1 Wme Knp'eff Daflp Brfo EtO. Glen Smith was the hardest player. He had the wnrt wy with a shot that beat Morgan completely but came Wir i Monday, June 21, 198 Meed More -Hours ! I Incidental!,, w , TToday iss Sports , Player, win 'sent th. J m me ayr p.ay. Dave Murray showed a few neat touches but finished weakly. Sunbrrg played hard in spite of lameness. He was a good extra halfback, but a poor forward. Woodslde refereed capably but the linesmen do not follow up the play closely enough. They will probably improve with a few more games. i - rVf Iff StttRV II A A M W ItTIH SHORT SPORT Battery desprved the win In Friday night's Gilhuly Cup football. They were a sounder, faster, more aggressive team than Legion. Morgan was again very sate in goal, handling all shots safely and surely. James and Darrow Gomez were always equal to the Legion attack. Ward played well at hall back and his long drives Into centre were dangerous. Veitch played his usual hard game. Pavlikis signalized his first appearance of the season by scoring both meet the vu,.:. , to get caught up on work that gets further and further behind? Maybe you need the greater energy for every hour that comes when you 8l nr. P ' CV ' 7 ' ' and at the " m. Have a GOOD Breakfast Crape-Nuts Helps Make it Good In view of tne first round of the Dominion Day football cup being played this Friday, , the football association lot of en" 'mf Player will h.'.. M the Battery goals. He added a lot of power to the attack. Park-house played hard and Hutcn- 4V - V' i ( t M Oa tei 'If ye 5 V ed fur more ,teen minutes. kt has decided that, in fairness to j the contesting teams, no regular game wn; be played this Wednesday. Instead the grounds ison was also dangerous at times. IT'S wotitlcful what Grape-Nuts with milk or cream does to make any breakfast more enjoyable, more nutritious. In only two tablespoons of this highly concentrated cereal you et an important share of your carbohydrates, minerals and proteins. And you get a flavor that has never been matched in any other food. Grape-Nuts is the economical part of a good breakfast. Order from your grocet nnnn ntnnr., The Legion deteriorated as the game went on. Lack of condi Tse Vitamin B-l for Better Gardens. It , C.rowth, and Work, Like Masie0vP1"t' One Bott.e Makes 200 Gallon, s" 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE v. ' ' -or ,,f:B? 9d Trade-Mo I M (lDDr(inDi)eRjQD3,Sr THOMPSON HARDWARE CO tion may be one factor. Brodie had no chance with either scoring shot but was not as safe as Morgan. Eby was the chief stumbling block for th Battery although Nelson did wUl at times. Yelland was the best of a weak half back iin?. The forwards showed nice bursts of combination with Bill Murray, Chrlstison and Glen Smith prominent but there was little sustained punch in their attack. LTD I " Kaien Co-op TWO "HEAP BIG INDIANS" Two of the chief reasons the Cleveland Indians are "in there" in the American League are the "war clubs" wielded by Shortstop-Manuger Lou Boudreau 1 left! and third baseman "KlouUng Ken" Keltner. Boudreau's .390 average is currently the best in the league while Keltner's 13 homers to date was better than anyone else had done in either major league. SPORT FISHING SUPPLIES i .... J4 "P u9or J hp,. 9'"n Dosh of ,clt 4 cP col, 2 cup, light "" j cup r hot i vanilla ., cup Grape-Nut, NYLON LINE - SPOON'S REELS - SPINNERS RODS LANDING NETS LOCAL ROTARY iJACK KRAMER FOUNDER BACK ! BEATS RIGGS HO KS FLYS GUIDES I TIPS - E&uaj Prince Rupert notary Club Thone 19. Box 1127 251 hi 1,1 was revisited at its weekly lun set t.ng m3,ic tefr.gerato coldest P'JIJ until remove tea tray " frozen, Nutt FOREST HILLS, New York CP-Jack Kramer of Los Angeles established himself firmly as the world's greatest tennis p'rvyer Sunday when he dethroned Bobby Riggs as the professional champion of the United States. Kir.ni from u HORSE'S MOl'TJ. cheon last Thursday by one of its founders and its first secretary D. C. McRae, pioneer Prince Rupert business man, who now lives in retirement at Duncan, . Vancouver Island, and is at present paying a visit here. Mr. I McRae had a prominent part I in the organizing of Rotary Club jhere, having had a hand L: 'selecting the charter roster in 1 quart. Here's a hoi Up fa -.. weather driving. Our ton check - up service will t couple of years this particular r l" 1 , i : "t. i ' !" I 1 ; . i ' j f ; f 1 1 , i 1. i 1 ! mr V .M1 V . ' i 1 11 .1 ;i -- . your car in first ciass 9 contest should prove a great attraction on July 1. SCHEDULE W LAWN BOWLING June 22 Frew vs. McMeekin, assure top perfomuM In the meantime, however. through the rest of sue this Friday evening the Battery BALL GAMES j WASHED OUT Rain over the week-end washed out two outdoor sports events. A Co-op versus High School fastball game, scheduled for Saturday evening, was postponed by wet grounds as was ,the city baseball league fixture and the Legion will have to fight it out in the first round to determine which will meet HIGH SCHOOL AWARDED BYE In the draw for the Dominion Day Football Cup competition at the week-end, High School drew a bye into the final. Next Friday's game will see last Friday evening's Gilhuly Cup contestants, Batfery and Legion, battle it out again to . get the chance to meet the j'oung, and as yet unbeaten, the students in the final. 