i! PROVINCIAL LI2:U.ii, LIBRAHY VICTORIA, . 0. 136 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRIT18H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAP ma Y 21,-40' p DRUGS Prompt At All Service Hours lily DeUrcrr .PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-"Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." STAR y CABS VOL. XXXVII, No. 163. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS CARS COMING Railway Interested In Finding Use For Warehouse Installation FROM ALASKA Railways and Union Still Several Cents at Variance ir Not stion 1 Now Russians Building New Base Watching It Very Carefully, Says New Vice - President Impressed With Prince Rupert On First Visit Canadian National Railways will do everything in its power to prevent the demolition of the great Cabinet In Double Session In Effort to Effect Eleventh-Hour Settlement OTTAWA (CP) A Union spokesman said today that the railways and the eiehtepn international lpP.r lla" 1 OTTAWA RULING BEING AWAITED HALIFAX Oi "I am holding the plane and its crew until wc have a ruling from Ottawa," said United States-built warehouse in the company yards here, declared J. P. Johnson, new vice-president and general manager for western lines with headquarters Movement of automobiles by steamer between Prince Rupert and Alaska points is showing an increased volume and a substantial proportion is to and from Haines to link the Skeena River 'Highway with the Haines cut-off to the Alaska Highway as the route gains in favor for motor traffic. The steamer Princess Louise, in port front Alaska on Saturday afternoon, landed no less than six cars three from Haines and three from Ketchikan. By Sunday morning all were whisking eastward along the Skeena River Highway headed for Prince George and southward. L''liu'(l Na" ,-,,! Palestine, tn brotherhoods are still "several cents" apart in wage in Winnipeg, in the course of an interview with rep compromises. Meanwhile the Canadian railway crisis tf .security council resentatives of the Prince Rupert Would Dominate Gu'f of Finland With Naval Establishments On Finnish Site STOCKHOLM US) Reports reaching here from Porkkala in the Gulf of Finland, west of Helsinki, suggest that the Russians are constructing a big scale naval base on the Peninsula, the s:te having been leased to them under the Finnish treaty. Fishermen report hearing explosions every day. From the new base and the naval base at Talllnin, on the opposite side of the Gulf, t'.'.e movea closer to lhursday s deadline. Frank H. Hall, chairman of the negotiating com Chamber of Commerce and the Daily News which punctuated -hat the united have to it was ready Looking To mittees for 122.000 railway em settle th-J fore to Customs Collector Charles Collins after announcing the Impounding of a flying fortress which arrived from New York on a purported training flight. "Ottawa has all the facts before It and I can say no more at this time." The collector's statement was made a few minutes before the plane, reported to be In the service of Hagana Israel Army, ployees, made the statement as . ivnitcd Nations, the cabinet met in an eleventh- CITY'S BRIEF ' ike It .4. could m hour session to plan a settle ment. Hall said it was "touch West Loast Official Announcement Made By Aluminum Co. of Canada MONTREAL O'Thc Aluminum a busy lew nours wnicn tne new western railway executive spent here yesterday Inspecting the company's terminal facilities. Mr. Johnson had just finished visiting the massive structure with which he was greatly impressed. He gave assurance that the railway company might be Five Resolutions to be Presented to Union of B.C. Municipalities Convention was scheduled to take off. and go" as to whether an agreement would be reached by noon Wednesday to call off the tie-up. The cabinet broke up for lunch after a two-hour session during fc, the Arabs to g, Israel High ...ceil at Tfl Aviv deftndini; stra-,S have offered to J,'lsl1 -lrrline a U-man said that FUEL OIL IS SHORT A five-point brief dealing with such subjects as the prov Russians could dominate the entrance of the Gulf and protect the approaches of the huge naval base of Kronstadt outside of Leningrad. Company of Canada today announced officially that it Is be counted upon to