" . . t- if J5rfnrf Eupert Daflp rsetoa Eta. Tuesday, July 13; 1948 Olympic Team I Totlay ha Sport for ci truly yj JlaMlfletU: 2c par word per Insertion, minimum charge, SOc. Birth Notices: . bOc. Caru of Thanks, Ijeath Notices. Funeral Notices. Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. G. AND A. BEAT 99 TAXI IN SOFTBALL LOWLY MERCHANTS SCORE SECOND STRAIGHT VICTORY Gordon and Anderson 16, 59 Taxi 8 Gordon and Anderson's stock on the city fastball exchange went up aecond large-sized point last night when the merchants won their second straight gamf of the season, this time defeating none other" than the fabulous 99 Taxi squad, pulling them down another notch below their erstwhile ( " FOB SALE smoke Whatman, G. and A. mounds-man, who pitched the final three mm VIRGINIA IGARETTE S Olympian pinnacle of a 1000 average. Involved explanations might be conjured up to explain th;s from the benches, it ,upfV, b,u,t looked looked lik like a plain case of cars-. , less Plav smce the taxime-; i marked up a record of nine errors to come out at the siio t end of the 16-8 score. ! It is one of Uiose quaint vagaries of fastball mathc- matics that, despite the fact ; that. G. and A. have won two games and despite the fact that the High School team has re- tivcH fmm rhp ritv leaene Uie suddenly rejuvenated merchants SUU retain fourth and bottom . place of the closely-benched league. j With 99 Taxi still in first place and General Motors and C.N ' ;R.A. tied for second and Co-op' and High School tied for third, it made no difference to Gor- don and Anderson whether High j FOR SALE Kitchenette suite, nearly new. Phone Black 24G after 6:00 p.m. (163) FOR SALE Piano Accordian, 120 Bass, 1 treble switch. Phone Black 756. U6C) ISNAP FOR CASH - 6-room house, small house at reur. Fenced, with garage, on two lots. For particulars Phone Blue 597, 839 Sth West. (1671 FOR SALE Baby carriage, veiy good condition, $20.00; play pen, $4.00 Phone Green 337 (165! FQR SAlE1942 Ford Panei De- i tri J 111 CAl.Cllt UL IWIIUlUlWli. Fhone 311. (164) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 room suite partly furnished. Private entrance. 735 8th West. (164) "OR RENT Houseseeping room for rent. 801 Borden Street. (tf) FOR RENT Flat, hand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner, Jewel ler, (tf) FOR RENT One sleeping room. 801 Borden Street. (tf FOR RENT One, ir-room suite. furnished, with private bath. innings of the G. and A. versus High School game on Saturday night, presided at the rubber again lust night and did a reia- . , , . . t i. .,.;. with lively competent job of it, all. L. j Whatman's labors in nine in-1 nings resulted in 09 Taxi col-; lecting a total of 10 hits, while , he, in turn, administered four strikeouts and allotted ii meagre total of three bases on balls ! 9g Taxl " AB R h POA Pierce b 5 0 0 5 0 For man If 5 3 tt 0 I..,,,,.,:: n wjw v JtawW cf - Gurvicb c p D- Hartwig ss Postuk 2b Kaienioiu ri A Hartwig rf 8 10 24 glevens c 3 U ,t ,b 6 2 0 0 Whatman p 5 1 0 0 Dell 3b 5 2 6 1 Harrison If 1 0 0 gnilth f g 2 0 GUtnrje ss 5 1 3 Laurie 2b 5 3 0 Simtn c 6 1 0 Sneers rf .... 