slsted by Miss Ilobcrtson and Mrs. M. 13. Lemon. , The proceeds from the tea and Pnnce Rupert Daily News Wednesday, March 22. 1U50 King Edward P.T. Tea-Sale tales will be used to purchase a 1 public address system to be installed in the new school. - I A very successful k d(.ii... Classified ads bring results. Advertlsi la tl.o Uaiiy News! : a com ... . ' " , oppcoronco ' , . . long life .low cost ASPHALT SHINGLES ... r..,i cri'i-n. crccn blend - " un It 8 Day tea and sale was held at ! King Edward School Friday af- ternoon under the auspices of jthe Parent-Teacher Association 'of that school. Manv narpm, h SERVICES FOR LOCAL PIONEER Funeral services for. - u.v.. UTOUUg w weenies- E R. Barr of the forestry iclay, March 22, at 8 p in Inilia- ' tion and a""h of Colun:'Jla Cellulose j election of olticers. niotieer! as, 'eft ior Vancouver by plane to- Spring . .Zl !Jf.i-n;. SPORTSWEAR day on company business. John Eklund, 77, who died in his , M, alld Mr,; Bll ..,. ,,..,. per square $10.73 I friends took advantage of .the1 spring sunshine to enjoy a cup 1 cabin at .the Fishermen's Float j asked the Daily News to slate! rfCll blt'IKI !rWil per square $10.00 cfioi. ui uie ury jjock wunuuj : uia.1 uicv arc- i nt. t io n!-.m..t. AIR PASSENGERS afternoon, were conducted bv of the HnilHiiid T.u.,1 a ., shades: red and green .... per square $ 9.00 Rev. Earl boilund in B.C. Under- Ue under which th,.,- .'' T" Vancouver .todayi N. ; leu ana visit, tne well laden home cooking table and the crowded Whlie Elephant Sale. ; Guests were welcomed by the takers Chapel this afternoon. In- smouldering fire which neces- i Carlenter, M Gray, M. Kreusjer, & McCAFFERY LTD. IT president, Mrs. R. E. Mortimer I rmerH was maoe Fa.rview :sitated the calling out of the fire IlaSan- E- Barr, A. Pohle, .1 r n cemetery. Always Prompt and Courteous uu mis. it. u. Moore, wife of department Sunday morning Mr i US' J- K0SS- J- L- Green, W. O.I land Mrs. Herman Gradeau -are! MacKenzie' . I PHONE 116 uie principal We're Here to Serve YOU General convener was Mrs. B. Commodore Cafe the tenants oi the property. j To Sandspit today)-Mr. Gray, . E. Worthington. W Hear s. t. Appiev.haite, M.P.I From Vancouver i Tuesday) j report from Ottawa CFPR Fri-;N. T. Leggeti, O. W. Pearson,! Hampton, Glllls Royer, C.lfcol- ' RoM- Agii!lng her with the I lins, Pouglas Wood, W. B. McCal- , Wr,re M' H- H(,and, Mrs.! . . ... J. Frcdheim Km n oii.. ..... I rs "Hospitality and Good Food" . j mm, J. l.. main, wiiuam Jeiler- . ,, , ' ""k. n.. U'cfl .Tm.1t Ri.iithm anri Ti.rhpM J- Morrison, Mrs. Dave Moore t.ay, March 24, 6.15 p.m. 63j Mrs. Campbell, William Girling Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders? 3rd Ave. David Chow. Mer ' 5 I Two engineers based at H. M. I fry a Ciassiiiea AO lor Result C. Dockyard at Esquimau have j ou it n, Tnc v"ws. . ibeen city visitors since Monday J - - i mitlee of the Whiffln. . Mrs. L. OMtaldlne. Mrs. G. J. G.I nieet iu- : : lM:Donad. Mrs. J. Bowman. I )Se uf drawing ; James McOrath arrived In th? Mrs, J. Strand and girls from! fur the com- ci,v on tnc