PROVINCIAL LIS." mk VICTC?.n, 3. c. OflHES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PH0HE81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 04. PRINCE RUPERT, B C SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS E or Molotov! Is Oiestioi .w, (' x ! I Next '- '$ rc . ' ' : - , ; ST. LAURENT IS RELIEVED Terrace Asks Public Works ROCK SLIDE ON RAILWAY A 100 - foot 1 o n a rnt-kslirle Shift in Soviet Office Is Cause read Speculation Cl') Andrei Y. .Vishinsky replaced Molotov as Soviet foreign minister covered the Canadian National! Railway line at Sockcyc, 17 miles j east of Prince Rupert, this morn- j To Hear That Wheat is Not a Surplus Commodity Under European Kclief OTTAWA, Vi Prime Minister L. S. St. Laurent said last night that he was pleased to Terrace Board of Trade Seeks Eakelse Avenue Improvements Harry Bowman Speaks TERRACE This year's objective for the Terraep Rnarrl hear the United States -has not 1 of Trade will be the draining limentoius shut oi neimsmen in mtcr- r ....I.-.. 4.. wis. i-t I 1 , M iiml'i. f ill Iui L'IJn uaut iiiuu.iiti aim iturria r ueua-ica wneat a surplus com- and paving of Lakelse Avenue modity under the European re- from the Skecna Bridge to the eovcry plan. j elementary school. The survey ' Earlier Mr. St. Laurent said of the road has been completed that he was "somewhat dls- jand the job Is likely to be reas-turbed" after receiving unoffi- onably easy so a communica-cial, information that Agrlcul- tion will be sent to the Hon. E. inorianc oiiifuu hi uc-iunij;H witn me outside world, was also replaced L ing dui railway authorities hope to have the tracks cleared in time to permit tonight's westbound pas??nger train to arrive here on time at 10:45. Up to noon today there had been no reports of snow trouble along the Skecna, danger point from slides which have . been causing continuous delays of late. The rockslide covered the track to a depth of several feet and one boulder was said to be the size of a boxcar. Track crews were busy today with bulldozers and dynamite clearing the rails. NO Mire becrctary Bannan oi the T. Kenny asking for the eov- I by Ills deputy, M. A. Menshikov. I after 23 years at his job. j Until today Vishinsky had I Molotov's deputy. ST. MI K1NT ri'ZI.EI MONTKKAL I'fime Minister St. I.aurc.ri indicated today that he is just as puzzled as anybody else in the western world over the change in the change in Russia's cabinet line-up which dropped V. M. Molotov from Hie position of foreign minister. "I don't know if lie is in disgrace or is o nhis way up," said St. Laurent, who is making his first visit to Montreal as Prime Minister. MVIN(i INDKX DOWN OTTAWA The tost of living index dropped 110 of a point as between January t and February 1, the Dominlvn Bureau of Statistics announces. It is now 15fl.3 as compared with l.VUi. Ilisher fuel, light and home furnishing prices were more than offset by United Slates had declared ! ernment's assistance in this wheat a surplus commodity. matter. This ' was the decision 1 :: W y ORS I The dramatic changes arc the of Wednesday night's meeting of the Terrace Board of Trade j most important In a decade dhill I' held in the Silver. Tip Cafe with i U.t llll OH f loor I 1 "lv wwc nm.uumcu . uj Dudley Little presiding. president oi tne bupremo Soviet GREAT HOCKEY MAN RETIRES Hint In the highways report, George McAdams stated that a very good job had been done by the Department of Public Works A prominent floor of the his yesterday ; VANCOUVER, ft The hockey in a, brief statement which left unanswered a host of questions. There Is no hint as to what new Jobs Molotov and Mikoyan might be taking and there is no hint as to what significant .changes might be portended. Career of one of the greatest HOOP PLAYERS TO FLY HERE ii.mi me uuKi- n Keeping the roads plowed