rfnce ttnpcrt Dailp ftftos Friday, OftoW 21, 1049 ftrVow AO-Tlmc Goc, r C D D Kadio Dial L, I I l 1240 Kllocyclei (Subject to Changet SHIPS and WATERFRONT Job's Daughters FASHION SHOW Friday, 8 p.m., Oct. 21 CIVIC CENTRE ADMISSION 50c" IS Showing J j J) M Styles Courtesy of RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I m ON 1HI IAMI PIOCDAM rOll ' Canadian Itoucliridcrs p, I Muvirs Are Adventure R (fp' I ji i'unny Business aSSi!? I r 7- P-m. UZEEiiQ A picture of the original s.s. Prince George, battered, fire-blasted, torn and shattered, as she appeared at Seattle, soon after being towed there from Ketchikan has been appearing In the sout hern press. The hulk had been lying near Ketchikan ever since the fire that destroyed her four years ago. The wreckage has been bought and will bo made use of. Almost four thousand tourist' passengers were handled by Canadian National vessels during the season that concluded last month. The new flagship, Prince George, carried 2 600 to Alaska. This number, augmented by tourists making the shorter voyage to Ketchikan on the s.s. Prince Rupert brings the total of Alaska lares to almost 4,000. Ketchikan Elects Indian to Council KETCHIKAN For the first time in Ketchikan's history an Indian has been elected to the city council. This was in the recent poll when Charles Nelson was elected: ... r-r-'-'-n"lr'"lT-l-?-H--triin-i-ii,Jti C.W.L. IN SESSION Business sessions of the 29th annual national convention of the Catholic Woman's League at Windsor are being brought to order by a new gavel blessed by His Eminence James Charles Cardinal McGuigan and presented to Mrs. T. K. Durocher of Windsor, the national president. Cardnial McGuigan attended the opening ceremonies and addressed the delegates. (C. P. Photo) II L. TOOTH HEAD OF STEWART BOARD STEWART William Tooth McLeod. apain heads the Stewart Board, McKay, Rubcrl li as Palmer, !, 1 vannl Mmrgi,,! .tt't r,n:,f ) 1 ban kinosto:i au!o:-i 0',''v I , ' ""S ' 1 .f tYm ' ) FSSSSS a. tT T i I I 1 ') M k I I f j of Trade following the clectim held recently. - lu : , .. . . .. . rresiuem wuiiam ' ta iootii. crash uhirh Vice President - Ernest Love. age to his lis aut Hecretary-Treasurciv Gordon flew un! ""'lime. ses and he en- Executive William J. Wiike- phone pule. TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East Monday, Wednesday, Frldax 8:00 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturda 10:15 p.m. . 1 lfT T -lit : 'fit- i.i iinr- .1- - -1 AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT . . . OKDEK YOUR Easy fT Ifel you ' IIOMI) ASSOKTMF.NTS RANGING FROM 50c IP See them today at iilL)AyP.M. 4: IS Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Sleepy Time Stories 4 45 Musical Merry-Oo-Round 5:00 Henry Morgan Show 5:30 Music from Alberta 5:45 Bill Good Sports Review 6:00Muslcal Varieties 8:45 "Saddle Rockln' Rhythm" 7:00 CBC Newi 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Toronto Symphony Pop Concert 8:00 Guestin1 With Kcstin 8:30 Vancauvcr Theatre 9:00 Eric WUde 9:30 Arthur Phelps 9:45 Canadian Short Stories 10:00 CBC Ne 10:10-CBC News 10:15 Natalie Minunzle Recital 10:30 Chopin Anniversary Series 11:00 -Weather and Sign Off SATUHUA AM. f:00-Muslcal Clock lt:0u C'BU News 8:10 Here's Bill Good ' "vP rlr of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30J-Saturday Story 9:45 Melodies for Juniors 9:59 T'me Signal 10:00 Bandstand i0:15 Musical Program 10:30 World Church News 10:45 CBC News and Com'ty t0:55 Weather and Interlude 11:00 Saturday Date 11:30 Weather Report 11 :31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album SATURDAY P.M. 12:00 CBC News 2:03 T.B A. 12:30 London Studio Melodies 1 :00 Joumney Into Melody 1:30 Ballet Club 2:15 Musical Program 3:00 This Week 2:30-Enchoren 3:15 CBC News i:25-Rcc Int. . 