rz.i Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 2, 1U50 Massei Helps Marooned Man f t D D Radio Dial v I 1 IV 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) MASSET Jolin Kresnevleh. ! who was ya.st up on Ural mm Is- j j land after drifting across Dixon i j Entrance in his trolling boat and i would envy Bob Hope's ! ! then hiked Irom the vicinity of North Island to be rescued from the other iidc of Masset Inlet after one of the most harrowing experiences that ary man couki have survived, was taken home to Ketehil'c.n bU- last week by '.n Ellis Air Lines plane which came 9 :0U Winnipeg Uruna - 9: 30 -CBC Van. Concert Orcli 10:00 CBC Reira !' 10:10-CBC Netts . 10:15 Open Hearing '-10:30 Dance WiVh CBS ll:0O-Weather arid Sign OK FRIDAY A.M 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC New 8:10 Here's Bill Oood 3:15 Morning Song, 8:30-tMus1c lor Modtl. 8:45 Little Conceit 9:00 BBC News and Comfy :I5 Morntng Demotion 9:30--Morning Concert 9:5a-Tinie Signal 10:00-Ellen Harris 10:15 Carson Robison 10:30 Scandinavian Melodies 10:45 Rita Martin's Musical Kitchen. -11:00 Kindergarten 61 the Air 11:15 Roundup Tunc 11:30 Weather Report . 11:31 Message Period ' 11:35 Rcc. Int. 11:45 Personal Album 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 -CBC Tews , , Matinee Sat. T:30 ' TODAY TO SAT. t., I CAPITOL til I over to get him. Before he left ,....4t lor home, native people of Mas- set who rescued him and minis- Ule b,'ach and vieil home. from Joseph u I print klnrllv 1f Mm even pnvr :i 111 addition to giving the D.irtv n,,,,,,!.,.. ,,., " , c ""t'.s "UIK'.sl- jjai ey ui uiuiuiuuuii in ins iiuuui ua a urntuic ui auuiuumm nir Ml . nuueue Club r Kresnevich's courage and cndui- Harris as wen ance under such trying circum- local church, w stances, people of Masset gave aren''"Tt':iiint j wuu, buns I at which an address was gwai i by Chief Councillor George Jones. Mr. Kresnevich, while headiiv; south from Ketchikan, started to I drift on January 14 when th,' clutch of the engine in his troi-i ling boat broke down at the ' trance of Portland Inlet. He was THUKSUAT r.M. - 4:00 Hemic Sradcii Tells a Story 4:15 Stoek Quotations and lnteriuue 4:30 Captain Dick 4:45 Songs 4:55 -CBC News 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30-Recorded Album 6:00 Canada at Work 6:15 Musical Varieties b.4o -Smoke Rings 00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Citizens Forum 8:40 Ctizens' Forum News 8:45--Talk dspjyirr Qood Food For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN contributions of cash and clothing. These included umlcrvieai Auuetic Club. M: and Masset Cund "See how silly It is to be superstitious." BOYS' CLOTHES (5 THAT WEAR jj Suits Snow Suits f Pants Underwear Z : Shirts Socks J j Gloves Wine! breakers H I Helmets Parkas m For Boys of All Ages rust United Church Congre' 1 12:25 Prog. Resume washed up at midnight January meeting Rational supper md " 15 close to North Island, rrorn mm. will be held tne Church Hail m of U)(.re he hiked lh(1 wpst sidc rrutay eoruary a at o.ju p.m M!lswt Tn,, naiUVAna You will be delighted this fragrant tea Naden Harbor on an improvised meeting Mrs w Sutherland returned raft. This journey took him five It to Prince Rupert Wednesday on days in extremely low tempera- Legion Auxiliary 7:30 sharp.; Thursday. 