r ly out of income, (salaries, wages fees. iiitereBt,.dlvideudsxte.,t aud t l?n'nrc Rupert Dailp r3cto0 :Fritoy, October 21, 1040' LETTERBOX rams 3K An lndiwridrnt daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert F "If -. ana bit rummun'tip comprising nortnern ana cenrrai uniisn iotumoia. ( Author wd us Secono Clnss Pot Of Dee Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. G A HUNTER, Managing Editor. H O. PERRY. ManamnK Director. MWUflKR- OF CANADIAN PRfSS AlTDIT BUREAU OK CIRCULATION 3 CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Z . . I I LADIES m . SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oaj Carrier, Per Week. 20c: Per fcionui. 75e: Per Year. M OO. Bf jVA H Mi.ll Per Month ROe: Per Year, tfi 00 .f I fclB.VllWiTl.ilWAlrlTitti; APPRECIATIVE Editor. Daily News: I wish to thank both His Grace, Bishop Jordan, a"l your papor lor the wonderful article "Piayer." It held such inspirational thoughts. Reading such material tends to open the window of the mind and leaves a feeling of peace with the reader especially during these critical tunes when one reads so much that is of a depressing nature. . A. M. IRVING, Terrace. not a ehkige on Biunicia3 prop-erty. . . , The present dilemma of Prince Rupert is caused partly by the i act that thousands (perhaps millions) of dollars that have oi'on earned in Rupert 'during the past forty years have been taken Li other places for investment and retirement funds leaving the j rs'-nt property holders with n down streets, sewer aH schools If the basis of our national income tax is correct then the usis of the sales tax, Uie hi pilal tax (partly at letiiiU and the .-rhool and social service lace 4s wrong. MEVS LEAtli Special . 'F..N"S Al. 3 a- F' 4 'W $ e " t RI ISI K ( OA! J Special I MEN'S Dkess i Trotn 1 m I'NDKltvi ''iti,,ns, Ml SH-cial t MEN'S R.MSuJ J- MI'MCIPAL FINANCES for :ie r at Terrace Formerly Philbert) fitting 1 Editor, Daily News: This letter is prompted by your editorial of October 17 on the condition of our Municipal Vai Hans and Charlotte Koch Proprietors IN CIVVIFR NOW Here are the stamps in a new issue to go on sale Nov. 15 which shows King George out of the uniform he's worn on Canadian stamps since 1942. A similar series had to be replaced with these stamps when it was discovered the word "post aire" had been omitted from the design. The stamps are the same siae as those currently issued and the same color with the exception of the two-cent, a slightly darker .brown. How millions of dollars aiv ready at the drop of the hat fir war services and nut a nickel for tchools, hospitals and irwts has' never been satisfactorily explained. The most prolific breeding ground for com mums t and socialist propagunda Is the present condition of our municipal services and it is high time MEN'S GABAHb:; Full lined MEN'S COVEUt CO.TS-.Topin fit MEN'S ALL-tVOi 1 !r There will never be a lon,j range program of civic improve- ments here unUl the basis of j i municipal financing has been al- i ' tereri from the ground up. , i FISHERMEN'S f we had a "Marshall Plan" in cut. Now MEN'S DRESS A Ray Reflects ... ... ami Reminisce The net result of the Golden- j Canada financed from Ottawa to bete and Cameron reports is i repair the ravage of war and (-mitch the same as that of the j pretJon on the municipal air no SOX Now MEN'S SPORT S L doctor who prescribes a sedative i tare Now for the patient without attempt As the editor of our only paper. MEN'S WORK St Loneliness is said to be a knew what he was about to do, u a cur for Uie bttS"; i V. 1 1 . 1 Now for for his ms gun gun tuwl lusr ol ulK scourge of old age. Twenty six he reached MEN'S WORK IF YOUR HOUSE SUFFERS FROM "CHILIS?" GET ItlGHT DOWN TO THE ROOT OF THE TROUBLE I'llONI? 881 AND HAVE T H OM SHEET METAL LTD. you have a steady Job ahead of you in arousing public attention to Uie seriou.sneiS of the whole situation . , CONCERNED. Now percent of the new pensioners iss I down came a fellow worker in-British Columbia during the last stead of a porcupine. It was one The financing of our schools, social services, hospitals (municipal per diem i should be en tire- MEN'S DKESS 1 NKortment, put of those times a fellow felt so certain and discovered he had been mistaken. Nil"" three years were said to be living alone. A first rate way to have company, without being tied to it is to be reasonably prosperous and not mean. BOYS' AI.L-W0 Fancy plaid NOTICE BOYS' L At Eli The temporary escape from its caw in Stanley Park zoo, of an BOOTS All sh,. Special BOYS' SCHOOL