4 nivv' mm mm cam orisi Friday, October 21, 1949 f FOR BEAUTY AND UTILITY T REASONABLE COST ' H N PILES i I V m ti 1 Y c. rid ran 2 retni-n,i v,.. i .. . . . Tou cant expect relief from piles unless you remove the basic cause which lies deep in- Thursdavaft.rn 7 3 m uonl ,or8ct ,ob8 Daughters new trip to Vancouver. ment. nivin Hear Ted ApplewhaKe's "Re- 8 pm' 28- All Uu(kiiisses In stock from i4" to 114" At New Lower Prices . Flume now for your copy of Extra Living Space in Your Home" MAILED FREE Likt.a light hat? port from Parliament," 6:15 Tonight. - CFPR, First meeting and rehearsal (240) I this season of Rotarv Men's Rev. Lawrenec Sirher r-h,m.,i chor"s. will be held at the Civic TREATMENT, a liquid taken! oraly, is comprised of innredi-l oraly is compounded of inrredi-Iheir ability io heal and remove, this deep-seated cause. Hun-1 dreds of satisfied PVLTO.NE users are your assurance of results with the first bottle or the P r I e e refunded immediately. PYLTONE, $1.75 at all dru--Ifists. (1ft Thursday afternoon bv air frn, ' Centre' Fridav- c- 21, at 8:00 a trip to the'Oueen r'h.ri,. ?m- Ail members and men in- ert & McCaffery! Islands. "-.terested In choral group sing- ; mg are asked to attend. (246; worn uovc Taxi Ph. mo LIMITED fllONE 118 Prompt and Courteous Service. ANNOUNCEMENTS '-XJ Li tf (247) Job's Daughters Fashion Show' and entertainment, Oct. 21. 81 FUNERAL OF JOHN MATHERS Congregation of friends, fill ti.-To'itt In 3f regular master. " Capt. C. O. Campbell, well right for south Quern Charl- known loc' halibut boat owner, lotte Island points whence she te sallln8 Sunday night on the will return here Sunday to sail Camosun 'or Vancouver, that night on her return ' south. , SO N. Whist and Dance, Frl- r aA vr ' , : ' day- cu'br 21. whist, 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Helin and Music by Mike Colussl Refresh-Barrje are saline tonight jjrCoisibe, who is Vancouver taking ) steamer Cam- ing the capacity of the Grenville Court Chapel of R. C. Undertak Dort at 2 0 click ers gathered yteterday afternoon to pay final tributes of ) : i , - - -- . mcijruuuy welcome. esteem and respect at the fun y.d will sail to-1 Charlotte Islancj. . SUMMER VISITORS Feel the difference In MALLORY eral service of the late John Mathers, pioneer resident of Sandspit, Queen Charlotte Islands. Rev. Canon Basil S. Prockter, rector of St. Andrew's ViS mJ Uttie black 'bag-trade mark of the i f Nurses for more than a quarter century- civ I -7 y U'der Slrap model Uke the one nurs Be'ty cox of Ottawa is receiving from Hester Lusted, assistant sup. at V- C N. headquarters in Ottawa. All V. C. N nurses will be Issued with the new style bags. (CP Photo) Tuna, which have a worldwide range, are common along the Nova Scotia coast and in the Gulf of St. Lawerence during the summer months. Anglican Cathedral, officiated. Mrs. J. C. Gilkor oresided at p.m.. Civic Centre. Civic Centre Bridge, Oct. 21st Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. Card tournament, Catholic Hall, Thursday, Oct. 27, 8 p.m. Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28 St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar Nov. 3. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking November 5th. , Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Nov. 17. Prince Riupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. I.O.D.E. Chapter' Fall Biz-aar, Nov. 24 St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar. Jov. 2ft. Saturday. United Church Xmas Bazaar, Dec. 1. Crange LiVlIes Sale. Dec. 7. Salvation Army Home League Sale of fancy work and home cooking at Sons of Norway Hall. Dec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. S.O.N, whist drive and dance every Friday. (246) the organ to accompany the family (Massett); Bessie, Jack . Wahl and family Bob Want and Rising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from -...