VICTORIA, G.C. PROVINCIAL LI3.1A3Y, VICTORIA, B. c. 136 lave YOU given to the Flood Fund? Give Generously, Give Howl I incc Rupert's NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER nurtir Prompt Service A. Vf rnwMC At All Hours i ood Dyke 0IH.1ES DRUGS fib wmm Daily Delivery PHOtlE 81 STAR ABS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-Trince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVII, No. 145. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS B.C. FLOOD EMERGENCY CAMPAIGN ijective $25,000 ription to Date $12,37216 P Kef Uptt: Cmrreimcy - Russians Are Demanding $20,000 Jfi.llOO FISH RESEARCH BOARD IS HERE Inspection J I rains TODAY LONGEST DAY OF YEAR Summer officially came to Prince Rupert at 5:11 a.m. today, Pacific Daylight Time, i with the arival of the summer solstice. Today, therefore, should have had the longest period of sunlight of any day of the year. However, the sun was obscured here by heavy $15,011(1 ,.' .i So United States Counters By Moving Supplies Into Berlin By Means of Aircraft BERLIN (CP) Supply trains for Berlin's 10,000 TTnitpH Statps rpsidpnts arp at a standstill todav be Arriving Tonight For Inspection of Skeena River Watershed To make a first hand Inspection of salmon research operations in the Skeena River area and carry on other observations in this district in regard to matters of particular interest to the cause of the United States-Russian deadlock result mist and low cloud. ature was also below Prince board, members of the Fisheries $10,000 ing from currency reforms. The Kussian commander in Germany said that the money reforms completed the division of Germany. United States freight trains Research Board of Canada and accompanying officials are ar riving in the city by the Prin cess Adelaide this evening from Vancouver. They will proceed to to Berlin must pass the Soviet one and United States authorities last night stopped running them rather than submit their Lakelse and elsewhere in the in terior by aircraft tomorrow af Cairo Blasts, 25 Killed CAIRO (01) Twenty-five persons were killed and fifty-four ternoon and the most of the $5,000 cargoes to inspection. Supplies $5,000 party will go East by train Fri nil vN IM.I- umt.z Rupert's usual balmy standard. The advent of summer Is marked by astronomic calculation when the earth's axis reaches its closest angle toward the sun at the north pole. Winter solstice, conversely, is when the north pole is angled farthest from Old Sol. Ani;le of variation is about 23 degrees. The hipher the latitudes, the greater the number of hours of daylight during the summer months. At the solstice, the sun rises at Prince Rupert about 4 a.m. setting about 9:30. day night. Engagements will in for the Americans in Berlin are now being flown in. The Russ- , ians said, the inspection was injured Sunday by two heavy explosions in houses in the Jew necessary to keep smugglers from bringing worthless cur ish quarter of Cairo's plcturesqve clude a meeting with a delegation of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce including Acting President G. R. S. Blackaby, Secretary E. T. Applewhaite and T. B. Black, a meeting of the Skeena River advisory board to rency into the Soviet zone and Berlin where the present mark bazaar district. The blasts were at first believed to have been from the accidental detonation of fire ITALIAN THRONGS PAY LAST TRIBUTE TO "BUZZ" BEURLING The funeral of George to for the new state of Israel, provoked "Buzz" Beurling Canadian war ace killed en route fight a spontaneous tribute from hundreds of Italian Jews who followed the casket to the .cemetery in Rome after impressive services. Killed with the veteran pilot was Leonard Cohen, another Canadian ace of World War II. ' morrow and a luncheon with the is still good. The old reichsmark loses its worth in United States, British and French zones under currency reform begun by the works explosives but some doubt has since developed in regard to Cork-ry $ 2.00 !1 Mary and Margaret nan 5.00 fcr Glinn 500 jjfilockdale 5.00 I Rpert Ladies