do everything TRUMAN TO BE CHOSEN incial amusement tax, business which no decision was reached, tax, Public Libraries Act, pro-' Minister of Labor Humphrey ginning engineering studies ofjin its power to find a use for OTTAWA 0Rl. Hon. Clarence social! Mitchell announced. There tato'.D. Howe, minister of trade andential Pow sile in Brlttah perty assessment and Columbia the structure. But finding a use might not be so easy. The company was interested in exploring PHILADELPHIA, t The assistance will be presented by be another meeting this after- commerce, expressed concern last the Prince Rupert city council noon. j night In regard to Canada's fuel to the annual convention of the Hail siiri that thp union' " supply. He doubted If there Democratic national convention This Increases the possibility of a new aluminum industry on the west coast similar to the huge plant at Arvida, Quebec, n comrminurn for a meeting to sign sui- 1 ,1 ilc would open - r; ii-way Jewish jjrt legion forces any and all suggestions. j Mr. Johnson confl-ned previous reports that the warehouse, on which an option had previously been held, was now is expected to vote tomorrow on1 Union of B.C. Municipalities ri(,UI.ecj lhey needed an increase wu'd be enough available to the presidential nomination and next September. . I 0f 23 4c an hour to maintain meet tlie requirements of all the President H. 8. Truman is con- A draft of the brief was ap-j1948 iivin(r standards but ho oil burners in Canada during sidered certain to be chosen on proved by city council last ngiht would nol disciose whether this the coming winter. The sltua- the world's largest plant cf lis SHIP MUTINY IS PUT DOWN LONDON W The United States Navy said today it he.d received a message saying that "everything is under control" aboard the United States freighter William Carson whose master kind. Power sites in the Gardner the first ballot. back In the hands of War Assets after It was presented by a spc-i was the lalM, fiure nronosed tion m regard to fuel oil was Neither Senator Claude Pep Canal, Dean Channel and Kr.ignt Inlet are being considered. I1"" imuiuuuna cuiiiuiiitcc p - bv nis grouo. Labor Minister uui, "c mm. per of Florida or Governer Ben and was being watched closely by the company. He expressed the opinion that, under present conditions, there was little likeli pointed on June 28. Committee j MilchPirs ,alest proposal was' There snould be enough gaso-members were Alderman T. B.j 15, HaU dpnjf,d Us tnatjline .the minister said. Black, Alderman A. S. Nicker-;,. . . . J o 'ata: last oaruei ij f .'rv ol Jerusa- f nsidrrablc suc- '. ed war in Pal -.4 raptured l.yiidu ) lamest in the (J. y was the scene j with bolh sil"s ..j.irtillrry into the NEW ALLIED iornv2c I HARRY TRUMAN IS son and Alderman Robert McKay. All the resolutions. If approved A striKe woum oe a very j p. pp. IT IMP! AIMH vJrr 1U CnULrtnU .ortn.is nmttpr for unions man-; hood of the government permitting its demolition, even lf for no other reason than it would play a vital part from a defence standpoint should there mutinous. The battleship Missouri, in the Azores waters, messaged that the trouble had, apparently, been quelled. Earlier United States Navy headquarters had said that the Lahey of Arkansas are expected to prove any serious threat to Truman. Supreme Court Justice William Douglas delivered an unequivocal "no" to his supporters and left the field to Truman who has enough pledged votes to Insure the 618 necessary to win a majority. Actually there is more interest In the vlce-presldentlal nom agements and the public, Jtali BOSTON An airline clerk admitted. There had never been ' Rianced at a passenger list here be such a thing as another war. AIR STRIP AT BERLIN American coastguard cutter a general railway strike In Can- j and e xcitedly called the press ada. This was a "wonderful j room: by the U.B.C.M., will be brought to the attention of the provin-' ctal government with the Idea of having them made effective. The resolutions urge that: 1. The amusement tax be res-! clnded on amateur games with The- railway executive saw the ! . .. .. .1 t 1 1 4- record" which the unions would I "Harry Truman Is here and is undertaking of the Celanese campDeu nao oeen oroercu w Corporation of America, with