- T '"' Prince Rupert Doify New Thursday, February 2, 1950 . FILM. VlEWEl? ' j Jack Martin b: U.i provincial ( ' jBY ENGINEERS.. 'department of public works at Indusli'ii.i T rtturned lhe Cily m ! An iaxi j .-,..( ive filni - j was shown as a prelude to the ., the Prince George yesterday or. : 1 regular meeting of the Prince his way back to the interior afte- ' ' Rupert local ot the Inu-'riitiUoiia. f. rin Q Vancouver. CHIROPRACTOR ! SAVOY t - School Inspecor Joseph Chell w. D. Vance, H. F. Glassey ar.a union of Operating Engineers 1 . . returned to the city on the Prince H. F. Robins are leaving at the Friday night. Viewed by the 3 1 In nltri r r Piiiaon refrain fr'.. .'. 1 0TEI John F. L. Huebes, D C, Pb C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOIKS 10 .30 a.m. to li:30 p m. nl J to & trip to end of the week for Vancouver members in attendd'ee, the filn. irtUin? P '""7' mion 4 minimum ;Gefjre Vrday from a i;lassie?: c, J. rards oi Thanks. Death Notices, 'Ocean Falls on omclai business, to attend a convention of police was screenea oy member C W. L. WOODS, ProD The Catholic Hall card Party i Ipecial display, double price f HONE 37 P.O. BOX 1337 magistrates. James L. Lee returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Mrs. LOST FRASER STREE i., - j FRINGE RUPERT t' on Feb. 2 has been cancelled. (27) T. A. V. Tremblay of the Columbia Cellulose Company re- Monday and Friday. 7:30 pin lo. , ibose unable to come Sarins the J day. RECEPTIONIST In attend-I uice afternoons. J EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green 883 Box 5i D xnd Mrs- n-.r- t.nf5T Wallet aboard Port Ed- Young. Chairman was presides L. Stevens and other executive members present were S. L Peachey, recording secretary;' M B. O'Toole, financial secretary and Victor King, vice -president Following the film, union oust ness matters were taken up. t - . Ciassirred Ads. Oct Results. ACcitLst m tht OixV.i ! . iep u Sim ward bus. Fmdcr nlease turn , 11 U turned to Prince Rupert . by Lee WUI De returning later. in to the Daily News. Red 997. , ,, . plane Tuesday after a business visit to Victoria. H. Lynum and H. Reed of the timber department of Columbia Z 'si Pen. be- nlease return iff ' (28 1 IEUSONAI Col. A. H. Tavlor. citv nolle. Cellulose Co., returned to the FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING For Your Interior Painting and Decorating Call SPENCE & MATUIK Phone Blue 215 233 1 1 Street L SOTM'K SPECIALIST-Oil cialist. Service n t. Ron.son. 900. Hn'a" RemlrVland Mr8' Tavlor. returned to the city on the Prince George yester-Ptione Black city on the Prince George yester- day after spend'? the past fev , (3-ii dayafteratriptoVancouverand weeks visiting lc Vancouver. the citv jues- ; elsewhere in the south. ' PM1MBINO and Heating - I Sheet, Metal work. Phone 543 Mrs. K. E. Birnie, who has been KJiBLXnlS sWeSt(tV, on a trip to Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Prince George Robert Dunlop road sunerin-tendent of the Provincial Department of Public Works, left for the Queen Charlotte Islands by plane yesterday on official business. vein 7 months, ,i lit Mrs Flor- 'rtfh of '9.10 10th! anon Basil t chin"'1 "t. vbru.irv 3rd. In-1 lw i Fairviewj undertakers in oocmenis. i BABY REQUIREMENTS O Wide Mouth Bottle Screw on Nipple Side Feeding Nipple Snow Suits to Clear Mr .and Mrs. William Leask of Metlakatla are sailing tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Announcements I Civic Centre Bridge February 10th. Lutheran Trea nnc Home Cooking Feb. 11th. , Canadian Legion Card party February 15. H)R RENT yesterday and will pay a visit here 1 rw-fnrA rrfp(rHrff in Viol- knma In FOR RF.'NT- P!n"ln room cloe ... In. for resocctible lrl. Use of Smithers. kitciien if neressar-v. Will also tap 'hildren into home. