3 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 2, 1950 Hoy Russ i Kallon I Apple. 20-oz. tin. 2 lor .. 4802. -. Canned Prints Pineapple, crushed . - -fJj Pieces, 20-oz ""'?; Aoricots, 20-oz Mied Vegetables Diced Beets, per tin .... i?ARKETS i Thomas Gosnell Chief Councillor Thomas Gosnell has been elected chief councillor of Port Simpson for the coming year. The council, recently elected, consists otherwise of Alfred Price1, Robert Sankey, Charles Dudo- Cherries' ancv 20-oz S-X-rzi TJ I. . .. .kU. H'Pure. lb ' Shortening ' ' Suao Soap, face, bar .., -.aunarv, cane t ior . Soap Powders, large Isaac Sanke, - v NOW AVaji L00KtUli. NEW Rvn white: 2 uOLD SEAL Ciair f it-' 1 Ch.-rries. y2 ib. pkt. . ! Coconut, lb i Almond Paste lb. . Fruit Cake Mix, lb. 1 Dates, fancv. 1 lb. ckt Seedless Raisins. 2 lbs. 1 Seeded Raisins, 2 ibs. . i Shelled Wamuts, V2 lb. .. Shelled Almonds. 6 oz. ... 1 Shelled Brazils. 6 oz 1 Shelled Brazils. V lb Jams : ar Strawberry. 24-oz. Ra" 'Perry, 24 oz. ... ' i Blackberry, 4-lb. Cherry, 24-oz. IT I , mi... , ZL wax Beans, choice -2M us carrots PumDkin 2 for .Z J Baked Beans, 20-oz7tin7Z RakpH Tlponcs ISjl; tin no 1 " - Tomatoes 28 oz. ...21 Quart 25 Pint 13 Cream. V, Dint r) ten 1 Medium cartons 53 Pullets, cartons t2 if utter j First Grade, lb. .67! ' Maruanne. lb 33 t heese Canadian Cheese lb. 53 . MMt . tvaporated Milk. '-"-. tins, i lor J3 Case .7.50 , flour Pastry Flour. 7 lbs. ... 66 Flour, 49 s. No. 1 hard I Wheat 3 60 Flour, 24 's 1 Hi . ca and Co' (p. i Coffee lb 62 82 Tea DeLuxe auantitv lb ....1.05 jDltCI ' Orange Juice .29' Blended 33 iililUrll Ult ... v ly Tomatoes. 20-oz. ea. . 28-oz. 24 Blindmon's Bluff. ilili vou PROMISED CN X i I BENDED KNEES THAT I fS TOU'D WORK AND '3lJ ' Even Prize Fighters Do DON'T) 1 GET A KISS, L, T? V ' lit .J Tt (motk Miithcv A Jan itnict, Imc. : ''I'U phone the mald- . MISSOIRI FREED NORFOLK, Va. The mighty battleship Missouri was pulled free of a Chesapeake Bay shoal .vesterday at 7:16 a.m. Iu the Supreme Court of British Columbia ' . In Probate ; lu the Matter oT the Estate of ,7 THOMAS KINO and 1 In the Matter of the . - "Administration Acf TAKE. NOTICE that by Order of Bl .Honour Judge W. O. Pulton, made the 19th day of January A. D. 1050. 4. was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Thomas King, deceased, ;iat of Massett. In the Province of British Columbia. .ALL PARTIES having claims against the. said estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 15th day of March. A. D. 1950. after which ;1a(e elalms filed may be paid with-! out reference tq any claims of which. I then had no knowledge. ALU PARTIES Indebted to the said estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to hie forthwith. DATED at the City of Prince Ru-:ert. In the Province of British Columbia." this 20tb day of January A. D. 1950. .' ' , Gordon P. Forbes Official Administrator , Prince Rupert. B. C. (28) - ' f ' " ' Oh, THATS JUST ) r a,' MAPPy TALK A THEVDO ' - - (PHWSnjFP SEfflOUSLV ' $fj' ' I .59 Cottaee Roll, lb. 72 .29 Liver Sausage, lb, .53 M Fresh -Pork Ham. lb. .5 Fork ChoDs. lb .68 .38 Pork Sausaee. lb .... .: 62 .41 Steak.. T-Bone. lb. , .30 Steak, round, lb. .... !7Z .75 .38 Pork Tenderloin. Ib , 9b .29 Ham. ree. lb .70 .24 Boloena. lb : .