Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 2, 1950 i fer vs. Thom Sheet Metal. i Feb. 17 Thom Sheet Metal vs j paramounts, Leftovers vs. City j Transfer, A. E. Smith vs. Clove-- j House of Davids Rank Pros -iManager Tells About Outfit or y leafs. Gyro vs. Mugwumps. f Feb. 24 A. E. Smith vs. Mug- : r ,. cvro, wumDs. Gyro vs cioverieats, Lett- Wnen Prince Rupert's amateur basketball nkv- office of the Daily N-,vs by 4 p.m. the day previous t advertising. Requirements of the mechanical department make this rule necessary. - I- - "mJ - I over vs. Thom Sheet Metal, I ers met this Week with those fcflirv Hnuci nf navirla! . city Trans- Paramounts vs City Transfer. ;t waR nQ mea ansateur v , . jousted. The Davids are rank; professionals. T h e y j tret trood Hav for their sprvifpa nnrl M eot1rprn witK wK,l, fwl about the fact that the! sect maintains its famous! j' beard. The other have just cut-.; tlvatd their beards to. keep ia the House of David, style for j membeis of the sect never Fhave. Anderson took, time out dur- Ing his visit to Prince Rupert to call at the Daily News office where something was exfacted from him about the House of David sect and his own career as a member UMreof,,..'. George and Coluny George, although lie has ac- quired, a typical Yankee lingo. feel like a louse, am I?" is. an. Australian by birth. His;ouy E. smitJi. 1l0sw. Clover-. i Gyro. Para-,CiiyTran- Kames U MounK iion of !Ia frani's BALL'S lishinq lCrt Florists I I Occasion )LF.R'S STUDIO Kiila'tim lken at Horn-0 216 4th 5' PhBT. B O rs our FIRST THDAY ! ! I,i Oltlirate Offrrins Vou i0 OFF Did REPAIRS !)KUARY 6th in i k mi RADIO (LINK lory Service V. Itlue 9!)2 Mungwumps vs. L,eitovers, rara - i mounts vs. a. e. fimith, clover-1 ; leaf vs. Thom Stieet Metal. I ' " Sunday j .Jan. 29 Pr. Rupert Plumbing, vs. WE.A.C, Savoy vs 99 Taxi, Royal Hotel vs Grotto, Commercial Hotel vs Liquor Control Hoard. Feb. 5 - Savoy vs. Royal Hotel, Liquor Control Hoard v.s W E. A C . Pr. Rupert Plumbing v.s Commercial Hotel, Giotto vs 9'l Taxi. r'eu. 1299 Taxi vs. Pr. Rupert Plumbing, Commercial Hotel vs Grotto, Liquor Control Board v.s Rnyul Hotel, W.E.A.. vs Savoy. m K not0? 654 ?15 w mWm m I Tkti 4vmutimm n Ml pwbiittvnl or diiyd by tK LicpM Cnbl Botfd m by tk Government I Bn,iti Columbia Pf9 "I'm not making you lie ever had a luiicut or a shave until he was 32 years of ag1? and, when draftta into the United States Army, took wKh him a shock of huir exttncli.-ig. to his waist and a. beard about the same length he now wears. 'Chi was to precipitate a cn.-is witb the b'ass hats later on tor Georne refused to part his hirsute appendages, and on- ly allowed Uie Army to give rum. a close shave after hk hair at- traded the attention of the uhilo hp on in- spt ction parade and . they or- Anderson makes no bones House of David religious barnstorming basketball and baseball teams for the one pur- pose of publicising a religious colon." which, I.r explains, be- uevw, ni Dotn the Old Testa- ment and tlie New but holds i especially that man could be an eternal being physically right in this Vale of tears. Further the of Davids are also strict vegetarians for they In- terpret the sixth command- ment "Thou Shalt Not Kill" literally and they eat neither meat nor fish. But aii seven House of David j basketball stars are by no ; means members of the Sect, They are straight paid basket players- ail except Anderson iiim elf, he of the luxurious r- "7 - ROYAL ciered him to have it all of fellows. , gi tu eonscienfious objector's, Feb. 13 J. C's No, 1 vs Odd-camp. Inducted in 1942, George fellows, J. C's No 2 vs Ambassad-was an instructor with ord- 0rs, Crescents vs Can. Legion nance for the duration. Imme- philpott EviU vs Commercials 'diately after demobilization, he wood3 vs Coid storage, D & S vs returned to the House of David Mallets vs Home oili Brown colony re-grew his beard and G d c f