6 T DDHSTMCT MEWS EMPIRE DAY AT STEWART STEWART The Stewart oot-jop-trom Branch of the Canadian Legion celebrated Empire Day with a WR FOLKS EAT) KELIDGG'S FLAKES ) MRS. NEWELL IS HONORED AT PARK FETE STEWART The Women of the Moose gave a birthday party to Past Regent Mrs. W. L. Newell at her home. The party, which was a surprise to Mrs. Newell, was a thoroughly enjoyable one both to the honored guest and the others. It was held after the regular meeting of the Chapter last Thursday. Nomination of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: Senior Regent Mrs. D. IOOK, MOM! Here's quick 'n' easy breakfast feast in. Sweet ripe berries-fresh milk; crispy flakes. Mmmmm golden, melt-in-your-mouth Kcllogg's Corn Flakes. Light-yet nourishing! Every spoonful comes up brim-loaded with flavor. Good energy food for a happy day's work and play. Put the package on your table. Give Dad and Children the right start; the bright start -start 'em all eating Kellogg's Com Flakes tomorrow. Great for "self service" any time. You'll bo glad COM FLAKES whist drive and dance in the Canadian Legion Hall. There was a good turn out and every- lone had a good time. Music j j was supplied by Mrs. A. L. Behn- , j sen on the piano and Billy Orr ; on the drums. Sam Kirkpat-1 OLD CHURCH FORSCHOOL Purchase of the old Calfolic Church at Port Essington for conversion Into a classroom building was approved by the Prince Rupert and District Schoo Board last night after church authorities had accepted the" Board's offer of $1,500. The two-storey structure will provide two classrooms to take care of the 40-odd children at the Skeena River settlement as well as a teachirage on the second floor. It will replace buildings which have become inadequate since white and Indian schools were combined under the Prince Rupert school district. Use of the former church wi'l involve renovation and repair work which was turned ocer to the Board's building committee for attention. rick was master of ceremonies Lively baseball action -fun; thrills! you did. of the old time and square dances. Mrs. R. Sharpe won the ladies' first prize, the consolation Drize going to Mrs. Don Norton. Play baseball snytimel Srt th actum BASE-BALL GAMK KlNr i , tamo. Hidden spring set. ,. . "baT" Ufll. V, 1 (AotherKftM? two. thra. b.Mer, homer or "out'" 1 'L of sturdy m.uupl,ic bubble .. .! T''' ?u,m- Si1"1 directi'" Included. Order tod.y. Ko, com and s boi top from ny psckas" rig, Tk it ? Corn KUke. to: KaiXKicK? LONDON. ONTARIO. CANADA. CserHght 14 fc, Kttogi Junior Regent Mrs. J. McKay. Chaplain Mrs. H. Rozare. Treasurer Mrs. H. C. Bennett and Mrs. G.,Kutas. Recorder Mrs. W. R. Tooth. The election will take place at next regular meeting and the installation at the following meeting. Miss Juanita Haw-kinson was chairman of the Chapter night program which followed. George Nelson was high man 'and Sam Kirkpatrick won the consolation prize. Three items ; were raffled. An electric rec-; ord player went to Mrs. J. Stew-: art. A set of wine glasses was ! won by Bill Kilroy of Hyder, Alaska, and a set of table knives by Master Ralph Sharpe. J. Bouek was master of ceremonies of the whist drive. Lou Behnsen assisted with the dance and J. P. Garlick looked after the supper, the materials for which were supplied by the Women's Auxiliary. Sports for the children took place on Tuesday. l nd 'w Lnd'1 H1tM " PLA' 'sio.o ' '"6nee ' JRpHe I News of Francois Lake '-TP! GOOD SUPPORT FROM INTERIOR After successful meetings at such interior points as Cedar-vale? "Woodcock, Hazelton, New Hazelton, Smithers and Telkwa, TedSpplewhaite, Liberal can-airiw for Skeena in the forth-conjrjfederal election, is returning to the city by motor to-dayIJsjm the interior, accom-panjedHby W. M. Watts. j P&Jicularly encouraging were the "mretings at Hazelton, Telkwa and Smithers. There were I large and sympathetic audi-1 ences C. P. Bussinger was the chairman at Telkwa on Tues-' I I I I n M ! '.HU.'in have been staying with their son, J. S. Funnell and family at Telkwa for ten days. ,.