A A - - - Shrine Club Band - Feature Picture Assisting Artists CAPITOL THEATRE, MONDAY, 8 P.M. PROCEEDS FOR FLOOD RELIEF IKY: prime Rupert Dailp fZtvoz LtD. Monday, June 21, 1948 RITES UNITE Local News Items . . . L ALBERT & McCAFFERY First ANNUNCIATION WEDDING JOINS SIGNALMAN, Announcements All advertisement xi this column will be charged lor a tull mouth t 25 cents word Tea and sale of home cook Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thain returned on the Prince George to CITY GIRL CITY COUPLE ing, Saturday June 28. Lutheran Ladies Aid. . (146) day from a holiday trip to Van Catholic School Hall, June 24 A quiet wedding In St. An couver and the southern in Arrow for Building Needs LUMUER... CEMENT... FIR, CEDAR AND BIRCH PLYWOOD . . . RED CEDAR SHINGLES . . GYPROC WALLBOARD . . . BRICKS, LIME, PLASTER tea and home cooking sale, 2:30 drew's Cathedral Saturday eve terior. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Elkins, who have been on a six weeks' vaca The chapel of Annunciation Church -was the scene Friday evening of a double ring ceremony which united in marriage ning united Miss Mary Eva War Miss E. Gollmer of the Miller ner. second daughter of Mrs. tion trip to Vancouver, Victoria Bay Hospital nursing staff re and elsewhere in the south, re Irene Warner, Aldlne Apart turned to the city Saturday af Miss Mary Sylvester, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. ments. to Signalman Nestor .turned home on the Prince p.m., card tournament finals, ? p.m. a Catholic Bazaar, October 8 and 7. . (168) Queen Mary l.O.D.E. Bazaar, October 20. I Rebekah Fall Bazaar, Novem- ternoon on the Catala from a .George this morning. Hreczka, R.C.C.S., son of Mr, SHIRTS NECKTIES HANDKERCHIEFS Sylvester, 812 Second Avenue, , holiday trip to Vancouver. and Mrs. Gregory Hreczka of and William Kuzik, eldest son Commencing June 18, due to Toronto. A passenger on the Prince the Increase of 2c per quart of Rpv Raisll S Prockter. rector & McCAFFERY LTD. 1BERT of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Kuzik of Goldenvale, Saskatchewan. The rite was performed by Rev. George, which docked here this of St. Andrew's performed the ber 3- morning northbound, was Ell Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, ceremony in the presence of a PHONE 116 FOR PRICES Father J. Carroll. milk in Vancouver, our price has been advanced from 22c to 24c Certain death for bedbugs, roaches, fleas, ants, etc. Vacat Vereau, veteran mail carrier of Mayo, Yukon Territory, return few friends. Given In marriage by her Given In marriage by Edward ing north after a trip to Quebec. father, the bride was beautifully November 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, No. 18. Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale Kermode, the bride wore a sky blue dressmaker suit with cor ing of premises unnecessary. Salesgirls gowned in white taffeta fashioned with mandarin collar and Special marriage evensong, ing artists and regular picture program. Mrs. Alex Mitchell and James Guaranteed service. Write Box November 25th. Jand Concert pcplum, forming a slight train St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sunday, June 27. All couples married at sage of pink carnations. Her matron of honor was Mrs. Florence Warner, whose suit was 355 Daily News. (It) Her floor-length veil of illusion apped Nobles and Job's net was held in place by a skull Len Bewerton left on today's crs Ujok w me cny si.lver grey with corsage of pink carnations. mm cap. Her only ornament was St. Andrew's particularly invited. (150) Miss Joyce Watts, daughter of plane for a trip to Vancouver. N. Forman directed the sale of tickets and the attractive young vendors were the Misses Jean McAfee, Ruth Ketchson, Joanne Langridge, Betty Pullen, Mel- ton saiuraay w pusn uii Congregation of a double strand of pearls, the Groomsman was J. G. Warner, tickets for the grand gift of the bridegroom. She brother of the bride. Brides - Grooms being staged at the carried a bouquet of red roses. Mr- and Mrs. W. M. Watts, will laine Brechin, Norma McKay, COLD MEATS The bride's onlv attendant e returning nome wunin me Brides and grooms of nearly Theatre tonight by the Rupert Shrine Club's four decades will attend St. During the signing of tne register, Peter Lien, cathedral organist, filled the interlude with music. was her uister, Miss Lillian Syl-!next ew davs from Whitby, vester. who was eowned in nink Ontario, where she has been Sheila Bennett, Claire Ritchie Margaret Strachan, Randi Thor loncert in aid of the Brit- Better Andrew's Anglican Cathedral by special Invitation at evensong t.affota witv. ina; n-kiini anH i attending Ontario Women's sen, Barbara Teng, Inger Peter A reception, attended by about cane sleeves. Her bouquet was '.College during the past year. son, Marjorie Taltersal. next Sunday when the entire 50 g'uests followed at the Royal of pink and yellow carnations. jllumbia Flood Emergency They did a good business, jlping to assure that then; j a bumper crowd for the Concert, recital by assist Dominion Day Sports Entry Canadian Corps of Signal can Groomsman was Richard Syl- service sermon, hymns and musicwill be devoted to the marriage theme. forms available at Civic Centre Advertise in tne Dally News! vester, brother of the bride. teen, Westview. Toast to the bride was proposed by the Canadian Legion, Watts & Nick- Following the ceremony, a re erson. Entries must be turned in groomsman, while the matron ception was held at the Oddfel of honor was toasted by the Says the rector, Rev. Basil S. Prockter: "Most brides and grooms are too excited at the time of their wedding to remem to Civic Centre by June 28. Eight track events, Gilhuly Cup Football, Baseball, Roosevelt lows' Hall, The guests were received by the bride's mother, bridegroom. A beautifully dec orated wedding cake was cut by gowned in royal blue with ARROW ensembles, that is matching shirts, ties and handkerchiefs that give perfect blending, and no guesswork. ARROW shirts are Sanforized labelled guaranteed never to shrink out of fit. , We'll gladly help you make a selection from our wide variety of patterns and colors. Park, July 1. (tf) ber very much about what was the bridal couple. YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER ?EEIL GKIDlW- Fortv native children from " lew oi ne nas Mr. and Mrs. Hreczka will take MUSTARDw matching hat, and by Mrs. Jean MacArthur, wearing a gown of grey crepe. An enjoyable evening of dancing followed, with music the Alert Bay residential school decided to discuss the marriage arrived in the city on the Car-1 ceremony and its obligations and up residence in the city. The groom is a member of the Army dena last night, being on their implications with the full set Signals station staff here. by Andy McNaughton at the way to various vmages ana can- wigs uwieui. 11, wm ue vu-piano and Mike Colussl on the i nery points in this district to tual "refresher" on the marriage Mrs. H. J. Quinn left by this piano-accordion. Join their parents lor tne sum- vows ana a renewal 01 tne nup- Toast to the bride was pro- mer vacation. Accompanying tial dedication. afternoon's plane for Vancouver i WILL YOU BE PREPARED WHEN WINTER COMES? Specially requested to attend enroute back to her home at Re- posed by Rev. Father Carroll the party was Miss Sally Eberts with response by the groom, of the Alert Bay school staff. are all couples who have been glna after .having come here to attend the marriage on Satur congratulations I Here's Good News! ' t you between the agea of 38 and , feand ding throunh that trying i aiionai middle-age' period I uhnr to women? !