Prince Rupert Daily Neva Wednesday, March 22. 1950 Hew Hazelton Schedule Of Parly is Here ! Ladies' Bowls TERRACE TOPICS i Al Poble, who has been employed at the primary school t a carpenter, left on Tuesday night's train to fly south from Prince Rupert. i April 18 Black Cats vs Wallace Pharm.; Pinheads vs Plun- of a flCUi' , cjjurrh here Eighteen boys and girls from Ladies' Bowling schedule for hers; Toilers vs Seal Cove; Hazelton ariived on lat tne thlrd third of the season is'" v Noble & Wick; Brown-night's folIows: woods vs Commercial; Booster. train w participate In the !as jjcv. H. of Oran St.Palrick's Day, Terrace , TERRACE! A very successful Si Patrick's tea and sale was held in the Oiange Hall on Sat- ; urday afternoon by the Catho- he Women's League. The hall and table wer tastefully decorate! with shamrock and pussy wUl-.s. A large stall of homeeoakin'i and candy was oua eold ut aw only three or lour pieces of sf w- ' ln8 were left over from the ew- ! inS stall. All Items gold brought a ood price and the whole af- ; fair went off well. , Receiving the guests -was Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. O. West, Lynne Te- treault. Gloria Irving. - At the sewing stall were Mrs. W. Christy and Mrs. Cote. Conducting the homecooking stall were Mrs. F. Y. Terraylt. Mrs. A. H. Irving and Mis3 Blanche Mattes who iold tieket on a rug. The cioor prie, a homemade rug., was won by Mrs. W Melvin. Another home made rug was won by Mrs. Robert, f In the evening a card party I was 1ield In th same hall and for those who did not play card a blrreo table ai et up. Wisp- nets la cards were; Ladies f irst. Mrs. M. Miller; Consolation. Mia'' I Blanche Mat!; Men's first, V ' Tetreault; Consolation Victor Irving. '. , Music and Drama Festival this March 28-Rupert Radio vs. L wrathall's vs Rosa Lee's; An- ! raV"' Bdrbara' Bobb? Strikes; Savoys vs Rosa Lee's; ,nettes vs Rupert Radio; Scuby's' irtii "rt Rupert Pres ide. iatl,f Church " " ' "-"'"-J-. ureu uimivaneiy vs uoraon Anderson; vs Gordon & Anderson; Lyons' vs S Jorie I Tp fvf1 11 " Mlf" jScUby'S VS Star,: WraUalI' vs iBelmont; Savoy's vs Variety. Tait, Ruth and Yvonne Wll- Belmonts, Annettes vs Lyons'; . Ian. Joan and Phyllis Holmes. RPal c.nvo A. Mathews and John Zacfc leave on Thursday morning' train for Fiaser Lake after spending the past few weeks at the home of Mrs. W. Osborne, while they have been employed on school renovation werk. -a tM the ClassUied1 aa wing results. K. Wuld ,'have been at entrance halls. hJvf provided Beth and Norman Lancaster, oostm vs Plungers; Big Slaters Vivian Benson. Francis Tingley.jvs Noble Si Wick; Uniteers vs Ralph HoLtt. and Duky Hanson. Black Cats; Pinheads vs Commer-. I '-com0f,nip'1 "V theiv cia,. Brownwoads vs Tollers, teacher; Mrs. Jessie Parker. All are guests of lriends. relatives APrH 4 Uniteers vs Commer-land local Parent-Teacher mem- cial Brownwu)ds vs Black Cats, bers who have taken the youn Pinheads vs Wallace Pharm.; The Civic Centre choral club held a good practice in the Terrace theatre on Monday evening in preparation for a coming event at the Civic Centre. MUSTARD oo noflsrs brings out ! labM lor v'"- n est i members ox ni Sunday folks into their homes for the Tollers vs Boasters; Big Sisters H. Doll .president of the Catholic Women's lit ague. Cashier was Mrs. O. Hipp . Helping In the kiwhen were Mrs. A. Paulson, Mrs. A. Huben-schleld, Mrs, J. de Kereommeaux. Mrs. i. Lever and Marianne Bis-sunette. Berviteutjs were, Mis. J. vs Plungers; Seal Cove vs Noble i next few days. A. K. MacMiilan, manager of i Cassiar Cann.r y oo the Skeena-River returned to the city aboard the Prince Rupert this morning after a feusinejss trip south. EBY & SOUS LTD. ; r, . CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING ..... FOCNBATIONS Let lis help you plan that new home under ;& Wick; Scuby's vs Belmont's; .Lyons' vs Stars; Wrathalis vs . Strikes; Annettes vs Savoy; Variety vs Rosa Lee's; Rupert Radio vs Gordon St Anderson. I i,e hu been be-muth aad Mn:dili'-n is bole limit. The Y-I)re plannins ta equipment and To raise money tit a. -.-." r in the week, art construct ing William Ortiorne returned on Sunday from Vancouver and Seattle where he has spent the past three weeks on holiday and business combined. These have been made possi'iU. by the contribution triven ii memory f the late O. V Suurial the N.H.A. . t Rubl teaspoonful ofCoIman'l mustard in powder form into year man before rIrin in ovm and taste the difference! fat free uxipe book, "Culio-ry Ait", write to Reckitt & Colman (Canada) Ltd, Station T, Montreal. Pb", Green S8S B' S8(i April n Wrathall's vs Gordon It Anderson; Annettes vs Variety; Lyons' vs Savoys's; Rupert Radio vs Rosa Lee's; Scuby's vg L. Strikes; Stars vs Belmont; Pinheads vs Noble & Wick; Toilers vs Big Sisters; Brown wooels vs Boosters; Sea! Cove vs Plungers; Uniteers, vs Wallace Pharm.; Black Cat vs Com-.merclals. ,-' , . SINGER x 7 .-.:;'. a We repair all masses ,Sewne MaeluHeN 'WORK GUARANTEE, 'L z 7 .Jpi m i For Free Estimate Phone G4 i . i Singer Sewing. Centret CK-40E f v i TJfrostne Lcsfceir presents for your LENTEN SEASON . .. FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS X 49c MOVING DAY Files of the Bulgarian legation were remriv- ed from their Washington building and a "for rent" sign posted as the Communist-dominated country's diplomatic staff made preparations to leave the U.S. The U.S followed up their break in diplomatic relations with Bulgaria by banning all American travel In the Balkan Iron Curtain 39c "' A I BUS w mi Choice Salmon PtllrtH. lb. Pitsh Frown ttt-C 6prlng Bat-mon by the piece, per lb. Fresh Frozen Re$ BpHng Salmon 6tnk. lb. Halibut chunks, 'lb. ... PHONE 24 222 Send Kw,.y . , , ' Ji 1 I AriMUrf I 45 ISO Halibut by the Ytece. rta 85c Halibut Steaks.' lb ROc ; Acadia 'Salt GoA, lb. ...,:.. Sc Oh, fixing this cold buffet was no botiieH ilvert ss FOR HEALTH'S SAKE Try a 8teambath at Ling Cod FUlets. lb. 85c Bed Cnd FUleta. lb .' 34c Sole Flllrta. lb. ; , 89c Kippered Herrkng, lb. 32c Fresh Frozen tTerrln?,' lb. 14c iHoud REXAIR 3-in-l MeeJian- , Smoked White BprVuc Salmon, Her' Prompt Relief Beyond Belief From The Pains Of Northern Sports & Health Springs S STEAM BATHS ' 'SHOWERS MASSAGE I lb. . . . ... . . . ' Eastern Ftnnan fladdle. lb. ' Hmoked Blaok Cod by plew. lb. j tastern Smoked Cod Fillets, lb. 1 Pickled Herring, 18 oz. Jar . ... Shrimp Meat lb. ..,....... 39e ! 43c 38c 43c 36c H5C sac 7&0 ical Housemaid 9 IT DUSTS IT MOTHPROOFS IT ATOMIZES . IT SUAMPOON HI'CS . IT SVVW PS . IT PI RIFIES IT CLEANS IT DEODORIZES IT HUMIDIFIES it scums rrtwer mver smeiis. id Suiolced Ked Spring Salmon, lb Open Prom 12 Noon to 8 p.m I l ARTHRITIS Tr? nnit-ctmz. sr-to.k DOLCIN fattlu . . . ftvHilHttl. In ttir eon- ftimt fcotU. t rjMnttlt; uit, ml fill diuc t... Awlinxl 4 jlil iBf-f:rer AjVHrywt'1. I"'u fiSn ri'' 0,1 t"2 ArthrHi. Kti'UntiiMi aiwi K-itioa.l(l.fTN is iHium d " " uipl.iiitt 'r-rf7ww. ii-t b.tul of c jiumii- tHHA'tN .ui.i.. ih,m 4h1 vua nn MW, PHONE 658 7 days weekly 1 6tb St. & 3rd Are' i - . ! II' . VAC'ITM CLEANER Phone Today for Free Demonstration ' Cm. A. duaafHoa Black 99 is not published or 'displayed by the Liquor Control ir by the Cio eminent of British Columbia. 110 9lhE. JLoclieir PHaime -.. 230 Second Ave-PHONB JtfcD aT.,: mnifortii r. li. f . . . Uh . IUH lbU tor sv : j , . . lihk in tMitlJ. at SritU Utlikts. Dotel LinuUid. luronui JO, Ontario. - 9 ARRIVING DAILY From the Eastern Style Centres SKIRTS Celanese, wools ahd Gabardines $4.95 to $10.95 FEEL LIKE LOAFIN'!!! Rl MOTORS LIMITED COMPLETE YOUR EASTER OUTFIT with our large election," DOWN WITH SHAVING Used Cars and Trucks 6.95 & 7.95 of Blouses, Gloves and Purses. V ; JOIN THE GYRO nT own buys 1 947 l Vz Ton G.M.C. own buys 1 948 Vz Ton Chev Panel Plain or Double Strapped FOR THE CHILDREN AND YOUNO MIES just arrived. Party Cresses in Taffeta and Silks $3.95 to $9.00. For all your Smallwares, yarns, aad sloe needs, visit oni downstairs store. ' ' ' " " . ' j BEARD GROWING CONTEST TODAY with station wagon seating SPECIAL 1939 l-ton International $30Q total price Open to Everyone Enter Today Contestants must be clean Shaven when entering DOM'S DEPARTMENT STORE F.NTF.B NOW AT , JERKY'S BARBER SIIOF CAPITOL BARBER SHOP No Entry Charge PRIZES 1st. $50.00 2nd. $20.00 3rd. $10.00 stf BROADWAY CArTi Ml M ill Hail! The .Gail' CONTEST CLOSES MAY 5TH GYRO KLONDIKE N!T v LZ$h B$t Food CM A I v' O finest Cooking Hours ? am. t 1 a m t For Take-Home Orders Pho?fl 200 1 .. i s . i 1 4 4 PHONE 79 PHONE 79 Pjarmarij P Vow pet is most exceptional, he doesn't ting -but h ? respond to good care and intelligent feeding with the ' PJea companionship and high-spirits that only a perfectly ?"y onimal can show. Keep your pet in topnotch condition f'din9 him a health-giving variety of Dr. Ballard's foods Paring a scientifically balanced diet, blended according pnnarian-developed pet food formulas. Owf I,!! One!!! MARCHAND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations HOURS Weekday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SuiiJays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. , 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. ' 1 ' 'i 1 " ' SIXTH STREET ATnID THIRD AVENUE ( tra dog tag . . . engraved with your dog's name and SMITH & ELKIIIS LTD. " lor ANY THREE DR. BALLARD'S labels. box n PHONIC 174