TEACHER REPLACEMENT advanced in social services but 8 lirincf Rupert Dai'Ip JUctoS! Thursday, June 9, 1943 not as much as B.C. Certain. Last Times Today 7-9 P.M. LOR ETTA VOl No . PEOPLE WANT NO REGIMENTATION Rout . .. ft I . "'IM.MIX,, (Continued from Pur? One) year with 210, Is expecting 234 at the beginning of the coming industries had been purchased by that government and all Cor-norations were either not ouer- 'THE ACCUSED' term and King Edward, which ; Friday and Saturday had 275 last September, anticipates 315 three months hence. C.C.F. Gets Good Campaign Reports Campaign Manager George Hills told members of the local C.C.F. Club, at a meeting which practically filled the clubrooms, that candidates W. H. Brett and H. G. Archibald were receiving encouraging support all over the provincial and federal ridings. ELECTION IS NOT ORDINARY Dr. L. M. Greene Defines Isue in Coalition Speech at Terrace 'No ordinary election is facing us this time," declared Dr. L. M. Greene of Prince Rupert in ating or operating at a loss. The ' "As far as I can see the peo-speaker "listed these industries, pie are showing a very general $500,000 was paid for a woollen tendency to favor private en-factory which cost the taxpay- terprise and democratic prin-ers $147,000 loss. A shoe fac- ciples rather than state mon-tory which cost taxpayers j opoly and control," said Olof $180,000 to buy and was closed ( Hanson yesterday, following his down. After a labor dispute, a arrival from Vancouver, in box factory was taken over and speaking of the federal and so far, had cost $10,789. A tan- provincial election trend. "Peo- Mr. Chell suggested that an ad- j dltional elementary teacher be hired and that one teacher on ; Booth staff be dropped. Booth, I which currently has an enrol-1 ! nery cost $175,000, fish food Pie still want 10 nave a iorm oi Election matters were the prin ment of 433, now has two extra' cipal i ra coalition election campaign government which will permit subec ot dta tbuss had !adSftwonrThad lbrick Not one of their freedom to think say ne c u I Tne two pa... es had two two very very industries had made one end do what they ? like Instead rout quickly disposed of. - I nkilntAMllIDC 0Ii,.OMt -w0 inn chr.il n fnr of being regimented by the UHICICUI IJIliiUOlML , A. thought. One believed the state . Jf the ccf, in fitate which would come under a is supreme and individuals were j 1 socialistic government." Dower in B.C.." declared declared Dr. ! ADDED PJnTr ' CARTOON BBSfcafc jgl !il "WMLACE'S"""! Greene. At Ocean t alis ruesaay nigm, Not one C.C.F. candidate ever Mr. Hanson met with an en-oprated any business to the ex- thusiastic crowd of Liberal sup-tent of 1 of 110 of the ninety ' porters and he states that the regimented to the benefit oi that state. The Coalition believed man was supreme and not to be ! ordered around. The party be- two million budget. The coali-1 feeling tnere s very mucn m Attention Housewives Treat the Family to a Delicious Dish REAL FRESH FISH teachers. One of these, he intimated, could handle any increase which might be expected at the start of the new 'erm. He also recommended employment of a relieving toucher to serve all the elementary schools to free principals from classroom duties and allow them time for administration work. School enrolment In May with percentage attendenccs ln brackets, follow: Booth 433 19H. Borden Street 225 (94). Conrad Street 214 (95. King Edward 287 (95). Digby Island 22 (92 . Port Essington 46 (94). Port Edward 18 (8T. Port Simpson 9 (95). Hlieved in personal lreeaom; 1Um party have gQod tricd anJ favor o( the party candidate, ' i which was lost in every country , trup seasoned men of un,iues Ted Applewhaite. 1 1 that had adopted socialism. tionablc integrity and these Mr. Hanson will be proceed-llEven in England under a very must bp returncd to offlca.'lng in a day or so to the inter- CANADIAN TO PLAY IN FRENCH MOVIE It's a big jump from a Canadian ministry to the heroine's role in a French movie but chique Suzanne Cloutier apparently has made it in a single stride. The daughter of a minister photographed at her hotel in Canada, Miss Cloutier, Paris, will be the star of the next film made by French producer Julicn Duvivler. Fittingly enough for a minister's daughter, Its title will be ','Au Royaume Des Cieux" (domain of the Gods). benign Labor Government me . th manv af.comr,lish-' lor to take an active part In the TERRACE MEAT MARK jments of the past four years Applewhaite campaign. wpre. Better Schools, Power "Ned. why are you al-the bottom of