Bowl- I League 18.00 .Boss Richardson 5.00 local fishing industry. Visiting Fisheries Research that and some believe the blasts may have been set off. three western powers to fight The summer ppriod will end at 8:22 Pacific Daylight Time, September 22. Board members are: inflation and the black market. Dr. G. B. Reid, O.B.E., Pro CANADIAN COAL Sixtv old marks are being re Republicans Expecting fessor of Bacteriology, Queen-University, accompanied by Mrs GOING TO JAPAN iplla BarUctt 5 0.' placed by forty new units to be ATOMIC POWER DEVELOPMENT known as the Deutsche mark. Reid. the me value Value of which will be made MONTREAL i S. Beckow, head of a Montreal export firm, Halibut Sales American Onah, 14,000, 20.70c, 19.50c and To Name Next President Dr. J. R. Dymond, O.B.E., vice- ATHENS fi-It isesUmated l week. , ' rhnirmnn chairman, Pmfpssnr rroiessor oi of Bvstem-J system tt. . -tV-SUfMwHTiexE slugged 70 000 Greek troops said Friday" that his firm had atic Biology, University of Tor their wav into the northern contracted to sbip 100,000 tons CAL GIRL ADUATES FROM KMAL SCHOOL M.- Janet Rochester, a foi" r local Rirl, this week gradu-Urom the provincial normal Plndus Mountains today in an of coal to Japan for use in the Momentous Convention Opens In onto. Professor D. L. Thompson, Professor of Biochemistry, McGill effort to smash the communist Japanese steel Industry, ihe coal is to be shipped to Van 10.50c, Storage. Canadian Belllna, 12.000, 0.200, 1860c and 10.00c, Atlin. Olympia No. II, 15,000, 20.20c, rebellion. Six divisions, backed Asks Lower Taxes On Haunted House TWICKENHAM, Eng. Bert University- by planes and artillery, Jumped couver before the end of June. Professor I. M. Fraser, Dean of off last night in the greatest offensive of the long civil war. Key has advised the Bedford Philadelphia Today Dewey and Vandenburg Favored PHILADELPHIA (CP) Republican party today opened their national convention in an atmosphere of certainty that they are going to select nf t.Vip United States. After sixteen the Faculty of Science, Univer shire Appeals Committee that CALGARY CAFES BOOST PRICES sity of Saskatchewan. Mrs. Fraser will accompany him. the taxes on his house should George Slater, until recently 18.60c and 10.00c, Pacific. Co-op Robert B, 24,000; Mae West, 14.000; Clipper No. 2, 19,000; Sea Maid, 30,500. 41 at Vancouver "with dis-Ken" according to word re-5c, by friends here. She has fti-d a position with the fcuver school board. Miss Ifster is the daughter of jAgnes Rochester of Narv-fcrive, Vancouver. manager of the Superior Store O. F. MacKenzie, of Nova be reduced because it is full xif ghosts. He does not live in the et.nARY With the increas here, left by todays plane for Scotia, representative of the east coast fishing industry. TT ...Knon 1-1 n nllVtC f ' A llfftl 1 i n ft The place has a repu- vears in the political wilderness, the party believes - r il l f'.lJ An ing cost of produce and general food stuffs, restaurants in Calgary advanced prices June 17. locate. Mrs. Slater is remaining j tation that Key says keeps i - il. n V.nt.f limn lnttrarlnrr Itc VolllA Q C Q 1tlfCA Of that whoever they picK irom tne large neiu wm uc- font. feat Truman Truman. . K. F.. Harding of Prince -Ru-Dert is also t member of the in ine ciiy iui anui i nic wwhhb - r - longer. property. board. 1ERICAN1SM CAPITAL CITY Governor Thomas E. Dewey oi" j New York is still the favorite although he may not be able to Dr. J. H. L. Johnstone, head Douglas Fours May Be Grounded MOUNT CARMEL, Pa. ) It is not known whether DC 4's will be grounded again following the of the Department of Physics, II . ,TI..' 1... TI I ifr. ALMOST RAZED uainousie umversiuj, iuuica. Baseball Scores SUNDAY National Cincinnati 4-1, Boston 5-4 St. Louis 7-4, New York 2-6 rhirairn 6. Brooklvln 3 Miss Nora Grimes, Honorary command a majority. Harold Stassen is second and Senator Robert Taft of Ohio is held Secretary of the Board, Ottawa. COMMUNISM pNIPEG-P. T. R- Pugsley. jksor of accountancy a1 .l University, was elected Joent of the Junior Cham-:f