5 2 0 49 16 15 27 9 Taxi 002 002 112 8 and A 280 141 OOx-16 MONTREAL ' Canada's Olympic swimming team has been selected from more thon 70 natators. The successful athletes include Irene Strong, Victoria; Kay McNamee, Vancouver; Eric Jubb, Victoria; Dr. George Athens, Vancouv er; Allan Gilchrist. Ocean Falls; Peter Salmon, Victoria. Theie will be no woman diver represented. Sport Shots A crowd of 5,000, the largest ever to attend a Canadian swimming meet, saw Hamilton's Irpnp R:irr hrpnk Vur mi'n rpnrl in the junior women's 100-yard j f ..i ...in. f i.no lice blvic wit.il a muni ui i.ui. ' at Verdun, Que., yue., eight eigm years years a ,, int.. h ,,,, the distance in 1:03.4. ' Bobby Jones with the British Open and Amateur titles safely , tucked awav clinched the Uni- ' tpri Rtiitps fiiien with a an-font putt 18 years ago today. Two months later the great shot- j maker won the United States Amateur, giving him golf's "grand slam." ! MEN'S FASTBALL SCHEDULE July 14 -C.N.R.A. vs. Co-op. July 17- High School vs. Gen. Motors. July 19 Co-op vs. 99 Taxi July 21 Gen. Motors vs. G. & July 24-High School vs. C.N. .A July 26 C.N.R.A. vs. Gen. Motors. July 28 -99 Taxi vs. High chool. July 31 G. & A. vs. Co-op. August 2 High School vs. Co- August 4 G. & A. vs. C.N.R.A. August 7 Gen. Motors vs. 99 Taxi. D. & A. vs. High ! -Co-op vs. Gen -99 Taxi vs. C.N.R SCHEDULE FOR LAWN BOWLING July 13 Ross vs. McGreish; Arroll vs. McMeekin; MacPhee vs. MacDonald. July 15 Frew vs. McGreish' Ross vs. McMeekin; Paul vs MacDonald. ' I July 20 MacPhee vs. McMeekin; Paul vs. McGreish. Try a Classified At jn The Mew.s RLONDIE School retired or not. It is someG and A AB R H POA E lmJ . 1 i C i B.C. GOLFERS SET RECORDS HAMILTON. Out (P- -British Columbia golfers, their games matching the sweltering heat j u'Viirh pnvplrmprl the Lanra.t,tar golf course, stroked their wayi to two rational titles Monday and broke three records In the process. The Pacific Coast province's four-n.au team breezed to victory in the Willingdon Cup ln-terprovtncial champion."-; .lp v.ith an aggregate score of 578 over the 36-hole medal play, five strokes less than the previous record set by th Cntarlo t 'am in 1839 ard 1 firok'.s leu than the runner-up Oii'.auuii;; yesterday. Jim Robertson paic; 'he British Columbia..?': with 0 tvo under par lc, h'.tteilrg the pre vious Willing A i: Cup ccord of 139 set in 1927 by Maurice H'-dg- son of Montreal over the mo course. cui iviawiiinney 01 Vancouver captured the Canadian iu'.icr ,. ... ,,. . , .... title with a 3b-hole score of U.,: one stroke less t'lin the .renorl ... ... ,, , 1 nt-i uy ui-iij ivca.tri; mg ui ivu - chener, Ontario, In winning Hie title last year. My Chic Yon 7 LAJLi Miss Connie g-the Princess Aa on a trip tu ; ,u III I I I I I lU'Y AI 1! SALE Ainil TKM1 In lk PACII l( i:niiitn is3 TICKI I S Fltf 19111 1'itnliar ' J9tK !iK-. i.il IMn ;,?.. Vili- 19 I1) I m il lu'lw I (if other I f200 SI011 1 Huml Crl Ail "' !,jr tour liM iil us1'"1- "lr "it...,!.. Mil. ni' '-' rilc l.xliiljili""1 olfi TirUf ml .'lipilil'' comfort to the league uncicr- dogs t0 know nowt;Ver, that one p more win could put them in thirci Place. , The second inning of la:. I nignt, s game, since 11 saw miui R of G. and A.'s runs garnered in ! will serve ae a fair example of the nature of the encounter. . c acre, me merciiunis scoieu cj- ( p actly half of their 16 runs, three of them off hits, three off walks. 99 one off a fielder's choice and one off an error. This progress G. was abetted by two other errors on the part of the 99'ers. Sonny Beynon, who pitched the first four innings for 9C) Taxi, was not only the major victim of his team mates fumb-lings but gave up an impressive list of hits as v eil to the sharp-eyed merchants. During hh tenure on the mound G. and A kept the circuit hot with their, scoring efforts from 10 hits and One Z-room suite, furnished. August B-Apply cottage at rear of Wash- School, ington Block, 2nd Ave., or August 11 phone Black 490. (163) Motors. FOR RENTT room dwelling,1 August H" partly furnished. Phone Green FASTBALL STANDINGS 69 Taxi 4 2 .607 General Motors 3 2 .GG0 C.N.R.A 3 2 .600 Co-op 2 3 .400 G. and A 2 4 .33:1 FI'NERAL NOTICE The funeral of our late Comrade! Reginald G. Lipton will take! " "place from Grenville Chapel,' (B.C. Undertakers! Wednes - day July 14, at 2:30 p.m. Legion I ' members attending will "fall in" at the Legion Hall at 2:10 - 'p.m. Philip M. Ray, Seery-Mgr. FOit sa.