6 T Prfnce Rupert Daflp J3ctos Thursday, June 9, 1949 out the province, I am sending you under separate cover a copy of thp 1948 Progress Rppoit. I ' think some of the information it contains will be of value to! you. j "Thank you very much for. satires Ray Reflects . . . . . . and Reminisces kn independent dally newspaper devotea to ne upbuilding of Frtnee Rupert feed ult communltKn comn'iRinf nnrtern eentrM British Common (Authorized M Second Clan Mall. Port Offlie Department. Ottawa) J MEX'S t... mack. Prince Rupert Dally Newt Ltd..' 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. a. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. WXMBER OP rjntN PRtS-S - AmrT BTTRFAD OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Sncrial "All opinion. Pink can make such a cool, subtle, reasonable uppesl. LETTER FROM PREMIER DOUGLAS Editor. Dally News: writing me in this connection, i "Yours sincerely, . j " T. C. DOUGLAS." , Thanking you for the cour-! tesy of your space. j Mrs. Robert McCarthy. I if SUBSCRIPTION RATES CKy Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month, 75c: Per Year, 8m gJ By MaU. Per Month. 50c; Per Year. 5.00 Letters, articles, the spoken word and the screen, all more or t a" sues. MEN'S ..! fUTS-Wrst-d(. ' si s"sl i til k. . Having read a recent lnter-( view in the Daily News with P. J. McCormick. while on a visit to the city. I took the trouble to send a copy of the paper to Premier T. C. Douglas of Saskatchewan. I thought Mr. Doug-las', reply might be of interest to you and the people of Prince Rupert and so I am suggesting that it might be fair for you to e'v Special Welcoming settlers to Terraee recently, Hon. E. T. Kenney, said there had been a time when he knew every man, woman and child in the community, but now, so great is the influx becoming, he had to confess he was almost beginning to feel like a stranger himself. We know the feeling. Take Prince Rupert for example. How many, here forty years ago, are still up and around. Not so many, and of those who are, few feel like hiking a mile as a breakfast appetizer. And like enough you will look around a while to find a familiar face anywhere. MEN'S TRoi si ; less reflecting on the press, con-! tinue to come and go but where is the sense in being resentful ; Now here's another little yam about the clergyman who, leaving home on a lecture tour ask-' ed the raw young reporter not to publish what he said for t j this might spoil attendance at other meetings. Next morning, he read:' "Rev. told some "The Crown Corporations, far from losing money, made $3,500,-000 last year and $5,000,000 the year before. Our hospital scheme Is cheaper than that of British Columbia since adults are required to pay only $10.00 per person instead of $15.00. "The Government, far from losing support in the last election, got 25,000 more votes in 1948 than it did in 1944. "Car insurance, contrary to oeing unpopular, has sufficient public approval that both the Liberal and Conservative parties in the campaign last year promised to retain It if they were elected to office. "There is no more truth in Mr. McCormack's statement that people are leaving the province by the thousands than there is in any of the other statements he has made. I have I assortment, ate8. 1 Special MKVS IiHKSS win t I SHOCKED BY CEMETERY i While " passing through your city this week I visited your 1 cemetery to look at the grave of a relative. j What I saw in your cemetery ' is beyond writing. I mean, who looks after it? Do the people of Prince Rupert pay regular ' rates to the city for the upkeep of the cemetery? If so, there ! must be something the matter with their heads to stand for such treament. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, and hoping this will start a movement for a dry, respectable and ; tidy cemetery for Prince Rupert. - (MISS) BOBBIE RITCHIE, Prince George. excellent stories, but, unfortunately, they cannot be printed." print It: i "Dear Mrs. McCarthy: ' Thank you very much for your letter Of May 18th and for sending me copy of the Prince Rupert Dally News containing an attack on the Saskatchewan Government by P. J. McCor- KOYS' T SHIRTS ft J There's one thing about all this fine, new big hotel that ' -a" styles, la sortment. Spec! BOVS'YVOO, rANTS-Semi-d, , perhaps you have given no ( thought to. Eight stories will j completely tut off the view of j citizens who like nothing bet- j ter than stand on the plank ui mirni. Spet jal y ROYS' SCHOOL SI, Otolaryngological Society will hold their annual conventions in Jasper Park. It's "hard to see what a beautiful place like Jasper has ever done to deserve this." had clippings sent to me from a great many British Columbia newspapers and the same vic Special sidewalk of Second Avenue be Frank Ellis of West Vancouver is looking for a photograph of the flying boat that carried Wolfgang Von Cronau and two companions on his world flight in 1932. It would illustrate a story on outstanding flying in Canada and Newfoundland. Von Gronau was in Prince Rupert, and a picture of him was taken as he walked from his plane at Seal Cove that August afternoon, to drire into town. Included in the "snap" are two other figures, the late John Dybhavn and, W. J.