its intercept the William Carson 4 IrlTRACT break only with "utmost flying to England. Reporters dashed to the runway where ination for which Senator Al- a Bri- Allies Bolstering Vp Transport as Crisis The strike would actually come they met Harry Truman ben Barklev of Kentucky ts tav- great mill at Port Edward, as 1 aboard wnicn muuny was men the turning of the tide in in-j reported. dfctriateekptgfK, naX.grinwj yfepri ts plying onie-Rupert. A new payroll of 700 where between Portungal and inbef ffect nt-6 a m. ThursdoyM hrM alaal einains in Deadlock ed their disappointment, und re had ben mentioned by Truman !Yfr Completion the Azores. persons might be expected to bring a minimum increase of BERLIN, XS United States engineers are rushing construc Capt. E. W. Bralthwaite had sent an SOS, saying: "Crew Americans 4000 or 5000 in population. "After i out private benefit. This would remove the provincial levy on gate receipts' at various amateur sports events where proceeds are used for the continuation and expansion of the sport. 2. That the Public Libraries Act be amended to permit assistance to any public library at the discretion of the Public Library Commission. 3. That the provincial stat as his running mate but he haa said he will be in the field for uo office. OCCUPANCY OF HOMES EASIER marked: "At Salt Lake City 200 people were on hand to meet me." DIVORCE MILL STILL GRINDS OTTAWA In Its pre-proro-gation spurt, the House of Com your years of knocking your heads mutinous. Cannot control. Please against what seemed to be a 'come at once." stone wall, your wheels may now The Carson, a Liberty ship at last begin to turn," he sug-of more than seven thousand gested . 1 tons, is bound from Genoa to Nova Scotia- The industrial development de-1 Irainane Project icilfwill set expert d tp'.Ml advire before ill : final payment f Construction Co. weik done at Fair-rylas! winter, which tea ;.v was not com-sai -factory manner, it I w as awarded to Joa.'! ruction for a OTTAWA. Xt The Prices Board vesterdav extended the partment of the Canadian National Railways was always ac field for landlords who may petition for occupancy of their own homes on the basis of BULLETINS All Star Game SPORTSMAN'S FIELD, St. Louis American Leaguers today defeated the National Leaguers by a score of 5 to 2 for their eleventh victory in 15 all-star inter-league benefit games. The National Leaguers out-hit the Americans 8 to 6. Stan Musial made a home run in the first with one on for the only National League scoring. Hoot Evers made a homer for the Americans in the second 30. Because of con tion of a new air strip at the Templehof airport, Berlin terminal of Western Allied transports which are flying supplies into Berlin to beat the Russian railway and highway blockade. The new strip is designed to accommodate tne largest aircraft such as superforts and monster transports. Sir Brian Robertson, British military governor In Germany, insisted in London last night that aerial transport services to Berlin should be tripled as they were not at present keeping pace with the requirements. Earlier yesterday, as Sir Brian conferred In London with the chief of staff of the Ministry of Defence, General Sir Percy Hol-lis, and other service chiefs, it was disclosed that considerable utes be amended to define the amount of business tax payable by each class of business. At present,- business taxation is at the discretion of municipal councils and it is felt that no equitable basis of taxation exists. Provincial statutes now provide municipalities with the right to tax but offer no guidance regarding the relative extent of -f f swampv land! "Rrievous hardship.' Persons $' the ditch the wn" bought houses before last f ver completed as'APril mav now PetiUo" lf tney ST'ided and coun- nave wnal lne uoaru tu"alu"a tive and on the alert and might be counted upon to do everything in its power to promote the development of this port and line so that the traffic of the company would be improved. Mr. Johnson was luily aware of the strategic location of Prince Rupert as the logical railway (Continued on Page 3) a real grievance. Tne oara announcement stressed that interpretation of "grievous hardship" remains unchanged. taxation. 