Commerce of Canada at k:mual convention here Sat- CASTRIES, St Louis This West Indies insular capital was all but wiped out yesterday by a fire which ran uncontrolled Through Train Service Being Resumed Tonight After Flood For the, first time since the floods of the May 24 week-end washed out the' tracks at several points through trains to and from the East out of Prince Rupert will be running after tonight on the Cana-riian National Princp Runert-Jasner line. First train Other members of the partv are Dr. A. G. Huntsman, Toronto, consulting director and editor oi (disastrous crash near neie j Thursday when a four-engined ; United Air Lines plane hit a power line and disintegrated in I flames, killing all forty-three persons on board. through its business section and then into the residential areas, third leading contender. Arthur Vandenburg of Michigan might be strong in the event of a compromise being necessary. Speaker Joseph' Martin of Massachusetts says he wijl certainly accept the nomination if the Board's publications; Dr Pittsburgh 0-7, Philadelphia 9-5 American Philadelphia 3-0, Cleveland 4-10 New York 4-6. St Louis 2-2 leaving a thousand persons R. E. Foerster, Director, Nanaimo homeless There were, nowever, atati. nr uPni mr no recorded casualties The fire 7. ''.Z', broke out l i in a tailor n. shpo t., Low ter, uirecwr, Vancouver jaijcii- it is offered. for the East will leave tonight or Tuesday morning and first train from the Eastj ' will cqme through Tuesday night. president Truman The highway which leads from . . . . ,GoeS Up Into Air Prince Rupert to Prince George Although it seems general that there will be victory for impossible to fight the flames. chard, Biological Station, Nanaimo; and Dr. Farris Neave, Biological Station, Nanaimo. MINING COMPANY IS LOSING MONEY I VANCOUVER Pioneer iGold Mines had a net loss of $156 793 in 1947, it was shown I o thn wrek-end in the directors' X convention heard Paul i't, president of the United f-- Junior Chamber of Com-I K '. appeal for an adoption in 4:1a of Americanism rather A Communism. I . k McKinnon and two chikl-iiirc sailing tonight on the ess Adelaide for Vancou-tiiroulc to Kimberley to join I McKinnon who recently If l south. Dewey, seldom has the opening of a national party convention held such widespread uncertain MEAT SHORT AS LOCAL TIDES (Standard Time) ty as to the man who will be and thence to Vancouver will boj guN y ALLEY, Idaho Presl-reopened by the end of this dent Trurnan, during his visit week, the public works depart- to thls western holiday resort, ment has announced.t 1 did a nttie political fence mend,- STRIKE KEEPS ON resulted from in- 1 rnnnrt, The loss nominated to contest the presidential election. ' creased wage and material costs LONDON, W-The number of 'luesaay, June Annriinpenipnt. mat reeuiar i i 1 "nn foot nn "rwii- i despite higher prices forDumoi. Stassen, the former governor London port strikers rose to High :u. ieci 14 136 18.4 ICft mnnn i- 1 - rl.mlnroc- frnm . . . . . . . - lllg III IV. IIAJC v.vv ' - trains would be running again lar Mountain' in one of the of Minnesota, has farsightedly within the next twenty-four reserved the most strategic spot the West India Dock and Cold Low 8:09 18 fee. . .... ...... nn .nD O n 4 chair lifts used by ski jumpers from all parts of the world. Boston 8, Detroit 3 Washington 5-4, Chicago 8-1 Pacific Coast Oakland 4-5, San Diego 3-4 Sacramento 0-4, Hollywood 9-5 Seatle 8-5, San Francisco 3-4 Western International Vancouver 7-4, Wenatchee 7-4 Tacoma 6-5, Yakima 2-4 Spokane 13-10, Victoria 11-1 Bremerton 9-7, Salem 7-3 SATURDAY National Pittsburgh 7, Philadelphia 6 St Louis 1, New York 10 Chicago 5, Brooklyn 2 Cincinnati 0, Boston 5 American Washington 5, Chicago 9 Philadelphia 0, Cleveland 4 New York 10, St Louis 5 Boston 9, Detroit 7 Pacific Coast ,UU O.u i . vii for his headquarters right off Storage joined in the stoppage. hours came following a weekend during which track repair crews made rapid progress in Meetings ignored appeals by the main lobby of the convention headquarters