PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, VICTORIA, B. C. 118 EAT 3150 onrjii drugs Daily Del ivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER voPiU vvd ' Canaia' Mo$t Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rup.rt, th Key to rh Great Northwest" PH0IIE81 u- AXXIX, NO. 68. prince RUPERT. B. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Pacific Fish s p aim sued ew cities lireafcy gve Lie Calls For Twenty-year Peace Program Conservation And Sales Stimulation Are Sought War J; OTTAWA (CP) Fisheries Minister Mayhew : said today that the government hopes to soon ratify t langer , i - - -v a newiy-signed conservation treaty lor Atlantic waters and disclosed a similar treaty for Pacific fishing areas. is under consideration. ..Z . Addressing the first day's ses- N'GTON Try- cretary - gen-' ; STREET CAR CRASH j VANCOUVER Eight passengers were . injured today and 20 shaken up in a street car United Na- OA irto Arms To Formosa sion of the Fisheries Council of i Canada meeting, he outlined to I the delegates .steps he is tak'yiT j or hopes to implcmen:, In : research, conservation and stimu-llation of sales. ' t ram to relax" 1 "tensions'' the cold war , , ... . . ......... " ill I ill nlMMi! periodic moling!. Canadian Ship Leaves With War Supplies For NationalisU VANCOUVER CP) The Mon-I treal-owned freighter Argovan I sailed from here today with war Reiterates His Story :ninisti'r.s or even TUDOR PLANE CRASH WORST -IN CIVIL AVIATION HISTORY This Avro Tudor II is the same type as the craft that crashed near Cardiff, Wabs, with a loss of 75 lives. The plane, which carried a crew of five, and 78 passengers, had been chartered to carry sports fans from an International rugby match In Belfast, back to Llandough, Wales, across the bay from Cardiff. The plane apparently nose-dlvcd Into a field while coming In for a landing. It Is believed to be the vorst air disaster in history. rr.mciits" to dls- rsial is.suc.s Lie dress here: "I cb world can safely Unrest in Italy- SHE SAW IT TOO the Xir;.t steps on collision at the corner of Hastings and Seymour j in downtown Vancouver. Plve were taken to hospital and others were treated at the scene. Injured were thrown from their seats when a ; westbound No. 14 crashed into another which was awaiting a traffic light. It, in turn, ran into ; another. Brake failure was blamed for the ac-; cident. In hospital are Robert T. Whiessiel, Miss Bea Woodward, Charles Donaldson, Mrs. Martha ' Harris and Miss Lois Grey. ARSENAL WINS LONDON Arsenal today defeated Chelsea ' 1 to 0 in overtime to win their way into next month's English Football Association Cup soccer . final at Wembley The game, played before 64,-' 482 fans at Tottenham Hotspurs Park, was a re- play of last Saturday's 2 - all thriller. The win- ninggoal was scored by Right Winger Cox in the -; fourteenth minute of overtime. v. RIGHTS FOR CHINESE ; OTTAWA The federal government today . supplies for the Chinese Nationalist stronghold of Formosa, j Capt. F. Delaney of Vancouver, ' master or the vessel, a 10,000-tnn freighter, said the ship will unload 75 surplus United States tanks on the north coast of the Island ni'suliatloii and Ttic (lunger of an VANCOUVER Kf Story that Blanche Feme Fisher, 45-ycar-okl spinster, fled from his car after an hour In the back seat,' was reiterated by Frederick Rodger Ducharme yesterday In Assize Court. He is charged with . the 1 sex slaying of Miss FLsher whosa body was found in False Creek, November 9, close to Ducharme' i float house home. I Ducharme's story Is that Miss Fisher ran barefooted she had ComniunistS Ward "Flying Saucer" Report' n ,A rt Corroborated by City Woman ilinualiun of the ;s aco of the uLoiu ami .rogen aomo is wo weapons Gas And Oil Amendments . . ROME (? Heavily armed pol- I STOCKS lce and trops today moved! juiiu.ion l.u i.ui 1 1 swiftly to preserve order as a i Communist-called general strike ' left her shoes in his car through a debris-ridden culley to Kitsil- VICTORIA 'CP I - Amend- Another city resident added her name to the long list of North Americans reporting the sight of "flying saucers." Hubert Ward, a local marine surveyer first stated he sighted the mysterious object Friday at 5 p.m. and yesterday Mrs. Thor Soilien, 426 Fourth Avenue East corroborated his report. "At first I thought It was one of those balloons used here during the war," she said. "I thought it came from the air base at Seal Cove, so I didn't look any longer." , - She described the thing as long and probably flat. "Its color wa black," she added. , ments to the Petroleum and Na- FaLse Crecki ano BrWgc over tural Gas Act, following closely , Th .lllpv ,s . wasteland of ivnrr ' i closed factories and disrupted r,n transportation In many parts of the pattern of the Alberta rcgu- 1 rotting boats, timbers and discarded metals and lln eaxuiw - latiens were introduced in the1. 