Prfnre 'Rupert Daflp r3ctos Thursday, June 9, 1949 What-neglect my health? . . not with today's living costs! "These are no timet for I hat 'dark-off feeling . . . got to make my pay heal today's prices . . . that meant keep on the jump . . . ttay fit." , Social Doings (Contributions to this nettlon will be welcomed) YOU BET IT'S IMPORTANT If yon order your winter eoal supply NOW, you're Absolutely sure of comfortable watmth and good SHOWER FOR MARJORIE EBY MET III EAST, MARRIED HERE I- I : . ; , ... , ' -r. , - J'' .2. y w h - ..J I Arl 'k A Keep YOUR pay envelope full by protecting your lifUli. Guard againrt "irregularity" wflen cauMed by lack of bulk in the food you eat. Post's tlie better Flakes contain ifhVient bran to act as a gentle, natural laxative ... along with other parts of wheat to provide flood, sound wheat nourirliinent not always found in a bran cereal. You'll go for the criep, ewect-ax-a-niit flavor of cnKtaoL health fr your family from the first cold nip and on through .inter. ORDER NOW! CALL 651 Mis Frieda Meadows of . Port Hop. Ontarto, bride of Larry BlacV Culminating a romance which commenced in the East when the groom was takine electrical In honor of the forthcoming wedding of Miss Marjorie Eby to Swinton Whyth of Vancouver, in July, a pretty cup and saucer shower was held at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Eby, Fourth Avenue Fast. The rooms were decorated with lovelv tuliDs and snrln i on s Bran Makes, today, pet your large or regular , size package. Make sure they're ffllPOTT, EVITT & CO. 1 Oct s the better Bran r lakes. engineering studies, Miss Frieda Blanche Meadows, only daugh-l ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ttosfs Sure he needs Lumber Kuilding Supplies flowers and the refreshment ! MCSfluws 01 rl wPe' was lne table was centred with a lanre Prettv vounS Ontario bride of BRAN FLAKES-Met'emtool cake, which was duly cut by the Lawrence (Larry) Byron Black, WITH OTHI PARTS Of WH1AT only son of Mr. and Mrs. J B5? husband, while out -ungy sent his wife as a pres- FLAG DEDICATION bride elect. After a pieasant social evening the hostess served refreshments and the guest of honor fnr a mlllinn VIkoas i born In Canton, China He Harry Black of Prince Rupert at an Interesting marriage cere-11 mony which took place before a congregation of friends at 9:30 last evening in First United Church. Rev. R, A. Wilson officiated. , W S;BY GIRL GUIDES IS INVITED TO SHIPPING PROBE SUB TEACHERS GET INCREASE PIONEER OF CITY PASSES (ur the birthday check Tho connnrl Drlnio Rupert .ui lc , Dedication came to Prince Rupert in' 1913 after living in Vancouver' and Victoria following his landing on this coast. On his arrival here he established the tailoring business which he headed until the was presented with a large gaily decorated cup and saucer overflowing with gifts. The guests included Mrs. L. C. Eby, Mrs. A. Ivarson, Mrs. J. T. Langridge, Mrs. W. D. McAra, on Moh-1 ceremony iwrnmg. day. A request by substitute school M. T. Lee, Tailor, Dies After Brief Illness teachers In the city for a higher' The ceremony when the Guides commenced followed by ,time of his death. Mrs. G. McWhlnney, Mrs. W. G The bride, given In marriage Since it was instrumental In by Crawford Moore, an old the origlna, plantations call-friend of the groom's family,1. , ... ... 4nl,ng for contro1 of coastal shlP" was a picture of petit beauty her ivory gabardine tailored PIn rates- the Prince Rupert suit with navy blue straw hat 'Chamber of Commerce Is being and navy blue accessories. Trie' asked to submit a case to the the Brownies, Scouts and Cubs Murrayi Mrs. Webster and Mrs rate of daily pay was granted byj Lee p Maah (M T one Prince Rupert School Board last of Prince Rupert's pioneer busi-night but the Increase will not ess men, died in the city last ay men, women in 5,10, 15 lbs. entered the church to the "Pro R. Cameron. night a little more than 24 hours cessional March" played by Mis Frances Moore. Father Raynor officiated and, after the dedication of the Flag, Id New Pep, Vim, Vigor bride's bouquet was a colonial ' yal commlsslon on transport- ments and