3:30 Divertimento 3:45 Welcome Book VANCOUVER VICTORIA' 8EATTLK ' Tuesday( 1:30 p.m.. Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTH ISLANDS s.s. Camosun, Cx-tober 21 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Camosun, October 28 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5B3 ill Commodore Cafe "BetlLt Th-n Ever" J Best Food and Service In CltjS Phone 17 for Send-Out Ordervc Third 'Ave. David Chow, Mrt Ill m, , , JThis mifht happen to . . hut the customer never loses when he deals at DAN'S SERVICE STATION "Where the Working man Gets a Break." McBRIDE STREET , f Its once start Like bo TiESM It BLOCK. 3RD AVE. pj LINDA IS TODAY'S POPULAR NAME OTTAWA At a baptismal service in Stewart United Church here, Dr. F. S. Mllliken baptized six girls everyone of them named Linda. There seems to be (. craze for the name, In the capital city. By the time the fifth Linda appeared, the congrega-tin had bepun to laiiRh heartily, and the clergyman was visiblj shaken. Advertise In the Dally News! Try a Classify Ad tor Result' mom BE WISE! Be Comfortable NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE STORM SASHES INSTALLED I'OK THE WINTER. For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 363 MITCHELL & : CURRIELTD. j Builder and Contractor SAVOY IIOTIvL W. L. WOODS, ProD. t'flONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 KRASKK STREET PRINCE RUPERT Caught ffi-J t Up J Have Your ladio Overhauled Now at - Ifpn'c RADIO ncii 5 aNc 18 2ml Ave. Phone j.ll I NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away from Home 50 Rooms-Hot and "old water PRINCE RUPERT, D C, , 'ho.io 281 P.O. Box 1061 Advertise in the Daily New ( b RFA I FCTATF INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED It. E. MOKTIMKIl 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) W1IKUE M t IJKST HOT B AT 4- SNACK I Just off Thirijl :'I8 (ith St. riwiit.1 CHANDII PORTRAIT 3T Film Finishini-f F'lah Photo" M Phone Green 389 t PRINCE RUF' Tin vi ! I I ty . .-! t many things in lif you IS until never Know now easy it eash or in instalments. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians in every walk of life are saving part of their ineome by the regular purchase of Canada Savings Bonds. These savings are always available in emergen-eies because you can cash Canada Savings Bonds at full face value, plus interest, at any time at anv bank. Q.C.A. WINTER SCIIEDULf you give it a try. Everyone wants to save but some never seem to pet arouml to it. Buying Canada avinp.s Bonds through your Company's Payroll Savings Plan makes sating easy hut you can also buy them through your banks or investment dealers for MONDAY & IRIOAV 1 Prince Ruperi, to Masr.et and I!"t'irn (Air Connections to Queen Charlotte Islands T DAILY 1 Aliford Bay to-Cumshrwa Inlet. Queen I'lw'l' Justkatla, Port Clements, Masset and Return tuA" WEDNESDAY I Prince Rupert to Alice Arm. Stewart, ami For Information and Reservations ('" 4' QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES I .lM,"'', ... Box 280 Prince RupertBJJ save as you cto with Jiirgo Trucks AVAILABLE 10R IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Canada Savinqs I 1 i BROADWAY CAFE . .. ...it BEST FOOD 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 1 Bonus ; FINEST COOKING jjfJ FOR OR TAKE-HOME r RDEIXS 'ifl NOW ON SALE PHONE 200 Hours 7 a m. to 1 a.m. Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 86G Office, S6S Shop CSB.3 1 5 4