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12: 55 -Recorded Interlude -1:00-Afternoon Concert.. 1:45 Mr. Prime Minister 2:00 National School Brdcst. 2:30 Records ai Random : 2 :4S-Melody Matinee 3:00 -The Music Box V 3-15 Don Messer and ". . , Hi3 Islanders , ' 3:30 International Comment. 3:40 Divertimento ' ', Mi. A. A. Antilla and small1 mc rnnce ueorge irom a uip tui.e. Aacr lhrec tlays on UllJ to Vancouver. f .. ii-.i nn Rupert Men's : And Boys' Store S daughter arrived In Prince Ru-;. rn ... , . ... Kmnln nt hi. nrn ,a ,. h wo.ioco,,-. ti f, M-fmj Loyai wruer oi v.. wu. Hum Viii.VV-rs . . T.wllon C,nrlt,ll T A I.'l.wl 5 Moose special meei- -v. ...... ...v. Burns Lake and will be sailing! ing Sunday Febru- ,ay a"'! his rescue by the crew oi Thursday night for their home; In Ocean Falls. - arv 5 at 3 d. m. Iv the Masset Maid was effected. the Roller Rink 7th St. and Kresnevich hopes to return Shrine Band Concert post-i jst Ave. Members Please At- here from Ketchikan within a few It's business wise to advertise. poned until March 3. Due to 1 tend. 29 days with aid to get his boat off Tickets al power shortage, ready sold will March 3. be accepted (28) "BUILD- B C PAYROLLS" JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Supreme Court or l)nU.-Ii Rex Cat e 2nd Ave. Opp. Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders rs h, Columbia In Probate i the Matter of tbf "Adininbtru- iiupwiiw VACUUM ' pffe PACKED yTPi,' PACIFIC - '"'ifel tlon Act'' And In the Matter or the Estate vt William Nol. Dweasetl, Intrslato ! TAKE NOTICE that bv Order ot His Honour Judge W. O. Pulton. Loc i eal Judge of the Supreme Court of, British Columbia, I as on tlic "1th day of January. A. D. 1950. appoint- i ed Administrator of the. Estate of 1 William Noel, late of Di usc Lake. ' British Columbia, who dl-d on or I alKjut the 6th day of July. 1U4U. ul'. W'liilehorne. Tukou IVrntory. i ml m M ;he -lis, iia: spill f .It 1 Kii-;l t ((I in Otto V!l I nl Lf The only cinned" milk In Cah-ada that Is vacuum .packed, that's Pacific Milk. . Try Pacific and see for yourself what top flavour is ... and It's irradiated for extra health, Good in all your favorite recipes.'' ', ", - PACIFIC MILK I All prrsous Indebted to the suid ! estat are required to pay the! i amount of their indebtedness to me; forthwith and all persons liaviiiK ; claims, against the buld estate lire I required to file tbem Willi me pro- j porly. veriried oil or before the 2Bih day of February. 1950. tailing whiihj dlstrrbutlon will bo made huvluv re. I ! gard only to sueh claims of "Which! j I Fhall have been notified. ' j Dated at Prince Rupert, n. C. this i 27th day of January. A. 13. 19(0. j I . Rruest Earl Alien ! I . AclmlnlBtrator of the Enlate of I - William Noel. IH-eeawcl i ,' . . CO Hrown & Harvey !.' Box 0o8, Prince Kupert, il. C. i (:i:! I Irradiated and , Vacuuni Packed 'fhffiri Get a bag of Robin Hood Flour try tliis recipe .MOlS'Tf! E-VL, l eh, 2nd - t ro like lliii. new treml lo inortibraswafe iii. (lie lnm,l :limlin. Kr., .i,Ij and just see if your baking isn't better! ROBIN HOOD BUTTERMILK SCONES rith' tharttter and warmlh 1o the eitime room or J C A N N t D F 0 0 D S J 2 cups tiftad Robin Hood Flour 4 tobletpoont thorttninl oen. it uleadd with any coloor or iHwuiiiiR jn hi-ine. t is versaiile -nl hunknme. If vour room i.i .'ehinlzj'' braBW;tre