6 cincf Uupcrt Dailp 3cto LtD. Monday June 21, 1948 iTONIGHTTMoT-r Reminiscences UARVISMcLEOD GETS WINGS A young Prince Rupert airman received his peacetime wings today at the Roya Canadian Air Force flying AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver P. C. Wasson, M. Piercy, A. Dixon, Mrs. H. J. Quinn, D. T. Miller. L. J. Brewer-ton, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McDonald, H. Harrison, Q. Slater. From Vancouver (Saturday) Mr. Rennie, L. McDougal, O. Michalazuk, Mr. and Mrs. An- By w.J. ard Reflections " Miss Laura Stephen of San , Francisco, arrived in the city' this morning on the Prince George to spend a few days vls-itiug her parents, Sheriff and Mrs. M. M. Stephens. SHRINE R SHIPS AND WATERFRONT Fraser Valley farmers, return- in the cold blue deep calm salt lnr ti their valpr.lnpnpd hnmvi -.itpr Norman MdnlOjh. DailV ania, Mr. mr. Mas bi iflmii. ton. i "o - r-o ......... - . Fflocsa Relief Sh0J From Sandspit Mr. Lord, R.j discovered snakes had taken iNews reporter, in a moment of shelter there durir.e the rush inspiration, christened the sa training school at Centralla, near Trenton, Ontario when Air Marshal W. A. Curtis, chief of air . staff, led a ceremony of presentation on the parade square of the air station. The ceremony was followed by a reception in the officers' mess Moody. of cold waters and neglected to j going barge "Sniff Yacht." Yet go away. The farmers have been ; even with this crisp hail, the thoughtfully advised that there! scheme faltered and failed, for is nothine to become alarmed ' from the fair shores of Digby Parade of Tourist Ships in Port Today Corsair on Way to Juneau The big steam charter yacht Corsair, for years the property (HOW CAN I ? ? ? i By ANNE ASHLEY ON THE STAGE SHRINE BAM) ANDY McNAUGIITON about.. Venomous serpents arelliland soon came faint calls, Tne graduating class of new unknown west of Ashcrof t. How j suggesting physical distress, as J pUota numbering fourteen, in-relleved the farmers (and their j well as reproach. Take It by! eluded Flying Officer J. H. Mc-wivest mu3t feel! and large, the Incinerator is and Leod, son of Cellector of Cus- of the late J. Pierpont Morgan, is now on her way up the coast with the Oakland (Cal.) Chamber of Commerce making a charter goodwill trip to Alaska Q. How can I remove InK spots from wall paper? A. Most ink spots can be removed from wall paper by applying a weak solution of water and oxalic acid. It should be applied McLeod of HAKOLI) WIIALEN toms and Mrs. J. H. Prince Rupert. nl MIKE ' and is due in Juneau this Wed must be the true key. Only keep , , it in remote seclusion! The reading public may as. well look for sensations in print, a time goes on, and men who j There are few parts of the were leaders during the second. globe where so many persons great war see the approacn of I live so convenient to so safe and with a lnt brush uld Pressd nesdav. Amone those with the i COLUSSI X KAME& is wltn lottine PaPr- the acid party Gov. Ernest Gruening j of Alaska who embarked atjm'Snt affect tne coior of tne Victoria. Last year, extensive ; Paper. It may be necessary to ALSO beautiful a midsummer cruising 'inii; Tims- nf changes and general overhaul were given the yacht. j Modern Etiquette ( By ROBERTA LEE Q. Is it correct for people io wear deep mourning for a child ? A. It Is not customary to do so. Deep mourning does not seem suitable to express th grief caused by the loss of a child, whose Innocence and ten- Phoi'rapi.e: ir. y life's end. Churchill has vrit-ten part of his story. The resi will follow if he is spared. Roosevelt was not. Cordell HuL ground as the northern half of the west coast of North America. There are approximately 150 repeat this process a second or third time. Q How can I avoid freezing of pipes? Wjod, B e has unfolded much. Many ! million people, and if all are ; Port of Prince Rupert is