-)() this make 1 j i sutler from hot flewhefl, ftwl I (puny, so nervous, irritable, weak ? ' en do try Lydia K. Pinkham'a gf 'table Compound to relieve such I vi'toms! lt'i famous for this! i any wiue 'middle-age' women ' ' 1'inkham's (.Compound regu- v to help build up resistance imnt this distress. fMnkham's Compound contains piiite no habil -forming dugs. Telegrams of married in St. Andrew's during its venerable career as an ecclesiastical institution In Prince Rupert. day of her son, Lt. John Quinn of H.M.C.S. Chatham, to Miss Grace Merrill. It helps nature (you know what we mean!). This great medicine alno haa what Doctors call a stomachic tonic effect. t NOTKi Or yon m rrrbr LYDM E. PINkllVWST4Hl.fctS will. ..t.lrd iron were read by the bridegroom at ! couple cut a beautifully decor-midnight and a buffet luncheon I ated three-tier wedding cake, was served. Many lovely wed-1 Master of ceremonies during ding presents were opened by the evening was Henry Monte-the bride and groom in the sano. presence of the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Kuzik will reside Following the luncheon, the at 238 Thompson Street. IB ,ydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND Tailored Suits w Clear! ,.,..T,--.-.-1.i-.rt.i-..i- , - Exceptional values in Gabardines and and English English Woolens. Woolens. ' vJ Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For AU Occasions t jlfe ( V i$J" I If you are going to iustal a furnace or replace your old unit, see your FAWCETT DEALER THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 j The business girl or family lady L tyfiSphft ' W can lok at home in any company ifA SyLjJ. ' II with one of these smart suits JfU Broken Sizes. F'l VrW 7 mm l M 1 Sj j For the dainty feminine touch to Ah " I yur tailored suit choose one o,f ; 1 JSli g l)h I. ur JERSEY, CREPE, SHEER or i 1 l FOR SALE: Coin operated equipment. Juke Boxes, Pin Tables, Slots, venders. 2 SPECIALS 1 Pin Table. I3OO.00; 1 Slot, 1175.00. KMcllent rulHlitlmi. Contact: NIP OOWEN, 1089 Nanton Ave., Vancouver, B.C. (168) rAAASTfjtr pique blouses. itI' I ft .'"ii'il AGENTS FOR I ) When you buy at Bwect Sixteen Vf Z, ; CHI ARTS AltA MAAlC I take advantage of the Personalized '!jt- TIIW WWVI3) , BUDGET PLAN. No Interest-No Nig Carrying Charges. vH" r w y British Admiralty Canadian Government U.S. Government and Dept. Commerce NAVIGATION AIDS Coast Pilots (B.C. and Alaska) Hanson's Handbook Course Finder Parallel Rules Dividers E VEHICLEMAN is a key man in 7 Canadian Pacific Express service. When you have a I W. D. Smith. M.L.A. for Atlin, MiaSm.M and Mrs. Smith sailed last night on the Cardena for Stewart. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Advertise In tne Dally News! .vwwyvwswwvwww 'I , shipment to forward via Canadian Pacific Express a phone call bringsdiim promptly to your door. When you're the receiver, he delivers the parcel to your home safely and speedily. The confidencetyou place in him is upheld by the high standard of service he gives you . . . traditional throughout the? world's greatest travel system. NEW ROYAL Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 JFOR S'Thicken in the Rough' I TO TAKE HOME Call the ERASER STREET Prince Rupert i nvic. CENTRE i Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartaee and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenuea Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 DINING ROOM ? HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone Ml P.O. Bos 196 PHONE 231 b Aotc Available! SALT LAKES FERRY SCHEDULE Daily except Mon. & Tues. Leave Cow Bay Floats TRY Canadion Pacific lervk. U a tradition in travel. Thi advertiiement it one of a wriet the who make it o. depicting tome of men Wed., Thurs., Fri. 2:30, Rex Cate 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. Saturday Every hour from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from FOR TASTY MEALS 10:00 a.m. ' Last boat returns 10 p.m. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE Adults 50c. Under 16, 25c Chop Sucy Chow Mein OPEN 6 AM. TO 2 AM. CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Return Return Tickets good only on day purchased. GOLD SEAL LABEL COMMUNICATIONS EXPHISS Alliums hotiis