Henry Whitalcer, Architect, Retires Thursday, June 9, 1949 I Chieftain Urges Coalition Support At the Mackenzie riding coalition nominating convention held a few days ago tit Powell 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC News 4:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music lor Moiizns 8:45 Little Ccncert 9:00 BBC News and Com't'y 9:15 Morning devotions 930 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Coffee Time 9:59 Time Signal IP: 00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies-10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Bern ie Braden Tells a Story 11:15 Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period Kiver. tuny Mitchell, acting ""y rPhy lootball chief of the Rmilrrxl f'.iua T,.i GENERAL MOTORS GET NEW STRIPES A colorful event wlil materialize on the local sports field on Friday evening with the appearance of the General Motors football team in their new strips. When playing under the name of the High School last year the team had no outfit but played wearing their own variously colored shirts and long or short pants as they might find. This year the story is different. Sponsored by the General Motors through Douglas Frizzell, the team has been given a strip and warm-up shirts. The shirts are red with yellow collars and Yellow cuffs. The shorts are . - - . .... w.i. lint- Ian hand, nrlrlipviorl tv ' Jyjj lu Cur , ... miv utif fcate.s who were present to form ally nominate BatUcman M. Mac- ( Heavy Battery fnturn no rV.n 1 1 1 !.. ........ . .Tuna ... "j u.ii.uun -"..t aLuiiuaru- v-ai-ijij Soccer Sched Schedule fw the H,, '' footbi.li-. .... : lows: MTle u n,.nui ... . u , " "wiors. I June 13 n. 'in U . Canadian Li,,,,. M" June 27-Ht.avv R Oneral Motors. .Till.. A ..uuiaii u;iun July 8 -Canadian I,, General Motors. July U-Oeneral Mn Heavy Battery. July 15-cu,-wdiaB t I Heavy Battery. Dearer. Chief Mitchell, in a 1 ,lcuy Katiery. Cr Matthew K4um Mm, 1m. straightforward address, pleaded the Indian cause and what it. meant to his lace to receive the benefits of education, health and better living conditions. The Indians, he said, appreciated the Coalition government's forward move In granting the franchise to them and he felt this vas the lirst step towards placing the Indian population on equtl footing with their "I asked you not to engage me in conversation! wtwiui vrt.ittuutti.i. lit- uitreu Jii v m Henry WMittaker, for 36 years chief architect lor British Col- J umbia Is retiring today, June 9, j to carry on in private practice. 1 Mr. Whittaker Is well known in ! the north and In past years was a visitor to this city and district. KIN TO WORK AT BOYS' CAMP A number of Kinsmen will; CCleDiaie rauieis t-j uy uur ine nn the grounds of the Kins- j men Kiddies Kamp at Lakelse Lake, according to plans made j at the Club's regular meeting ! held at the Commddore Cafe Wednesday night, i Ten members of the Club I asked to be included in the work I party after Herb Young, chairman of the camp committee, had reported on the condition of the camp grounds. Rill Lone and Bud Timmer- melster reported on District 5 convention held in Pentlcton last month. To them the high- light of the convention was the election of R. E. Montador to the position of district deputy governor. The convention was in favor of the Kinsmen Clubs ( sponsoring the Polio Fund campaign and at a later date a com mittee Will De uppoiutcu iu " - ganize the "March of Dimes" Week which will be tied in with the international campaign. The importance of attendance at club meetings and conventions was stresed by a number ol delegates and officers at the convention and It was urged that every club should strive to send at least one delegate to the next annual gathering of Kinsmen Club representatives which will be held in Nanalmo. Guests at Wednesday's meeting were Robert Eburne ana Albert PhlUipson. coautioa:: (ir r" ra' HASE1SALL SCOPES uin i-Ktij(l J-j Ti.lt. 00 - Heavy Hat General Motors. full suppo.t. of the candidate in the June 15 elec tion. r f mm 'ways -to 'pesseti yellow. The stockings are blue with yellow tops. The goalkeeper wears a green sweater. The warm-up jackets are like what last year's softball team wore. The players are thrilled over their new strips. They appreciate the active interest shown in their welfare and comfort by Doug. He In turn is particularly interested in the development and encouragement of the younger players. All he asks in return is that they play as hard as they can, as well as they can and in the best sporting spirit. The lads will try to do so. The first came in their new outfits will be against Canadian Legion tomorrow evening in the North Star, City League Competition. The team will be: Boulter; Robinson, Sunberg, Wilson, (John), Olson, Lien, McKay, Cur-rle, Wilson (Pati, Mercer, Owens, Haugen, Simonson. Father: "Well son, what did you learn in school today?" Son (proudly): "I learned to say 'yes, sir, no, s;r, and yes, ma'am and no, ma'am. " Father: "You did, eh?" Son: "Yeah." if Select one of these modrni C; S' 4 One-Pvce Razors that -j-J blaf changing with Jupenor.hi r comfort and double-edge economy. TODAY'S StOhES National Brooklyn 9, Chicago 5 WEDNESDAY National Chicago 1, Brooklyn 3 St. Louis 2, New York 0 Pittsburgh 0, Philadelphia 2 Cincinnati 7, Boston 8 American Philadelphia 5, Chicago 2 Washington 3, Cleveland 8 Boston 2, St. Louis 5 New York 2, Detroit 3 Western International Spokane 5, Tacoma 0 Salem at Vancouver rain. Yakima at Victoria rain. Wenatchee at Bremerton rain Pacific Coast Seattle 4-13, Los Angeles 3-3 San Francisco 8, Portland 6 (10 Innings). Hollywood 5, San Diego 4 Sacramento 6, Oakland 5. MAN REPORTED MISSING HERE A report In the city this afternoon says that a man known as Edward KclLs lm beCll missing for the hut two clays In this area. Ho is believed to be a fisherman although rlrcur.i. stances surrounding his disappearance were not clear. Halibut Sa!e3 . American Pioneer, 48,000, Cold Storage. 