-'fuvK 2e ner word nir lniurtinn """"-." - lallllllllUlII r, vji Notices aOc, Cards oi Thanks, Death- Notices SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Ton can tell al a (ouch that tha Airwayi is a Mallor j hat it hai thai auparbly toft, mellow fur felt found only in a Mallory. Come tee it you'll knew iff the right lightweight hat ior you! Other Mallory hati iiom $6.50 up. family. Sis, Eustace and - the Smith family (West Vancouver), Mrs. Carmichael, O. Johansen's and G. Nelson's, Mr. and Mrs. Fife and family, Kay and Fred (Vancouver), Margaret and Harold, Hazel and Ed, Bill and Mar- f THANKS I LOST AND FOUND afters and famt- J " liUVV owav ciiiu uttu. jacK, Mary and family Sej "s'aIe ln the Arms Mrs H&&n-"-Mrs-chrisua"-' -and i Following the service , inter- G- ment was made in Fairview J""' Mr a"d ltMrs- - Pi" Mr and Mrs- Cemetery. , ?:urnelr' Ole Wick, Pallbearers were Peter Haan Charles Wey, Carl Strand. Ed Wahl. Henry EbUme- Wahl, Harold Christiansen and h rd. I0Wn Char "e a"d b Haan' Mr' Elmer Christiansen. Bf y Mrs. d J"lff' ty. Mr. There were numerous floral (QC' tributes from Annie Malcolm and nPl , f famlly' RIand p and family family (Nanaimo.: (Nanaimo): oilv Olive and and ?ella' Sylvia Beaven. 'ipres tneir m-. fur the many jorie, Ed, KrWz. and Jody. LOST Will man at Port Edward who took Gabardine coat by mistake from Mooss Hall please phone Blue 953 (247j i sympathy an- Med on uie recent bereac- iOl l WVUIK nua- LOST One small Cameo ear ring. Finder please leave at Daily News. (246) Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Matheis and Miss A. Mathers of Sarid-spit returned to the Islands by T.HHARD'S LINIMENT Charles (Vancouver); Agnes, Hel- Mr. and Mrs. E. Severson, Mr. and Mrs. Kendall. Dalbv and LOST Rlne of kevs. au una aiutriioon aiier - , bottle mer and family, Bea, Eli and opener attached. Please ! re ing the funeral of the late John 1 1! R A f AflWrt CT - RENT-By Dec i, J room apart-S x 583 Daily or Phone Black Uf) Craig; J O. Tienaho, nano. Parent parent Teach- AVplr It fly, (ad ruk. turn to Dally News. family MassetU ; Jean, Wes and 11, Teachers Association (Sandsnit). Mr matners, wnicn was held here I yesterday. j Phone Green 78T Bos 1193 and Mrs. Nybloom, Mr. and Mrs. John rViUPr Qn fnmU., T 1 1 'I drrinc hat so Mra dor. Ad it bnnK qutcjr wlif to nunilil arhra tn4 Mint, anirtlfia, lumbo. lcoomcl tin 5c FAVORITE DISH The Japanese relish the squid as food LOST Pair of irlasws at Miller Bay or on 89 Bus on Momiav. Finder please return to Bulgers. (J49) MALE HELP WANTED ' cupper, brass, -tna. See B C. jjC prices. ( 254 1 SENT - A house far i room:i un ; ' - aa.iw lailtaijr. UC11I11U and Pete Haani Mr. and Mrs. .George Klrby, Bea and Dave Kirby, Violet and Vein Dahms, Tom and Lillian Crozier, The Mc-Leod family, Sandspit Airport it 285. (24 7) ALL FORMER emik)vees of Sil- It MU "ActSted". Shell Premium ihe most powerful ! SMITH &ELK1HS 1337 Chevrolet buk Premier Mines Limited; who were working; for the' Company as of July 15, 1048, 4 and who desire employment' t gasoline your car can use I h.'ater. wtieel, CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Notice Re Municipal Voters' List Registration, of Householders and License Holders for the 1949-1950 Municipal Voters' List closes at 5 p.m. Monday, October. 31st. . : For the convenience of voters the City Clerk's office at the City Hall will be open from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Frt-uay, October 28th, and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, October 29th. , H. D. TH.UN, City Clerk. " :T"'" r. ' ' ' ... (247) Ui) , PLUMBTNG AND HEATING residents, Mr .and Mrs. Morrow! and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wain- , wright and family, Mr. and Mrs.! Phillip and family, Mr. and Mrs. Oorgctte and family, Roald and Ray Wahl, J. N. Hammond, Elsie, 'Joe and kiddies, The Pallant family, Cathie and Carl Strand. :ion electric uiid-, t;th detachable : Ed table, a'iiLs, ' with the Company, should contact the Vancouver Office at 911 Birks Bulldlrwr, or write to the Mine Otfioe at Premier, B. C. before November 1st. 1949, to ensure -employment. (249) BiiUaiies. Sln). Phona 174 P I. Box 27 f (240) Henry Wahl and family Iver " biryri" Rood .'a Blue 7la, 12181 AGENTS WANTED ' ' f ; ' , , , , - i j liry eoul and trv troixl pon- ilue'504. 