-x FOR SALE 1642 L idge Special Deluxe Sedan. Nev !y painted. Excellent condition Apply 13 FOR SALE Bargain on two new British India Rugs, one rust, - ' one green. Call at Skeena Mercantile, Terrace. 164 1 SALE OF WARTIME HOUSES-We have 3, four-room wartime houses listed at fail-prices. For particulars call Robert E. Montador Limited .. , (tfi FOR SALE 14-room rooming house, partly furnished, for $1300; immediate occupancy. Located on Fraser Street. Red 615. (1691 FOR SAL E 5-room furnished bungalow, fully modern. Will take car as part payment. Fuil price $1800.00. Phone Red 66 3 (163) OR SALE 6 room wartime house; brick chimney; on bus line.. Phone Red 876. (tf) FOR SALE Boat, 20 feet long - by 5'2 ft. beam. 5 hp. East-' hope engine. Price $250.00. Phone Blue 441. (163) FOR SALE Good view lot on Ambrose Avenue. 40x100. Cash price $300.00. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (163) FOR SALE 6 room house, Section 2. Lovely view. Two lots, rnce juuu.uu casn. rruice itu- pert Realty Co. (163) FOR SALE New and Used Fur-iture and Hardware. New Gur-ney Ranges for wood and coal. New shipment of British India r Rugs, Chinaware, Unpainted " Chests and Bookcases, Radio Tables, Hardware. Used Electric Rangette, Fancy Tables, Radios, Kitchen Sets, Bedroom Suites, Beds, etc. Everything is reasonably priced. See us first. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. . (tf) HOUSES FOR SALE , MALL Four on 2nd Overlook -Furnished. Only $1400. SMALL FOUR Two blocks from , Ridley Home Furnished ; Only $2100.00. .$500.00 DOWN Balance payable as rent Large House on cem- t ent foundation, suitable as, i Duplex Full Price $2500.00. I fi-ROOM HOUSE near town! Furnace - Partial Cement Foundation $2700.0.0. ; 4 ROOM House with full basement and renewed founda- . ,,tion. Excellent location. 3'2 minutes from Post Office. Priced for quick sale. $2700. .GOOD Building Lots available -- In Sea View location. Reasonably priced. Apply ROBERT E. MONTADOR " "' LIMITED (166) BOAT FOR SALE Combination gillnetter-troller 31' x 7'6" x 3'6" with 12 h.p. two cycle Vivian gas engine. Complete with poles and drum, ready to go. Cash price $1600.00. See W. H. Moore at Port Edward Cannery or Indian Supt. (164) FOR SALE 2 room furnished -cabin at Prudhomme Lake "with custom built skiff and sail, and 1937 model 3'i H.P. outboard. On shallow water, ; -ideal for children. All for $300, or will sell cabin separately. Phone Green 928. (165) FOR SALE 16 foot Chris Craft made speedboat. Box 601 Prince Rupert. (168) FOR SALE 1931 Model A Coach $300. 37 Chev 2-door Sedan I $1000. 39 Ford Sedan $725. 42 . JJodge DeLuxe $1500. Lighting Plant $50. Wayn Gas Pump $1.25. Dan's Service Station. (104) FOR SALE Dinette, like nev. One Chesterfield. Dresser, six bases on balls. I , , . , , Olympic Committee yesterday ' Boyo Gurvich. who came from1 f,. . , J ; , ...... , . . , added Clifford Salmond of Van-behind the plate to replace , , , . 