21c, 20c and 18.1c. Canadian Brooks Bay, "1.000, Atlin, 20 6c, 19.5c ad 17 c. I reals. ""'e money. ft i' tfg I WJel I" Hondwmi Cam $StCZ& Gold-pto model in $ CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) Thursday -f.M. -4iOO Tony tne Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Wally Wioken 4:45 Outdoor Stories 5:00 The Happy Time 3:30 Western Five 5:45 Supper Varieties 6:00 Musicul Program 6:15 Coalition Broadcast 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7::j.0 Eventide " 8:00 Progressive Conservation, Nat. 8.15 Recital. 8:30 Watcha Know, Joe 9:00 Coalition Broadcast 9:15 Music in Three-quarter Time 9:30 Chamber Music 10:00 CBC New? 10:10 CBC News i 10:15 Emma Caslor 10:30-Prairie Playhouse 11:00 Weather and Fish Arrivals FRIDAY-A.M. 7:00 Musical CkkK frTM Ik i o)auwi if i Ifcti cjvfntmnt it not pwbtiifctd 01 4ttpUycf by tht Licjof Conol Board Of by the Govaramcfll of BirtrK Columbt SAILBOATS These boats are well-built and are fully rigged with sails and rudder . . . models up to 20 inches in length. "Make the Young Sailor's dream come true." Regular Price S6.75 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT $2.89 518 3rd Ave. W. 'S!8r p vl?A .r 1 r,.rji. RAILWAYS STEAMSHIPS 1 ?raVr ... I I ll:33-Rec. Int. 11:45 Famous Voices P.M. 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast J2:55-Recorded Interlude 1 :00 Intermezzo 1:30 Afternoon Concert 2:00 In a Lighter Mood 2:30 Musical Procram 2:45 Comentary Piano Tree 3:00 Musical Program 3:15 Serenade 3 :3G Divertimento 3:45 BBC News 3:55 U.N. Commentary Flo Pile Torture Now that modern cint haa tht nrw PyltoiM Trnmt. rmnn-wfir that remuvft the iniiV ru, by latrrnftl IrrtUmeiit, a liquid ly montfe), 1v marine result even with the first fertile, ir pr1r n funded at oner. Today, with I'M turn, tht toflum t ndlHM. Pytton, II. &. Ask J our druiKittt. He kuow. PRINCE s RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight PHONE RED 709 Bov.-l In Clean and Pleasant ' Surroundings . Ttd an cd nii" I:iBiti, Wsra.il! - K ' :iniiiiit 'Disgraceful' Says Drew OTTAWA 9 Progresive-Con-j servatlve Leader George Drew, speaking in Ontario, charged That the government has "handed over" Canada's largest aircraft plant at Montreal to a United States firm for a maximum payment of $4,000,000. He identified the purchasing firm and described it as a "notorious" member of a "sinister" international armament ring which had been investigated by the United Kingdom during the last session of Parliament. Drew said the disgraceful transaction was conducted by secret r.-.-.;oLiation with no hint to Parliament or the people of Canada. The air plant Is crown-owned property. Drew said that "one of the extraordinary features of this, secret deal is the fact that the rovernment knew there were Canadian aircraft manufacturers who were preparing to pay a very much larger figure for the ilant." Drew was the only one of the three major political leaders who spoke last night. Prime Minister L. St. Laurent -was resting at his home in Quebec, still suffering from an attack of laryngitis, while M. J. Coldwell, C. C. F. leader, was travelling from Saskatchewan to Vancouver. fe dmerah V?fcf "rvsp A loVllel V V, fvVt I l mm HAiiTi This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control j Board or by the Government of British Columbia. BROADWAY CAFE ft BEST FOOD BEST COOKING I 51 hQr Phone Red 400 t Wtt7Z?i TTrff W&tyA&7V?fr j iA. WW. K M W' r- TRUCKS for A .Iff""-! I i il .5 ,5 .'ft l MM RVICE Phone Green I rt) t I Tu R i b i i o i t c 1 MB Links in the World's Most Complete Travel System Canadian Pacific's 19 famous resort and year-round hotels are links in a chrin of world travel service. The baronial Chateau Frontenac .in Old Quebec ... the ivy-clad Empress Hotel in Victoria ... the Royal York Hotel in Toronto . . . Banff Springs Hotel and Chateau Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies... experienced travellers know them all. These noted hotels are linked with Railways, Air Lines, Steamships, Communications and Express to make Canadian Pacific the world's most complete travel system. , IMMEDIATE DELIVER i 16,000 Pounds Gross Rating 150 and 165-inch Wheel Base Replace That Old Truck With One of These Fine New SUPERIOR AUTO ANO BODY SE .r ... . Hi AIR LINES HOTELS COMMUNICATIONS EXPRESS ' CHINESE DISHES A S1ECIALTY FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 ' 608 West Third Avenue 1949 il lh yar to ! your Canada .. . ask your Canadian Pacific agont for full Information. Third and Park Avenue PRINCE RUPERT