iomons minority erouos here at. 2 Prince Rupert Daily News mans in Berlin, in 1933. They also marched and praised Hitler and all hU works. home. he thought he knew at twenty, j But at twenty, he knew every-" thing. Ifs amazin hero" w many you Ray Reflects ie. even vritli-! I tS Friday, June 16, 105O 1 co!Ie;t in a hfetim ana nenwusces For Sum! Prince Rupert will have a secch3 theatre before long. If O. A. HUNTER, Mur string Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES out getting around the who'; globe. I started out as a gunners in Word War I by having as my j best chum a Bolivian. Now there i are all sorts of nationalities anil ' i this keeps up the city will be A preliminary unofficial census as chesty as It was forty years By Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; rer Teai. 00; By Mali, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5 00. the population of s,J wacn l"cle ere inree. colors on that man even P.ed count put Russians, as well as the Mni' Juneau at 5.781. HERE ARE JUs OF THE GOOD Men's Pure Wo l JACKETS blue 1 Reg l 30 00. I Now I Men's Brown nvi A .mr ... 1 I.. 1 : J ; Commenting on the tributes paid Jan Christian Smuts cf South Africa, the Liberal mem-ber for Cariboo, G?orge Murray, suggested the government should riot forget Louis Riel. How about a statue? Bjth had been rebels against the Crown. Mr. Murray forgets that Riel as not charged with treason. What- he was charged with and executed for ; was murder the shooting of a man named Scott at Fort Garry, long before the rebellion of '85. uprooted, by the revolution of , make Prince Rupert about twice t ,".; , Happy Settlement (hp s'.7.p nf J.inpan w:th n . . By ELMORE PHILPOTT ALASKA LADY WE MET AT A dance, food fit. iat)st sil IT was a mighty satisfactory thine: that the strike which threatened the lofrdne industry of British Men's WLndhr tcien.k.LS ;fipntit tP'i te.i ui tht that the ine ..... mand. we presume for something I.W.w. I wont work) . gram,,. , ,.,.. .. ... , to harmonize with a pam in the Bible speaks literal truth when - levator thrown In. , ' it says God made of one blood j neck Ex. ' all nations on earth. , . . Certainly, you just can t get i There U n0'nln6 Pettv abut Hew those wicked little teen-to know the people Of other Canada Associate Deputy Min- agers worked their fool heads lsr of Trad- and Commerce. off during the battie races without realizing how rid- i save iculous aie assump.ions of in-;Sldney Portcr- Travelling ex- Winnipeg! If there was any de-nate superiorly of one race over Fenses came before the public linquency lying around loose, another. accounts committee. He had they openly and braen!y hef- i been putting up at the Chateau lected it. Yes, sir. the yuurrg Columbia should have been averted even if it was. j the Alaska lady and I. It an eleventh-hour settlement after a final period of wag a Swedish dance, at tense nervousness. The strike, which happily is not j kh I made a little Mrs. H. B Rochester, after scendlng the past week in the city, sailed by the Prince Ruptr: last night on her return to Young Men's PANTS perfect l. ffom Men's Felt Hats top notch styles. Special from going to happen, Mould indeed have been disastrous j speech. to the whole economy of the province and, as the j Sailing for Vancouver on the Launer. Who wouldn t? Ten scoundrels did exactly that. One . . , . , , L-j.-i....! i rip wiTP nan nor re- mmister 01 larwr a. S, V OUia na e naa - Pri,, Nnrah WrtiiMH., eve- , days, in fact. Ten days at $36 would haw. wm. ,hn..-ht d its lis effect eiiet'l upoi upun The fortuitou Boys' tVIXDBRRj : l.utci CU i.1 Ull VilC CVWHUH r - - -"-"J 1 , -jv every citizen of British Columbia. attended a few weeks ning were Mr. and Mrs. J. O. -er oa- uu&wa nas not yet thing of the kind could come to we had Outcome appears to have been a triumph of negOtia- before so was sitting it out with Christie acd children. Dr. and !settIed the account, so it is quite pass, v..i.. tutj xnA ,..V,;U ?a ;v?nrr i me. We were talking to a grand Mrs. Lazarezwk, Mr. and Mrs. . PsMe its been adjusted or- uun uy Hie wuui unduuiituuaiu muii3.nw...i(, . .,,,. frnt Ttmmirl!l. ontirio u,,.!,, w, x,.. -7. vateiy. But let it be repeated' "pParP anrf A . ft shon'erpruuf, ail $4.00. Nuw J Boys' and Giris f H.tTS-better qaa ors. Sells $2 50, i Vow enty Boys' PANTS-for! ! who were homesick for their old denhurst and' W. McLachlan. , The Deputy Minister Is no piker, half million young ' Germans, I fc'l '"' -e'?t "4?t matching in Berlin the other A contemporay defines a wisa day. They praised Stalin and all Advertise through Classifieds. Classifieds bring quick rcsuU;. I man as one wno Knows tnat ne his works. "Peace and freedom" doesn't know half as much as sang half a million young Uer- scnooi wear, goo, strong. From 1 a lot of credit in the matter. With the loggers' strike out of the way, so far so good. There is still another serious strike dispute facing the country this time on a national rather than a provincial scale. This is the matter of the dispute involving the railways. This strike would be even more damaging and widespread in its effects. It is only to be hoped that good reason and successful , friend in lhat friendly northern city. But Dad s hardy No- j wegian heart had played out ; and he was in pretty desperate ' ' shape when he came to the coast i ja lew yeirs ago. In fact, the ' heart specialists had on:e given j j just one week to live. j ! Ytt here he was, beaming; i with cheerfulness kept alive,! negotiation may also come in this dispute for the j 1 thought to myself, by his wife-s ..... I.j iiadiant faith as much as any, in l- i strike, if precipitated, would be a disastrous economic :niedicai treatment. ' j i a tUR YOUR Hi IN THEIR PARTY THEY HAD blow, the impact of which would be felt by every "Flying Guest Ranch,! A Oood Place lo Stop 244 Miles to TELKWA HOTEL Telkwa, B.C. Just a Nice Day s Drive 'i.dmg. boa'jr.g, danciriK and in young ladv. strikingly beau'.i- j j ful. j ' ! She was tall, lithe, dark, with I a truly superb figure. As soon as j I saw her I thought to myself j j"what a success she would be: j as a model, or perhaps what a j Canadian. , ALASKA STATEHOOD ALASKA statehoood, desirable as it may seem and until ifli-fnnl.Vn. 4. ...1.;. 1. 'i 1 wnie, wire o-i Chas. Wilkn "0 Mile P 0 iina even lor Hollywood. ;his young woman was no injinuilJWIUUIlg rLIUlig t'lippUI L Willtn it HdS already been accorded, still seems to be faced with SHIIJGO The ideal f Shingles, Fenc rough lumber. Si a variety of q colors. Thompson Hal Co. Ltd. 4 serious obstacles and there are those who doubt that fashion folks usually' select to it will hurdle the United States Congress this year. ihow off tne!r clothes, strength ' Statehood has been approved by a large majority by ITtnttTJe SSi one branch of Congress, the House of Represent- ' Part cf her story i heard from ; atives. However, it appears to have bogged down in !!iy Timins mends, with the; .i r, . , .... . . . , ; Norwegian name. Part heard, the Senate where the committee on interior ' and j from the lovely gin from Alaska ! insular affairs is holding it up with various pretexts. 1 ht!u- I The principal obstruction, although it is kept in the ! AS ZfSl I background, would appear to be that big business fuii-biooded Eskimo, it was really! ' does not want statehood as it would affect the f "nd 10 hear lnls love!y yun ii ,j . . , , , , ... ; lacy the last word in civilized stranglehold that it now has on the ambitious ; teauty and charm talk wit.i; northern territon'. v such ease and pride of. hsr j There is every indication now that the statehood SSuie bill will get lost in a Congressional adjournment Ip&J'r1- about how nappy the. big jam and that Alaskans will have to wait another year j tlJ been' TuiT 6Vn : , iloneliness wnen she had come for the -i privilege m of p supervising the ,ii development of i south to school in Seattle. For: their own rich resources, the increasing of their ,!the first couP;e of 'ears she hafl1 population and wealth and the ability to support the ftTSuZZ i kind of government they want all of which, ; rival. Then, iinai'.y, how she had incidentally, might be very important and beneficial 'mied in t0 the r?uIar pi- ;ol American life and about her to to Prince rrmce Pnnert nupert. 'work at the hospital where she: " " " I ; H a nurse-in-trainirf!. i ; SHE TOLD ME ABOUT HER ) own fiance, a canauian war ! FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL &CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractor i'jji oping for something i Moving, Pi(kint..t Shlppin; and I Carlafe and ?K "nnrpMf l?f liable I ent Service. ! I Canadian tNjnid .4 for Oxygen. A.-ety t wcldlr ft supplies. or saving for it? Lindsay's Car Storage Lirf own, education for your children, freedom from money worries. Putting aside so much every month can mean all the difference between marking time and getting ahead. ;or. 2nd and Pai Est 1910 Phom T.S.S. STF.AMFIf That real vacation you've always wanted . . . will it be put off again this year because finances won't permit ? Or have you planned your waving, with a certain sum earmarked: "For vacation only"? A Royal Bank savings account can put you on the road to the things you want most a home of your -. . "Someday" comes closer with every dollar you save PRINCE Rlf IB WHO BUStUtSS is BAD for Cars in AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE as in anything else, you get exactly what you pay for . . . That's the reason j veteran working in Alaska on ! : construction work, but who ho-es j some day to be a dentift. I 'thought to myself "lucky fellow." j j And, whenever I think about, that lovely yotm; lady from A!-j eska I say to myself how lucky SAItS II GX3Bft 1 Vanco WATER tells the truth about... WHISKY nrr - we are to have such magnificent racial stocks on which will suie- a,nd InlcrmH Thursi at 11:15 j X. !y grow a finer race of humans, than have ever yet trod this; earth. ' I PLAY A LITTLE GAME whenever I get the chance. Just ' for fun I put a little star on an ' Imaginary map wherever I have why you're wise to bring -f . 4- FOR KETC til.--n,.i ijUt,J rrlllV l r PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH - - - D. W. G. STEWART, Monagtr For Writ' a friend in distant places or wherever I have made a friend C1TV 1 01 rKlNCij Seagram's PROMPTNESS! , PHONE 79 PHONE 79 Mm IC 99 Put Seagram's "83" to the water test. For water plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SEAGRAMS and be SUR..j of the finett your Chrysler Built car to a man who knows it best . . . Our trained mechanics have the "Know How" to moke repairs quickly saving you time and money. They use only factory engineered and inspected parts and special factory approved equipment. Rupert Motors Ud. Phones . 1 566 Service Dept. R66 Parts Dept- 83 6 PROMPYNESS in paying your bills Is important. Your retail merchants and the professional men deserve their money WHEN THE BILL IS DIE! PAY every bill within ten days after it is received and your installment accounts on the due dates. Build a reputation and a record for promptness. Credit Bureau of Prince Rupert. Pmnttanj Thl- advertisement is not published or displayed by ' the Uquof Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. .mvrnrVEB Vli HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday's t2 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. o 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENU! Sunday, 9 P m-i j. . i i .in n ra. l Tuesaay, it. ..... ... ....,..........-,. , - .- J rom snirf FOR NORTH rjv CHARIOT-'! SUNDAY, JUNE 18 O Ash Trays Lighters O Razor Sets ENGINES St. EQC1PMENT W nk niu) have for nalo riimmlin iIIisi-Ib. Simplct rim Enclnm. Flrlhl rllrl rlint plpln. Klrvlhlr rn- Mum. Tr.illlnj Piife Pwlvrtt. riilihrll .lm'k nuft PnrM. Itraxs anil Iron Ih.w Roller. PIfort Hlnr , Pin Hurt IMpi- Fltltne. HiihhltM Ihix HoMitiiK. .Iiiw Ciiitilira anrlinr Wrew Sli-H and Hra ftharttng. Bolt. mih, tiilH and Tup Hrlt'Wu. lliillltiit Side Duller A Shravrn. Anrhof flitrdv McgerhPllilik Fllit Mild Nle'el, VHrloim article of marine hardware and equipment, (no to mention. RYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Wallets. Neckties Shaving Sets ss. Camosim, I in roKSorTflfll TRAVELLING?" " For the very finest in . LUGGAGE SUNDAY JUNE 18TH ' Give Him LOAFERS FOR SUMMER COMFORT Tops in Men's Shoes ESirowmwiBodto CIIRI0TT'1 ss. Camosun, J" 10 p I FRANK 'J'j George Cook, Jeweller 537 Srd W. Box 1188 - ' Phon 284 i i prince ki- . Third Avenue