witnessing today a virtual narade A. Water pipes will not freeanother can revea, mnch not aoie to Slip a ay on what ii an alluring and matchless of toumt-laripn postal liners W painted with a mixture of tory, still untold. voyage of discovery, it's a fact der memories are better express- THREE HOURS OF ENTERTAINME - that all would like to. Tickets $1.00 led by the new Canadian Na-ie1ual Jrt of glycerine and jtional steamer Prince George, melted paraffin. Apply this jCapt. Ernest Caldvrell. now on solution to the exposed parts. her second voyage to Alaska,' Q- How can I cut citron which arrived at 11:30 a.m. and easily? wnere ana now to dispose oi garbage lifts its loathed heac again. This time, passing traf There seems to be an fic nut thp hinhanv kit ti-itv, i. i i odd thai fault hon- ed by flowers and bright colore. Q. Is it necessary for a woman to remove her wraps when making a social call? A. No; this Is not required, as a social call should not be prolonged enough to make the wearing of the wraps uncomfortable. Q. Is it all right to place .sailed at 2 p.m. for Skagway j A. Before cutting citron, steam aver,ed stare " thV nerearJi , , . " with a nigh capacity list of pas-! it for several minutes and It will TZ Ye h T"' ? Soon after the make task-out "SuUon tan' Sh?ld there sengers. an easy of a dlf- , Lne solution, In in earlv dav tne .. rt ..... rri . 1 early nays, estlv be one. It mhrht be of ucuigca ucpanu.c, mc uiuun iicuitone. iinmentmnahle stuff rfirf ... . " .. . . FEATURING ! HOSIERY'S BEST BRANDS HOLEPROOF' KAYSEK 1 MERCUKY (WALLACE'S OF COURSE! steamer Chilcotin Cant ihrr1 - i . ..wi-.. aucn sngnt. importance that it McLeT thH I y hair, in lugubrious councU ' is scarcely worth McLean, arrWed arrived at at 2 2.30 30 thi, and other , northern She noUce. but points. rooms. To be a garbage man i.s always d)J' soon sw" or ur late 'dtc' somebody someDoay lafternoon in her second cruise u h kt v,. . ,n . ,.on , 5 i. i.du uj cmuiatc a sorry auiy. Alier is certain tn ravll ' 11 in iaui iu tavii vnvasp alsn with a rrntiri nnm- . ... . . . or quibble. ; flowers on the tea-table at an ber "of' passengers wYth whom ' "n I Xe .5' experiment Tor example, a fine example oflafternoon tea? . - i ud itru iiitf k rtrii l ifip;i. iiiinin h i A. Yes; this usually makes an effective decoration. 1- viiv.ii tuii.ni uukiUIJ la IUiUcQ I the unholy collections, not with- out. Praise is expected des- she leaves at 6:30'this afternoon for Ketchikan, last ship of the RENT - a - RADIO -.ojcu uj hih uuiiiciuua in me cuy nmus isome oi it trved and eiven Let It stand! i " i day Is the CJ.R. steamer Prin-jcaiis to make on the way i mm uu iiic auu a irnnr. itinr snnni hut nut xj a hiie! Advertise in tne Dally Nea! 1 t ---,ss.a, BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK BY THE MONTH ALL NEW 11H8 MANTLE MODELS AT Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging Box 645 216 4 th St. ' "- ! coast, union steamer cataia, Graw, arriving at 6:15 p.m. at Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arrived the government wharf and sail- in port at 3 o'clock Saturday ing at 11 o'clock tonight on her i afternoon and sailed In the return south. j evening on her return to Van- :couver and waypoints. In a Making her final voyage on j couple of weeks, the Catala's the Vancouver-Prince Rupert-schedule will be changed for a Stewart run before being re- Friday night, Instead of Satur-placed for the summer by the j day night sailing from here as Camosun, Union steamer Cikr-jshe will then be making better dena, Capt. William McCombe, j time on the run north after arrived in port at 9 o'clock last ; being relieved of the Rivers RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC . miriii nit.nt, h 1ST BOX US Inlet, Bella Coola and Ocean Falls calls by the steamer Car- dena. evening from Vancouver and waypoints and sailed early this morning for