players, the fearless Frank i ,, , DOCTOR EXPLAINS Dr. Lucien Seieur, allied Nazi Collaborator, whose presence, in Canada was disclosed by Alastalr Stewart, C.C.F. membet of ri-igns for Winnipeg North, is shown in the study ol his I ,.Ul liomc. Dr. Seigneur denied that he ever served the C;:rjmans but said his political sym-' pathies were with Marshal Petain after the fall of France, "After all, a man is entitled to his personal beliefs." Dr. Seigneur is the sixth Franchman wanted on collaborationist charges known residing in Canada. (C. P. Photo) "M 4 llftillL. lliiUUlllg Frederickson, ended today. Hel,hp hwv ,,, ,rilpks rinr said he was retirinir as coach'. ... ..i..... Ing the worst season in history. Aiyansh Native Teams to 1c Diplomatic circles at Lake Success, London, Washing! and other world capitals are .Vm.9..w I1IMI1 4tat itui i uj Terrace Amphibian dropping food prices. AM i-lil l CAMPAIGN CAPETOWN The Nationalist Kovernment of South Africa is starting a campaign , ' " ? u . , "MN1 , ' He thought however, that the wmbia Thunderbirds in Senior Village Cornrnis.sionerS should B. hockey and from active par- approachcd to have thc ugly ticipation in the He game. banks of gnow removed from said that he 55 of was years ln the ccntre o the road3 the cssion is dis-ry of ilisplac-urope because mprtitiun. , Progrcssivc-uk, said that e "inaccurate, misleading." difference of s of Europe, I Canada. He had one doc- climifounded by the unheralded l0"1 , Sd)rcr- ,,. .,, . , , wlth his Seabrc chance Thev soeculate speculate that that 1 l . I, V amphibian of Skecna Air Trans-might be preparatory to Molu- lpfl lcrd ov succeeding Joseph Stalin or racc aUer naving bcen heW up tfri'jf Vfitliitsttf lino Knnu nlitntt age and did not have time' for business district at the very beginning and not be allowed to remain there all winter long. The danger of Deep Creek hill 4 n . City lladio Amateurs Take Part In Long-Distance Air Rescue The annals of usefulness of Prince Rupert's group of radio amateurs "hams" were enriched this week by their participation in the lone-distance rescue of a the game any more. Frederickson was a top-notcher from thc age of five when he first started in backyard rinks in Winnipeg. He ...... ,vw, ..., v.. J,cre for a wcek 0 ancount of boot In order to execute a far-1 poor vWbity between Prince reaching change of Soviet policy Uupi.rl aud tne Lilkcise hkle alr in the cold war with the west. urir. First loh Kr-hn r i.iu li pfrsoiii, the on which, during the past years there have been several lie world. He i.l diK'tois can broke into senior hockey with serious accidents, will be ning on his return to Terrace was another attempt to take thc Winnipeg Falcons at thc brougUt to thc attenUon of the provided they Tl IF. WEATI IER age oi ii anu capuunea uie ProVincial Department of Pub- i! they Rft an Into Aiyansh on the Naas River sick woman at isolated Fort Ware some 700 miles away in the wilds of northeastern British Columbia. Thy story of persistdht and eventually successful Forecast 1 two teachers for the school raicons in m-ivi wnen neillc Works with copies of a let- wt)n the Olympic crown for I tcr se;nt to Hon E T Kenney e and pass j i ii they file j n metal lie- j . uanaua in inose aays oi iwcniy and W. E. Bottomley, assistant minute pi-riods and seven-man The weather will remain mild there Miss L. Nieholls and Miss in British Columbia throughout 8. Freeman who have been the wesk-end with considerable waiting for the past few weeks, rkmriinps. Mtiwrtmt -in' mmt rm H wt'-hcrr nl ' more Yeeeiiliy u.t amateur communication began. j3IrT?3!?tC7T' whftB. - I'rwl ,XcDiiAluVrOpera tor TODAY'S STOCKS Sol station VETAFR, was listening (Courtesy s. d. Johnston Co. Ltd.) ;to his set in the early evening. j f ie picked up station VE7QW, Terrace for transportation. lc giiins. Occasional light rain ex against Communists whom it accuses of working hand in glove with Russia. Economics Minister low said lhat the Soviet consulate at Pretoria is the huh of a commuTwst propaganda drive and that special couriers leave for Russia each nionOi with rccrct documents. CAItMtWK CHARGES ANSCOMU :; VICTOK1A Charce that Finance Minister Anscoinb had witlihrJd a Si.4t)0,000 payment from his statements of -asset in Hie provincial budget was levelled in the House by Hcr-hrrt Gargravc (C.C.F.