-""" - .V ... ,jSBMsii.i. -. ?!U6tfkaMisssi CAI HEl )lIeo SpTTrw net Pete.r Reed returned froia Vancouver and brought four purebred Jersey cows with him for the Tweed Ranch. Bill Ablitt and Len Ferguson of Vancouver are spending a few weeks here fencing and doing other work fixing up his farm. It was formerly the Atkinson farm. start work driving the piles for the extension. son expects to return here with one of them. SHIPS and prince uupcti Oaiip imm Thursday, June 9, 1949 crs sailing between Old Coun- Father Rover OMI, p try and world ports. j priest for the Roman O Mr. and Mr. W. J. Hickey and their nephew Joe Hickey, of I Kinmmmt. Ontario, are visit day ni3ht while Len Evans presided at Smithers last night. Mr. Catering to hundreds of tourists booked for Alaska cruises between Vancouver and Skas-way this summer on the Canadian National's new 5800-ton WATERFRONT vnurcn ai siweart, sum Burns Lake Co-op baseball team played Francois Lake in a friendly game on Sunday afternoon. Members of the Elks worked during the afterndon fixing things up ready at the hall for the King's Birthday party. ing here with James Hickey. They came by car and took thirteen days of travelling. He: "And now I'm going to) Activities died down at the Landing after the Yarrows men left, but are resuming again with the work going ahead on the enlarging of the wharf. The pile-driver is now placed on the deck of the new ferry ready to Watts took the platform at Smithers in support of Mr. Applewhaite. Goodly numbers of ladies attended the meet- - J. H. Todd & Son's combina night on the Prince Rup-make the round trip to & kan. steal a kiss." She: "Well, let me crime wave begin." Rr: I " '" , " Tiift ((i:lT 'Irlfl " W11 oss ftss o o fssued Joult lotlce it t) I ' ings. I Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Funnell JS.S. Prince George, will be Alex-' ander M. Drummond, appointed chief steward of the palatial , B. C. -built vessel. A native of Edinburgh, Mr. Drummond, formerly chief steward on S.S. tion boat Orca G., which has been fishing halibut out of Xlemtu, where she landed two catches, sailed today for Vancouver in command of Capt. Bert Hanson. Te vessel will inn If Prince Rupert, Joined the C N. S.S. here in 1923. He has served cn many C.N. ships during the past 25 years. Before coming to Vancouver he had long experience aboard passenger hn- flcat rUt AIM vritln . P Ire. now be tied up at Vancouver tut other Todd boats will be coming north soon for the salmon fishing and Capt. Han Ilouscliolil Papers fay :A J1 11-- f I I m I 4 JVtk: K - V ; Willi U1C liillllHIN PUREX Quality tv -', , . A -K. coffee start - II jsy i --. V i -i 1 lLW Mil Y i n fUREX TOILET TISSUE TVs kijh quality pscwr ... so F.ci.l Soft Sonj, .sbtorfctnt, 4 conomicsl. THEY'RE CHAMPIONS IN THEIR CLASS Grand champion beef steer at the Saskatchewan winter fair held in Repina was the shorthorn animal pictured above. Owner and exhibitor of the steer was Walter Clark of the Grecnhaulme Farm, Inch-keith, Sa.sk. Judge Dean J. W. G. MacEwan, of the University of Manitoba, said the steer was "as near perfect an animal as could be found." They don't come any better at the Toronto Royal, he declared. The steer sold for 90 cents a pound at the fat cattle sale. HAND-E-WRAP Idol hom-i'i h"1 wtitd pP ,di of u! ' home. Co(it"'" p.cUd In handy "" off" pck9 l ilk -ms-- .-af". U vwsn i l ef t P Z- m NOOKNAPS Ntstly foldto! pp bbls upkim . . . sttosctivs psHsm . . . wm s sy sl . . . sv wsthinf sivd monsy 1 THE MORE YOU KNOW ABOUT WATCHES . . . llFFV TOWELS ..... . ind Ktts . roll I" k,c"" . . r c -.11t ll.nt lot oi d'V'"' dry") " your bswoow. klohlv "OW" .... the more likely you will be pleased by what we have to show you. . . . . Our showing represents the highest skill" in watch construction. .... We sell watches that stand for year-in and year-out service. Should last for 20 years or longer. . . . . And yet in spite of all this our prices are no more than other places In Canada. ... We handle the famous Waltham, Hamilton and Elgin as well as the other well known makes. The prices run from around $30.00 to $90.00, and the tax is off. wipinj or din) I: ' r ? A To serve the finest cup of coffee you or your guests ever tasted, follow - h ! : 1 1 these simple steps: Start with Nabob . j ; and follow correct coffee- II. making procedure carefully. The result is rich, mellow, full-flavored Mm ; 10 1 II Hk ; coee very im 1 ' ru'y satisfying refreshment everyone can enjoy. jf B i v-- SEKD F0R FREE B00KLET 0l H0W T0 MflKE 2i C0FFEE II S : m NABOB FOODS LIMITED M S J ; VAKCOUVE WIRNIPE6 TORONTO FACIAL TISSUES Specially dsiijnto! fof conveniens, loldcd snd pecked tot sey uts. Soft, extra rtronj . . ideel lot itmovinj sisks-sp. f.lllll