Prince Buprrf DafTp ISrtai liB. Monday, June 21, 1948 INTERIOR ROADS III GOOD SHAPE BURNS LAKE All roads in Timely Topics from 'terrace IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN W7TH - the central interior are now Mrs. H. Pache returned last Smithers where they entrained open to heaw trafic. Streams iiogniiaiv Announcements: (2 SPECIAL. nnnni W.ed Advertising u payable in advance. PieaaeTefraln from telephontn,. Thursday from Vancouver where for Edmonton. "of trucks with heavy loads of she accompanied her mother, I lumber from Babine Lake to the Mrs. W. C. Osborne, who went A. Attree has left Shaueh- Burns Lake planine mills aTe In FOK 5LL FOR KE.V1 south for surgical treatment. nessy Military Hospital where constant procesion while from i SALE A real buy, Stude- FOR RENT-Sleeplng room, 650 he has spent the past few weeks Tchesinkut, Francois, Oootsa 7tn Are. East. Phone Red 471. fcker Sedan. In running con-' Ition, $175. Apply 1401 Fred-' Harold Lipsey lost all hia and wiU make leisurely trip and all the southern lakes the Cigarette Tobacco (tf) possessions when th onhin , north from Pentlcton where he hift on the Francois Lake ferry fk-k -Street (Highway Enhance. Box 988, Prince Rupert. FOR RENT Flat r-anrt RWk was residing in west of Little U now vlsmnK his ton and traffic is . keeping the double 146)( Apply Max Hellbroner Jewel-l"auglttna and Kerr's mill was 6- na Mrs. uupitru. Au ruaus are ler. ' tx i razed by fire. Cause of the fire . Kennetl Attree. in fair condition considering ' I . i fVlA U 1 V... was unknown. many waaii-uuis UttUSUU uy FOR RENT-Housekeeping room. MILD. SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA Mr. and Mrs. C. Paulson and May freshets, sons have left their home on Eby I road to reside In town at the " M SALE 36 h.p. Semi Diesel Gardner Electric heating system, no torches. Apply at ' Ishermen's Settlement Serv-ye. (155) am Borden Street. (tf, Mrs. . a. Zorn returned to' ROOM AN3 BOAKD residence residence w IntfACttraf tw Ka a t. ..w in omuners lasn ues-1 recently vacated by ft J 1 f fTTT It T a day after spending the past few Mrs. C. R. de Kergommeaux and MAWr II P -1 A ROOM AND BOARD $50 a PRINCE RUPERT had not arrested anyone. -i mm m m mm m mm I w. I ' v vo Willi iJCl AilLIier. C. family who have moved on to month. Rooms $15 to $18 i Lakleae Avenue. SALE Five tube Marconi julio, newly overhauled, $20 jsh. Apply 640 Fulton St. 1 148) HAD GOOD YEAR YEARS AGO (June 21, licS) month. Apply 622 Fraser St. or phone Black 548. (tf, (June 21, 1913) The White Pass and Yukon Railway was about to call for Mr. and Mrs. F. Stratford left Mrs. H. Seton is a surgical pa- Steamship Movem&ttK Daylight Saving Time For Vancouver Monday as. Princess Adelaide 11 p.m. Tuesday ss. Cardena, 1:33 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert 12:15 midnight. k , i MASSETT Mrs. E. McCorrls- WORK WANTED Einar Beyer, prominent Alas- tenders for the erection of a tient in the Red Cross hospital f. b ton has been elected President R SALE White McClary ft,Ke with Little Queen pot here. ka fish buyer visiting the city, summer hotel at Atlin. WOMEN Experienced in mend ' j of the New Massett Parent- mer. Ftione oiacR 4sz. H7t 1 Teachers Association, succeed safd that "Prnce Rupert is the logical shipping point for all Mrs. Stefanson left Terrace ing Mrs. H. R. Frost who has Mrs. E. Earl and three child Screened compartments in restaurants in the city 'were recently for Vancouver for sur- BALE - Scrap wood, ran ing, sewing, ironing and attending children. Sixty cents an hour. Apply Box 358 Daily News. ,145, ' AUska mild-cured herrinS completed a highly successful renlert by car on Tuesday lor gical treatment. Saturday ss. Catala, 9 a.fc. &m jengms, $o per corii. term of office and now carries June 19 ss.' Princess Loiilse Louise hone Red 963. (145) salmon but it cannot gei this banned by order of the licens-trade without providing the tag committee, needed facilities.'' j - on as vice-president. Mrs. Nor FRANCOIS LAKE PERSONAL Noran. i p.m. DDPTTV TCDnATC SALE 6 room Wartime June 23 ss. Princess 6use. Good condition. Har- Mrs. T. D. O'Neill of Quebec arrived in the city to visit with her mother, Mrs. A. R. Holtby. p.m. view. Apply 1428 Piggott On Wednesday morning Mr. ' 'H I LlYftMlL Loback brought his plane down t(frrf IC llMl streTch-1, a?