4. That the government be imo as surety for JUpletion. ,t instruction Co. -1 Shannon, in an 1: -Mermen for fln-V I in a letter last condition of the it;jl:;po.s.sible to dig ' S f the channel tfc .se fn a provln-i cunt ract which j ailor of making 'tat hi.s own ex- MIGHT INCREASE ALASKA RATES numbers of new troops were be SUPPORT FOR MARSHAL TITO BELGRADE Marshal Tito, who has defied the Soviet Conln- ing flown Into Western Germany requested to establish an assessment commission following the recommendations of the Gold-enberg Report on provincial-municipal relations with a view-to standardizing assessments throughout the province. Because of the wide differences in assessments In various parts of the province, the Gold-enberg commission recommended that measures for standard ARABS MAY ACCEPT CAIRO It was indicated today that the Arabs might accept an extension of the truce in Palestine as proposed by the United Nations. King Abdullah of TransJordan is said to favor a truce and is endeavouring to induce Egypt, Syria and Iraq to accept it. NO SOLUTION TORONTO A conciliation board in the dispute between Canada Steamship Lines and the Canadian Seamen's Union has failed to reach a solution. Conciliators L. W. Brockingtqn and Douglas McNish criticize the company for refusing to negotiate. AUSTRALIA WINS MANCHESTER The third test cricket match ended in a tie today so Australia retained the historic "Ashes" against SEATTLE, P Any change by when the Americans tied the count. Three runs in the fourth on timely hitting gave the victory to the Americans. Vic Uaschi was the winning pitcher ana Johnny Schmidt, losing. The game ended in a downpour of rain with thunder and lightning. U.S. AMBASSADOR AT JASPER PARK mons passed 291- wlivcJrce , byis without a murmur from either side of the House. The bills provided for the separation of couples In Quebec, the only province without a divorce court. Halibut Sales Kodiak, 60,000, 21.5c, 21.5c and 10c, Storage. Dollina, 17,500, 21.3c, 21.2c and 10c, Storage. Sea Pride, 43,000, 21.3c, 21.3c and 10c, Atlin. Island Queen, 40.000; and Do-vre B., 34.000, Co-op. Gony, 20,000, Black Cod, Coop. FRANCE FACING GENERAL STRIKE PARIS, XS France today faced the possibility of a general strike involving a million government employees. Plane personnel have already walked off, causing a tie-up of air traffic between France and French North Africa. The French cabinet, which rejected the union's demands for higher wages for low income groups, today ordered all radio and weather personnel back to work. In Paris the order was Ignored. I form, won a resolution oi sup the Maritime Shipping Commls sion in the recently expired ship port yesterday from the Com ping program would probabl;' result in . increased shipping munist party of Macedonia whicn condemned the action of the Bul garian and Rumanian Commu nlst parties in supporting the Conlnform against Yugoslavia. and Berlin owing to the tenseness and uncertainty of the crisis. Still the Kremlin says nothing of the three Allied notes delivered several days ago demanding an end of the blockade. German news agencies spread the report that Marshal Vassily D. Sokolovsky, Russian military governor, who stopped the movement of irains, trucks and barges from the west, will be transferred to a field command when the crisis is over. Planes have been steadily increasing the flow of food to Berlin. With whiter approaching, coal is another matter. ' nUr conditions. 'ris Chairman told his col-f his opinion the I 'd been paid to ruction Co. had ' work that had Shis." i went over the ruled it He knew was there. He ) a certain work ' done it,- Alder- da red. ' T Don Stpunrt. rates to Alaska, G. W. Skinner, president of the Alaska Steamship Co., said today. He denied that the recent program had been a "gravy train" declaring that benefits had gone to Alaska as reduced rates. WAGE INCREASE ization be taken. 