entertainment were prvoidd in the school hall. Guests present were Rev. be retroactive to January 1 as the teachers had asked. The Board agreed to Increase A skilled gardener, his home on Sixth Avenue West was noted for lovely blooms, vegetables and fruit. He was a member of the an active communicant of . First United Church. "2 Chinese Nationalist League and He is survived by his- widow, two sons and one daughter in after entering hospital. He was 74 years old. A resident of British Colum- spray of white carnations with 'itt Run, iimt nil otft: wl, koDova ation when It sits in Vanfiou- i in luitfff errewliy. boj loeee fcelf- benediction was held and sung Pather Raynor, District Com- rates for elementary substitute iiafor 5G years, Mr. Lee was o tnrti. who oever euulfkiQ befom. r.urt of tulr. helirir-Akiii( bixliM. i lb. nv'iBl vtfuf -building, netti-bulkling .i lu. u nice. Bttatulkiiti. laniorelori. by the four companies. missioner Honora Silversides, wearing with a white travelling & suit. The matron of honor was ;alKi other matters. Last year the groom's sister, Mrs. D. S.jthe coastal shipping companies and ei otlrtum. ewirn blood., Huyova teachers to $8 a day from its for- mer $5 level and to pay teachers cover nothing over $7 a day substituting In the High School under tne school Act. Guide Maria Brett was stand- captain Margaret Anstey ard bearer with Paulette Mad- Mrs Dorls Thompson. u:d M"lin bu mm nm TW nmrm Canada and a son in Canton. Morton, who was Unarming In a 'made two separate increases in cameo pink wool tailored suit t-. ut un.''''!"'". pui ami itm vurm uttocv. ir:t.'iK I'm fel. Mtou wrten Tou've gkliie4 ,iar Iw lu nt h eormel wljriii. , .Nr "Rrt BPqUkllitrtl' MN OfB A. . iKirpt loin T&Mrte lor m vi-i Pictures were taken the evening by Larry Moore. Those Those in In Canada Canada are are -Ken- jtiu a oay. ine increase win go rhp t cnhstitntP i.eiir. I son and Roiande Turcotte as the colour party. After the ceremony refresh- V xiikri'i. U.4 vvf (U. Meil AnieVwu. with black picture hat and black Duncan KelTi secretary of the accessories and colonial bouquet .Associated Boards of Trade of of pink carnations. Central British Columbia, has into effect immediately. 'affected had asked that the ln-'neth Lee and Mrs- Ruby Kwan The Board considered the In- t0!in Prince Rupert and -Wesley creases be made retroactive creases in line with the new three grandchildren in Canada January j as was tne case 0f salary schedule of .the regular Lee in Vancouver. There ar3 the regular staff but thg Board teaching staff and approved and two grandCHlidrenncl one decked th should f. Douglas Pitt-Brooke was the wrltten t0 the ftl R t PACIFIC groomsman. " I Chamber susreestine tHat Prince Restless Nfghts Often mtd-liTe brings on troublesome Irregularities In kidney func great grandchild in China. them after Inspector of Schools fPPtive now Both groom and groomsman Rupert be represented If possible were attired in dark Jackets ' at the commission hearing in Stevedoring & Contracting Funeral arrangements Will be announced later. "- - Jospeh Chell had pointed, out that government grants wou'.d Classilla Ads. Ciet Resillts. tioning, an affliction which responds and white flannel trousers. Vancouver. well to magnestan treatment. (MAG' NOPILLSl. Burning sensations, COMPANY LIMITED painful twitches are relieved, and the bladder returns to normal. Thu . Henry Pluym presided at the. pipe organ to play the proces-i siohal and recessional music. Following the ceremony, General Stevedores and Contractors patient feels an almost Immediate change for the better in his whole being. Magnopllls are for nale at all stevedores for Canadian National Railways friends gathered at a reception Drug Stores. at the home of the bride's 'parents to offer their congratula CABLE ADDRESS HEAD "OFFICE "PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. tions and best wishes to the happy young couple. Rooms were tastefully decor EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED ated with white and pink streamers and early summer flowers, featuring white wedv BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL EORGE L. RORIE t Accountant, Auditor, etc. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches Salt Lake Ferry Dail Service Except Monday SCHEDULES Tuesday,.. Wednesday ..a n Thursday Leave Cow Bay floats, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. (Extra trip Thursday afternoon, 2:30) Saturday Every hour startles at l! a.r.. Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 b Tax Returns Complied ding bells over the point where the couple stood and over the bride's handsome table. Mrs. Black, the mother of the groom, received the guests In a striking robin egg blue dressmaker suit with navy blue accessories. J Appropriately proposing the toast to the bride was Crawford Moore. The groom responded. Centering the bride's table was a beautiful four-tier wedding cake, one layer of which er Block Phone 387 204 4th Street Phone 655 "S RADIO CLINIC .t Satisfactory Service CALL 53 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS 3 Second Avenue West had been saved from the twenty- fifth anniversary cake of the groom's parents. Building and lepalrs of all kinds A. HUNDEIDE WATKIN'S DEALER ' Seventh Avenue West Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners Mrs. Crawford Moore presided at the pouring table and serviteurs were Mrs. Len Griffiths and Mrs. Allan McBroom. I GREER & ! has developed in the future. I Tree enterprise fea B. C. 'and will develop it ' BLACK 890 Box 296 BRIDDEN PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings In another room were laid out numerous beautiful wedding gifts which were admired by the P.O. Box 1670 guests, PIANO TECHNICIAN tog, Voicing and Hepalra MIKE COLUSSI . Phone BLACK 756 872 10th East Electric power, steel, aluminum, pulp . . CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ' " Later in the evening the couple sailed on the Prince Rupert for a brief trip to Ketchikan after which they will take up reside all these developments and more are under DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7C5 , P.O. Box 1401 ence on Piggott Avenue In Rushbrook Heights. The groom ? KINDLING WOOD in sight, bringing jobs for our their families. is Identified with the electrical staff of the Canadian Fish Si CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS way or are citizens and Cold Storage Co. 50c Sack Delivered P Wood, Random Lengths $10 per load WE B & W TRANSFER Green 186 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERINO Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert. B.C. Re-elect the Coalition Government and DREW WOULD RUIN CANADA RGAUET McLEOD FLOOR SANDING A SPECIALTY British Columbia go ahead. OPTOMETRIST 5 RED SSI P.O. BOX 721 R 10, STONE BUILDING A, P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REMODEL your cooking toking 1 V- nSn,, 'i 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. PHONE BLUE S93 P O. Box 1184 for better eating If Dollar Were Devalnetl, Declares Prime Minister St. Laurent QUEBEC fl Speaking here, Prime Minister L. St. Laurent said that Progressive-Conservative proposals to devalue the Canadian dollar would bring "chaos" to Canada within a year. The Prime Minister has moved to the federal election sidelines to rest his throat. His last speech was read for him because of a "minor attack of laryngitis." He expects to be speaking again by tonight. FOR Ymin S AND CONCRETE WORK 3r vim Bum uau B: J. SAUNDERS . Modern Equipment C U Work Guaranteed Only In NOMIS WARE con raw obtain th advantage of flavor taving VAPOR SEAL, oasier cleaning STAINLESS STEEL and ovon heating THERMIC (AT COPPER SOTTOMS BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Apents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. IjAjNSClIEDUli" "uy, Wednesday, Friday. The Best: Government B. C. Ever Had Published by the British Columbia Coalition Organization " p.m. F1 "e East- iay. Thursday, Saturday . . with : f7 err JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue UK ermict ALlTY REPAIRS w Downtrodden Heels NOIIII W Well Cartage Ltd. Complete Movtaj Service Your Coalition Candidate on June 15 is . J. D. Mclae tt SHOE HOSPITAL Crating Packlnf Cartare BLUE 786 EED S1J