- 45 Weiners ........ .48 .24 Garlic Sausage, lb. . .58 3i Bacon. Dkg. v? lb. .... 50 ! (There mav be variations in 10 1 Prices in various stores depend- ""fiiiici. .ouctiai or 38! standard aualities "are listed.) 11 youi subscjipUon. is Hi arrears ..d you do not receive your paper, p 1 e a a e . do not ulame the publisher, the new., boy or the post office. Ji:f do a little straight talking U yourself. Co-operation of sub scribers In this :egarrt wouk be appreciated, it woulc1 a a lot ot trouble and every body would oe nappier. Sub scriptions ari payable in ad MtlCt It Pays io Advertise! l -Jalli News -By CHIC YOUNG : ! I X COulDim't 1 ' rtTf THEM 3 U s , BECAUSE I ? . fe j CERTA'NLV BALL O PIPE hi; F'RS" up ;m rut LOCKER 1PLANT PRICES Premium Sidtf' Bacon, pii-ce Ib. 80c i Premium side bacon, sliced one-half pound 4 45c; Weiners lb , .......... 45c Premium Hum regular half or whole lb. Picnic Hum hockleas lb 57c Picnic Ham regular lb '.' .'. 43cl "oiuc eausage lb 55c i-ouage roll Ib 80c Fresh leg Pork one half or" whole lb. .60c' Oxtail lb Ox heart lb Ox tongue lb. . . . . . . Tripe bleached lb. .... 7 Trlpo rnw lb Beef Kidmyst lb. . ' ' Turkeys lb. from 45c to Pucks lb ' i Cieese lb. 1 Burns Oven reiuly Fowl lb. . . Bums Oven ready chicken T2c R,ld 80c: pork R.bieu n, :::;: 25o " Spare ribs lb 55c Pork Chops lb 5c Pork Hocks, lb. 33c Pigs feet . 7 2 lbs 25c Pork Sausage Swift lb. . . ... 59c Pork saURHne Oalners Ib. . '. 55c Smoked black Cod Ib 38c Small Red Spring Salmon lb. ! 3c Red Cod Fillets lb. ... 34c Ling Cod fillets lb 35o Sole fillets lb 390 Oysters One-half pint 7 . . . . 46c Shrimp ment one-half Ib. t5c -'til lull Avenue I'llciile Keri :4li7 VANCOmi. VICTORIA SEATTI.K Sunday. 9 p.m.. Chik-otin Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE 4irjl, STEWAUT AM) POUT SIMPSON Sunday, H pm. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chileolin, Feb. 3 and 17 10 p.m. FOR NORTH (U'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chileolin, January 20 10 p.m. FftANK J. SKINNER Prince Ruoert Aurnt Third Avenue Phmic Mm fresh fruit Jjiumcsf Oransies ... . 1 -i'i "II i.jii.'i'.as. ,lo Apiiii-s, cooking, 31b 25 I;ncv Macs. 3 lbs 29 i ... Ktit;e (jai. aoz. .78 Oia,;iriruit 3 for .29 i-i-a ixsaveii . rHes -2-.o .25 eiiLlaojt s L.'c;f r.- lb .10-.13 i i.;;-a;D. 2 ID ........V.." 1 utj.s, bunch JO i'Argit v. bunch Oo .15 - i." i. id. cello lS ouncn Ou I ...u.A.. oo.li. io b'5; i-i-.i.t i-fituce ....... '.13-.18 : (.' in unions. 3 tbs 29 1 t .tui.iiuw er. io. . 15 ioIUUks. Colit. lb. . .25 .'.iu..:e lb ..... .07 1 .i-.i.u. .1. .U. I 40 .33-Jdi -,. 1 J io .47 '- iu ... :ii . t'.uttie iVlurrow, lb. . 07 . io. , ''ac.-'ccl V. Kt-ialilCS iJiii ..i'lckles, eai . J. 65 cuuoreen xieaiis. fcv ....... 17 . .) f't'.,S. iaUCJ - . .. .c;,die r IBl-FOPE WE WEPE MARRlEDj . - 11 yuu bAiU MY SLIGHTEST TT vvish WOULD B6 VDUF? LUMMANP I wondep 1 ; J IF PLONDIE i GCtfl I . 15 STILL SOPE )C?- a fe3 'AT ME ABOUT -T pa tt LAST NIGHT! J ; , ?