Alice Arm, Stewart We can supply all your nmLs in ... . IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Hotel. . GET 30 MOII HIAT SMITH & ELKINS ',(, en 171 Box 274 T V BUILDING SUPPLIES including WALLHOAKDS, FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOODS, SASH AND NOOK, NAILS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EV ITT & CO. LTD. YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES r Prince Rupert H Selford, Vancouver; R Douglas, Vancouver; N. Bcntlry, Vancouver; J. W. Stokes, Duncan; C. C. Weatherlll, Vancouver; F. Hockaday, Vancouver: H. Linbar, Vancouver; T. A. Bates, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Myers, Vancouver; C. A Smith, Steveston; O. Latval, New Westminster; L. Lachapalle, Ku-mealon; JH. Touzeau, Victoria; H. L. Woolison, Kumealon Lake; J. Parnell, Kumealon Lake; M. Ptercy, Kumealon Lake; W. R. Bonnycastle, Port Edward; Miss E. Alford, Vancouver; O. Berj, Vancouver; L. McDougal, Trail. WTSFOREV ( CHINESE DISHES "Serving the North Since 1920" Phone 651 652 LUMBER PAINTS -A COAL OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESUT PHONE 71 BROADWAY CAFE 808 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 ; Hollywood Cak PRINCE RVTEKT S NEWEST AND MOST t P-T()-I)ATE RESTAURANT OPEf VROM 3:30 P.M TO 3:30 A NEW BETTING GAME MONTREAL 0 Montreal gamblers may have a new outlet for their betting appetlties. Passerby recently noticed a cat stalking a sparrow on the grounds of Christ Church Cathedral. As the crowd gathered, bets were made on the outcome but the sparrow flew away. WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Knlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies CHOW CIIINESE DISHKS A SrECIAl.TT For Outside Onleni Phone 133 CHOP SUEY Relax at the Wheel Do you steer your car or "HEKD " f- Steering Wander? Shimmy? Tireear Restore new car steering control! Inspection and correction can br carried out acc RESULTS TO h ARE SURE! only by use of specialized equipment, m . the LINDSAY policy of having the rlsht tocls lor WHEEL ALIGNMENT anil BALANCING equipment nw II nsta led ana is now in opcrauun. , $ WHAT IS CERTO? Why doet Certo give you so much more jem and jelly? And why do Certo jams and jellies look better . . . taste better? Iff all quite simple. Certo is Drive in ana let us cnecs aim hk"'" -condition. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD nothing but fruit pectin' the r.i II PHONE 866 CERTO DOES THIS 1 Gives you 50 more jam ar jelly because you save all the precious fruit juice that wastes away in steam in lung boiling. 2 Cuts to a fraction the tiros spent over the stove. 3 Retains the lovely, natural fresh-fruit taste and colour. That's still more important because with Certo you use fruit at its peak of flavor and colour not the under-ripe fruit used in long-boil recipes. SUCCESS SURE - EVEN FOR BEGINNERS However inexperienced you may be, you'll have no failures if you follow tiaclly the recipes pro-vidwl with Certo. Different fruits need different handling I nnnnnRnmr7 natural substance in fruit that makes jams "jam" and jellies "jell". It's extracted and rehned to help you make better jams and jellies more easily and quickly. THE CERTO SHORT BOIL With Certo you don't have to boil and boil and boil your fruit to make it set. A om-to-two- GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR m m U mm Mm m m u -M UVU U minuta full, rolling boil enough for jams . . . Reuair Construction Altera" nunufe-to-j-mnufo for jellies. ineres a separate kitch Floor Sanding a Specialty t tested recipe for each one. A Product f GmmtoI roods VIRGINIA CIGARETTES P.O. Box Phone RED 561 A pound ml jam or jolly mad with Certo contains no more sveor rhea sound mad tne old long-boil way. MAKE YOUR JAMS AND JELLIES THE QUICK, EASY MODERN WAT . . . WITH CERTO sMT CERTO AT YOUR ORCKITS W0AY BEST H5 DAILY NEWS FOB ADVERTISE IN THE 1"