complrlca the piehirel If il'n ijioJci-9 .. .slsamin? bowl? and a?cs with rle.niwtit. Iiasj will do Hoadera for it. tio rrilinrnvcr bra. ware! Hunt out vnnr nll Kran-rn ...... i. i. Vj tapon toda ' cup plus 2 toblctpooni Vl toatooon tali buttarmllk or tour milk Wonderful old-fashioned scones tlut'll melt in vtir nwuili lor new ones in jour favourite department, or jewcllerv store. I've seen mich good-looking bi-awware displays hlelv! And, ren'irmher the vrv (est way to keep your braware treasures gool-looking is to poliii them replay with BRASO! Ife so cat7 to use, too, m it is mode especially lor bia. . ' . brought iip-to-d.-itc and made brttrr with Kobin I. Sift low-thcr fl.Hir, hakinc soda and s;dt into nnS howl. Cur tJifiiti'iiing into stnjll nicets and add M Thai' what Robin Hood guarantees you: TI, .it's why with Robin Hood Flour, you cunt lose you must win! After two bakings you're titlicr completely satisfied tliat Rubin Hood All-Purpose Flour makes all jour baking belter or you get your money back, plus 10, No string attached! The good-as-golj certificate, guarantees this and any dealer will gladly refund your money, with u bunus of 10, if you return the unused portion of your bag of Robin Hood Flour. 1 lure's a reason, of course. We're confident you'll find Robin Hood Flour will give you the best baking results for all vour baking. Light rendci breads. Luscious cakes. Flaky pastries. Robin Hood actually has a uni(iie record of baking successes. ' Take a look at thd record: 4 out of 5 women who win First Prizes use Robin Hood for all their baking. lietter order some Robin I lood: If it's not the best flour you've ever used, YUU viuke muiu-y! iiiKtnlients. lilcnd toeetlier until mixttiro is iiujIv, u-H Here, A ScUI Special Ogir for you that means votl wou't lmve to lave Irtt-over unce or in a rri. nastrv l)ll-nd(-r fur two Lmv,-s.. rnoinif in willl .SCIWIf-llU motion). 2. Make a will in tlie center of mixture and c,i;ilii.i'b add the buttermilk or sour milk, stirring lightly f1'" lloml folks are offfiriag this liandv, handv IVa.-iic Jinca Container that's unbreakable - noa-toxie jpill-proof and boldi five cups of juice. It sells lor 89c in the States, but ,Vo con gri your by imply tcri'ldir lo me Barbara Hrent, IUI t.nntntSu, Montreal, P.O. enclosing a 35c loital ISoia or pottage Uampt and one Inhrt 1rm Borril Cordial or Concentrata bottle, (flie label comes off easilv when anakml ;n , TIRES TIRES TIRES All Sizes ' Dominion Royal First Line Including a few sets of Nobbics 10 OFF -For This Week Only DANS SERVICE - McBride Street Mix only until sott dough is formed. 3. ruin out onto li;hlly floured hakebo;nd or r,rJ cloth and divide in two c(u:d portions. Gently roll "'' t':ul, piece with floured ndlini; pin or pjt out with lia"d into circles hi inch thick, l'l.ue. i in l:s on nnirreased coolie l"c " r . ,or l pr "iiecn unnutes.) And here's how to crve IJOV1UL as a ebctou, hot dnnlct-Siir .teaspoonful in a cup of boiling wat-T or tuilk. A cup just beiore btJtune alwa.vn puw me light to skip! and cut in nuarters. hnr ilo nur H-n:ir:ir the piece" HJ',e at I', (very hot oven) for 12 to IS minutes. Males J individual scours. 