-Raymond, local newspaperman. ious attack on the C.C.F. Government is being made through Advertise In the Dally News! tween Third and Sixth Streets, point at the harbor and argue about the name of some unfamiliar looking boat coming up the bay, about half way across. PLA' $10,0 .... '."V 7TA Today's vote in Nova Scotia will give at least some Indication of what kind of a bearing balloting in Newfoundland can A swanky swimming pool, and Labor Conference ALL MEMBERS of the British gov-ernment ALMOST are at Blackpool this week to take part in the annual Labor Party conference. Conference debate will be of critical importance in deciding the shape of the Labor Party election manifesto for the next general election.' The conference will not be able to amend "Labor Believes in Britain," nor to vote on it but the trend of the debates will guide the national executive committee of the .party who will be responsible for drawing up the final 'election manifesto after the conference though it will not be published until the election is near. This year's Labor Party conference is the largest ever held. The 1,4S0 delegates are 100 more than the record attendance last year. The delegates are fairly evenly divided between Trade Union representatives and local party representatives. There are 68 trade Unions affiliated with the Labor Party sending 548 delegates, and 570 constituency parties sending 588 delegates. Other delegates represent the co-operative organization and Members of Parliament and adopted general election candidates also can attend. If there is any voting at the conference the opinion of the large unions is liable to be decisive because on a "card" vote the vote of each delegate varies according to the number of members he represents, and the bulk of the Labor Party membership is in the trade unions." Though this need not be the last Labor Party ference before the general election (which must be before the five years term of this Parliament expires on August 1, 1950) it is certain to have proven a decisive conference so far as its affect on election policy is concerned. It is not, therefore, surprising to lean that 300 journalists representing papers in the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and many foreign countries are in Blackpool this week. up to the minute administration information bureau, each to be built of pink granite will stand in Jasper Park. Thus, a i44- SMITH & ED! have on voting in P E L, N B., Que., Ont., Man., Sask. Alta. and B.C. And we may as well throw in Yukon. Meanwhile, all stout partizans are at liberty to take what comfort they can from whatever Evangeline says T 1 Li m famous holiday resort will be During the latter part of the present month, the Canadian Opthamologtcal Society, the Obstetetrician and Gynaecologist Society, and the Canadian come even more attractive as well as allowing a gracious con A Useful Reference for Investors and Traders In die latest issue of our "Investment cession to the play of public HAVE HAD YEARS OF PLUMBING AND HEATING EXPERIENCE PHONE 174 Securities Review", e list the market pric net- of and interest or dividend yields from, all important issues of Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds, as well as a long list of preferred and common stocks. VC'rite for a free copy now. If you are an investor or trader, you will find it most useful for reference when investing or trading. ' James Richardson & Sons REAL ESTA INSURANC INCOME TA RETURNS PREP.V It '' '" ' T' v Thn (:!. ' trin ' WH rtss o RS1P() loult lotlce it t) torn Jon I ftea't rUt Rlld vritln . IW ; h in sffricflosU CSTADLIIHLO m? Pacific Coast Offices: R. E. MORi S24 2nd Ave. (Near ( VANCOUVER VICTOR! Ml BALAGNO Fl Advertise in the Dally News riiont (.rem "87 I THOM SHEET METAL LIMIT wishes to announce that the Latest in Portable Welding Equipm i G !ubU ncoi i Be; HAS BEEN ADDED TO THEIR ALREADY EXTENSIVELY EQUIPPED SHOP 253 First Ave. E. Phone Bla "Jaycee" Convention City-Prinre Rupert SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CARIBOO, , BETWEEN W. M MOTORS. LIMITED, PLAINTIFF, AND FLOYD GOOD, DEFENDANT. Under and by virtue of a Warrant of Execution issued from the above Court and to me directed against the goods and chattels of the defendant, Floyd