This Invitation x Did Not Pay William Hcrmanson has been Ray Reflects . . . ... and Reminisce 1 1 1 1 tl i! ' Jr r AW 2 Prince Rupert Daily News 1 1 Thursday, February 23, lifu - An iiMiepPi,d nt daiiy newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon exeept Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, Brit ish Columbia G. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES ; j out of work for some time due to . a leg injury, and. as a fsherman, compensation money is not a great Mini, And on top of that, an yciazen would protest if he It's not every day a bu.y housewife has a Prime Minister drop in to suggest a little chat on things in gereral. ; " sj, ; M-25 Men', 65c .Me were invited Into a cafe for a meal by a group of slifhUy intoxicated people, and witn only a few cents in his pocket, become stuck wi!h the b'll, which By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, An inquisitive acting seagull alighted on a roof next to the News offices Wednesday and gazed through a rear window into a room where two typewriters were In action. Wonder if there isn't some way to have a gull un-a erst and what "Waterfront Whiffs" is all about. He could name his own wage scale. It took millions of dollars and forty years of agitation to build the Skeena River Hishwav and a splendid road it is great both $7.00 Men'. ,. $8.00: By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5 00, Kitchen and living costs pre handy to each other, and millions of women in England and Scotland are tully aware of it. Which way they cast their ballots in today's election will come near to dete: mining the Work I $5.75 Men's r Quid Pro Quo Now $12 50 Men'.n... ;may run into a few dollars. 1 Mr. Hermanscn didn't think 'this was rif;ht at all. So, natur-1 ally he protected. And it Is known i that a man, or even a woman, in a tipsy condition, can create quite a disturbance. It was then that two constable of the city police walked in and promptly whisked the soul to a quieter atmosphere. Nex', morning, before wo"' Plaid JaHi $3 95 Me-.-m Work P,. ' """Mil Si from utilities and scenic standpoints. Why should winter keep it closed or nearly so. It co-.ild be open all the time if there was the will to have it so. Whatever the north wins should be played up. not played down. T HIS IS THE SEASON, of the year when we-talk : I in delightfully vague terms of the value of the tourist industry and the desirability of bringing more and more tourists to our community and i district. Possibly, we are so engrossed with the ; interest in the dollars and cents that are to be derived from their presence, either directly or in- 0 It J ' Panu. hj, i Join the Na yv, and see. a, least, part of the world! Three men from H. M. C. S. Chatham : of Prince Rupert will spend the ' next few months on H. M. C, S Ontario in Mexican and Southern California waters. Riaht vnu are. mate' Getting around, before contrac'ine rheumatism, i ; permanent grouch and old n?e jpives pleasures and advantages I that are apt to remain with one. "raring, .uw $5.00 Boy,' hM, ! all shn.u $4 25 Boy.' breaker, sh,)!tn proof. Now lTS Th ;nryy MMtt..-- AAm rk. In "Are you in the Act too . . . Babe' Premier Attlee personally solicited support, making door to door calls during the campaign. Magistrate W. D, Vance, the accused, who could berely stand erect becouae of his injured leg, quietly exxplained his position during the previous niuht. Th; magistrate may have been sympathetic, but breaking a law cannot be put up with, so Mr. Her-manson was fined $10 and cost?. He was picked uu earlv th's mornine in a Second Avenue fating establishment. 12.75 Bov a. ' Officially the invasion of Ala-: ska is not intended to be taken . eriouslv. But late reports sue-re.t thnt few ve in good humor. , Who would be, if he had to aleer 3)C C hildren's S. asorled color, w 'Phone Workers Carrying On Strike Deferred Despite Age i outside in 40 below zero, even i ! -armlv clad and in frost defy- ; ing sleeping: bags. WASHINGTON, DC. CP CI O. telephone workers yesterday agreed to postpone for ixty day their country-wide strike set for Friday in the United Statese over wages, hours and working conditions. President Truman had askd that both the Union and the company agree to a iruce. SAlw rays Prompt and Courteous Classified aus It's buslneu ; Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., 'or Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Es. 1910 Phones B0 and Ct we're Here to Serve YOU directly, that we do not think too much of what we are going to offer them. The fact of the matter is that it is not difficult to get tourists. By steamer and railroad they have these many years beaten . a well-established trail here. The only limit is our capacity to handle them. By highway the tourist volume is increasing steadily year by year. So. we would say, we do not need to exercise ourselves too strenuously in our efforts to bring tourists here but should be more concerned as to what we are going to do for them when they come, to make it interesting and comfortable for them when they get here, to make sure that they will have so enjoyed themselves that they will want to return and will interest others in coming. Nature has endowed us with invaluable and unique primary attractions beautiful scenery comparable with the best in the world, refreshing weather which everyone seems to appreciate more than ourselves, the fish and the game. Those'are the natural assets upon which we have to capitalzie. Meantime, we