1 I Ul I U U 1 Tunc 1 r - im i maiI NEW 1950 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH You get the Good Things first from the Chrysler Corporation High Compression Engines " JiOMtY um 'k iu-s r".r (Truiis-Can for That "On-top-ol-lhr-uorld" Teelint - jit n r . lobow this s.inple; formula: Urink fhe juice of one Jf freah lemon in a glass of water ?!fS first thing on sris- -'i s ingl You ice. LTilike liar.-li laxal i ves th;it "lie you up in knols' tins natural fruit juivri gmilij liclps Vour system regulito it,-cll . . ing you keep rrjiulai (he healthful way! I.emoni help get rid of eoll, too. You just pour tho juieo of one lemon ih half el.iy-t a of w it en Then add slowly half ten).oon baking soda, uud drinl; as foaming quiets. A glass ewty 2 or 3 hours helps alkalize. Try hut leinou.vle, too, at bedtime! And nhvav y, mire to auk for SUNKIST Cf,l-l-'ORMA LEMOX8 . . . Ihey're tko finest, the juiciest of all! FRCC HELP WITH YOUR BAKING Vou ( Ba Hit i atentinc forever if you male a point of alwavs looking your freshest and loveliest. And its so cany with that wonderful, new-formula WOODBURY DRY SKIN CREAM! Just 10 minutes a day with this miraculous ream will maks ur skin look fresh, smooth, vcbet-sdftl The beauty-secret of this amazing ream? It's tfimethinz new in beauty called PENATEN. It's a part of the new formula of Woodbury Dry Skin Cream and actually helps the cream go deoficr into Tore opc7imj7.,.ivca vour bkin an extra lanolin beauty dividend! '173 miii-i; r."-t kaf J RolMiilIood Flout Mills I-miitcd l fii Hydraulic Brakes Floating Power All Steel Bodies Automatic Over Drive Transmission Fluid Drive And Many Other Firsts See your local Chrysler Plymouth Dealer RUPERT MO WHS UWIM) If you would like any Inlp wilh vour h.iking any special tips new recipes or idi as - please write me and J'll lie elad to c've you any assistance )osilile. Jose addieiis your -ticuiry to nm you will Lc in no way obligated. Director. Home Service Ikfxtrinmit. Kobin Hood 1rlour Mills I.iinital, 3X) bu bitcruntcnt bt.t MontntL n"v''ri,'0'', r,rf'ct t.ht iu't one reason w!iy HEIXZ COX- Here is the certificate V containing our unique o ..-xi cuviu pro bo ucucioua; asim are eotip .Ty specialist s thoy combine long experience wilh great skill to brm jou the very best of flavour- If J 1 I packed tsoup I . J here aw avjM rtics of Hein! Condensed Sou ,ceicrumpt:ous van- W - , ms and then there am V Xi t i i guarantee. There's one in M 1 , every bag of Robin Hood. A Ji BROADWAY CAFE the special soups for babies - tho ready-to-serve (j -f"l ' v v s - wjups lor use with llema electric kitchens m res- - 1aurantsand soups in huge tins, also for res- k laurant use. But you can give yourself the ta.te treat of anv ouc of th delicious Horns Soups rij;ht at lioniel Tonight 1 Shimmering And Clear At A Crfual tale -and just an imitiug- m h W&h Fool MftD iniiiiUHriirr t-riv.st Cookiny loomug tool JbLlMj decei ts arc as cii ilii to cat as they aro to we. The seven delirious "Jocked-u ' flavours aro a piek-iacup to tin d m nus. And they allow such a variety of deserts. I'm puiiie-uiarly attrat-red to the very definite (:eoniny of Jell-0 Jelly PotrdcrI, too-. At a lew -him a sT-n ing, I know of no more delicious and vet inexpensive" dessert to serve to inmily and friends. Just aljul. iVA-J Hours 7 a.m. ic i a.m For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 civuu jU iB jHiuiiy win nave their, own preference, and I d Bdviic you to keep a full stock of their imetial favourite alwaya on baadl