Prince Rupert today . division 2,Ser"iieurs were Mrs. W j s 'before the ! from Victoria to act as drama. c- Holt by. Mrs. Duncan Black. I mminlt-' adjudicator at. the Music 'and .'Mrs. AJf Ritchie, Mrs W. Taylor ! j on routine business at H. M. C. S. j Chatham. The two men. N. Car penter, manager of civil engineering and maintenance, and M. mor, E.J. Drama festival which win be '"r- m- Vinson and Mrs. V. Fos- tuver CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo; Taken at Homt Phone Green 339 216 4th c PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. M Walker, Har- conducted here during the -.iext Harold few days r "X you fGSJ WON'T fgS!jlji CLIPPED SSmj WHEN SJ YOU iGray, plant engineer, arrived here aboard tiie C. P. S. Prin- rechin, sum. Mr.s. a. veitrh was cashier.) Mrs Alf. Jensen was in charge) of home cooking and her assist- ! ants were Mrs. O. Jackson, Mrs. ' Sport Jackets in tweeai ' and polo cloth materials Priced frorti , i j - . $25.00 to $38.50 Gabardine Slacks . .., . . Blues, Greys,. Greens, Brown s, Fawn and maroon - Priced from . i $12.25 to $20.00 ,., Green River casual,., shirts .... a fine wool, gabardine, in grey,- , brown and fawn. Priced,,, at $7.5Q; , ' 1 1 t i 1 1 i " D u n I e i g h Sport Shirts in. Maroon,-: ,.' Grey, Green and.-:-. Brown, full zipper ;;,.. $6.50 Button $6.95..; cess Norah Monday and returned j to Victoria by plane today. ; . E. Anfelld and Mrs. B. Ped ersen. , Moose Legion Dinner Meeting, Broadway Cafe Friday, 7 p.m. (69 j The tea room was attractively j decorated in honor of St. Pat-, rick's Day, the work of Grade 0 TAKE YOUR RADIO To - slrls- The IrUh theme " was r ir. ins is payao.c In advance. Please refrain fruai r ri.d mi. h , , .? y lle table aUfdn. 2c per word per Insertion, minjrnum 7 ce"trM-Notines 50c. Cards ot Thanks. Death Notices. I n,ade y Grade S under the su- KEN'S , u, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "THE ARTIST PREACHER" March 24 April 2 . SUNDAYS 11 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m. WEEK NIGHTS 8 p.m. w-s ,!aniase and Enpaeement Announcement: i'A . pervision of Mrs. Andrews. CiAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE j.jl The succes., of the white ele-1 VLI M I V. BLUE 992 90 Day Guarantee For Satisfactory Service U , lust , pnani sale was due to trie co-op-1 Announcements ; Prince Rupert Music and Drama Festival, March 22, 23 and 24. fiutherar. Tea and .Home Cooking, March 25. 1 Varden Singers' Concert, Wed-March 29, 8,15 p.m. nauuii oj mc enure scn.iol and erosl:y of partnts and j 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 ri Round LOST-On Saturday, small knife lh ii7 17 overlonK,' overlook,' 297. ' . : H friends. turnas. Aiany ana varied were 'K-. 852. 1 73 1 i the . articles offered for sale. PEUSONAI,. Glllliet Hull,' from a radio and electric aotiH- i ances to cost,rne Irwelry. Grade; 6 girls conducted the sales as-j i IN THE HUPHEMK, COUUT OF ' Tartan Sport Shirts in. ; a fine rayon and wool. . material $6.50, . ; 1 i i Card Tournament, Catholic Hall, Thursday, March 30. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Friday, March 31, 8.15 p.m. $'hite Elephant Sale Tea and Hoaie Cooking at 2 p.m. April 1. , Conrad St. School. . UKU-IBH COLUMBIA ii ! OH' BURNER SPECIALIST;-"i Jlinc cear 1 w w t burners supplied, ir hiup )2 serviced or reoaU-ed. Uneon-(71). hthnal guarantee of neriect ! paUMactlon covers- all scr- ;9 studi-baker vice. Gordon Ronson. Black -4.S0 miles. 900. (72) Sile. Phone iv 116 Eighth PLUMBING and Hadne -ti3) Sheet Metal work. Phone 543 IN I'KllllAli; l su . , j I vr. m ?a r ''Adnilnistru- In the inntr of the Hon Art" and or call 629. Smth Ave West. II Hear and see'jelisc Rev. H. G. Joraensim Firs! nan. Letourneau and Sons. (tfj h streamlined 11 h.u. Mer- In tbe. mutter of the estate of n-(ji-nald Hrrbcrt Jyhnson, IX-ceasel, Intestiite. . Take noUce that by order of Hi Honor Judc W. O: Pulum. Icwiil March 24 - April 2. one month far roniDletc FOR. RENT nd Explorers' pro- y - t& V V. . tist tist( Ciiurch. Ciiurch. I V-X2jj ' "Mission Ba 'Vi, X ram tea, : , ttt 7. !Apri14' Presbyterian Hull. , -'uuep or tbe Bnpreme Court of Ll'.tht' housekeep- British CoUrnibtn. I can on the 8th 3(17 Eleventh (73' FOR RENT - in room. Oi'J OlXUl west. nay or Marrli. AD. 150. auuointrd i i- .if o (73) . Administrator of the estate of. trie and one . Classified ads b.U. tesulUk I ncroen joiuimju. late of , j Canadian Legion Easter Sale i April 5th. t lire and tools, fort RENT Boarrl and room or 'Lower Post. British c.ii.mhin who i ii53 mil. ixxjin. Phono BUck 000. tl met on the 91 h dav of Ortwbrr. I 1U. at Lower Post. BrltUh Colum- 1 Jobs Daughters Tea and Sale ( of riiKiiecookln. "April G. at the For Friendly Service' home -of Mrs. A. Mitchell, Fourth Ave., West. a'h nkl male' . bUck ; Clark. Port (72 , Inttii 9''l Fifth Av V V t7U (7rii . " required to pay the .TTl . I "mount of their indobu-clncsa U me W1NTKO ' fnr,D""-n "'d all pwaona having And Advice iriYou.' Mary lo.D.E. Tea Queen April 10. Viviin -- -- - L,ulnl atranit tne wild Estate are T IV 1,4 i mm torn .rr . . ,., , rrmilrM ( ftlo ...Ml. . RuiMina. lnsu!aion Cathedra Sale Aprl 13. , Decoration Problems ISLAND CTY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ' ousp. WlllhiB'to Dav $75.00 J1 w "" SttidelMker a month. References If news-; "'' ArrlJ;, ,40- ' which dis- j;c. Reuson- sarv. Box No. 681. Daily News. ' r ""V"" mud: halt'x ,r''r:1 wn ut Knnv It cu,y kuo rlalms of which I shall ' -- '' "-' : ' have hrn-nolllld.- - CUv (7R) 'Children lor WANTED ficrao east, brass. I p"'"1 p7"r Rupert, bc. this Phone Red cooper, radiators and batter-1 ll Dy f1' March, m.w - (72) ls. Phone 543 or call 62fl. , kunest kaiil , Sixth W (till Adnilntrator of the Kslutc of ' liarch f'lllv ' Iteglnald Hnrbert Johnson, beater' seat WANTED To rent furnished: rt-wusMi. -uranrc and small BDt. or house. Couple I ' yo Brown it Harvey; . . . General Builders' Supplies t f t -w -f is I The .rr)re Matllirw Adam Srrtif , Inc. W f ; j 503 Mi Bride St . i ' Blue O St. Peters Spring S-.tIe April 20. Women of the Moose Novelty Spring Tea, April 19, in the new j Moose Temple. Presbyterian Spring S a ' ? April 27. ( I Orange Spring Sale and Tea,' May 3. j 1 UniU'd Church Mothers' Day Sale-, May 4th. CJyro Klondyke Ninht May 5. "And stop humming 'Old Man River'! no eniiaren. A. jvioen. j'nncei ujrn, ou. iuui Kuocrt Hotel, teyi (77) , MfKKKAT, ACT.. Form f. IBecllou bB (d). WANTED-$10 rewarrl for-two or three room furnished apartment. I'hone Black 88'J. t69 WANTED Furnished suit or rooms bv eounlc. References. Box 080. Daily News. (72i NOT ICR Of APPLICATION VOU ' CKRTIl' lCATE OF IMPROVKMKNTS. , wi 26" Chain fcnil starter. '!s Almost 'l Ave (72) v bijut Venus Mav be s aliiuvards (08i RUPERT CEMENT PRODUCTS LIMITED Ready-Mix Concrete Delivered to the Job WILL Pav Cash for two full crown Lilac Trees. Write P.O Cln'V dump' J"Xni3. Cltv... (68) Xffl - . ' . J1" .wanted; : Presbyterian Missionary Tea Church Hall, May 11th." j Sonja Tea May 13. Eastern Star Tea May 18. S O N. Badminton Dance every Saturday night. "nil. Will WANTCD-SUicle clrl wlUi Rood ru- sewinir experience lor IUJ1 ri s- i niiinoni. txislf.ion A mil v Sinner "OUt I Sewlllir Machine Co. (091 Mineral Claims Bit; Bull: Bull No. I: Bull No. 0; Bull No. 5: Jean; Hush. ISituate In Atlln Mining Division. Where situated On the north Hide of the Taku River, near Tulse- quah. BC Lawful holder The Consolldiited Minlni; and Smelting Company of Canada. Limited. - , Nuinher fif the holder's Free Miner's Certificate: -28jK5-F. TAKE NOTICE that James W. DcillHld.1111, of Trail. He. iirtliiK as 8jent for the lawful holder Intend;-, at the end of (10 days hut not later than one year from the date of this notice, to apply to the Minim; Recorder for Certificates of Improve -plenty for ttae purpose of ohtatnini; Crown grants of the above elalms. AND further take not lot- that action, under section 85 offl the "Jinnlri,. ,.w 1 Hie l.iU-st .cms. bracc- 1 i- e x. cU-ll(L bit: Jcwi'l-11 '"lunto See !' ''""K'st slvl-5 Jewell,. rs ' f2l ll)v t'l ili. Un-''"id chests. WANTED Reliable woman U) mind children In davtime, Phone Red 390 ufter G o'cl'k. (69' IU S I N ESS Ori-ORTI N ITI ES Ft)R SALE -Halrdrrssiin: business a.s Kolii:' eoneern. Excellent clienlellp and location. For further cetahs i'hon 57, W P. Tinker & Co , Ltd. tf I Saiin-Glo PRODUCTS for . PRICES: include Darcx the filth iiiKredicnt in Concrete Four Sacks Cement to Yard 1'. $16.00 per yard c Five Sacks Cement to Yard $17.50 per yard Six Sacks Cement to Yard $18.!I5 per yard No Orders Accepted for less than two yards EQUIPMENT FOR RENT: Two wheeled rubber tyred concrete buggies tibc per day Seven cubic feet capacity Single wheeled concrete barrows 50c per day- ORDERS TO BE IN ONE DAY PRIOR TO DELIVERY ' Phones: Office 00; Plant 5fit "Mineral Act.' must oe. commencca rnnu iinv umnir uuriT . . i t a i t . i. 1 1 mm n ii f r Kimi 1 1 : 1 1 . wn 11 r Mnrui uu hii ia i ltl'I ESTATE ' u ifiutuui at Mui u ici ti- iiinvfc iivmi ivwv wrw , ttum), TT tUUWOrlV riOOTS and Furniture - I i llVWl'fB Ui llllJIWU Hit nm. FOR SALE Seven room house! Dated thla 22nd day of Sept. on Ambrose Ave. ,1'hone Kea i " ' "" JAMES WILSON DONALDSON. ' 'wir Irons' "$ lieau-r., ! 