Good, I have seized one Allis-Chalmers Caterpillar Tractor, Model 650, Serial No. 55-266 with 11-foot blade, hydraulic hoist and loader, and on Thursday, June 16th. 1949, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon, at the Sheriff's Office, Court House. Prince Rupert. B.C., I shai! offer for sale at public auction all the right, title, and interest of the defendant in the HOLLYWOOD cafe MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IX THE C i i 6: hgr OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:30 A.M. NEED FOR COASTGUARD I T IS A LUCKY THING that the lighthouse tender I Alberni sprung her leak at the first of this week in an inside channel like Fitzhugh Sound and not, say in the middle of Queen Charlotte Sound, Hecate Straits or Queen Charlotte Islands which she eo often frequents in the course of her duties. Otherwise, it might have been a major disaster involving thirty men, most of them well known and long standing family people of Prince Rupert. Indeed, the incident of the Alberni might have been a much worse thing. Comparatively, it was not a very serious affair. Maritime interests, appropriately enough, cite the incident of the Alberni as another instance of the need of an adequate coastguard service in these British Columbia waters. Two' fish boats aided the 159-foot steamer in getting from Clarke Point, where she encountered her difficulty, and towed her from Calvert Island to Safety Cove. It does, indeed, seem to be a disgrace that shipping off the British Columbia coast should depend upon passing fish boats for such service. Had the Alberni suffered her trouble at some less fortunate place, it would have needed more than a couple of fish boats to rescue her and her crew. It would have required a strong and speedy coastguard indeed. we specialize in xiiiieae IrV4 A I - CHOP V SUEY CHOW MEIN 4 Tftl friQj That's the way you want your money matters handled. That's the way your bank handles them. When you deposit money, cash a cheque, make a money transfer, arrange a loan, you want it done speedily, efficiently and above all, confidentially. It is only natural that your bank should work a . -that way for you, for privacy is traditional in i Canadian banking. In any case, the competition of other banks assures it. Canada's ten chartered banks competitive, efficient, private provide for millions of customers service unexcelled in the world. ; v For Outside Orders PHONE 133 - I rb V f DON'T MISS THE FUN AT UMBERLOS Toi , i ( :- t j t t C I i pi above goods and chattels. The tractor may be inspected at the farm of Kenneth Olson, Tcheslnkul Lake, abou' ten miles south of Burns Lake, B.C., and the loader in the CN. Ry. yard3 at Burns Lake, B.C. Terms of sale, cash, and this sale is subject to the Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax. The higest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 6th day of June, 1949. M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff, County of Prince Rupert. (136) FISHING, BOATING. IIRNTIXO. SJ"WJ DANCING . . . AN I) 31AM Fun for the Whole Family at I.IMBERl , i lip sure 0' Make your reservations eany i ' Happy Holiday in the Bermudas ot tne wealth lighting men who died in the Second World War are being carried out. The graves are all over the world, including Canada and the United States. The work will not be completed earlier than in 1953. HEADSTONES FOR 375,000 SOLDIERS HEADSTONES FOR LONDON Supply and erection eft 375,000 headstones for the graves of 375,000 Common FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACl - LODGE LTD. ..PHONE 5C3-OR UNION S,al mo-optly of bonkt SJ would wipt out competition and S. would open your bonk vecount CM I OFFICES PHONE 568. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimtnimiiii'i1 lllllllllilllliillll Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 21 6 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ro inm y of tr , Mtato official. ' SPONSORED B Yyy OUR BANK - ' I 1 r C) DRUG iC Plumbing Troubles? GUESTS ARE I'SUALLY IN AN EXPANSIVE MOOD AFTER A LUNCHEON OR DINNER DATE at the BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL EBY & SONS nnpernnvriAN TI IEM1STS Contractors 1 1 CALL BLUE 846 9 A.M. DAYS, STORE HOUPS-WEEK NOON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 7 P.M. TO 9 F.M. For -FLOORS, LINOLEUM and WOODWORK Supplied in nine attractive colors IT DRIES IN FOUR HOURS ' THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let s help yoti plan that new home tinder the N.TLA. Phone Green 1 83 box 586 Civic Centre Dining Room For Reservations and Chicken In The Rough Phone Red 70S Emergency -w 1 1 ? from 7 p.m- and Sunday Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m SAANICH Plumbing & Heating ?