-Mac-kenie) Friday. "The budget should have shown a surplus of $IO,WI(l,fl(!0 instead of S3.-lillO.Oflll," lie said. "One payment of the share to the province wai, held hack." This had been done by Anseomb, Gar grave said, tu facilitate defence of the Ibvce percent sales tax. district engineer. , .. . Introduced by Mr. Little, Har-ray Bowman of Prince Oeorge brought the greetings of that city's Board of Trade and in his talk said that 10,00 acres of land had been cleared by land clearing machinery between pcete dalong the nortli coast. Fort Ware, calling any fellow conditions on the Naas Kivcr have been preventing lla plane from landing there. Overcast Uxlay and tonight. LOCAL TIDES Sunday. March 6, 1949 High 4:49 18.9 feet 17;3G 15.6 feet amateur with an emergency Vancouver Bayonne .06 Occasional light rain tonight tl h' r. 3 n ir i- message. The Fort Ware operator stated After delivering the school I teacliiTs to Aiyansh, Scheer will fly out Naas Itivcr native h:mlfn! h: II ril:ivfrs who nrp rnrn - and tmiorrow. Wind today, south U5 mp.h.t. Little change In temperature. I-ows tonight and Smithers and McBride during j Low :., 11:30 7.0 feet 23:13 9.2 feet Mi. I.. I ...... .r....... t)..p( Tl ..l.. l! ... ; that a woman was in great pain j at the northern outpost, suffer-I ing, apparently, from appendicitis, and that a plane should jmr here for tin forthcoming district native tournament. ano aa, Masseit jj ana i;, Trince Itupert 35 and 45.' Bralorne 8.G5 B.B. Con 03 B.R.X. 10 Cariboo Quartz L32 Congress 03 V2 Hedley Mascot , 42z Pcnd.Orille 5.40 Pioneer . 3.30 Premier Border 03 Privateer .19 Reeves McDonald 2.90 FEW WHITE STURGEON IIKISTOL, Eng., (f At a ho-1 Due to intensive fishing in Lengthy negotiations Norway, which had been milled with Denmark and Sweden in 1389, declared independence in 1814, but thc union of Norway and Sweden was not dissolved until 1905. the three years of operation at a reasonable cost. There was, however, no farm machinery to break up the land after clearing but they intended getting in some big plows for the farmers to get in their crops quickly. He spoke on the suitability aud adaptability of the Dutch settlers who had come to the district and who are very pleased with the treatment they had received here. They were an ' Mrs. Claire vcr, dclcmUna VI ir women's it cliampio-i;'ti'it in the i "f the chain-"iil by Winni-11-0, JIG clal meeting of the Canadian Canada for the white-sturgeon, Club here, II. Healey, local rep-ja slow growing, there may lesentative of the C.P.R., was be danger of the extermination elevated new president for 1943.' of this species. " Reno -052-i Sheep Creek ' 137 now clahli Silbak Premier Taku River .30 Vananda 31 P of Toi'iint,o- War Not Impossible-St. Laurent iiiml. be sent in fof her. McDonald acknowledged the message and promised to make contact. He asked the Fort Ware operator to stand by for advice on progress. Then, McDonald went Into action. He 'phoned Frank Pa.r-operator of station VE7AN.K. and juked him to try and contact Priuee .George. ;ile also got in touch with W. W. Wrathall and asked him to contact Burns Lake or Fort St. James on ills VE7LK station." Mr. Wrathall was able to reach W. S. Lake ol station VE ,7UQ at Burns Lake who. In turn;; got in touch with Fort St. James by telegraph. Mr. Leake is