-;fi WEDDING IS HELD June 28 ss. Prince Ged ace. (1481 FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in the Interior, stop at T !kw,i Hotel, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, just half way to Prince Oeorge. (tf, man Green is secretary-treasurer. At the annual meeting last week the retiring president, Mrs. Frost, gave a review of the past year's work of the branch which, although small, accomplished much in the second year of its existence. Ik vu. ,E I SALE 24-foot awning with n-ivry ynanenger away with The power vessel Belmont, owned by the Belmont-6urf In-et Gold Mining Co., struck a rock in Grenvllle Channel en-oute from Prince Rupert to Surf Inlet. She sank, but her Her. Snap. Apply Maceys. IN TERRACE... Miss Doratby May Cote and Gregory Martin Siebert are Unite ; (180) him. Harry's sister Pamela was with him, and .she and Harry will go to Vancouver in the plane PERSONAL WE'LL SHOP FOR YOU. If you know what you A Modern Department Store SALE 20-ft. pleasure boat, taken ashore TERRACE Standing under Much-needed books to thP passengers were una men on to Honolulu bv want, but live too far away tc. h p. Easthope engine. Com- value of $72 were added to the 111 llf boats find it theanotner an arch of everB'-eens and sum- yourself, write to Pne. Harry has been Nationally-known lines in Ladies' Wear, Yard Good, Men's Clnthinr Shm ' te with 8-ft. skiff. Phone stavine with r.antair, mer flowers, before Rev. Q. Ora Select Shopping Service, Dom lue 148 between 6 and 7 p.m. school libraries and a donation of $50 was made to the Community Club to assist in the inlon Building, Vancouver, (tf ) (148) plus a new Self-Serve Faoy mj Miss Roma Caldwell, a sieno- Stretch for a year while at- ' Miss Dorotny y Oole tending school here. and GreK8ry MarUn fiiebert . exchanged nuptial vows on Wed- David Larkey has moved over nesday evening in the Full Gos- to the south side anrt is tvin Pel church. Section with a Free Delivery ". J 1 SALE New & Used Furni- Service. purchase of a movie projector grapher employed by the prov-under an agreement whereby incial forestry department, was the schools have the use of the assaulted on McBride Street kre Si Hardware. Slightly LOST AND FOUND LOST Boy's windbreaker,one side plaid. Phone Green 154. (146) d bedroom suites, good THE SKEENA MERCANTILE with the Oknianski hrthpr. Ttle beautiful bride, machine for the showine of eriu- near Second Avenue bv a man gowned polity; used carpet; kitchen in shimmering white satin with cational films. A vote of thanks who stole her purse. Police were their ranch. Its from $18; Electric wash- ousue Dacx, sweetheart neckline vas tendered Eric Liversedee machine, best condition; Charlie Millar brought Mrs. and long sleeves. wore a kng,ior his time and services each piece chesterfield bed $35; Millar home frnm th n.nii brWal veil and coronet and car-. Wednesday in running the nm. FOUND Two keys on chain in Algoma Park. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) food mattresses $8; 3-piece fd $15; Underwood modern on Thursday morning with their rlWl a bou1uet dep redjjtor for schools. At the new baby daughter. roses- Sne was eiven In marriage , invitation of the P.T.A., the Old bpewrlter; house & office vy ner moiner, Mrs. . Oole, who I Massett Indian day school FOUND On Third Avenue, Sat- fc-.ks Si chairs; chinaware; British India rugs, hand Aftpr a mnnth r,f tm.t wore a blue crerje a-own . with children come down t. de, beautiful designs; new urday afternoon, Ball - point tinual warm, dry weather rain whlte cceS8'-e nd a corsage school fUms. pen. Owner may have same would be very welcome There of yellow roseb"'is- Botn the New Massett schools by identifying and paying for is promise of an excellent hay Maid of honor was Anne MoU- are now equipped with radio urney stoves. Other useful ui ,ura mcincm me uauy crop. ior in a blue sheer gown With ,m lacnues msehold articles. Come and .ik this over. B. C. Furni-re Co. Black 324. " e5- ' 1 long sleeves, blue veil headress METAL WORK Rainbow trout are biting well and bouquet of peanies, in the lake, averatnne about les nd yeUow Irises. SALE 1942 Dodge Specia Icluxe Sedan. Newly painted. BASEBALL TEAMS ARE ALL BUSY tccellent condition. Apply 13 PLUMBING Installations ana two pounds. Bridesmaid was Shirley Cole, repairs. SHEET METAl lne bride's small sister, who WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roof-1 A mother moose and her two- tookl very dainty in a long inn. Letourneau it Sons. 829 day old calf started twlmmin. dress of Dink taffeta, nink M. (tf) Sixth West Phone 543. . (tf ) across Burns Lake. When about headress encircled with a cor- BURNS LAKE Teams of the SALFi Big 4 WarUme iuse. Inmediate Dossession. MACHl.NtK 1-Uh SALt piced ri ht for quick sale. a hundred feet from shore the onet of daisies and carrying a"-"""8 Ulstnct Basebalj League calf swam back, but the mother colonial bouquet. jwere all engaged in battle on kept on going and left it. Const. Arnold Best was groomsman Sunday test- ro SAW better lumber more mstrom Agencies. Phone - (146) Richmond cared for the raif and the usher was Donald Hull J Burp Lake journeyed to Wis- economically use the modern SALE Furnished 5 room mga. ow. All modern. Owner and up-to-date type National 1 wnich is now Quite tame and ! Mrs- Glass Played the nuptial "arla t0 play tne Oootsa Lakers. ! Portable Sawmills manufac- living on tne lake shore near the music- During the signing of but the Wlstaria team was seri- j tured by National Machinery Roberts family's home. It con- the glter a recording of the ously handicapped on accoun". sumes three sweet beUs f many of thelr 8tar I Company tmltea, Vancouver cans of milk a day of St. Margaret's Players BC u' from a bottle. When old enough Westminster, was heard through belng away- The game resulted avini; town. WU1 sacrifice. June Red 666. (149) . w iravei it will be sent to Jasper. iine curtesy or c. J. Norrington. " tt wl" 101 ous aKe witn a SUMMER MEMp W delicious "Royal Qty" Pork & Wsjassn k V 1 - Beans and make light work of hot- If l w ' weather meals. Ask your grocer for 11 II TtJJJit j thia quality brand. ' ff CAIIED F00IS jj WANTED SALE One six-piece break-it f suite, natural finish. One as me nappy couple left the u BLlMC ul 10 lo - i-lite with silk shade. One church young Garry Alger pres- Decker Lake players, resplend-ented the bride with a silver ent ln new uniforms, were the horseshoe for luck. guests of the Francois Lake o-burner hot plate. 1229 Khth Avenue East. (146) WANTED Sitka Spruce Logs, also Cedar Poles. Advise quantities can supply, earliest shipment, prices f.o.b. shipping point. Nledermeyer - Martin Co., Spalding Building, Portland 4, Ore. (1501 Train Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday I p.ra. From the Fast Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday-10:45 p.rc R SALE Good solid oak The wedding breakfast was teams at Pioneer Park. Ross held ln the dining room of the o111. Iirst man up, hit Bud Silver Tip Cafe where Mrs. Cole Lord s first offering and finally received the guests. The toast 8Cored tne lone fun for Decker to the bride was proposed by