I I Dawson Patients Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, January 18, 1U50 Union vessel's next trips. Only solution of course, if the wea-! ther remains around the zero: mark, is constant blasting to New Trundling League Rolling President of the new Ten Pin Bowling League is Sgt. Lance Potterton, who was elected to 10 Inch Ice A! Northern Ports Large vessels are able to break the three to four inch thick ice at harbor entrance? r zywm keep the channel ice not more St. Mary's hospital, destroyed than four Inches thick. ' by fire at Dawson last weelt, At Alice Arm, the Coquitlam were flown outside by Cana-tcok on 90 tons of concentrates dian Pacific Airlines plane, to aVoard the Prince George. Her husband returned to engineering duties in Seattle a few weeks before. While in the city Mrs. Lund-quist, the former Marie Balagno, Mrs. Glen tundquifit, alter spending an extended holiday here THh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Balagno, toll return to her home at Seattle tomorrow. With 4ier two youne sons. Geof frey and Qregory, Mrs. Lundquist wui make the trip to Vancouver B from the Torblt mines for ship- be taken care of at other hos-ment south. pitals. We've Done It Again ! . PEOPLES STORE Colossal Sale GIRLS AND INFANTS WEAR RUPERT PEOPLES STORE FOR . Highest Quality l f'VUs, N- ,f i ; J TOD4V - TI11RS. fTfl . J r iM . if: -pius- ussk-s ''I 'tf "Canada Unlimited" BCT. I i ri 1 A ! l - ---! . r $3 . 'prr- -03 IrPR Radl D,al T7l - Wr . Vl r IV 1240 Kilocycles 1 JrS$ ,Y. - M tsubiect to Change, at Alice Arm and Stewart but lighter craft would not even al- tempt a try, said Capt. William McCombe, skipper of the Union steamer Coquitlam, which arrived in port from the north yesterday morning and left for Vancouver at 1:30 p. m. Capl. Wm. McCombe said that use of dyamite had been necessary to blast a channel through one-half mile of ice in order to pull into the docks at Alice Arm and Stewart. While he guided his vessel towards the docks, dynamite blasts cleared the thick ice. At present, a channel has been cleared through which heavier boats can proceed. Thickness of ice, out from the shore is ten inches, the Capt stated. Passengers thought it novel to witness persons walking atop the ice about 50 feet uway from the ship. ' The Captain was promised entrance to both ports on the Gyros See Oil Well Brought In Graphic picturizulion of 1 Lie complex mechanical processes ; leading up to the bringing: in of j an oil well was seen by the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its weekly j luncheon today with the showing of a film entitled ' Birth of an Oil ! Well," made available by the : hcll Oil Co. and projected by 1 Do" Forward. The film is of i particular interest since such au exploratory operation is now in progress as close to Prince Ru pert as the Queen Charlot te Islands. The' film features the drilling operation with a brief conclusion dealin with refining ; and distribution. Dr, L M rcenc and Emil Blain were initiated as new members at today's luncheon. A message of best wishes was WEDNESL-At P.M. 11 : Avail yourself of our experience and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO.. BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 9-5D 10:00 10.15 10.30 ;o.4.'. . u :uu 11:15 11:30 11:31 11:35 11:45 k 12:00 ! 12 15 i 12:30 12:55-1:00 ( 1:30 ; 1:45: i 2.00 I 2:3!)- i 2:45- ! 3:00 , 3:15 I 3:30 -Utile Slum E::l;, Han,, -Morning - Melody Tim. -Air Kuiderji-Kuu 1 id up Tit- - Weather RfP: -Message We "R'TDKIl J Iff - Pc:.oiiul Kx rx. --Mid Day Mv -CBC Ntwi -Program Ri,. C Kurm E -fijeorded k. -Aflcriioon C. - CDR Prc.nt. - Comiy.