your lower in cost, land clearing ac-' Father. onmrOii-Vinri hirr InrliTctm tn ttap WayS at MEATS : BI TTER L(i(iS : people were not free and Dr. Greene told the story of the farmer v. ho contrary to state decrees planted grain which he knew would grow better than that ordered by the government. A few days before the harvest a bulldozer was sent to that . ., QUALITY SERVICE establishing of the celanese mill class ,. .. LHm. i nn vn Ned: "It really doesn t matter, T the same instruc- t In the k dad aau we wc eet gcw ibmeer industry coming. t, future. Northern B. C. projects - uu"' farm ana me gram uu.uu. rpnlnrement nf hieh .... . . MrfViPE" mm wnat inenyHKLMjansT B. C. INDIANS into the ground. There was nj vs extending of p.c.E. and freedom there at all. personal AIuminum project. He con-The C.CF. was soft pedalling Md Ms a(drpss by saying this aspect of socialism which ln Northern B C-meant of the inaiv-,8hould resignation get everyone to vote for icJual- ! the man who has done more to Coalition had given the mov- coun than , nice the best government C .. p!seE Ken ever had. The speaker named . ( & humorou5l "Wolves in Sheep the CCF.-ers recollections of but nevertheless Clothing ce,ebraUns the Wolves I oooning of the Skeena Highway Speaking of the C C.F. govein- Dr Qreene ex. ment in Saskatchewan. , Dr.; hispleasure atbelng Greene said the government had community he had MONTREAL, June 9th Is the co.-t of many of the things you buy f till giving you a headache? Do you wonder why so many of them cost fo much nmro than they used to? Perhaps it's because of all that Government enlcs tax, especially when it comes to clothes and household furnishings. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could buy for less because the tax had been reduced. That's just one of the good tiling the Progressive Conservative I'ariv intend to do. Thcv nlan to reduce the sales tax which' increases the ; For The Smart Set SLACK SUITS AND SLACKS - Tailored in the Western J Style. PRICED RIGHT J QUALITY RIGHT. ! price of many articles more than eight cents on each of your pricious dollar. 0 help them to help you and your family by votinfr. The Progressive Conservative Party believe that women's opinions are important to "good Government. They want women to play a more important part in planning the future. There will be an election 27th June. It will be a bright dy if you and other women use your vote to heb elect the Progressive Conservative Party, livery Tote is important .. .please use yours, 'lhis message contributed and paid for by The Prog-v..... Tk. Ik. n,Wi n,mnri7"in mle vow ressive Conservative Party. come to know and like. This was the first time h? had been associated with Mr. Kenney, a 1 I IIIIIIlJBIKjIIHIBl H j ip- - ' WALLACE'S 5 Department Store 7 , doctor and politician together on the same platform was bakini? the talk of your druucr-tatilc! lours lor mo a.-king is a veritable treasure-trove of delicious, casy-to-niake rriprs...7,'i in all, 1 council ! . . . ia the new SWIFT'MNti RKC1PE BOOK! Believe me, tlico recipes will ld Inurels (o vour iircitise as a cood eookt AM fi fe.'Ub - 1 .J Re: r ',' aT" ,.TIio .. (K',-"Irlci ' WH rtss o (ssued joult lotlce it t) Yom Ion .1 'fficat JerUl Rlld vritin . Pf Ve. . fay o Tbey call for SWIFT'MXU tl.e nnc kind of hhort-Tt'ii niiirk-imsinc. dieeatiblc ami nut ril ions nd MADRAS, India t A mural painting believed to be of thei P a 1 1 a w e Age seventh and eighth century A.D. was dis-! covered recently in an ancient MR: FRANK ASSU Murllia Loe.'D. Swift's Home Economist, tells me it makes the flaki';''-. mo-t delicious tios imaginable! To get your tret copy of " Th SwiH'ninq Recipe Book", print your name, aildresa and pemi with one SwiftninR CBrton top to me Barbara Brent, 1111 Crescent St, Montreal, P.Q.1 ... of Stevcston, H.C., IVesidcnt, North temple in South Arcot district, j by a French archaelogist. ; 5 American Indian Hrotherhood of (anad -? I k "I Married A Wonderful Woman" is what your huiiery husband will and President, Confederacy of Interior BROADCAST TONIGHT think when you appeal to W ppc.tite with thi3 dclinoun BENSON' S CORN STAKCU JtlX'IFE . . . WcUh TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Rarebit Tribes of IU and tireless worker interest of native Indians of !.