Just Another Phase IN THE CONTINUING SERIES of "cold war" I crises, the issue over the admission of Yugo Slavia to the United Nations security council becomes another phase laden with explosive possibilities just as is the changing- situation in another quarter of the globe where the Chinese Communists have almost completely conquered Nationalist China and are now approaching Hong Kong and other western-controlled strongholds. It is to be supposed that all this is just an intensification of the same cold war in which the bulk of the victory, it can hardly be denied, has been so far jwith Russia. Russia's latest threat is to withdraw altogether from the United Nations organization now that Yugoslavia has been admitted to the Security Council in a vote over Soviet-dominated Czechoslovakia. Such action, in itself, would constitute little further in the way of international deterioration since, as far as the Soviet and her Comi'nform satellites are concerned, the United Nations has long since become more of a fighting ground than a venue for peace making. Russia is little use in the United Nations as long as she continues her present attitude. THE MAYOR RETIRES WERE SORRY to record yesterday that WE our good friend Nora Arnold had decided to retire with the expiry of her term of office as mayor of Prince Rupert at the end of this year. We have known a lot of mayors in our time in Prince Rupert and can say that few, if any, have filled the office with more distinction in spite of the difficult problems with which she and her councils have had ; to labor. One of the outstanding features of Mrs. Arnold's tenure, of course, was the uniqueness in itself of being a woman in the office of the mayoralty, something which, through the manner in which she filled the office,1 brought considerable favorable publicity to Prince Rupert. We do not agi-ee with Mayor Arnold's reasoning that she should retire in favor of some one younger. Surely she was not suggesting that age, in her case, should have so soon become an infirmity even if she has not enjoyed the best of health during the past year. However, it has been gratifying to note the improvement of her health during recent months following her treatment and, as we express regret at her retirement at this time, we can hope that she may later come back to public life. Meantime, she will find that there be plenty of useful things she can do in community service services that, will be limited only by her capacity and willingness to do them. Her retirement, of course, brings up the question of a worthy successor a matter which is of ut PANTS This year, the twenty-fifth of j ciev,.n f0t python gives some December will occur on Sunday. ! poi,lt to demands by Vancouver Assuming there will be the cus- j peopie to either kill or sell it. tomary observance of Boxing : They haw no wjsl- to have tsueh Day, it will be the middle of the j a creature in Uieir city, or would wk. before the routine of every- plinee R,mert! After all. the oniv Check Your Furnace J BOYS' RAINCOAf fitting. From BOYS' AI.C..H014 . Drivers are warned to exercise extreme caution at all )( ants between Prince Rupert and Galloway Rapids, as construction work of various kinds is now In progress throughout the greater part of this distance. The road ma? b temporarily blocked at various points and blasUng operations ,-iay render Uie surface very greasy. Consequently, g-eat care is necessary, especially at some of the-sharp turns. H. W. STEVENS. Divisional Engineer, Provincial Dept: of Public Works, Prince Rupert, B. C. 47) IMfl!I day life will be resumed. Vet it place for a serpent huge or will last only long enough to ; Kn,;1n with or without venom is 1 11 nr. is the howling wilderness. make fitting preparation for the iclebration of New Year. It could be possible to have no motoring mm fatalities at all. but it is certain Two cases in which the law ol , BE WISE SEE OCR p,etti:r BI VS AT ISLAND CITY BlILDEKS' SI PPLIES General Builders' Supplirt and PITTSIH KO PAINTS the press, during the first week ; supply and demand has never !n January, will record the tragic ; worked the supply of talk al- ways has exceeded the .demand: passing of scores of people who today little foresee what is just the demand for money always has exceeded the r-uppiy. ahead. Advsrtli-e 1 Uif 506 McBride Et. ., Blue 820 for mone; He that marries earns it.