021' ' Italy Minor clashes between j 05 ( demonstrators and police marked j Legislature yesterday to become effective on a cate to be set by was asked to repeal the present Chinese immigra- The case was expectecli to go to the jury today follow. ng - the the early hours or the strike and I M.wjruiiiB io inrs. ooinen, me saucer appeared to oe moving t , 4, y.,.,r aid .. .:,. pv,;npJO hUM th tv,o Same cumo imrmo-rntinn slowly or hovering in the direction of the CJ .Railway station, -4 lminlrd510n. " 7 : ' . , , ..charge of the. judge MA, JusUcc " . ( One or the amendments f re-i. . . - . ngnts as tnose enjoyed bv Europeans, lhe re A. M. Mansos, and the summa- The object was still there, she said, when she moved away from f . . . . . . ...... th. M,l.l, c?u -' : i ' i i 1 duces the minimum unit for tions by Crown and Defence wic nmuuw. one uiuii i, kiiow me aireciion oi ingnt. . r rental purposes from 15.000 to ' . counsel. J 10.000' acres. However, provision! Aiier reading about it in the Daily News," she remarked. "I thought what I saw must have been the flying saucer." 'is made or rentals on areas oi .aid less than 10,000 acres. Fire Destroys 1.30 .29 .22 .01 3 25 .03 2.05 .03 1 14 .32 12',2 .12 0034 .04 .03 No Trace Of. Men on Floe THE WEATHER j Synopsis j j Weather conditions whjchl Public VVorhs For Province' I Hospital lYing i yesterday gave some promise fori I sunny skies have taken a turn, several, persons were reported arrested but, generally, the atmosphere appeared comparative' ly calm In Rome and Northern industrial cities. Union leaders In both Milan land Genoa arc also reported to be considering a general strike call as a further protest against new government restrictions on political activity 1 Crowds of workers, many carrying red banners, poured Into .Milan Square yesterday snarling traffic and delaying street cars and busses. j The demonstrators stopped one ;car entering the city, delaying it ' for an hour. j Large forces of police were on 1 guard but took no action to dis-i perse the crowd which thinned I after a speech In the main square ! by Communist leader, Oulsseppe i for the worse today. Except for j SYDNEY N. S. Uajpital offi-Prince Rupert, showers were clals today evacuated 194 mental I iairly general over the province patients from the Cape Breton and a storm of large size forming County Hospital shortly before j over the ocean will bring heavy lone wing of '.he hospital was re- ANCHORAGE, Alaska (! No trace' vws found today of three men reported to have been drifting to sea on an Ice floe in Cook Inlet. Today's fruitless search No Borrowing Bill InlrodueetU'; In l.rsiMat'.ire by Minister j Of Finance VICTORIA i CD --An $86,000,- ' 1 lain and gale winds to the coast stroyed by fire. No injuries were , 4 10 .20 was parlicpated ifi by air rescue ! 0C0 loan bill lor roads paving. bridges, ferries and culverts was Introduced by the minister of fi- I service planes' and a number of private craft. No one has been reported miss- nance. Hon. Herbert Anscomb, ing In the area. , ! aclie Premier. , overnight. Tomorrow will be reported. The flames sUll.iiwn-showcry and cool in all sections aced a new building a scant 12 of B. C. feet away frtm the destroyed Forecast structure. The fire wa.s repoited North Coast Region Intermit- -Vo have started when an elderly tent rain today and again Thurs- male patient put a burning clg- ' day. Continuous rain overnight, arette In a ventilator. y Little change In temperature.' t ' A helicopter was dispatched ' spread overa period or seven years, it calls lor $10,000,000 for 1.50 .51 7.10 1.15 1175 .10 1.G5 4.70 .37 'a .05V2 10.25 Albcrgantl. , yesterday to investigate-the re- Many workers returned to the port but its search was cut short iTran.sCanada Highway work. I To meet borrowing, the three Southeast gales, 35 mules peri n"A! TirVF factories but did not resume , by nightfall. hour) today, ircrcasing to southeast gales' 50mph this evening. Thursday, March 23, 1950 percent gasoline tax, assumed by the province, will be applied solely for interest and debt work. . 1 Searchlight beams from an j The workers are protesting the Army poj-Cable battery were new decrees Issued Saturday in- placed along the shore and swep' J creasing the national police force the fast-moving pack without Jand authorizing local prefects to success. ( jban political meetings for the, Eariy yesterday passengers Southwest winds, 25 mph to-j High 3.38 morrow. Lows tonight and hihs 16:16 tomorrow Port Hardy, Sandspit . Low 10:16 and Prince Ruoert, 38 and 45 21:59 19 8 feH ltQJect 5.3 feet 8.1' feet uroiito quest was made in a, brief presented to Citizenship Minister Harris by a delegation representing the Committee for the Repeal of the Chinese, immigration law. The brief emphasized that no requqst was made for iraiementajtion of a policy of exittnslv'e Oriental immigration. K f CATHOLIC SCHOOL TAXES :'j lCTOKlj-xThi. povinciahgovernment was . yesterday asked to free Catholics from paying taxes for public schools while at the same time maintaining their own separate schools. A delegation of Catholic laymen presented the brief to the cabinet, outlawing taxation reforms as "justice demands.'' CAIXXJ AN, RETIRES LONDON Sir Alexander Cadogan, Britain's "perfect diplomat," is retiring from the post as permanent British representative on the United Nations Security Council, the Foreign Office announced yesterday. Sir Alexander, aged 66, will be succeeded by Sir Gladwyn Jebb who, at 50, is- the leading Foreign Office expert on the United Nations., , CONFESSES MURDER TERRE HAUTE, Indiana X slender, greying barber, w ho told police he was too little to carry the body of a big man, admitted last night the butcher slaying of a window washer in Terre Haute, Indiana. Detective Clint Seward said 65-year-old Clarence Taylor broke down after 22 hours of questioning and, between sobs, told u grisly tale of how he killed George Willis Baldwin.. The detective said that Taylor related that he killed Baldwin with shots from a ,38-calibre pistol; ELECTION SOUGHT BONNE, Germany The West German government today asked the four occupation powers to hold elections throughout Germany for a constituent assembly. Burly Casanova Adventures With Women next three months. aboard a coastal Anchoragc- The Italian government met whlttier railway train reported the strike challenge today with wnat appeared to be three men massing of police strength that standing on drifting ice near Fire put three thousand persons under island in the inlet, arrest In Rome and rigidly sup- Hclicopters and prlvate planes, pressed demonstrations through- f,ying as ,QW fts 30 ecl of lhe out the country. There appeared ,,onLinucd Uic scarch today dian ;s ... , .08 .is .29 12V .13 9325 1.07 .50 .30 5.00 6.15 .33 .30 to be only scattered violence as occasional seals. I feut 8polled only 1 a result of the 12-hour country- Knife I wide general strike called by the , Communist-led Confederation of j Labor. j Yesterday Italy's giant Com ' CAMBRIDGE, Mass. 0j A burly mail-order Casanova, charged with having at least six wives, j ruefully blamed his plight yes-! tcrtlay on "crooked, scheming women who played me for a '.sucker." ! "I am a man broken in spirit.! Women fleeced me," said 49-ycar j old Clarence W. Buchanan, Jailed on polygamy and fraud charges..) when he failed to produce $20,000 Fire Destroys R.C. Community , ftp -t 0 I VJ si 11 v. : $ munist-led General Labor Federation called for the country-wide general strike In protest against the new government's police measures. The Confederation executive Instructed its secretariat to decide on the date and dura .0512 I .oo u .00 12 .0514 .55 . .08 . .04 . .50 .I7',i . 3.05 .55 . 3.05 . .34i2 . 1.4G NORTH CUivifcKLAND, R. I. A fierce $2,000,000 fire last niht wrecked lou:- buildings of the 50-ycar old cisterclatv community or our Lady of the Valley. The flames destroyed the main chapel, the, the guost hjusc and the monastery where Trap- tion of the srike. Lake .. bail. I He pleaded innocent. j "You can live with women al! your life and never know them," said the 20G-pound six-footer I pensively. "I was a sap. This is I what you get." N Lake . "shutt, Another Plane Wales Crash in pist Monks 'Wed In bare cells. Notes showed that Clarence 69.00 Fifty of the 100 rosidenls and hac, throughout the' 1 1 guests of the cloistered order ( world. He said one of his marital Mr. and Mrs. John McLeut', j O. E. Foster, connected with after a three weeks trip to Van- Jewelry in vancouvei easiness fro'L concern iiore on I H couver and Victoria, returned to arrived CARDIFF, Wales A cargo plane on , a test flight crashed yesterday near Llandow, South Wales, killing the pilot and three passengers. The plane crashed to the ground close to the place where a Tudor air airliner crash- were nearly trapped as the j ventures had been with a wealthy flames sprouted with lightning Calcutta Indian woman who speed througii the four stiuc-! promised among other things tures, I to knit him a pair of socks. the Princt the the city from the south on Prince Rupert this morning. Ocean Falls aooard 'Rupert, today. HIS THRONE DEPENDS ON PARLIAMENT Former King Leopold of Belgium is seen strolling with his second wife, the Countess De Rethy ( left and his daughter, Princess Josephine, at Nice, France, where he is vacationing until Belgian Parliament determines whether or not he will return to the throne. Observers declare his marriage to the countess, a commoner, in 1941. and his failure lo oppose the Nazis during the war will probably Influence the decision. The agricultural north of the little lowland nation, . ruled since 1944 by Leopold's brother, Regent Prince Charles, favors return but the industrial south are against it. I 1 .24 1.83 .04 3.75 .26 2.18 2.60 .21 .89 3.55 ! od March 12 with a death toll of MUSIC and DRAMA FESriVAL - yiti.tAkCete 80 out of. 83 occupants in the worst disaster In commercial aviation history