( V llllll PEOPLE K SMALL r-C T (N V-3 HOW CAN - MOW DO I HAVE VOL) WANT f THEM?) OUR EGGS JjliJl!ljtiitiii, ... .if THINK x . ' husband ) OUSHX TO fST fiW BE ABLE ynifT) '. r SHAKE HANDS . ttillCT-lW . -One blanket on keep you in "Ju R;f comfort all niehi k-no mauer howcolj That's the imazing fait? u-c Automatic BUika. On chilly nighuiooi the luxury of getting bed with the afe, I)lanket...the you the warmth you e: weiahe you don't wim. Come into our itort J on display. Three mm from io uV shades, all bound edga GENEL' EIECTF AUTOMATIC I. DOUBLE BED- one control . !. DOl 111 R l!i:- two control ... I. TWIN KKD one contrr.l .... NORTHERN POWER CO L Bfsner Clock P -Nothing Behind The Ears! Carnation tApkes Tud$c Super-fmcoth, Super-Cream.' yu won't be home for dinner." ; ' I EDMONTON YOUTH IN WORLD FORUM Selected as one of the twe Canadian students to represent the Dominion at the World Youth Forum in England, March 10. Oakley Dyer, was selected by the United Nations' 18, is a resident of Edmonton. It's buoiress wise to advertise can't make You, smoother, cream ier fudges no matter what you use! Thanks to Carnation, this recipe requires next to no beating is the easier way to make luscious, mclt-in-your-mouth fudge. Liovxl country milk with part of the water removed that's Carnation Evaporated Milk. Undiluted, it is heavy enough to whip, so you can use it instead of cream in cooking. Mixed half and half with water, Carnation gives the consistency and fixid values of good whole milk, for every whole milk purpose. Try Carnation in your cooking. "from Contented Cowt" in. Nbl, POOl .1.7 vo"'" utltr fT- - v'oZ"'s p form mow. in t. : rais,, IVlDHDlTfO Milk "arcs. i .... .45 45 M 4 .... M .26 A'i 35 35 42 .59 .4b .8'i .54 Peach, 4 Ib ....... .83 Apricot. 4-lb . 79 " souns Canned Souos It to .2P Meats i Turkey .65 Oc' Rnnstina Phllrpn Ih 62 Ham. boned and rolled, lb Bacon, side, piece 85 It! -WriiinTITFrnrr:i SwONTVOUA (NO I even Shake ) Sxs- T$5N HANDS ? rfcM -- S LEAST i- r-T &ErJ TO F 1 HAD N E THEN GLASSES. I'D J; --JUSTLOSE V(f- - FIND li! : ." 1 . ii: ! few" I'LL HAVE ADDV l(SCRAMBLHO HEN ;st T b- NOW WHO CAM THAT BE, KNOCKING AT THS ( VOU NEED . GLASSES. DAGw 7 I 1 He's Not Out of His Shell Yet! For Expert Watch & Jewelle ' Repairs See M&MSON'S F FRIED. V ( D0nYcOmijs BLED, 1 f ME BY NAMING :D, J-' v N.vE JUST IED-)- r-2 Hi laor., 3, n.C( ? Your Friendly Jeweller rd Ave. Box 998 Green h a una r.. ' .o iWfrn. A.U000'; Z0" 'Eft coo but,... 7 "ltd) - . ,-"pnuti m ,'ca tun iv,."" ne a,f.ij" - THIS MORNINK DAGWOOD? iiii'-iiiiiiililiili1, Ji-4- SO I TOOK Mv SKAr?.kTv AND AVIr IV TU Fi?FDf 'i AND our., vMHi i t nil VJI1H IT " He TCXX it .;ND fi Cy 1:3 !1v Little Yak Off Big Clack? TASTY & ECONOMICAL w mi 1 . r nnmriiTiirrTTT i :jlliIHlir j J l"l;lllll'l"MI" 'and tmeni) d;:;: I (do you suppose) 2 ' LET ME TELL S Tj!1 &wi f IT'1 BECAUSE p.SV OJ WHAT J h MOTHER jfrXS ahfTepItt.) 15' ?y CSJ 5 sK For Lunches or Cold Plate Supper MAPLE LEAF Bologna IS HARD TO BEAT -or Quality and Savings Buy Bologna by MAPLE LEAF A I I3 rT-1 rr.m . r.11 'wi ur CANADA PACKERS LIMnw ';' in - ii1 iix I I v(w??v,(;j.t;.7..,.'-iu'f ""!J i i i It's That Man Again! Milium1" KilH(li!lll'in lJf YfS NOPE, V F l( NOTHING iM SELLING p ' VtqDAY ''illlPTWl h VOU l DN'T 1 M. . i think it was a 7 going to be j ":,Vthat easv. w iii Albums CLASSICAL,' CHILDREN'S and POPULAR ALBUMS See them today at Cth; -A GC. SIR--- - 3D DAVJ See Us First FOR BOYS WEAl SNOWSUITS PARKAS JACKETS and complete outfit the school boy -- I ! n . . - BACK DOOR? A IKE SPORTS SHOP 622 3rd Ave.