1 , . IKE WILLIAMS RETAINS TITLE PHILADELPHIA (P Ike Williams retained his lightweight boxing crown Monday night by pounding the ehullenyer. Beau I Jack ititn submission in the sixth round of a scheduled fifteen-round" bout at Shibe Park. Each fighter weighed 134 pounds. Advertise in the Daily News! Football Schedule Gjihulv Cud.. Second Round Julv 14-Leelon vs. Butterv July 16 Legion v. Hmh KchiKil. Julv 21 120th Battery VS High School. julv 22 Batterv vs. Legion. Auuil 4--First round 01 tjtu-.rt Shield. Moolrv '"UO Aueust i Hieh School vs Legion. ""sl men school v V" Auuust 13 Legion vs. 12Utr. Batterv. AllUIKl IR Lealon vs. Uich School, Aimust 20-120th Batterv vs Hmh School, auu.si 25 120th Batterv vs. Legion. . , , Seotember 6-Final round o' . stuart Shield. HITS IN 61 SAN FRANCISCO Joe Di-Maggio hit in 61 games playing for the San Francisco Smls in 1933 for the longest swat streak in Pacific Coast league history. LDHHB PHONE: 654 Beynon in the fifth, slowed the . , , , . ' 1 .1 1 merchants down to four hits in ; . . . . . : the following four innings but. the furniture boys came in with! five runs anyhow. Herb Should Wear Longer Coats! iijiiMii lli' Zrnwl " Oagwook)v- j herbX Huww-HuRRy.Y-'.a.fiC, 1 wootx.EV YQULLMISS f& A I -' 173 f NF. .'ES LEARNED TO i PUT HIS PANTS 17 k ON WHILE -yj " tj ADDITION TO OLYMPIC TEAM ' . UIlll U1U111C OllUUlIl Ul VttllLUU- ver to the women s tam. tflisiiitQ Adverting Pays' VFS DEAP.-vm I IS THEPE S ( Cam tfi LCSAnnJ SUMtTHIMCb . y- TO GET Ol IT I CAN DO TO )( THE LAWN MCMEB HELP VOU "7 AND CUT THE 378 or apply 254 Biggar Place, j (tf) FOR RENT 2 room apartment. 801 Borden Street. (tf) FOR RENT One double and one single bedroom, both with kitchen and home privileges. Phone Blue 716. (165) WANTED W A N T E D A large 4 Wartime house, in the area between Mr-Bride and Hays Cove Circle on 5th, 6th or 7th Ave. Wiil pay cash. Phone Black 961. (tf) BOYS WANTED Boys desiring News routes should leave their names at the office as vacancies may be occurring any daj. METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations ana repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau & Sons. 629 Sixth West. Phone 543 (tf) PERSONAL FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE ir. the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotei, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, just, half way to Prince George. (tf) PERSONAL WE'LL SHOP FOR YOU. If you know what you want, but live too far away to find it yourself, write to the Select Shopping Service, Dominion Building, Vancouver, (tf) LOS'l LOST From 741 6th West, 3-j month-old grey Persian kitten,) 4 white paws. Finder plase" phone Red 7co. ' (1G4 Train Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday, "Friday 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday-10:45 p.m. NOTICE The Dally I)ews wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable to advance at the otfue at time of presenting copy for advertising. Tho.se desiring to advertise in this manner in the Dally News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified Men Can Be Dogs! m ii-Liv-- ; I I A J DAGWOOC? THAT LOVELV I jC7Cr'"J . 1 ' if 25c Fer Dozen Paid For Empties Thin adTirtlapment 1 not publlnhrd or tlsplayod by thpI.loiiorCraitnil Himrrim by tin' Government o( British Columbia. Caught On the Rebound. I 1 V tcju LL HAVfc s s !! lU UUr AND P a , ,AD-frfo'SCTO EARN 'T 7 J OKM. K (ASK MAMA WHAT frXrSo ' J COOKIE fl WHAT CAN ) VOU CAN DO He Knows How To Pick 'Em . . . Yesslr, he picked us to service his car for warm weather driving and he's pleased as punch. Says he never had such a thorough job done, so economical: anywhere. YOU GET EXTRA SERVICE HAVE MY J r-rWT 1 MAMA Y Vrf CWASS r MS ' r w-A S VaJu 1 at Bed. 1365 6th E. After 5:00. (168) 111 I ill! 11! lull t II, T.ll t-tttlK" ft: