Prince Rupert Daily Hewi Wednesday,- January 18, 1950 " Mr and Mrs. O. E. M. MeClin- j Hotel Men W lock and child' returned to the i0 city on the Prince George this Mo" Tr,er( Mens Bowling League Schedule - i 'morning from a vacation trip to i Vancouver Isadora, Mallets vi Can. Legion ! Scothtns vs Commercials. Thorc Sheet Metal vjj Home Oil. Cold Jan. 23 Ambassadors vs W.I. Staees. Oddfellows vs Grand raf. Bintn's vs C P A.. Stones vs . 7. , !storaKevsTrjpleC's.J. C.'sNo. 2 11' I' " uuu' ' Mansons vs Thom Sheet: c, vs Blaine CPA. .vs W. I. Stages. ff0"3 ,the .. . - . , . Manson 8 vs ur ana uaie, orown- W0(Kis Vs Rupert Motor., Undes-Philpott tables vs D & S, J. C.'s No. 1 vs Stones. Will Springfield provide th ' International Baseball League j with -another great competitive ! .club which can challenge Mon- , treal Royals and Toronto Maple Leafs? That's what Canadian baseball writers are asking now March ( Cafe vs w. : gtageSj Manson.g vs .rrlple c.s Undesirables vs C.P.A., J. C's No. 1 vs D & 8, J. C's No. B vs Stones, Crescents vs Blain's, Cold Storage vs Rupert Motors, Philpott A "feting of tK. . timhiu . u. ....... B Aiuieis neid in Vancouver i. when husiii... it outlook tor i95n "; nert Voh..... . untuuver i... lack directors ' W. Woods ofPrt A. .Crystall, of Kenneth Hardin. been on a trip south i a,-' wuMi.esn, returned to .i tfce Prince Coorge thl' from Vancouver. has been away on k connection -iu, u: Wise Words For Skiers JAt'Kfj "(ITS that the moribund Newark Bear second place in the Senior Bus-franchise has been shifted to the ketball League last night by scor- " "' "iBeuerai manager or , t Ambasadors, Scotlnns vs Can . Rupert Fishermen's r Legion, Thom Sheet Metal vs1 Association. Commercials, Brownwoods vs , Home Oil. You Saw It uT ! Massachusetts city. The Beais ing a thumping victory over were owned by New York Yankees Brownwoods who chopped into aX the American League ana dur- the third and last slot. Bo-Me-ing the 80's provided some of thp Hi outscoixu the shocmen in greatest minor league clubs ever every quarter taking a 17 to 13 to run out on a diamond, lead in the first stanza, 34-28 at Springfield is owned by Chicago the half, 50-3b at uie ti.ieo-quur-Cubs of the National League, a ter way jnark and winning with club which long has needed a smart 87 to ou icact. It was a sturdy iat'iii support. rugged game although only 16 1 jmi jMintls wt-re called on the I Dink (Montreal .Gazette! Car students ami .18 on Brownwoods. roll reminds his readers that High School converted exactly Springfield Ponies played tin the half of their foul shots and .International League in I8Q3 Bruwawooas did even better, LONDON A change is' noted in the selection of names given children. John- and Susan are "tops". It's been this way for the past few months, chiefly in England. , FOR mr'oi lust MUSCLES A FT Kll UOIIK r PLAY Relax in a soothing HOT MUSTARD BATH Mix 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of Oilman's mustard in a little cold water and pour into hot bath. After bathing, give yourself a brisk rubdown . . . then off to bed for a good night's rest. Your muscles will relax with relief! CK-I3E. . -w r -r w Jlount Canaoian ' MRU. SNOttsirj All Si? SEE tiS NOW FOR IMI FEELS THE SA.P1E IN ANY LEAGUE The Swedish Red Cross and Berlin physicians are engaged in another battle of Berlin. This time against tuberculosis. Using as the muln weapon a general vaccination of Berlin children up to the age of 18. But whether the needle is given by a Swede. German, or Canadian, the effect on the young Berliners seems to be about the same Her a Swedish doctor and nurse draw a prolonged howl fsiom a young man who is takii-q the dose In his thigh. Basketball Time Table Basketball league schedule for the remainder of the 1949-50 season is as follows: Jan. 17 Boy Scouts vs. High .School, Peoples vs. Dom's, Mer- chants Fashion, Bo-Me-HJ .EQUIPMENT Swedish Laminated Skis Booh. Poles Waxes Harness Cables Ktc. Basketball oinmolf arcs filUIIIIllUUVI o Big TJight Truunced Urownwoods to Take Senior Second Place-Juniors Win I Bo-Me-Hl moved back into; 13 ui & possible, 1 lie sellout team played a breaking game .used their zone defence effectively and, although Spring witu 21 and Carlson with IB, weie bign scoters, every team member contributed , equally in setting up the plays' that made these scores possible. Danny Bill with ten points to his credit, played an aggressive game, making Tiearly all his poinu on re- buuniis. Moore aim Scherk were good .for seven each and played a smart game on the defence. Coach Jack Evans gave the sec- ond-string men plenty of oppor- tunity to play and they contribute ! move to tne u-am on each appear- ance. i Fo; B'Troous-shier the scoring with 13, lollowed by fterf " mi M ten to their credit. Alex Bill dp- ... ..... . . " T "I. mii uie iuws oi uveruge to Sunberg left the floor in the final quarter, getting the nod from Referee Slatta for a flagrant foul. ; which was aUo his fifth. I Bo-Me-Hi Spring 21, Carlson 16, Scherk 9, Webster 2, Moore 7, Krislnianson 2, Sharpe, McChes-ney, Bill 10. Total C7. Brownwoods Gurvich 3, Pierce 10, Lavigne 10, Shier 13, Sunberg 1, Bill 10, Thompson 2, Owens 1. Total 50. INTERMEDIATE A Fashion-Merchants game can usually be counted on as a close contest but this was not so last night when Fashion swamped the Merchants by a 38 to 22 score. Merchants led 12 to 10 at the half, holding Fashion down to 2 lonely points in the second quar- and that their lrunchise co:it a - microscopic $3,000. "A buck must jhave gone a long way in those days because the monthly salary I limit for a club was $1,500 and the maximum monthly salary lor a player was $150," Dink writeu.'To-' day ,the salary limit for a club is over $10,000 and there is no ceiling on a player's salary. There were some other quaint customs prevalent In the league at that time. For instance visit- ing clubs had an option of a flat $100 guarantee or 40 per cent of the gate . Now if a visiting c'uti ' is rained out it recives a cheque for $200. Dink ends his historical remarks on Springfield by say- ng: .'Springfield operated an i'S rtoeiyr19,oo fo e allming It to lapse in 1900. wonTp 1 and ana won a pennant in 189 1895. Only Baltimore with a trmendo., nh. Scotians vs Rupert Motors. Thom Sheet Metal vs Triple C's, Undes-vs. ! irables .vs Blaine's, Stones vs Professional And Busim vs. Brownwoods. Jan. 21-Stones vs. Sea Cadets, High School vs. Rupert Hotel. Fashion vs North Star, Bo-Me-H vsi co-op- Jan. 24- Sea cadets vs. Boy 'h oo, Nnrth s,- Mnr,.i,t " """""" '':couans vs nome wu. oioww- ve. .Brownwoods. nvuniage ouin, up curing seven sink iive from centre floor, equal-straight pennant-winning years lirig the' score of his younger under Jack Dunn from 1819 brother on the Bo-Me-Hi squad. Jan. 23 Kinsmen vs. Stones, t vs Oddfellows, Crescents vs Am-Rupert Hotel vs. Boy Scouts, Ta- i bassadors, Philpott Evltt vs Car.. shion vs. Merchants, Brownwoods Legion. 1 vs. Bo-Me-Hi. Feb 27-Ure.scents vs Oddfel Jan. 30 and 31 House of David ' lows. Philpott Evltt vs Ambas- CHANNEL CONQUEROR The third person ever to swim the English Channel both ways, Lieut. Hassan Abd-El Rehim (left) 40, Egyptian army officer, is kissed by his trainer, Fahmy Atallah, shortly after crossing from England to France. During the same day, two other men swam the channel, the first time it had been swum three times in one day. It's business wise to advertise. Classified ads bring results. v Royal u)htskg home Tbu Jverticnieul is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cuotrol BouJ i bf U Govciiuimit W Briiiih Cwl union. uuougn i'jj.d nas a Deiter an-iime won-lost. TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday I 8:00 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday ,10:15 p.m. that do a n Tilt o i re& v KiirMri. mol ...... w. r ors, Scotians vs Brownwoods, Evltt vs Triple C's, Mai- lets vs Cold Storage, Undesirables vs Can. Legion, J.Cs No. 1 vs j Commercials, J.C.'s No. 2 vs Home ou. Jan, 30 Scotians .vs Cold Storage, Undesirables vs Ambassadors, J.C.'s No. 1 vs Can. Legion. j 3 .C.'s No. 2 vs Commercials, Cres-: rents vs Home Oil, Thom Sheet i Metal vs Brownwoods, Manson's ivs D & S, Phllpott Evitt vs Ru-'pert Motors, Mallets vs Triple C's, Oddfellows vs W.I. Stages. Blain's vs Grand Cafe, Stones vs C.P.A. FeD. O- Blain's vs ,W. X Stages, Stones' vs Grand Cafe, D & S vs ,C.P.A., Mallets vs Rupert Motors, 1 Scotians vs Triple C's, Thom Sheet Metal vs Cold Storage, J. i C.'s No. 1 vs Ambassadors, J.C.-'s No. 2 vs Can. Legion, Crescents ivs Commercials, Philpott Evitt .vs Home Oil, Brownwoods vs i Manson's, Undesirables vs Oddfellows. ,Feb. 13 J. C.'s No. 1 vs Odd- fellows, J. C.'s No 2 vs Ambassad-; ors, -Crescents vs Can. Legion, j Philpott Evitt vs Commercials, ! woods vs Cold Storage, D it S "vs Mallets vs Home Oil, Brown-Grand Cafe, Manson's vs C.P.A., i W. J. Stages, ' Fph on n& s v W ' I Staces ' !CpJ Grand Cafe Mansoti-f ! vs Cold tora"e Thom Sheet -ziftvTJ. 'ibies vs Stones J C's No. 1 vs . SSS.'lSST f Commercial, ... .. . woods vs Triple C's, J. ,C.'s No. 2 lk LtMf Cr4r &Sd lK( GwwmmM ml lik CMii. ' 1 Always Prompt and Courteous! Were Here to Serve YOU Commodore Cafe: '"HospltaUty and Good Food"? Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders' 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr.? A WORD TO THE WISE Coil gy Blue Tra" 992 For the best in Guaranteed Radio Service" ItCHO aNC: ' For Satisfactory Service .718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 092 Small Electric Appliances BIG JOB , tor . Jn the third quarter Fashion j reversed the procedure and scor-,d ,14 .holding the Merchants at 3. From there in it was a Fash-' i ion show all the way as they 1 1 doubled Merchants fourth quar- ' I tor erniA in iiin aui.tu u.ifH IVip THE SPORTS SHOf 622 W. 3rd Ave. GEORGE R0RIE. Public Accountant i tors. Income Tax F; compiled O. ,L. ROME. A i 45. B. LAIRD, B C Besner Block - Ps. HANDYMA) HOME SERV; OENERAL CONTRA:"! Building and Repair kinds ROOTS - CHIV OIL BURN!- PHONES Black 334 P. O. Box 16: B & W TRAN .Cord Wood, Cedar Kindling wood 50c PHONE RED ! KAIEN TRAK FOR ROCK AND DIF' BASEMENT & LAW Phone Blue 981 or E MATTS0N' . UPHOLSTERI Phone Blue 818 PC 330 Second Affe-s Pr!nc Rupert,! FOR YOCl ROCK & CONCRET! CALL BLUlS: M. J. SAUNT New, Modern EquT All Work Guarar A.P. GARDNER CHARTERED ACCOt" A. L. Bell, C.A., Pr Hotel Anfirox. Itinera' Jan. 13-31 Prince Ri Feb. 1-10-Occan Bella Feb. 11 -April 15-P"; pert. Terrace DS MARGARET OPTOMETRY Rooml V'''PH0N! BLUE fi P.O. BOX l i game. Hill, for Fashion, was tops , In scoring with 12, followed ,by , Jim Intennela with 0. Oill and Haugan each scored 6. Boulter, ft: li i 4w HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wartrvt Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street -"' Phone 855 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 (. . QUALITY REPAIRS ' for Downtrodden Keels and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Art. Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Oreen 6C7 Dajrs New .Residence Phone Number Red 064 Bytown Machine Works Sales Service and Parts Simplex Gas Engines aH h.p.'-185 h.p. ' Cummins Dependable Diesels 05 h p. 550 h p. Inquire about our long term Warranty and Service SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS fl a.m. to 5 pan. 23 & 24 Besner Block Jelepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DSHTI8T .Suite, t, Smith Block Phone 525 p.o. Box 1216 PIANO TJECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI .Phone BJ-ACK 758 02 10th East Newspaper advertising pays off In dividends. with 8 and Walsh with 6, led the ; Feb. 28 Peoples vs. High puck for Merchants. Merchants' School, Merchants Vs. North Star, play was featured by their lack Brownwoods vs. Co-op. of fouls, only four being called. Mar. 4 Reserved for any post-Fashion also played a olean game ponements. Senior Bo-Me-Hl getting the nod from Referees vs. Biownwods. vs. Rupert Jets Series. Feb. 4 Stones vs. High School, Sea Cadets vs. Kinsmen, North Star vs. Fashion, Co-op vs. Bo-Me-Hi. Feb. 7- Rupert Hotel vs. Stones, High School vs. Peoples, Merchants vs. North Star, Brownwoods vs. Co-op. Feb. 11 Kinsmen vs. Boy scouts. High School vs. Sea Cad- ets, Merchants vs. Fashion, Bo. Me-Hi vs. Brownwoods. Feb. 14 Stones vs. Boy Scouts. Dom's vs. Peoples, Fashion vs. North Star, Bo-Me-Hi vs. Co-op. Feb. 13 Rupert Hotel vs. Sea Cadets, Kinsmen vs. High School, North Star vs. Merchants, Co-:;: vs. Brownwoods. Feb. 21 - Sea Cadets vs. Stones, Hiuh School vs. Dom's, Fashion vs. Merchants, Brownwoods vs Bo-Me-Hi. Feb. 25 High School vs. Boy Scouts, Kinsmen vs. Rupert Hotel North Star vs. Fashiorj, Co-op y Bo-Me-Hl. number called on the Scouts. High School Clark 4, Nicker-son 10, Sheppard, Brown 4, Peder-sen 2, Rhodes, Smith 3, Tait 4. Total 27. Scouts Becker 2, Clccone, Erlckson 6, Hodgkinson, Krist- manson 6, Scherk R. Webber 5. ! Total 19. Sheila Sling PUMP Grey By Julia Arthur JUST ARRIVED FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED Jrd Ave. Box fill? Ph. 357 No woman whose is equipped with modern electrical appliances would dream of trying to gef along without them. Convenience, speed, efficiency, ease-of-operation Holkestad and Slatta for nine Infractions. Merchants Anderson, Boulter 8, Chrlstoff 2, Dumas 4, McChes-ney, Marshall, Walsh 6, Davidson, Currie 2. Total 22. Fashion Oill 6, Haugan 6. Hebb 1, Hill 12, Intermela 1, Lien 2, Watson 2. Total 38. LADIES ; Peoples took a 19 to 16 call over Dom's In this division. The game was a low-scoring affair, although the girls did try to pla) a faster breaking game than usual. Betty .Hamilton led the scoring, making 8 for the losers Jackie Budlnich for the winners, scored .6. Referees Hartwlg ana Large tcalled fl fouls on Peoples iind 6 on Dom's. Peoples Budinich 6, Bussey 2. Dumas 2, Howe 4, Th&in -6, Pottle Total 19. Dom's Currie 2, Hamilton 8 Klldal 1, Shlep, Williams, N Youngman 2, L. Youngman 3 Paul. Total ,16. JUNIOR LEAGUE High School won two victoric-OO-the evening's play, their Junior team taking a decisive oiu over the Scouts by a 27-19 score Young Dick Nlckerson led the way with 10 points ror the school team. .The winners made only fc personals just under half the and economy . .. , these are some of the qualities that women have come to expect and always get from their electric servants. An automatic iron, an electric tea-kettle, a toaster these are only a few of dozens of indispensable electric aides waiting, and ready, to serve you. HtHiK fMltrtt 1