Prince Rupert Doily New Thursday. February 2. 1930 EEOTS M 3 "i7 CvF ? :".Vi,v:v.-d Ik JL j' it , r , V - -,h.yr I i il TO- ft v 1 ' V t .' ! -J '-if- ,1 KAPDKR TO SELL WITHOUT COUPONS Last - Io.h! if,m , jc U.Km o!ftht'i3ii.,M lisl. in Paris was coff.c. Nuw it r,,ulfu Whk'h ln";:ll: il!il H bo ri-t'on my purchased for cash but v. v hwt c,npn. One would imagine that Frenchmen, mif,,. lovv'rs a:K w",Ud b-' n-slli'R ,0 buy eoffee now, but this salman lobe havinf lime (,f iiam-aclinf. riisioniers. ; N f -i "--nA ii'-iir' fin'' jlj Vj -4? i . eennv , OUT STANDING ATHLETES FOR '49 -Outstanding athletes for 1!H9 were honored re 6T" by Sport MBlne in Now York city. Shown with their awards are 1he tTlh,? . thepubl,cation us thc outanding athletes In their respective fields for 1!M! Left to r nehO are Joe Verdeur, Olympic breast stroke champion; Tommy Heprich. of the New York Joe thTSmuGrrr 0t lhC MinneaPliS a.l! Steve Brooks .-nn Kn Voho! Cl ' B "bail; Mel Pa 10 PERCENT OF TOWNSPEOPLE IS BOAST OF CURLING CLUB The curling bug has bitten w?,f.' town of Wingham so thoroughly its 2,000 towtufulk ha, curling as their winter sport. Main reason fr the f membership is its new arena, built last summer by the -new $20,000 artificial ice system and modern equlppcdt Seen above are Mrs. R. S. Hetherington., Irwin and Mrs. W. W. Ourney,- president of Winhw Curling club. -t ' , 5 - - , .v 1 fc ! CJ - -v. ; v. v- 1 A'. I 4 , i s -,rf i ... f-,r SfbvTr3 RT INVADE CANADA- I" Communi.s.-.omina.ed ,"Ufy by W"r Champlon' Barbala Ann Scott, whom she met two , years ao at Oivnm.c " unes ' IS814 Am,I'ea KekCSy' 22' w Id pairs bating d,i ?J i;i .vock he BUSY DAYS FOR STOCK TRADERS A sudci-n (:;) . m:rk-:l prices has kepi, traders busy on Cumuli ,n . . clun.c-s recently. ExprTUs say it is a technical ri-;.-!;.,; strai'.y ;UH Ircncl since June. This scene in the Ton,;; to chamv is beiiiK repeated all over the continent : :;. . shares i'huiiint; hands. 'N TRAINING FOR DEFENCE OF SKATING TITLE -S-lug at Lake Placid, N Y., is Suzanne Morrow, figure ska. who will defi :d jier Canadian simdes title at the I championships to be staged at St Catherines, Out., Feb ' 19-year-o!d Toronto girl, who will also compete in world ionships set lor Wembley, Eng., on March 0-7-8. is one ol lers to possess boili the Canadian and American niriWs. I"'"- - ! 1 ( of yy' yij'a;gw,"'.'" 1 .Sa" k - r::J r r 1 t- V 'I I 6 .. I.'" OP A'.',. " wir .. ; t ' 1 ;--, -' (.'- - V s. t 4 J, i "Nil i V flF. S JW .... - ,u 1 I. - nm m iHHini . REMOTE CONTROL FREIGHT YARD-Canada's most modern freight yard, pictured above, the Canadian Pacific's $!),.')()(),-000 "1)1111113" retarder yard iii Montreal, will be -completed in 19.r,0." The yard, with 7(3 miles of track and the only one of its type in the country, will bo 011e of the first on the continent to make use of a new system of "push-button" switching, by which it will be possible to set, all the switches necessay to move a car into a certain track merely by pushing cue bid ton in a control tower. Electrically operated retarders will control the? speed of cars being "humped" in the -classification section of the yard. BOVINE STAR If you arc regretting the waste of all that affcctlot on a cow, be informed that "MW Larry Domino 37th" is no ordinary bossy, but a grand champion Hereford , worth $100,000. Larry is the - property of Milky Way Ranch In Phoenix," Ariz. He will be a star at the Phoenix stock show next month. ROYAL LINES ARE JOINED - Archduke Charles or Hapsburg, fifth son of the late Emperor Charles of Austria, is seen tinkering the fountain pen here signing the register, while his bride. Belgium's 24-year-old Princess Yoiandt de Ligne looks demurely on The wedding held in the tifty village of Bolocil ,in B'Uini, llnited two of Europe's greatest families; the Bourbons and the uilps-bui ' fjs. The young couple will make their home in New York. f KRUPP FORGE PRESS FOR YUGOSLAVIA - This & press that has been ferging Krupp steel at Essen. Gern years ,is being hoisted from IU foundations by great gaged in dismantling of the steel plant. Workers wW stall the press in 1929 hold a sign in front of it which Christmas in the Forge-Press Works, 1949." The in'siff to go to Yugoslavia as part of that country's reparalW