretation .advanced works ot Handel and Norm star, they won an easy fii scoring. The next league games arc on Thursday to-morrow night. These arc the games originally scheduled for Saturday night but LOCAL TIDES . Thursday, De cember 8, 1940 High 3:12 18.6 feet 14:39 21 2 feet (("an, INTRODUCING RADIO DESPATCHED TAXI CABS TO PRINCE RUPERT !! Scven-0 (70) Radio Cabs now offer you the speedy and dependable 24-hour service that modern two-way radio provides. , ' said, a northeast wind is blowing at 10 miles per hour and, ir it keeps up, the city can expect more ol this type of mild wea- s !'i)t. Bach. These will be included in !.., 8:41 ' 9.3 'feet ; moved two days ahead to make the reocrtoire he offers tonight.: ci-z; 3.3 fee; y f"r t1 Saturday wrestling ther. But (rale warnings have iLh'I't; .. Bui dor victory over the5ir opponents by 32-24. Of course they hold all the advantages in weight and height and North Star are just ;;p into Intermediate company, where, by the way, they are playing a good brand of ball In spite of their disadvantages. North Star missed most of their foul k ., ! card. The Civic Centre have ar He is the youngest soloist in j oeen- issueu ana aiiyuiuiK can i happen. i Canada. , I However, Alexander, whose Plans Atlantic Rowboat Crossing WE WISH TO THANK OUR MANY CUSTOMERS WHOSE CONTINUED PATRONAGE ranged to present election bul-lcilns at these games rishf from tl.e scene ol the balloting and w ill endeavor to present the incoming mayor to the basketball crowd. LINEUPS: Creek ' HOCKEY SCORES SUNDAY Vancouver 5. Seattle 2 HAS MADE THIS SERVICE POSSIBLE shot opportunities getting 2 points of 11 possible. Fashion Cii verted 4 oi 7. Joe Haugan ''n-niior precocity is apparent at the uisi contact, i.s uUj reaturcd as a boy .soprano and it is primarily as such that he is here. During the past year he mad: a I rip to England, Walts and Scotland with the celebrated Ei-Ktir Choir of Vancouver and was .05 n.io .03 .05 'a 1.10 .')3 .311 .07 3:15 .03'.'. .Wi 200 .02 11!'. .3f, .10 .0-". 4.51 . 2' 1.21 .4 I B.t.l 1.1 12.1.0 .13 l.no 3.! 5 ..f3 .( S .. 9.3 FALMOUTH, England '(Pi Paul Mullrr, Gl-year-old German ln- Or.ld BROWNWOODS -Shier 7, Sun- tends to leave lor South America 4 T1)(minwn u omu Cw iiiadi;, today in a lG-iool boat witn onty his 18-year old daughter as crew. showed some ol his old form to lead the game scores, making 11 points. LINEUPS: - NORTH STAR-Hartwig, Wesch 2. Young 4, Smith 7. Simonson (Continued on Page Four) rns2. Bill 3, Gurvich 6, PiercH. Lavigne 11. Bo-Me-Hl Spring 13, Carlson 6. Webster 11. Moore, Krislnuni- For Mayor VOTE Led-,,. widely acclaimed by audiences In the Old Country. Horn In Winnipeg, but living in Vancouver most ol his life. Alexandre started piano lessons j ut the age of three and soon (lis- played marked aptludc with I phenomenal progress. A year and Louis Janze Lou Knufson Cliff DaHl (manager) lt C7 A rift Puc)'s Cigar Store U JiMltl Next to Hollywood Cafe and the grandson or the late Alexander Esler who occupied the pulpit or First' Presbyterian Church here lor a lime cluiin? the. war. Mr- and Mrs. Harrod and Mas it 1 1 Those Who Think Will Vote ; WHALEN FOR MAYOR (285' Orqan Recital United Church ALEXANDER ESLER AGNES HARROD Wednesday & Thursday Pete PHONE BLACK 917! a half ago he started his organ 4 ter Esler arrived in tne city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver and will return south tomorrow night. for" transportation cna(tu studies. j The lad Is the son of Rev. Alexander E-.ler of Vancouver