--Proverb. Unless utterly disinterested in Frince Rupert affairs, and indifferent about voting in December's civic election, call at the CITY 0F PRINCE KITE This is not the first time Lak-.' city clerk's office and register be-Phawat'.ans has aroused and heid fore it's too late. It makes a Notice of Intention to Rezcri live local interest. Just now, the person feel cheap to be told h leason is the break in the pip has no ballot, instead of being' line. A good many years ago handed a paper, to reflect that he j man empioyeii at a camp by the could hae enjoyed what surely; lake shore saw souiethins niov- Is a nroud nrivilege. Don't think , t Notice is hereby given that the Municipal 0.i City of Prince Rupert contemplates amemUmt :! By-law to rezone the following property now zfi maximum residential area as a minimum coninw i All of Blocks 2 and 3; Lots 17 to 25 inclusf s Block 8; all of Block 9: Lots 1 to 14, Bui Ing among the top branches of a of yourself in a no-account light nearby tree. Before anyone It's dangerous. 10; Lots 1 to 12, Block 11. all in Section Map 923, Prince Rupert Townsite. Any objection to the above procedure shoul in writing to Uie undersigned on or before Frids ber 4th, 1949. Complainants will be given an ow LAY AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Lovely F-.Tage-ment Set S85.00 ) 7 ftate their objections before the by-law is anw H. I). THAIS, 1 Hlaliarr School for lonwrroiv The newspaper boy .... the boy who delivers your papers .... is a typical Canadian boy. He Is the business man of tomorrow. And as a carrier, he learns those lessens which will prepare him for a successful future. Carrier Co npetition StarUng on October 3 the Daily News Is sponsoring a carrier competition with a bicycle as first prize and many other valuable cash prizes. The boys will be awarded points for obtaining new subscribers for dependability and for efficiency in collections. So any he!p that you can give your jarrier will be appreciated by him and he in turn will try PHONE 79 ggf Ptarnu II BsXS.'?ya'srs I .dies Birth Stone i!3-s: f.v 3 -l.T Jl S7.50 ud "!3tf I C ENT'S WATCHES Trom S24.75 S100 LADIES' WATCHES From S24.75 $115 GEORGE COOK, Jeweller serve you .... his customer .... to the e utmost uimosi 01 of his nis 4 Phone 264 r27 3rd Ave. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE ability. 4fi;iui3 ) most importance in view of the growing crisis in - municipal affairs, the variouj facets of which will, j as we have said before, require ability, ingenuity and vision to meet and solve. THE NIGHT SCHOOL "THE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES is des-I . erving of a word of commendation for the enterprise it has displayed in establishing the new night school classes which we note with pleasure opened this week with a gratifying response in the way of enrolment. It speaks well, too, that there are so many ambitious people in the city who are interested in spending their spare time to improve their practical attainments and thus fit themselves for specialized pursuits which are becoming of increasing importance in the modern economy of service and employment, . Night schools such as this are becoming increasingly popular throughout the country and here in Prince Rupert, where winter nights are long and many complain of lack of diversion, they should become a valuable and permanent institution. In any case, it will be interesting to note the popularity and support of this w inter's experiment which might well develop into an expanding program including a wide variety of courses, both practical and cultural. HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 fM 7 p.m. to 9 p.m SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVI WHAT A BUY! WATERMAN'S 'BALL POINTER' No other Ball Point Pen works like a Waterman's t PRE-STOCK CLEARANCE SAIE at Kaien Co-op HARDWARE PITH IN Fl AVAR- Priced Right Only $1.50 Refill Cartridges 50c each I W 111 - - . II MONEY ., SA $W Ueysll Complete Stock of 5h r jtiii PENS from $2.40 to $15.75 Now available MARCEHc El Mi at -.unF.RF . UNTIL OCTOBER 29 ONLY CONGOLEUM RUGS BAROLEUM and REXOLEUM RUGS YARDS GOODS - FLOOR MATS INLAID LINOLEUMS All LESS 20r on regular retail price .THOXIU79 BOX 1127 251 THIRD AVENl'E Joseph Chell, Inspector of a newly appointed inspector in schools, Is sailing Sunday nigh- the southern Interior, who has THE NEW MARGARENE HAS A NEW i EASY SPREADING TEXTURE. j MABt'E . , ASK YOUR GROCER FOR NEW FOR ECONOMY AND DOWNRIGHT C Another Product f Cinads Parkers IJ on the Camosun tor Narau diat-, been here for a time 1 amUiariz-riyt on official duties. He will be ing himself with inspectorial accompanied ly I. H. R. Jef fcry, work.