'c the li V, . ; ,. tf I .Cliev. eouooj Aijplv i 4 ur Rupert1 tf ! (68)1 753. Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Ageut for the Consolidated Mill-, Ing and Hnietttnir Company of : Canada, Limited. (hi i FOR SALE House. four rooms with bath. 1000 Eisrhth East. Phone Red 830. t72i . . . here's whole wheat in ils most pxipular form! , Evi-rylmdy needs whole wheat in their diet health authorities s;y. It contains tilal food elements. And NABISCO S1IR1.D-Dl l WHIiAT is made from JOC.V uholc wheal! You'll love those delicious, crispy biscuits COLD or HOT . . . with honey, jam or corn syrup! 'A'N NAMES1 Why pAY RENT TO OTHERS '. ((ll'r Shovels-1 Choice lots arc still available 'Si A d a ni si . n'rc so plan vour future home 'JUlMnrd Rem; i on the lot vou choose now. ii i ENGLISH BONE CHINA. CI' PS and SAI LERS LNP REGISTRY ACT , He! C'ertlflcute of Title No. :!-! to Lot ElRht Hundred and Sixty-five ! "A'' (805AV ItutiKit Five (51. Coast j District, auid to -ontatn One Hun-, died and Slsiy ( 1 60 1 acn-s. nioiei or less: except Inst thereout any j portion of the Rliit-of-Wnjr of the I Dominion Telegraph Line, huvim; a. width of one Huiidred ( 1()0 feet.: 1 tiiiit('iianec! Consult us for new NilA rcKti- 79c lal.lons: iilims ld(a. and the '''n t'l-aiiDles; i 11 "'ks: Nelson 'V1'., Week iH. i A Rice Port- j nrouertv most suitable for vour familv. Choooso your homesiti) und build later. See Allan Arm.stroiifr at Arin-stronii Au'enctes. Phone 342 or Green 297 (Eves.) (73 1 which may lie. wuhtn the uomid-nrles of these lands and exceptlnp also the Rlght-of-Way of the Grand 1 1 " LvV ir q,.""u's' Nu-1 . a ii -Beautiful 1 home In 1 ruiltt nuiiir ntion. .... Nine Decimal Two Six (.eti) acres,, TWO All slee bOR SALE -Beautiful Nation i i Potion 2. with view "lsi Nytln e ! bedrooms. b"? Hrvv ' inl roiivevurs fdrnaee. etc. SitnaU'd more or less. uitiwr4h HHtlKfactorv nroof of loss i-olaee. oil Oil COr- I ... .....,. , v..iu,,.i,. ,,r Till.. I inert nor lot. Good irnracc. Phone;.,, ,,, ,.,. r oeoree liamhiv has ' .."'"Hi Na Red 813 for further uartle.ii u. Lllliiled been filed In this office, notice Is lars. . (Q8) (tf hereby given that I sliall. at the ex-Diratiou of one month f-im the dale -iV"' . VJ ' ,rs'- .'..LuhhmV 2'' v 'POR SALE - Washlna uiachine. of the first publication hereof. Issue ! ..? id'X Use, ; call 527 Ninth West after D I'll" b l"rovl.ilonal Ccrliilcalc ol line, in lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In 1 ol . v Cull flat) UIU- ' (b0' raj &m$$m l s,aO tip I FOIi SAI V"'ZZ,n wir- 'he meantime valid objection he mado Join ie Gyro. Confest COURTESY OF FASHION FOOTWEAR Office, V'.TI. Id.. I h tU .'"i Mile- - iPIKK9t late. Prince Hupert. B.C.. this 20th day of MANSON'S CHINA SHOP (icrrn 900 Across from Liijuor Store 3rd Avenue oeZUt any; S'rf TZ7yCZm W THOMPSON. SW,0 iv-. u. Usll Cdr-Olnc COIJCCl rwn Deputy RoutslKir Kia-istrar of of Titles. Titles. - 12 one oi. Biscuits in Every Box Phone 678 or Red 735 after U (74 IF , n.. fiw. l fill u.m .. 3 For For Style Comfort 4.95 - 8.50 FASHION FOOTWEAR BOPS