12501 fjiett kiUhen xscition. Pnone (249i h hp Johnson .'Jjird. pxc;i""iit AGENTS: Sell direct to men a fast still n if repeat patented article that is not sold in, stores. Write: Station K. Box 23. Toronto. (248) AGENTS WANTED 'Here's an ooport unity for an aR?rcs-sive business or individual.' The B. F. Avery to., lor 97 years manufacturers of soma of the finest Farm Equipment in North America, has moved west t the Rockies. Select territories are now open for dealers. Box 591 this paper. . (H 2 Bmy ILgjftt io pick up SHOE BARGAINS fry llttl Sl'-O. . . (247) Wiiry oil? ran. "p. UOie. 1,1.1 ..a Ave E. (243t I -.White carriage. tamp. 1020 Get it from Your Shell Dealer SERVICE CABS PHONE 555 HI) HELP WANVF.D i.lbr. finoin'.lv 1 ' " . . w.id M iVk 3! WANTED r nil L atr ReliaDie xvctinuK; sales mm per . '"Iwt Room ach onlv s.4i nr. i son to cover the city for old established retail store. Oood Oommision. Box 601 Dally News. (243) munition .Moo'! Seliverv T Satwiirday dDcttolbeir 2,2 w j.i'M :in.-i;Xr: . Pastries and Pics The Perfect Dessert for Lunch or Dinner Monev i rrfiiMriort tdimrtprf BU1(S ANU UlKlaft upponun ity for earning, after school. n S(, 'oit-i (280) hours by delivering Dally News routes. Honest, reliable boys and girls apply at, Dally News office. (tf) j Delicious Flavor Rich Goodness Baked fresl. daily at 'all 629 6lh ti " ;..; (f) FINAL DAY OF CLEARANCE SALE SITUATIONS WANTED WORK WANTED Woman' RUPERT BAKERY LTD. 5ll's: Adam-iill'Wird Bros. att feintenaneo . .. 1)0 rt ni Fhone 643 619 3rd Ave. 'If Rwk OrapDles: wants work by day or hour. Apply Box 604 Daily Ne.v (243) SERVICES of first class stenographer available. Apply Box 59a Daily News. (240) -ie Mixers; Trunks: Nelson !rs tnr ai,...v,n. wmeyal: Rice Hort- ODD SIZES A few pairs of odd sizes Clearing at $3.95 JULIA ARTHUR SHOES Reg. $10.95 Clearing $7.95 JOSETTE SHOES Reg. $9.95 Clearing at 6.95 REAL ESTATE furnps; Na-'li Sai)ers and to A Steel ORMES DRUGS .!m"ls: National SffConvevors. DRUGS POR SALE 8 room house, 4 bedrooms, dining room and iront room. Full concrete basement, heating system hot water. On two lota, fenced ln, good tfarage. Applv 1 13d Ambrose Ave. or phone Blue 441. (250) (tf Used Furnl- 'Coal . ; , -"' Kit- SPECIAL -- 4 bedroom house, concrete basement, newly dec- PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOUP.S WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 PM SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 PM 7 P.M. TO 9 PJid. . riDs, Priced to sell at $3800, half; I Z Iea Wattons. lClJ:"itlv Used EXTRA SPECIAL One Table of Women's Shoes Regularly Priced Up to S8.95 ! MEN'S i WORK BOOTS ! Now $395 CHILDREN'S SHOES From $1.75 and up Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 cm. and Sunday uown. tvr lnspecMon see Armstrons Aironcles, phone 342 or Green 297 eves. (243) FOR SALE Four room house, cement foundation. Oil furnace, furnished or unfurnished close to town. Apply afternoon or evening at 408 8th W. (251) Dally car delivery service from 9 am. till 6 p.m. r Black 324 I" uii. - (247) $2.95 TO CLEAR fc.i,8,i rnrii i. FOB RENT ATTENTION red. pC' ""er wm FOR RENT Brlpht bedroom $ per week. Phone Red 816. 838 Fraser St. (246) (248) M wffl thfee-ton FOR RENT 1 oiccuiilK Sleeping room, re; Ml, ,;-' power t lK-n l :CrW' b nspr?to bit Voting 'ady-.Hr,p.r'ce $24no m LDallv News. COX uuj .255) u i. AVe. E.iv, ..J1 tr, : ' . . j THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY LINES BEING SOLD FOR REAL CLEARANCE PRICES AT - The Family Shoe Store - for two mm si Hrri Avenue. W E HAVE THE RIGHT BUYER FOR YOUR HOME! Take advantage of our excellent list of PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. For satisfaction and prompt action, place your listings with the . . . . V PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. PHONE GREEN 667 (tf) . DPMTl f ' 1 i Toont "SHu z biui; in 3.? ""' $3.00(1 so.oon i v lv." sKci" (251) I0aa.r".: tint ...ill PHONE 357 THIRD AVENUE LIMITED n. 'uai ini. , . DauvnvSII?,r(iR RENT 2 room house (viv ' .Z3- furnislied) 1108 Ambrose Avt (247)