('. It't Hard for the world to look bright when your eyea Ut dull and weary. And how much better you feci yourbclf when your eyes feel rested! Thai's why it's fuch a good idea to niako a hnbit of MUUlNK...jut two dropa in each eye daily bnnR welcome relief lo eyes that work hard for you morning, noon and night! You see. Murine conlaiux trvtn ingredient that blend perfectly with the natural fluids of tho eyei ...Boothes delicate tisues gently as a tear. So ask your druggist tnilny for Murine. ..use regularly to Koothc irritated feelinis o. suui-tner s eun-n-wind ia your ejrl Commodore Cafe "Better Th-n Ever" WANTED Board and room for four-vear old boy. Urgent. Phone 259. U3G) i Vt tspn. pconer t tpn. paprika Hash cayenne la t-nn. dry musfara I tbson. chopped parsley Hi tbspns. Benson's Corn Starcll 2 tbspns. butter or oUier lat. . melted IV2 cuds milk l', cups grated sharp cheese 'a fc-po. salt 6:15 P.M. JUNE? FOR SALE 34-foot trqllin? boat, fully equipped. Apply J. ClaHsen and Son. 136 C. ! Blond Benson's Com Starch with nicllr.l fat in top of double boilnr over boiliuB water Add milk gradually. Mirrmif until ance it thickinrd. Add (trutrd cliqr and slir until im ltcd. A'id k afoniniri ami tanliy (as stated, or to ta.str) Serve Lot over lisliily Inittrml, fresh hot toast cut into fin hits or cireles. or over henteil en-ip i,k orarkers. Serve with crw e lery and carrot Mi-k. to-wd i-'reeu naiad, or broiled tomutoes. ducted with salt and peeper. Sencs 4 to ti. 5 Best Ffxjd and Service ln Cityi! Phon 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. CFPR Advertise in me Uanv News! 1 VW.', Tub 'H Scrub to vour heart's ron- Al -SPICES COALITION ORGANIZATION 01 B.C. Look Your Very Lorelktt Under Th Summer Sunt dive your coini.leMon the flattery of Tropic Tan i NkW V0)U1U,'H l'OWUI.ll. A beautiful. glowuiK brcnue. Tropic 'I'un it that rarity anion tan riiadsd t inilirral on vour kin nol Ihe leapt bit. ' powdery". i y tent on these iif Summer days... M tt ,1 Din rcnieiiuier TT 1 I 1 V- -J 'You fee Woodbury Inn developed a "iiipcr-blendcr" 1 bat I i hot enouiih! Sijup 'n water whirls color into nowdcr ajul powder into color wiMi aucn terriltc cp'-ed that sliaih are finer-blended than wan ever :;3TILE-FED" i BABIES I If your li.aby in VitUtviVl, be snre to wntch littie bowels closiy. Mother's milk has a natural laxative etfect which helps tak cAre of baby's nevd. Lacking thii, a bottle-fed biiby often grts frxrty, feverish and suffers cor.stipHtion and uict sttimat-h. Let Baby's Own Tablets help you kep baby's bowels on schedule sweeten upset stomach relieve feverishness and teething troubles. No "sleepy" stuff no dulling effect. Easily before before po-nljle. As a res'in i nunc i an ami mc n oi wr to cliades have a ri' hness an. I wartntli that will dclieht you. You'll tmd Woodburv Powder m three convenient eizca including; the " purn WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT lUailarr pianuanj sine . . . tioc. ole, lite Avoid That Sinking Sensation of d'spair when you taVo your husbHiid's bints from the cuplmard next Fall ... only to discover they've been damaged by mot its ! J.ARYF.X hit feints now! It's such a (timplu thinn to do anil it will wo you no much money in the lonit run. It cos's no more to ' Larvex " a suit than to send it to the cleaner'! All you do nist snrav Larvex on vour woolh-ns flit coats crushed to a powder, if desired. Don't let your baby suffer get Baby's Own Tablets today. 25. i fine lor washing away stale perspiration but you need i'0isri to guard ai;aint Ter-pirmtion to come! km-safe, lubnixafc . . . wonderful Non.pi (rives your daintiness and your . clothes sure protection for it tlups perspiral ion ! Suvcryeiinplo to apply with Nonspi convenient. exeluMivc applicator! For very best result, just, follow the directions in the booklet that comet with every bottle! Nonspi has the Ciood lfoiiiiekeeping Seal ot Approval. And you'll more than annrove ot the way it protects vour clothes and your social assurance 1 61 hor i i i dncs or ruirsr . One sprayinir actually mothproofs the cloth for a whole vear. And carments are " rendy-to-wcar" rijiht after a upraviiiir, for there no tell-tale " moth-ball " odour at nil 1 Larvex i truly effective for it a fact that moths will starve to dcalh rather than iouch Larvex-spiayeu guruiento! YOL'R DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 aMOMMOHMManMH IIOUKS Weekdays 9 a.m. to !) p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Hon. Gordon WISMER 9:00 P.M. Also Listen lo MR. F. ASSU Prrsidr.-A, Canadian Native I I rto j I i : I 1 t A Party Month It Thit Month Ot June... and bo : a email, inencily patherinit or fcoinethin more pnt riiiou', the wise liosles.