hotel. THE WEATHER Cannery All Out For Flood Relief getting the line in passable con- .... ' S 1 kn.f tV,of ViaH trades union officials that the men return to work and union representatives were shouted I - r fir anion again, me w n.v Synopsis) northwesterly flow of cool down. been previously expected was The Canadlan Legn has that trains would be getting' . over to the B c Flood BIG FOREST FIRE will nl la nincinrr fnntinilPfi London meat markets Vtava rr fnll hiinfc nn t.hpir last chnmoru tiroat.hor in Illl KPfTtkmS AT WHITEHORSE A S A througn w lerratc "j iaiuqj VKI . w WVV-. ' reserves after being already re- 0f the province except along the All available u Emergency Fund a cheque for $263.00 received from Carlisle Cannery on the Skeena River. This is a 100 percent subscrip WIIITEHORSE " three miles west of Kitwanga and past the worst wash-out towards the end of this week. UJf UK OHmt BUUtllCLU lUanv ,v. men and equipment have bean second week. There is meat In clearing. Scattered thunder- pressed into service to fight a Now it is expected trains will be tion by the crew of forty-ona ao the ships at tne oocks dui it storms are expected in me m-cannot be unloaded. terior regions in the afternoon forest fire of major proportions that cannery and is indicative able to pass there by tomorrow on the Alaska itignway norm It was thought possible that'and evening. A storm is de of the sympathy felt by the afternoon. t 1 rTM.:.. neftn e. Koon 11 - . i ( mm, a ll, ' veloping about buu nines on me OI Ilt?ie. lllia iia.o uvvu me ttuveiiuneuo lillKilb uiurc i It is possible that trains will Queen Charlottes and is expect-1 fishing Industry for the tiooa sufferers and sets a splendid example to those who have yet have to run slowly over some having its longest hot spell in today and order troops to un-ycars. load perishables from the ships. spots for a few days. ed to give rain along the north coast tonight spreading to the Oakland 3, San Diego 2 Sacramento 6, Hollywood 1 Seattle 2, San Francisco 3 Los Angeles 6, Portland 7 Western International Spokane 3. Victoria 2 Tacoma 18, Yakima 8 Bremerton 10, Salem '9 Vancouver 12, Wenatchee 1 to subscribe. With the resumption of train southern coastal regions service, it is announced the em IRISH NOBLEMAN Austerity Excise Taxes Are Being ergency air service which has been operated by Canadian Pacific Air Lines from Prince Ru- DIES IN VICTORIA Forecast) Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy with scattered showers today. Tuesday, over vir r.iraud of Terrace and I'KiLJkahih Lu CaJavaI nwnnmnnl VICTORIA CT) Hon. Edmund Dert to Terrace and Smlthers Lewis Galley of Bablne arrived II Illl Uf If 11 ICUCIfll UUWCI IIIIIGIIl Burke-Roche. aged 89, member will be discontinued. Skeena Air n t.hp filtv bv speedboat from of a noble Irish family, died" on cast with intermittent rain. Winds light today and southeasterly (20 m.p.h.) Tuesday. Transport planes, on a charter service, will be still available nn river Saturday afternoon, Saturday. He was the youngest I rn tracks trail off having been using the boat on son of the third earl of Fermay however. During the railway tie OTTAWA (CP) The government has decided to withdraw the special 25 excise tax imposed on a broad list of goods last November and is now sitting to determine when the decision should be put into effect, the Canadian Press learned authoritatively today. the river for some time in con up flying from here to the interior has become quite popu I Little change in temperature. .Lows tonight and highs Tues-I day At Port Hardy 50-58, Mas-jsett 50-58, Prince Rupert 52-58. nection with fisheries research and was born In Country Cork. He was a prospector for the last forty years. RASTER POURS INTO V AW rum- - aUowing I e embankment which was pierced SlfS The c 0 ho6 waters to swamp Vanport, Oregon. m completely destroyed. 14 de: fm residents was andae checked been Uabou,40 years ago, had previously lUretl stronc enousli to withstand the flood. lar. work. They will be returning to the interior on the next train.