Mansnn's. vs CPA the House of David cult and parents became inteeested In b'ousht him as an infant to Benton Harbor to join the col- Matured and .,- . Bottled in . England NAVY We Cfa? phf's & Breeze WITH THE NEW resumed his normal life therein. uie nuuse oi uuv,u cu:u.ij, ' the eutskiiU of Btnton Harbor, . cunsisis of about 800 members not a large organization to ' be so widely publicized as its huKkftttaall and baseball teams have been instrumental In do- i n;r. There are about three hun- i :red families. Farming is the r mainstay industry but the col- ,:ny also caters to tourists and i veif had oil wells. It is an en- urely communal colony most, ,i the members ilo not touch "uimey." AiT' nioueys go into a comjwon fund . . as. a baateilwller Bob D Pot en- S"r tlZl ' member of the House of David tauv This is h.s iirst year in ! basketball for baseball is realty f his ffjrte and he is now under V ' '" - - - - y UDE DISPENSER f To Advertisers To insure publication of display or classified advertising, opy for same must be in the "St J i This ajverlisftnent is not published or by tlie Govetnraem KARLY ADVERTTRTNO COl - Professional Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 40L Third Ave. West (Prlnc Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 687 Days New Residence Phone Number Red 964 1 Bytown Machine Work! Sales Service and Parts Simplex Gas Engines '4 h p. 185 h p. Cummins Dependable Dieseb 65 h p. 550 h p. Inquire about our long term Warranty and Service SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1218 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4lh Street Phone 655 PIANO TECHNICIAN riming, Voicing and Repair MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 785 P O Box 1401 QUALITY REPAIRS for Downtrodden Heels and Worn Solea MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Newspaper advertising pays off in dividends. I MotxrraCosf Mens Bowling League Schedule Feo. 0 Blain s vs -ty. 1 Stagei, Stones vs Grand Cafe, D & S v." C.P.A., Mallets vs Rupert Motor', Scotians vs Trinlp fTs Tlinr Shefft Mpta, ys Co,d y Ambassadors. J.C.'s .. . No" 2 vs Ca"' Le8'". Crescent, vs Commercials, Philpott Evitt vs Home oi. Brownwoods vs Manson's, Undesirables vs Odd Scotians vs Rupen Motors Thon Sheet Metal vs Triple C's, Undesirables ' vs Blaine's, Stones v. W. I. Stages. Feb. 20 D& S . W. 1. Stages C.P.A. vs GranC 'afe, Manson"' vs Cold Storage, Thom SheC Metal vs Rupert Motors Under irables vs Stones. J. C ' No. 1 ' stain's. MaMets vs Commercial? pCotians vs Home Oil, Brown VOods vs Triple C's, J. C's No. ' vs oddfellows, Crescents vs Am bassadors, Philpott Evitt v n ' ' ' Legion". Feb. 27-fresci v. Oddfe' -dors. Mallet, vs Can Legio Q""tiai:.s vs Jr.mmerofl's Thorr , Sheet Metal vs Home Oil. Coir storage vs Triple C's.' J. C's No r vs Blain's. C.iA. va W. L Sim-f Mrs. C. L. Gibson and small daughter of Smithera arrived in Prince Rupert on Wednesday niehts train. They are staying with Mrs. Frank Skinner. Mrs. Gibson is here to attend the United Church spring Presbytery. Classified ads bring; results. LAND Hl:ISTRY ACT BE: CmifU-al ol Title No. 31007-1 to Block Four (4). Subdivision, ol l.ot Fiiur Thousand One Hundred and EiRhteen 14118), Range Five (5. Coast District, said to contain One Decimal Six N'ni- U:69. arres. itioit or less, Man 1402 WHEREAS satisfactory proof of '-S8 oi the alKive Certli irate of Tl-"e. Issued In the name o Milton Allison lius been tiled u- tl)i ofrice noilee-' la hereby giva that t shall. ;it the expiration of one month from l.e date ot first publication here-1 f 1 .sue a Provisional Certifi- r Title in lieu of said Lost . .. . -,- meantime .nrSK i the i' objection bo made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B. C, this 18tb ri;iy of . January. 1950, A. D. Andrew Thompson. Deputy Roijisti'ar of. Titles (40 o F T) o CABS Stand: York Hotel, 3rt Ave ,L . , W - --i- - I,, v i ...' -:' -- :t --;;. "H-'r"-''- - az.i.-V , : v,- 'tl ' I JisplayeJ by the 1 iifuor Cunlvol iiuuid or if Bii.ish Culumhia. ? WILL Bg APPRECIATED ami Business MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 5'2 330 Second Avenue Princ Rupert, B.C. FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUk 939 Mr J. " SAUNDERS - New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed A.P. GARDNER & CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A., Prince Rupert ' Hotel Approx. Itinerary Jan. 26-31 Terrace Feb . 1-10 Ocean Falls, Bella Bella Feb 11-April 15 Prince Rupert, Terrace District MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. 'Income Tax Returns compiled G. L. RORIE, A A.E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 3S7 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICh GENERAL CONTRACTORS " Building and Repairs of all kinds HUOFS - CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 Red ',34 P. O. Box 1C70 B & W TRANSFER Cord Wood, Cedar. Spruce Kindling wood 50c per suck PHONE RED 1S2 KAIEN TRANSFER FOR ROCK AND DIRT FILLS BASEMENT & LAWN WORK Phone Blue 981 or Black 140 contract to the Boston Bia-e 'aoies vs u a, j u x i -! wrganixation. Last summer he Manson 's vs Gran't Cafe Browi-I piayed with Blue Field in the uoods vs Rttiert Motor" Und .s I Appalachian League but. this Stones, n ear is booked lor . the Denver . . , r lew Gillette Bluo Blade N and readv for vaur GilleHe Raior. 't the clranest, most com-v(s rvpr whrn you use Wltttc Blue Bladci. Yes, 'y top cnnvcnicncr whrn in the handy Gillette nsn. Rpnrs iii the Western League. I He has yet to actually make the j Btaves but has hih hopes. V Mrs. W. G. Corregan of Edmonton arrived in Prince Ru-j ;pert 011 Wednesday's train to' I'vLsl her son and daughter-in- j ; law, Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. BUDES IN DISPENSER M Shaving IdgtiSOt 40 Shavian Mn tl nn DEM ERA RA RUM This i"-Jvc rtisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Cokifibi., . ' ; I 7 - i.uil fR PACKAGE -5 lor 25c 0 Its Movable! ft Mysterious OUAlX DUCK 1 6 ef$S S m I yljfc 0 -A uRiir and may he fruit on !r : j ,r y(L M r I'mmmmni! Crispy! jr 'J.J'tiBS l m-' r "m -Z 1 '"L . S, Toimty! Kany to .serve. " ' Jr V ri.O. laF'iil-. I . B ' - " i . Kvwv spoonful t.istes fresh X V. fllr 0 I' ' ' t I" 1 ' I ' ; I I m -k and delicious. Got llieswi'et " A "iVVS W' SJ f lv' f . , 7 treat your 'ioc ;n i.y rCVS T.t?U lJiJi,iVI, J 7j . loves to eut -genuine. oriK- I V fAOUTH .mSk1 ( J I B O , KellopB's Com Hakes. X I nPKNS ' I WMjMUrirf3rZ 1 i Hurry. Y'll 1 Kla.t jou I I Snnqs! rJo ?pfings! No wires or es dr" s mo: midm co. I 7, , ' 7 batrenes! HIS cyES 6U in e A. g$ p- 0 """"" A 7 J- Hypnotin" Donald Under Your Spell. J M f J f f 1 jf 1 If eGft V m Hold wcret maKnetic control (a I i f"f f I I f f If III g I f , ' K niniture KelloRK'a Corn H-ikea flf - f f f f (I if ll TV r box. mipplied w.lli every iir) f F I r ' N-- 3 f f fVji j Wmy yei'low hill open and shut snnp? f F I I jf I J ' 'xV-' ta i Nothing to tfet out of order-no Vllll1 . V9-K tjf A-r; TWa IVV "kill needed. Easy directions in- , M jj 1 1 . ATy TrVf tiiP'fl AfA Js. eluded, rushorokrto: helloRR a, L4. , (yl jK 1 1 XY Si- V7 WTMyry VAAJ" "S. Box 87F. Toronto, Ontario. cfV:::v ' I i OI m ; 5 coupon wvay! I VS I ? ItM 1 JkEUOCCS, Box 8f, Toronto, 0ntn J ' .Tt f$7-i ' I lt?3-V J l3 ySfl I : ye, yes! Rush genuine don alb ' tiSJ'jZ0 V 1 1 S duck "ijvino tot" rino(s) (com- - ro eJ ft0 "A v 2pe'e wi,h ect mHRnetic control), 5 s C r4f! ortiln uf r ,", . - I pM,paid. I encloae 25c in coin and a J P JinrX VyiA AtOTLyL ft .aJffc ' "f9 T'h-'N I bo hp from KellogR's Corn Flakes. A'. J7 VIVV V' jr 1 S Kiim., fcrVw. Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage . Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay s Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenuea Est. 1910 Phones 60 and 68