Lake' Tne Francois Lake team the Rev. Graham and responded witn an air-tight battery corn-to by the groom. A beautiful posed of Bl,d Lord- Pitching a iffet and dining table. $60 e pair. 400 8th Ave. West. flume Black 518. (147 WANTED FOR CASH 2-3 ton - truck, 1840 or earlier mode!. R SAL E English buggy. three-tiered wedding cake, made IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE Phone Black 752. (1501 Apply stating price wanted to and decorated by Mrs. F. Bailey, Box 357 Daily News. ,145, In the Matt of h, A.lmlhWratk.n j wa8 cut by the bride, SALE GUnet boat with une game ana doing perfect handling of everything that came his way In the infield, and with his brother Claude Lord behind the bat were invincible, running the .score up to a 9-1 And Pictures were Taken by Brock rum, first class condition. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA in thf Matter of the Rotate Mnk.. ady to go. Apply Cow Bay U harlM BirtwlilfrtM-, lim-rawd, IntM-! ' - -"", ira kki mi H . . A r I 1 . i. .l .:' . .:. ::: muci a snon nonevmonn 'at Works. . ,n ' lnl'" " take notice that by Order of spent at Lakelse Lait th. ' tory. Earl Hereford Deeder ' " His H0n?r judKe w Q. Pulton. ""iJ . Loralj-, A...I weds will m ,.t return to Terrace toumplred satisfactorily. In thl Mullpr of lir Paint of ure supreme OTn OI Brl- reside. FOR SALE of June. A D. 148. appointed Admin' IntPstatr rming House, fully furnish- ; TT-I TT TT IN THE TAKE NOTICE th.t h Orrtor nf " . ",r ""M OI tjnarleR JUST FOR All 18 rooms rented, yields on investment. Third Av- Tou read H. in th News) Hla Honor Judpe W. O. Fulton. Local "bX'v, CnwfL.f T-,RU" Judge of the supreme Court of Brl- STl'J? "f?. C,'u a' ,w h tlsh Columbia, I was on the 1st dav l tl " "y, of, Apr":, 194B- Haney Brttlah Columbia. All .1 Jne All 1U4R ,im Arimin- per- 'ie property. $8000.000 will Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Hunting f puile. f Room House on two choice Fishing Sightseeing w lots in Section 2. Going a snap. BABY Loveable little wearables for your loveable little cherub. Everything from sturdy creepers to dainty dresses. Iftoom House on 7th Ave. Istrator of the Estate of Johanna m,,v( " J " T "' imuuh, enclossd In envelope . . Coughlan. lata of Stewart. Brttsih SSnl' to me ?thwl?h 5SS ? f B tot Outbid swiw-'M z ssrSLra sH - s srw! ne 30th' ,M8' tor " ss-ct.o,tsriiT-a i ssH7uj?r tS person, having claims against the Zs of which shha Zn W? Mod"' ,oc8ted said estate are quired to file them otmla Ranger Station. with verified or be- , 2 Elto sPlUr 4 H me properly on nATFn t p.,-.. j,,,,,... n n P.. P.B. Na fJSf '2 L..;,,1!4.8"; nfh dayDoV.,rADT9r48.BC-thls VoHaL??-!!r " Cou" which dtsU-tbutlon will be made House. Prince Runert. feisf.7 I pst. 2y2 lots cleared. Cement kment. Price $4500.00. SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. PHONES . Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd., 35 Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 Rooms and bath. Sixth " West near McBride. This Ins GORDON FRASER FORBES Further Information tna be ob. 'ding has spacious room on und floor for store or Official Administrator ikshop, or conversion into Prince Rupert BC. Court House Rtipm B c nd the Forest Ranger, Burns Lake. having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 16th day of June. A D. 1948. GORDON FRASER FORBES Official Administrator apartment. Price $3000.00. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PRORATR I The highest or amy tender not necessarily accepted. FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ... 