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McRae Mr. and Mrs ij L. Dale, who have been spending the past OF THANKS (28) coup o mo.unS u. c uc ,c- Blue 885. Phone returned to the on the lite stork shoppc . . ' turned to the city on tne frince FOR RENT Electric ro-table !rl""f rge & George yesterday. Mr. Dale, For Complete Sheet Metal Work o CALL ' BLACK 884 o 9 SERVICE O WORKMANSHIP Cs DEPENDABILITY THOM I SHEET METAL LTD. hank our friends of v fXHi-essinns m our recent 'nal!v Rev P. , hjs i-oinlortiiiK Mrs Friiser who lullv. Sundal :ilv sewins machines ss.uu a nu.uunmi;ui.iiiiiinuuin month. Call 804 SUieer Sew- places visited were Duncan, Van- Blue 810 : 303 3rd Ave. who was 111 during a large part of the time he was away, is now much Improved. iilg centre. t" couver Island, where Mr. Mc- Card tournament, Catholic Kali, February 16. ' Boy Scout Concert, Civic Centre, Feb 17. - . j Rae's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. FOR PENT RIppoI"" room ot ! McRae .reside ,and Portland, Ore-board and room. Phone Black gon enjo;f gkUng 0 Mount iHood. ' i AIR PASSENGERS j Shrine Band Concert, Civic Centre Auditorium, Friday March-3rd at 8:15 p.m. Tickets from is time to thank or their thouaht-:wmv kindnesses m mv illness. Sundal PHONE 363 For Estimate! and Supplies t WANTED WANTED 1!)30-35 Model good condition, tor cash No 646 Dailv News ! From Vancouver (Tuesday)' members , Canadian Legion Easter Sale A .M. Smith. T. A. V. Tremblay, C I . April a 5th. 'Knutson. ! V,fVl.J., ei inrii i- Car Box (30) li; S.U.E MINERAL ACT KORM F (Sm-tinn iM (d).) MITII t: OF APPIJCATION FOR IIKTIUCAIK OF IMPROVEMENT 10 Vancouver icuucfluoj; St. Peters Spring Sale April FOR SALfc Mrhpp table and ; ind liirue corner m after e W.J. Irwin, R. Butler, J. F. Know- Mlnerul Claims: His Hull; Rnll No. I; Hull No. ; Bull No. 5; Jean -20. Mitchell & Currie Ltd. illicit. es. To Sandspit (Wednesday) R Kituate In: Atlln Mining uivision. Where situated: On the north FOR SALE Oil Burner with oarts for coal and wood. In verv eood condition. Blue 393. (28) Builders and Contractors KNOWN NAME-ipeeder Shovels itiii.es; Auam s: Littleford Bros, i side of the Taku Rlrer, near Tulse- Dunlop, quah. B C. Lawful holder: The Consolidated Mininn and Smelting Company of m illii a . Hoad Maintenance j Cnnada. Limited. LAND REGISTRY ACT j Certificate of Title No. 32110- Number of the holder's Free Mln- . RE: FOR SALE At far less than New Cost A practicallv New, 134!) Plymouth 4 door DeLuxe Redan. Completely eauipoed Phone 211 or eves. Black 248.; Take notice that James W. Don- 1 to Lot One (1). Block Thirty aldsnn. of Trail. B. C, acting as ag- MVen 1371. Section Seven 7). Ci 0itn uiamsnei t Rock Grapples;: ConiTPte Mixers; ft Trucks: Nelson ipr tor Stockpile mi'val: Rice Port-m-al Piimos; Na-Ine St-raners jnd cnt for the lawiui nomer lnwnas. i f)i ty of Prince Rupert. Map 923 WHEREAS satisfactory proof - of I the raid of 60 days but not later I than nn venr from th date of this FOR SALE 1940 Ford Couoe r.otics. to apply to the Mining Re- loss Qf the above Certificate of Title, EL n,.t iivi. fionr conrt Hon. SBUU. corder for Certificates oi improve of. Levi Free Natlona1 All eei Issued In the name stad. has been filed Rooill 9. Kina Georee Hotel, ments for the purpose of obtaining ittii. Natir.na: In this office. A0 FURS above claims. mills National Kt.il ITown granui vi me notice is hereby elven tnat I snail ru and Cnnvvurs. ; - 1," mot"n. t the eiplrauon of one mom from under section oi uie m...- - Ion ,.hii here- Mule Duonv please eral . KDR SALE Act", must be commenceo ur- Provisional Certificate of njtum trorn" Na-ilwrv Co. Ltd, H C 'tfi i2i Phone lied 554 fore the issuance of sucn cerx.- n Qf .lQSt crtincate, ficates of improvementti. he mMnUme ,Blld objec- Dated this aand day of Bept. A. D. writing. 103 DAYS SUPPLY 104. .. .. riATKn at the Land Reslstrr Of Guard yur ildr ti"t Vi""' A" l.tici.ncY -l "' wdi.liy-IP'v Viti ;a " pltm.M. e ln!rr.iieal un.U t Vitamia - "James Wilson Donaldson" BILL SGUBY fice. Prince RupeH, -B. C. this. 18th day of January. 1950, A. D. .' t j FOR SALE British Indian Rub 9' X 14 b(iv-e OrtKinal price 400 will sell for $150. A Wilton 9 X 11' 6" Original price$2!)8 will sell for S12o. Both have tutderl -vs Les than a year ,.ia r,l-7th W. Phone P"e JAMES W. DONALDSON AOFNT FOR THE CONSOLI Ml -Now unnalnted drawers sliirhtly St-wnie Machines: Bund condition new luteins tacks of other articles, l'sihlc nrices. B. C. Black 324. Uf) Andre Thompson DATED of Titles (42 AND SMELTING COMPANY OF Deputy Registrar CANADA, LIMITED. (30) ' " " r. , JT7Z ; ' -" '' 1 j mrTYhi I nrni nnpri'Q stints I mm shoes Entire Stock of Men's on shoes now t-V OFF vtr 11 All Stock 2000 IPaiirs of m LacSnes Sho ladies Fine m Men's and Children's SOX All Sizes ; HOSIERY LADIES FINE. Entire Stock HOW 18 OFF A -i'f-j All M 3 yP Hi ALL SLIPPERS NOW OFF v3Z See These Sale Bargains TODAY 7 All Ladies Shoes Not Included in 2 for 1 sale 1 1 1 1. BAGGAGE Twin & Single Sels How 15 OFF " 1 1 &6 3RD AVE. nrn "it A B BOX 71 J-lW "