should make sure that, instead of enhancing what we have, we do not detract from it by community untidiness, lack of development and Commodore Cafe LONDON Electors are wond erlng what Winston Church!' meant when, in recent peec he said "In my old age". Some think that if he wins h-election, he plans to guide the country for oply a limited tlmr and then turn over the leadership to a man. Churchill is 75. Anthony Eden -50, would likely be the next in line. . Churchllls words were: "Ever the wildest daydream of m youth has be-n accompllshec1 The only reason I am. in my old nee. worklne-tnd readv to ttlve all the strength thnt I pan. 1 that I fear greatly for the stat into which our country is fi Salin-Glo PRODUCTS for Wolls, Woodwork, Floors and Furniture Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. frince Rupert F, I Flowers for All '300 3ra Ave. Ej "Hospitality and Good Food"; J Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders'; 3rd Ave. David Chow," Mgr. It Pays to Advertise ! Classified ads. onng result. Weak, Tired, Nervous, Pepless Men, Women FINEST t Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality a? Coodbr to tlifa aw:si ti-ad frHna, dertaou and iifv iititT lin l afiia, ttnti biouli. (itt up faflt!ir (.wh. Ir IMvpv all ilnv. hat plenty ol ? unity lei l '. i tr fci c ru nic. T:,kr t:ev. ( iintalnii lnn, vltannfi calcium. pim-ntti'ini fur lil'xitl buililint". tux!.. tr netting nit, Mimnlat Inn. Iiivlftorata aynm; lii pro-. appetite, tlme-t.v puwer. .ws liltrt. N-w "ret ae.iuainteit wily wie. try tMtrel Tunltt "1 aple.i- i:f. p.r-PM fjelviau, Vlgur, tlilt tarjr tiay . At ail tlrUKIiata. MANUFACTURERS' AGENT Wholesale Warehouse carrying a representati?t& prorrrpt service to the trade GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. Tires, tutor hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO. Lamps only t. and incandescent, 6 to 230 volts. GENERAL BATTERY. CO. of CANADA -r- Radio : flashlights, ignition batteries. G. H. WOOD & CO. Industrial sanitation, paprtffl deodorizers. DUSTBANE CO. of B. C Dustbane, Sisal, JunKi' hotel and restaurant supplies. IMPERIAL WIPING RAG CO. and (ffiEGOK IN RADIO REPAIRS For dependable, enjoyable day-to-day radio entertainment ... let us check your radio regularly for needed repairs, necessary replacement of parts etc. Ciiaiiitrmmj) trAlRt t Alls PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY Hff WE 712 Kcrond Ave. P.O. Box 772 neglect to organize or even provide service. Things like this do not just take care of themselves. We should do something about providing better and more adequate accommodation, reception and guidance of our visitors, organization to give them a good time, tours to points of interest, making ready to handle hunting and fishing parties. . We have been doing a good deal of talking about these things but a lot of it has gotten little further than the talk sage. Nobody has been doing very much about it. Action along these lines, as we see it, is the real job kWe ought to be getting our goods ready to sell before we start advertising them too intensively. PICKUP PHONE AND DELIVER 6 NOW - mmf THE . FLEETS IN and They Love , to, Eat ot ; 4 MILLIE'S HAMBURGERS Better and Better AND Full Course Meals served 5-7 p.m. MILLIE'! m(rfrmMrt Tlili ftdvrtiimnt la not poblUhtd or alfBUjrfd by tht Liquor Control Board or by tb doiimmiit of rltUb Colamkl. " OR Ml DRUG DRUGS OPEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILTi Just off Third Avenue 118 6th St. Ph. Orders 15'ue SZi ( PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS j j EBY & SONS Contractoriww" REPAIRS REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green 83 Box 5 STORE HOURS -WEEK. DAYS. AM Ml SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS- -12 NOON TO' ' 7 PJM to B P.M An Important Announcement about Emergen': bk from 7 pm UiM Daily car delivery service from 9 am till 0 p.m ind Sund.! For Friendly Service And Advice in Your Building, Insulation and Decoration Problems BTir ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies 505 McBride St. Blue 820 s - I Will) Dins DOIIUIM TEXTILE? John h. BULGER OPTOMETRIST When the sale of Margarine in Canada became legal 12 months .ago, MARGENE was the first brand to appear on the market. At that time Margarine had been banned ' from Canada for 25 years. , There was no way of knowing what flavour and what texture would best appeal to the Canadian palate.' - v ' In the intervening 12 months, Canada - Packers has carried " on week-to-weck tests to find out exactly the flavour Canadians wish. We feel we havc'it in the NEW MARGENE the flavour and the texture Canadians like. If you have not tasted the NEW MARGENE try it now. . John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Dominion Textile Company Limited is owned by .5,980 shareholders, 95 Tcr cent of them in Canada. Every 'province is represented. Among the thousands of men and -women who hold shares, in this Company, no individual holds as much as one per cent "of the stock; Il!i!'" ' "II--. ' IVIlilllil'll. , tTJXDIH SlEAMEK PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermedial Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservation! SPREAD IT n Ht Uaif;' SERVE IT with hot vgetabttt; AKE with If, You win lilt Hi NEW MARGENE DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED 1 Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE Manufacturers of PRODUCT ; Ot - P A C K I R f PRINCE RUPERT, C AN ADA L I M I T E D B.C.