Canadian Government Telegraphs operator afBurns Lake. j " . ; J"imiiV SainJs asset to any community. Mr. Bowman thought that there should be an Experimental Farm here and that it should be pressed fur. ls f the men's Ken For-' wi nrray oi 1 Hwiiip.on of TOWPATH WALKS' ItAKCKMION IIONOK Should Be Realistic, Says Salmon Gold - 17 Spud Valley .07 Oils 7 Anglo Canadian 4.40 A P. Con. -,. -23 Atlantic 73 Calmont 40 nuksim; isisiijc BEING REBUILT him in the NORTHAMPTON, England W Canadian Prime Minister fii!!V.itinii tiiu -Bargemen on canals between K' ii Mere- lo H. iAMidon and ltirmingliani Dave - , christened the waterway system; M(JNTKUAL (CD LVilllO Minister St. LwiPt'llt SAVOYS BEAT BROWNWOOD S Close Battle Continues For Senior Basketball Play-off Spots Ward's Way' in honor of u - , ,n..... ii... .. ,l(,rsmi woulil lack "most elcmentarv woman with one of thc largest . i: l.i realism to consider that another war was an impossi TEDOINOTON. Middlesex, Eng. (f- Pedestrians will be uble to walk 130 miles along plcuresipic towpaths between Teddinglon Ciieklade when towpaths are restored. About 50,000 ($200,0001 Is to be spent on resloraon of lovvpalhs out of funds provided by Thames Conservatory and local authorities, the London County Council and the government. - nursing piaiLxn ......... . ... ,. i....i.i : M..I.1 .,11 c: & k :: , 4.70 j Central Leduc L12 Home Oil 1125 Mercury l2,2 Okalta 1-49 Pacific Pete 2.36 Princess : -31 Royal Canadian w .OD'i Toronto Atliona .". It HCOKKS nasi ''"illaiHi 2 -and i The nurse Sister Mary Ward, uuu,y. men: ir nu uuiun- tuat wui is 1vun.1a1.1nj iinu 1 came home to iier cotuige at am sure that, if we fyllow our )resent firm policy, we. nearby Beure stoke aiu-r nurs- (-;m avoid war," he said, "but one would have to be Savoys defeated Brownwoods bis Angelc, s 3. inn overseas during the war. lacking In ' almost elementary 47 to 37 in last, night's league realism to consider war an 1m- She treated a worker from the TT. ...... P-.nol o.lfl )in Fight Caterpillars 'vliHelior,sr. An hour and three-quarters after the original message had been received, word was passed to Fort Ware that there 'way a plane at Fort St. James but no pilot.' An hour later, Prince George reported a similar pre-' dicament. Shortly afterward, VE7AAU at Prince George "was in Indirect communication with Fort,! Ware and arrangements were - being; made to have a plane flowiOn fixture to join Bo-Me-Hl in a tic for third place in the Senior Basketball loop. Brownwoods her name became known along With Imported Wasps ! possibility." 1 Mr. St. Laurent spoke at a iKichelieif Club luncheon. He ItA Pi 1 r rv a in TINT arc still ln second place far below the league-leading Co-ops' the twisJing waterways. Wlieii; ,U),,ANNESl.tUi:G. Many; the canals were nationalized, rnilt.grwcrs and ' bec-ke epms j blamed Russia for current international unrest. . .22 - .52 'i .25 . .12 . .17 .103.00 . 1.35 .. .55 .. .59 .. 5.35 Aumaque Beattie Bevcourt Bobjo '.....: Buffalo Canadian Consol. Smelters .... Conwest Dynalda El don a East Sullivan ("UKrxi UKAHIi IN mii IU UP-NEW BRIDGES AEMENTS TLELL JOB Sister warn rcc.eiven ou.u f(.a. lhal llc thousands of para-status. Now seven major ruins, wasl)s Mnf( imptnled from and British Canals,' have en- flic United States to, attack the listed her services. karoo caterpillar pest hi South as soon as possible. BIG SKI MEET IS ON SUNDAY Africa, will eventually grow in-" to an army of hec-kiUtrs and and a keep contest is still going on for play-off position. Half-time score last night was 24 to 18 for Savoys Who kept the lead throughout the play. Mel Thompson wns high scorer for Brownwoods with 12 and Ted Arney for Savoys with 22. In the opening game of the evening Fashion - Footwear trampled High School 'M lo 18 God's , Lake . .42 ! lruit stingers. .' Old