- knows, what a ioy it i." to entertain with JLi.L-0 close at hand. For there's no end to the d'-lieioiis VArinlin. ri h.ttria and unlnilu Hint urn tWiSSlllip Wltll aha SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVEN Jell-O Jelly l'owders. And with Jell-O combining so '1 beautifully with the summers bounty of truits and vegetables... the list of enticm favorites in almost endless! Serve quick. ea.y and wonderfully economical Jell-O dessert and haladij ojlcn. There are sewn, delicious. " locked-in " Jell-O flavours. PMONE 79 VANCOCVf'R VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Chllcotln Friday, 5 p.m., Catala CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLl'E 442 for Appointment not KM 10:30 .m. to 12:30 p.m and 2 to 5 p.m. EVEMNUN Monday iind Friday, 7:30 p.m. foi those unable to come during tht day. RECEPTIONIST in attendance afternoons. Coax out the full flavour of vour naiads this way! Make mouth-wan rinir dre.-sinirs with any one of the three delicious HK1NZ VINEGAKS . . . ileiui White, Malt or Cider Vinegar! You use the freshe-t, ta-siiest fniihs and vegetables in your talads . . . Use Heinz Vinpffnrs. in Hn 1 lif in lull !iilimf Win u.'n lff.tnz Brotherhood 6:15 P.M. CFPR Publishnd by 1h" B.C. Coalition Organization v6tefor J. D. McRAE . Your COALITION Candidal-.- BBBRawQ-BBPiUSHBa V. A ...! .'..!!' J ': 1 .,.1 l.r 'i Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. , FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS s.s. Coquitlam, June 3 and 17. All Fyt al your dinner taM"re on tint heaiing plate of lint binvtx! Your family are fond of your fluffy, oven-buLed biseuits that you'd like to erv them reprj night. But. ..too ,murh Inuilile? Not at all not iti TEA-BISK! It takes just a jify to make the most delicious bicuiU you've ever t;isted with Tea Bisk. Here's all you do: Just add milk or water, theu pop them ia the oven! And do try tlat Tea-i-k Trent tor fun ami variety... Vhih tinndvnrh, Umcuils. Following directions for making Tea-lti.k (on tho package) ...use tomato iuico instead of milk or water, nntt roll dough fs-inch thick; put two biscuits together with a slice of ?oft chec.-o between. With a toothpick, secure a thin slice of side bacon around each biscuit, "sandwich''. Bake in a very hot oven, 474 4cg. F. lor to 10 aimutca, - JUST ARRIVED . . . NEW SCANDINAV IAN RECORDS wil" ''c Harnw H , ,.,r Hasscif 1. "Jan Johnsiin s WrddinB" Su"B y t uiaio m. .i u uiiu nil I UMi.u ill u'ju . .iiu'i t-i" result is flavour so rich in goodness that a little goes a limy way! Ileini Malt Vinegar is brewed from grains Cider Vinegar has a delicious, fruily flavour White Vinegar has a lively bouquet of ita own. Try thea now that salad days are here again! 4 ' Balm H Or Not (hut da try :t, anyway!) ... a good. hot. cup of tea y---. ' it the most "cooling" thing vou ran drink on a hoi 4&'Y?'' June day! Hut to oe truly refreshing . .it mut give ',y7 Vou full flavour satisfaction . that's why I urge you to X JnfV ' tnnkc TL.NDKR LF.AK TKA your hot weather ' re-tmmt 'p'-m. resher". There t a world of Quick Comfert in a cup of 'ltu lra' 1' Has a "?nark'- ' lo it; flavour that can only x ' 3e axplai.i'jd by those lit i top tcava. So when you're "down and out" and van- oi the Siimrr" licat . . . . give yourself the .eal flavou: treat af laada Leaf Tea . .. ah-avi rich tragrunl and Truiwl.lulri..nl ! COTTAGE CHEESE j ;New Creamed Fresh Made, 1 VALENTIN DAIRY i "Hcj o Ho" 2. "Janta a Ja" Hambo , .ra , ii v OrelU'Stra NOW AVAILABLE Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE FOR MOUTH QL'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, June 10 and 24. FRANK J. SKINNER , Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Ekvalls Ore I. "Sol och sommar" Hambo-TaRe 'Till dans med karlsUdsflickorna -btnuu 4. "Chicago SchotUsrhc" Accordion AlrocS;, . - ,c w,. "Majblommor Vals" Accordion uui i mtS c- NEW ROYAL HOTEL "Klarinett Polka" 6. "Mit hjcrte or min lyre" . . ni.uiln K. All Typ es mm j,,rd"-SunS W "Du Dcilige Trondjcms F Qualitus COMPLETE ask- iron rATAinOTIKS SHOWING PRINTING A Home Away From Home OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Chinese Dlnhcs a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN ON HARMONY SCANDINAVIAN RW" SUPPLIES FOR OFFICE STATIONERY FOR HOME GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water LOOK FOR TITE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL I DIBB PRINTING CO, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 1 Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 jn. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 tor Outside Order BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234