'of Merchants versus Savoy, Bobby Locke Wins Chicago Gold Open CHICAGO 0 The methodical called for Sunday afternoon. cluding such leading men back in 1920 as Judge F. I.'IcB. Young. W. E. Williams, Dr. II. R. Grant, J. G. Steen, Dr. W. T. Kergin, E. F. Duby and others. Mr. McRae plans on returning to his home in Duncan before the end of June. Dur.can is forty miles from Victoria and, from the residential joint of view, the community Is found by Mr. McRae to be in every way satisfactory. Mr. McRae notes many changes and improvements in Prince Rupert, all of interest and importance. One of the most noteworthy is at Port Edward where the cellulose p'.ant will be under construction this autumn, the excavating having already been completed. Macdonald vs. McGreish; Arroll vs. Ross. June 24 Mcrhee vs. Paul; Ross vs. Frew, Arroll vs. Mc- 'Grelsh. I July 6 Paul vs. Frew; Ross vs MacDonald. I July 8 Arroll vs. MacDonald: MacPhee vs. Frew; Paul vs. Me-Meekin. I July 13 Ross vs. McGreish; Arroll vs. McMeekin; MacPhee vs. MacDonald. I July 15 Frew vs. McGreish' Ross vs. McMeekin; Paul v MacDonald. July 20 MacPhee vs. McMeek in; Paul vs. McGreish. INCOME TAX REIT K.N S PREPARED-! R. E. M0RTL1 British Columbia ha, teen M happen quite a number of time now. It is interesting and inform tiv to watch. One union quietly negotiate, -itb management, reaches a reason-ble tettlcment" on wage and condition, of work, and stay oft-the job. No fuss, no threat,, all amicable. Another union in an allied trade bluster,, threatens strikes, ha, frequently called them, and after well publicised period of diwrdet, usually ettles for about the sirnt wage, and conditions a, the first one had reached. It is interesting. What tin difference? Dries anyone need to bt ttilJ? The first union ha, its own representatives, men who vant to stay at work, and who are reason able and friendly in their attitude toward them. The other union? Gommuniv leadership is the answer. The whof'. motive of the Communist Inability to play will cause no changes in the schedule of either league as both games will be picked up later in the schedule. Next scheduled fastball game is set for tonight when C.N.R.A. and 99 Taxi are to meet at Gyro Park. In the baseball league, the schedule calls for Merchants to meet Moose Tuesday night. 324 2nd Ave. (NtuCt Bobby Locke climaxed a spectacular display of golf Sunday with a final round sixty-six to win the $15,000 Chicago open golf tournament with a 72-hole total of 266, eighteen under pa.-for the Midlothian course. Locke finished sixteen strokes ahead of the second place Ellsworth Vines. High School eleven in the Dominion Day Cup final. The final match, which will be played on Dominion Day, will be one of the features of the Dominion Day gala sports program. With football staging a strong comeback after the last alls A TheM r IT TAKES 3 3 FINE TOBACCO. is to stir up trouble, to convince the workir.gman that he is downtioddea VANC0U.I When repairing the old or building the new see us for all kinds of construction materials. Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors 1 j y ana oppressea, to prepart AJ Ki the ground for tlie revo AND INTERMDIAT It EACH THURSD AT 11:15 F M. For KETCHM WEDNESDAY M1DNM o luiion uuic r.ait nun has taught him to expect. He wouldn't be a good Cors munist if he diJn't carry out tlial objective. If he can get the working' men out on stnke he is dclightci. But surely the v.orkingman, and the workingman's wife, have something to say and do about it. I (Thf vuwt of tlw Old TimfT art prtttntti ( thu newtpapcr wuy under the ttHmsorshxt 0 the Brituh Colutnbui f deration of Trcm tni InduUri). F-4? Fr information mD City or Depot Tl"e 01 nrmn COTTAGE CHEESE j New Creamed Fresh Made; VALENTIN DAIRY ' Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ; PRINCE RITEBI, WV N .. :rrff what Are BULGER'S TRYING TO DO? We are pleased that we have now oMi" the services of T,rJtl M"'1 petent body man, We try to be dependable. We try to be earliest with the latest. We try to keep a good variety. We try to sell reliable t goods at prices advertised all over Canada. such, as Bluebird Diamonds,' Rogers and Community Sdver, Gruen, Waltham and Bulova Watches, Westclox Products, Ronson's, Pens, etc. ... In fact most of our goods are standard. Mr. Charles Keep your car running Sweet Yim'll be sure of a sweet-running motor if you bring your car to our experts. Whether you need minor adjustments or major repair,, you'll find our rates are reasonable. We abide by cost estimates and have your car ready when promised. who will be only J J. A At: 2 t eive you a BUCMfCMtt COMDltteS THE BEST that body or fJ Mr. Heppner - h ,-i,n work P he, in up"""-' of mam, burley aud Turkish TOBACCOS iff 0IIE FIHE CIGARETTE T lit potntt to isriHgt . . . with Uudion Proliant hmut. ONLY THE BUCKINGHAM FORMULA CAN GIVE YOU BUCKINGHAM SATISFACTION Superior Auto & BodySen B 48