Country llardroek .:. -15'4 Hritih Columbia for the year 10, ly Ho11- K. C. Carson, minister of public iislatuie yesterday are substantially Harricana 07 & Such fears are groundless, said an official of thc Department of Agriculture. These insects, he said, resemble the Football REVELSTOKK, World skiing records may topple Sunday when some of the greatest lleva 09 M: tangle on uie Wggcst jumping . ,i to forge out ,. ,.....,.., further ahead ,.j in IS'H't f.r tlie coming year is SM(oj Bombers Bid For ,t Star Varsity Man V TORONTO, )-Bob Master-son, who last year coached the University of Toronto to Its first football championship since 1936, ls considering an offer from the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. The Bombers offered him a two-year contract at $3,000. a figure which the .University cannot match. ( wasp only in appearance, and .do not have the same, habits or : appetites. hill in North America which was recently rebuilt In honor of t.lip m-psil. .vniirkii:ni Npls Ni1!- the Intermediate League where Merchants, High School and , vinclal highway generally, rroni plete reconstruction of the Port , Clements - Tlell Highway on son. The ski hill ls guaranteed Morgan's arc still battling for safe for 300-foot flights. ' Vy -position. Half - tune Peter Ilugstead. Norway 1948 score was 20 to 6 for the shoe- Scoltisli Cup, Fourth Koiind Hearts 2, Dundee 4 Hibernian 0, Kast Fife 2 Rangers 4, Pal t ick. Thistle 0 StcnhouKcinuir 0, Clyde 1 Scottish LeaKiie. Division A Albion Hovers 2. Aberdeen 1 ,,.it vu fI1 1 1 1 1 1 I .: 1 1 :i I k Dost They are only .a quarter to a third of an inch long, and it I will take years to ascertain just I how effectively they arc at-t tacking the karoo caterpillar. The reasons for importing these insects, It was stated is ""t'S $ir,,(M)o Queen CliarlotU' Islands and. as $l!t5.(mo. 1 an nounced yesterday, re- IIosco 2717'2 Jacknile -04 Juliet Quebec .36 Lake Rowan 08 Lapaska 05 Little Long Lac 73 . Lynx 12 Madseu Red Lake .2.57 McKenzie Red Lake .... .42 McLeod Cockshutt -96 Moneta - -43 Negus ..- -. 2.24 Noranda 54 50 Louvicourt 26!2 Pickle Crow .................... 2.05 ..Regcoiirt ......i.;........u.. .05 San Antonio 4.00 Senator Rouyn :. .41 U) icrpiu,, 'construction of the highway $135,000 y'ar. was wm I rlm' Rupert l Port . Edward and a section of the OLD Basketball Olympic jump chump, tops the men. Sharpe led the mgn list which includes top jumpers School scorers with 8 while Oill ol Canada and the U.S. ' was high for Fashion with 12. . j Don Forward and Fred Cal- LUXURY AN ENEMY J derone shared refereeing duties LAMBROOK, Somersetshire, and it was also made known Eng. (M "Comfortable arm- with some gratification that chairs' and sofas are the great- Johnny Comadina would be back est enemies of old people, said on trie Senior League floor again TIMERS ''('nun ce ",i;ilwuy U1C vicinity oi iviu-' vole tl I- "s, wanga west of Hazclton. that, he natural parasites vvhiel (originally police! owing to snow Scheduled for November 27. , att ack the eaten pillar are no work properly, and Morton ' 0. Falkirk 1 (originally J'"'"? , , , for . Jainun i.,, y 5oi 29) ( j the pest is increasing. The uara-scheduled dmonal pn. (An nther scheduled games' cies of caterpillar insluding th v'ay uii(irt. i ' Bridges expected to be built TONIGHT AT 7:15 Ladies Old Timers vs. Dom's Men Old Timers vs. All Stars Only Rush Seats available 50c Come Early o be sure of seat as ,v,u&mgs in Skeena ridlnor durintr the -..uuucea npnrl 1 hv r. ,1 , , wiuuig year inciuue xrorpuyiji 73, on his next week in his aruiterlai Creek, $50,000, and Skeena sus nostponed due to Scottish Cup' cutworm, the bollworm and also Alderman J. C.J.ane play1 .Mi!-' , the common meal moth. j golden wedding auhl n,)rth h- vcrsary. capacity. anspro- pension, $150,000. ; : i -. ' f