5. That the cost of social assistance be entirely assumed by the provincial government. At present, the provincial government pays a large portion of social assistance costs, but the aldermen felt that this service should be borne wholly by the provincial government. Ray Atherton, United States Ambassador to Canada, arrived at Jasper Park recently to enjoy park attractions and fishing and BEST SUPPLY OF URANIUM camp life. He was a visitor to Prince Rupert during the war , OTTAWA mi The government Is ijeveloping in North Saskatchewan the "most promising" uranium deposits discovered sailing here aboard a private TAYI DRIVERS k. i . . I .in ii, o nH nf the war, Rt. yacht, and being received by Mayor Daggett and city council. Later, he was guo.st of honor at a largely attended dinner at the AROUSE ROOMERS Hon. C. D. Howe, minister -i trade and commerce, said IS TURNED DOWN WELLS, B.C., O A conciliation board's majority recommendation for a 10 cent an hour wage increase and union shop was turned down Monday by the Cariboo Gold Quartz Mining Co. Ltd. here. Economic paralysis spreads in western Germany with production dropping 40 to 80 per cent. VANCOUVER Two taxi American muivaij UMU'" drivers sounded theri horns early here and gave an address iu. on THE WEATHER this morning to arouw uic occupants of a rooming house at ASSIZE COURT England, having won the first two matches. TIE UP HOTELS VANCOUVER A general railway strike might tie up both the Hotel Vancouver here and the Empress Hotel at Victoria as 800 employees of both are affiliated with the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees. WOULD CUT MAILS OTTAWA The Postmaster-General announced yesterday that, if the railway strike goes into effect, there will be a drastic curtailment in mail service. It will be confined to letters up to one ounce, prepaid airmail and medicines. Full session nf Assize Court ine ubijuw ocwku uh w... 1 for the work iti seen eorreepond-fc'rmer dty engin- Shannon to go work. 4 contended that known of the that existed at h ditch before the ''"t that he had "i it anyway. He 4 Ids opinion the 'R removed earth hank had con- caving-ln of the 659 Camble Street which taken fire. They quickly made their exit into the street as did occupants of neighboring frame buildings. Synopsis Clearing has been general over the southern portion of the province and temperatures are rising to more normal readings. In the central and northern portions of the interior yesterday's ,!.. i in navp amounts of will be held at the Court House , pany and the Union of Mine, here during the week beginning Mill and Smelter Workers (CIO) September 27, according to an ; affects this town's entire popu-announcement published In the j lation of 1700 persons, latest edition of the B.C. Gaz- ' Get Together On uciy iuiiK lam b - i Enough Food For Two Weeks USE TRUCKS AND AIR IN RAIL STRIKE VANCOUVER (I" Food supplies here are considered sufficient to last at least two weeks should the threatened railway strike isolate Vancouver commercially from the East, Board of Trade officials predicted at a meeting Monday. At the same time transportation officials discussed the possibility of setting up emergency trucking facilities to handle freight in the event of a tie-up starting at midnight Wednesday. Air Line officials stated that they were prepared to step up their services. - ette, official publication oi tne province. between one-half and one men Marine Insurance No Major League Games Scheduled renditions In this re NEW YORK, (CP) Because of the all star game today in St. LOCAL TIDES (Standard Time) Wednesday, July 14, 1948 Louis between National and Am MONTREAL, Negotiations are under way for a working agreement between Lloyds Register of Shipping and the American Bureau of Shipping on the matter of marine insurance Monday night announced It was by Hugh Walker, principal Lloyds surveyor for Canada. High h who was Asslst- "cr at the lime deh was begun, llid Btjreerl with "iat it appeared 'l't in the wrong 1(,r drainage but order to place it ' Page Six) BONUS NOT JUSTIFIED OTTAWA The government would not feel justified In granting a cost-of-living bonus to superannuated civil srevants, the Finance Minister has announced. gion will be improving gradually from now on. Queen Charlottes and North Coast Variable today and Wednesday. Winds light. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs Wednesday: Port Hardy 50-85. Massett and Prince Rupert 50-63. 16.4 feet 19.0 feet 6.4 feet 7.2 feel 7:41 20:04 1:35 13:37 erican Leagues no games are scheduled for either of the major Leagues on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Low