I ( i Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, June 16, 1950 RE-ROOFING? ..., huild or remodel, choose BP. FOR FATHER'S DAY ... 1 5 h I N G L E S the overwhelming St. Andrew's Cathedral Sun United Church home cooking jjiscriminui ir ly iiuiiic-urviicia, uuiiaers day School Picnic, leaves Im wts trom cousi iu luum. Rotary Called Church's Child Rev. Dr. E. A. Wright of First Presbyterian Church, told Rotary at luncheon yesterday that their organization was a child of the church. "Y0.1 don't find service clubs anywhere except In Christian countries," he said. Dr. Wrignt spoke of the good work that had been done by the club and encouraged members to continue. Prince Rupert ha3 a ereat future hp salH gnH iire,lu 7 k-the largest manufacturer of asphalt I ".i-ln ing settlements In the north of Canada. The people who went there,' he said, were Empire builders, matting the country what it should be for future generations. But, wherever he had gone he had found the greatest need was the church. He mentioned the Peace River country where the church had gone as far as the farthest settler. Dr. Wright also told of reports from his son, who had been In meteorological stations In the far north, telling how the church, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, had given something new to the Eskimos in places where they had been operating. President R. G. Van der Sluys reported 253 new Rotary clubs in 36 countries had been opened since July 1, 1949, bringing the w perial Oil Dock 1 p.m .Saturday,' June 17, weather permitting. Parents welcome. Bring, lunch and cups. dtp) The C.N.R. Magazine prints snapshots of President Donald Oordon making his recent western tour. One shows the presld- Report from Parliament E. T. Applewhaite M.P., CFPR Friday, 6:15 p.m. '(140) This is apple blossom time in Prince Rupert. Prince Rupert Is by no means noted for its orchards but the few trees that do exist here look healthy and flourishing. Eddle Davis, manager of the Commercial's baseball team, has pooled his car with 383 Taxi. He 5Vour roof with care- specify "B.P." 3 5Tl,KOl (HI VOI R LOCAL CONTRACTOR OTl DIRECT FROM have & McCaffery Limi ent at Pacific In conversation mentioned the physical assets of with Fred Parks, assistant super- land and gea that fthnnnri hpr Prince Rupert, B. C. P.O. Box 160 sale, Thompson's Hardware, June 17. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. L O B A. tea and sale of home cooking and sewing at home of Mrs. W. Faught, 701 Fifth Avenue West, June 23. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 26. Catholic Bazaar, October 4 and 5. Sonja Bazaar, October 27. Rebekah Bazaar, Octdber 18. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, November 18. (152) Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar November 8." Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 16. I O D E. fall bazaar November 23. 117 intendent of the Smithers divis-But, he stated, the greatest asset would appreciate the support of j cars or engines. Another pictures 1 it was their duty to pass on the answer in. this little box Wondering what to give him? Come in and get this magic' little box it contains a gift certificate fur a new Stetson Hat he can pick oui the Stetson he Likes. Simple, Mr. Gordon aboard the Prince menus in nis new venture. hr rawer s uay Rupert, with Capt. Caldwell explaining the operation of the ship's compass. ' Him: Football Tonight Legion vs. Battery. 7 Canadian o'clock. , (It) , (141) Miss Dorothy Kcrgin, after spending holidays here with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Ker-gin, returned last night by the Prince Rupert to her nurses' training duties at Vancouver General Hospital.' ' , Bulger's have a' very beautiful stock now. Many lovely and use- isn't it? untarnished to their children the heritage from their lore-bears. "The chufch tries to eradicate evil," he declared, "by giving communities a new heart." He said it was not enough to cleat: out the cesspools of iniquity but the hearts of men and women had to be cleaned, too. .It was he church's Job to give everyone a true conception cf his duty in the city where hs lives. The speaker told of his experiences in some places he had been stationed, many of them pioneer nf0in Pen or Set Electric Razor total number of clubs In the world to 7,073 with a combined membership of 339,500. Douglas Stevenson reported the Rotary barrel would come down the Skeena July 1 no matter what happened. The barrel goes to Terrace by tonight's train. The United States has more than 22 telephones fo revery 100 inhabitants, compared with a little more than two per 100 for the world as a whole. , ' Alchemy, the dream of many scientists of the Middle Ages that they mihgt transmute baser metals into gold, Is now a possibility through atom splitting. NOTICE To whom It may concern: Robert Brown of 1311 1st Overlook will not be respo'nsbile for any debts Incurred in his name by any person other than by ful gadgsts we never carried Ot) before. Books Records Camera Ronson Lighter Wallet Magazine Subscription or one of many other Gifts at ; himself. (Up) Geof Hill, on the staff of the ! Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative .sailed for Vancouver aboard the Prince ' Rupert last night. He will attend a Junior Chamber of Commerce National convention In Vancouver June BROADWAY CAFE Orange Ladies Enjoy Banquet , A highly enjoyable evt nine was spent by members of the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association during their twenty-eighth birthday banquet in the Broadway Cafe Wednesday night. We have received literally thousands of letters praising the merits of PLYTONB during our few years in business. Here's the latest which can be seen on demand. On April 26. 1950, Mrs. C. P. of Kenora. Ontario, wrote: "and I want to thank you for your wonderful remedy. I am like a new Best Food O 1 19, 20 and 21 as a voting delegate. Joe Lindsay left by this morning's way freight, for a trip along the Sitecna River to see lor himself what effect the high water is having on the 'highway and traffic in general. CK-k Pines inest Solos, duets and a one-act skit in addition to community sing- Cooking liner hlohliirhid thp pvpninff'si person and will recommend It to everyone and anyone. It's really worth its weight in gold." PLYTON E will please you too or your money back. $1.75 at your druggist's. Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 entertainment. Duets were rendered by Mrs Agnes Murray and Mrs. R. J 1 I Bacon, while solos were sung by Mrs. Henry Smith Jr. Mrs. J. FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 21 222 Second Ave ROTARY Skeena River A REAL VACATION AT . . . Limberlosl Lodge on the Queen Charlotte Islands For: Adults $6.00 per day . Hunting Children $3.00 per day Fishing (under 12) Dancing including meals ' -Boating For information & reservation Tennis. union steamships Swimming 511 3rd Ave,. Phone 568. BARREL DERBY MUSEUM HOURS Carr accompanied the sinsera on j the p'ano. An interesting fairy tale skit was staaiPd with actresses Mrs. A. Hamilton, Mrs. J. Haskins, Mrs. Henry Smith Jr. and Mrs. N. McLcod presenting very fine performances. Mrs. Frank Ellison led community singing on the piano. The evening was completed with card, games. A presentation was mitlc to Mrs. George Howe, who is leaving Prince Rupert In the near future. . The affair was in chame of Mrs. .A. Hamilton and the refreshment committee consisted of the skit caft. ' ' i i ' J ;i. 1 j . i ! WNDAY HtDXFSDAY TM'RSDAY FRIDAY 9'XDAY 11:005:00 P.M. 11:005:00 P.M. 1:009:00 P.M. 11:005:00 P.M. 1:005:00 P.M.T T 0 ' July 1st ' from Terrace Bridge to E. Kwinitsa sponsored by Prince Rnpert Rotary Club Edward, imonstration by Mrs. E. Abraham, Port B.C. every Monday and Friday SPECIAL 1", school children admitted free 10 a.m. . $1.00 Proceeds to Build C flf) Community Tennis Courts y'UU 12 noon RED - RED - RED A Special Purchase Allows Us to Offer These Red Calf . Pumps at Canada' I finest V-5ji jf 1 Whuky rSpJ ...... $5.95 Only ST IN A SOUND LOCAL PROJECT CH HAS BIG PROFIT FACTORS FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. Charlie Roberts Box 638 Phone 357 This advertisement is not published 01 displayed by the Liquor Control Board 01 v the Governmental British Columbia arles M. Hays Hotel PROSPECTUS AND DETAILS OF SHARES OFFERING WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING 320 3rd Ave. W Headquarters for the VIEW-MASTER Full Library of Color Reels Developing, Printing Enlarging Photographic Supplies Scenic Views Kodaks for Everyone ftistrong Agencies Jfd Avenue Phone 342 Native of ICfl iMcGILL SECURITIES (B.C.) LTD. Are You Buying a Hew Car? Taking a Holiday? Here is How it Can be Done! Order your new FORD or MONARCH for factory delivery through your local FORD DEALER "jBoIj Parker" The freight cost saved will pay for your entire trip . Fly via Canadian Pacific Air Lines and Northwest Air Lines direct to Detroit, U.S.A., and pick up your car at the factory Average automobile freight charges from (factory to Prince Rupert, B.C.) $275.00 CUSTOMER'S EXPENSES Air Travel C.P.A. single fare one way, Prince Rupert to Seattle, Wash ! $53.15 Air Travel N.W.A.L. single fare one way, Seattle, Wash., to Detroit (coach) $77.00 stop over allowed in all principal American cities Approximate cost to drive from factory to Prince Rupert, B.C. including gas, oil, meals .hotel accommodation (9 to 10 days) , $125.00 Total... - .: $25515 Your Holiday is Free-Saving $19.85 1U-K EXCHANGE BULDINO, VANCOUVER) 'LABLE FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY No Minimum Limit L. WEDDING CAKES Always Prompt and Courteous We're Here to Serve YOU Commodore Cafe To guarantee the perfct finish ing touch to the wedding, ordre your wedding cake from 'Hospitality and Good Food" iPhonc 17 for Send-Out Orders Made to Order 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr. An ELECTRIC RANGE gives YOU more leisure time I More time for other things because you cook automatically when you have an electric range. You have exactly the heat you require, automatically controlled ... and it's all kept in the range ... none to heat up the kitchen. It gives you better cooked, more nutritious, more ful food. Then, too, your range, your pots and pans, are bo easy to clean . . drop in and inspect the latest models. & m m m m Rupert Bakery Ltd. n vermes WOOD CAFE D rugs EBY & SONS LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new. home under the N.H.A. rhorse Green 883 Box 586 UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN TliE CITY the Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION SERVICE lM 0 P.M to J 39 A.M. ,cla11 In Chinese DUhe. PUEY r-TillllEl!l m Daily Delivery Service PHONE 81 ""d OrH... n,..,. ... pTiClriupCTlCsTs' flower for All Occasions i - I aim WO 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 j -ij.,, i,. D ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! j