8ec Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER tINCE Rl'PERT REALTY Prince Rupert, B.C. (155) the Matter of lne AilmlilMratlmi SIS 3rd Ave. E. Box 1118 Phone Red 400 PURCHASINO COMMISSION, Parliament BuUdlngs, Victoria, B. C. June 14, 1941. . (it) CO. Phone Green 917 (tf) Act" Anil ' In the Matter of the Estate of Percy Shnrpe, Deceased, Intestate IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE Chevrolet rentiM Bulck OldsmoblU Che. Tracks CM C. Track In the Mailer of the Klate of Carl TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Skeena nut a, A.her, KaMstron,. decea,,, Ho;- Jmber TAKE Onmlunt NOTICE that that Umlfd the j ntestate. . Judse Judge nf of the the Suoreme Supreme Court, Court of of Brl- Rri. n 5-'..' T. . ol mor B, c., oecun.t.0,, laBrT. and fICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage RXKACC. 11 C tish Columbia. I was on the I4th day lumber manufacturers, kitenda to of June. A D. 1948. Admin- appointed apply for a leas, of the toUowk istrator of the Estate of Percy Sharpe. described lands being part of the 1U LEASE LAND Land Recnrritncr nifiti-1.f nt In the Matter of the "Administration Act" TAKE NOTICE that by order or His Tines urugs DRUGS s Rupert, and situate on the - - - . ........ , ( .riitrw uia dm rm .n..iu xi- Honour Honour Judge juage W. w. O. u. r Fulton, u.mi. made tne ro of Craft Bay. Naden Hr- - jwho died on or about the 27tn dav of T AZr., 7"! ' "iSTM "Sh Queen chw.. i.... 10th dav of June. A D. 1948. I was ,, 1Q.a . d,. i ?ur-. V?nn,encln M P0' plnted V notice that Bamuel Leonard ! appointed Administrator ot the British Columbia. All persons Hrtwwhi? SuVw SJS. hsiM1? Nn of n r. ,.n Estate of Carl (Charles) Albert Kali- irH-htH . OIH r' h. ""8Pn'c survey station KS198T. RUPERT MARINE REALTY ll" "d:L IV SSSfkavm. claims aga.nst 1 ?J J J"?. ! JSSS LZ degrees 'TtTVZJ? PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M, 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. L. . AUttuwillK ura- t- - -. . - uiucuwruiirao iaj ihc luimwivu tuiu u St At Iran ihanm VTA .1 . . . , t" 1,nds: the saltl estste tn hT y ,f? i persons having claims against the chtin' Jl! verified to the sio r an mmencing at a post planted t to furnish same the properly 31st dRy of July. are required to file them cnams- Sa Z- tr? twnoe ll2 SH d!SZ degrees K E ?2 1 water .... before t m.rir mara on .v,. .y, snore me mr nn uu u. or - ---- - " witn mo me n.M vermea on or t- oe- Craft n tne east r iQi after which date claims . properly ,. chains- cnains, thmn tnence nan sw degrees m W . ap rlott labuut ,h n filed mav be paid without reference Hitrihtmn win h- .""""Wiy 3 onalns to the high twatw ,. tfc.-c. .teriv fol- to any claims of which I then bad , to h . , f water ncrtester y long the ahoreuae to the point of Us? VMS . 'i.a KH W-,AloiL7P which I shall have been notified. (I. CLAUSEN tc SON) I We Take Listings of . . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER: BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS 1 (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green l at Prince Rupert B.C. this P'TED mcre,, more Ior of June. A D. 1948 Emergency bicycle delivery Irom 7 pan. till 9 p.m. and Sunday Dally caf delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. 18th day storing logs. OT All parties Indebted to the estate Usenes north to high) naark; thence westerly along 'are required to pay the "mount of fc wster nwt and containing , their indebtedness to me forthwith. acni at the city of RtT )) nre or less. DATED me mirtv t , i. 'nert. Province of British Columbia. Date of staking: May SB. 1944 GORDON FRASER FORBES Official Administrator Prlnct Rupert, B.C. (155) iv-i-'l.h rin ct June. AD. 1948. u'red Is oyster culture. Dated this 18th day of June, 1948. P. L. Northcott, Agent lor SKEENA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED. PHONE 81 t uel Leonard Blmpson" llaih atf In Pull GORDON F. FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Advertise in tne uauy News! "1 Mav ssth loan ............ . -rr rrrrr i rrsssistm j jj jrr rum jsji f