- I)w -B. C. Scln,i)i : - Records at R -Behind Uie S -The Music B -Westi'rn Pivt -International that position at a meeting last week. Secretary is Vernon Cic- cone. The Infant group Deagan lea- gin: play January 8 with sec- ! tion one of the two sections in i play. The second section rolled I the oversized five pin ovals on January 13. Section one of the ; league will play Fridays while Section two will follow'on Sun- ! days. Stroller White's Widow Goes South j j Mrs. Josephine White, after j a residence of 51 years in the I north, sailed from Juneau a i few days ago to make her home I in Los Angeles with a daughter. Mrs. White, for 25 years, curs-tor and librarian with the Ala ska Historical Library and Museum in Juneau, is the widow of E. J. (Stroller) White, pioneer northern newspaperman, who died in 1930. He will be remem bered by many old timers of Prince Rupert, who moved here from Yukon ami Alaska in the early days. ! Noted 'Caster Going to U.S. WINNIPEG The fast talking Winnipeg broadcaster, Stewart MacPherson, is here from Lon- don on his way to United States where he will take a Job with the CBS radio network. MacPherson originally worked his way to Britain on a cattle boat with about $8. He rocket - ed to fame as an outside broad- caster reporting sports events and public ceremonies. He has none just about everything in I radio and is reputed to have I made more money than any t Ul",;l "'au. nuvinvu. uy uis yuy- i -"""'i " coi, in I peg for a few weeks before go-j ing on to the United States. H? was born in Winnipeg and is married with a young son. Thousands Flee Floods i CHICAGO More thousands I fled their homes as gers appeared mounting today over some critical areas of the Mid-Western and southern Uni- ted States Watershed. Th C mighty Mississippi, the Big Ohio River valleys continued to rise at several points. There was a mass exodus-some 8,000 farmers and sharecroppers in southeast Missouri as me countrv s htpcest river FORTUNE SMILES This musty will worth $000,000 was discovered in a Vancouver real estate office after an 11-month search. To smiling city fireman, Gilbert Campbell, 43, left, is willed a large portion of the fortune. C. S. Arnold, his lawyer, helped unearth Hie will which was found by Court Registrar L. A. Menenaez. right. HOLLYWOOD cafe was featured in a P'io recital at the Civic Centre January 12. - . g m in Your Printing i j I j ' CAFE IN THE CITY 3:30 A.M. Diane lP) i ; !' The '50 FORD PROTECTION INSTALL MOST UP-TO-DATE OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to We Specialize In Chinese CIIOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 Flown Outside Twenty patients, who were in fcffi 1 JMBM i'IIIIM 11 . I 1 C. P. Photo) Photo) jed four bears roaming on the neatly throuch the heart 1.' C. P. Photo) BIOOKST HE Tile world's lai't; vator is in Kansas C 4:00-Bernle BiaUcn Tells a Story 4:15 -Stock Quotations and BiUt1u(1c :30- Maggie Muggins : 45 -Young Man With a Honi? :55-3C New :00 Rendezvous Room :30 Tiv: Question Iiox : 45 -Keyboard and Console :00 --Supper Serenade : 15 -English Favourites. io -Musical Varieties : 45 "Saddle Rockln' Rhythm .00 CBC News ;10-,"BC News Roundup :30- Bartlett ti Robertson 00 -CBC Newa 10 -CBC News : 15 These Five Writers 30 Collector's Items :00 Weather ar.d Sign Oil THURSDAl- A M :00-Muslcal Clock :00-CbC Ktws ' i :10-llere's BiHOotKl 15 Morning Song :30 Music for Moderns 45 Little Concert :00-BBC News and Com'ty :15 Morning Devotions 30 Morning Concei t nto Each Lifp 'snmnl Love Must Fall; But Too Much Has Fallen in Mine You'll Love the H amburgers At MILLIE'S 1PEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILY Just off Third Avenue 6th St. Ph. Orders Blue 92 f ! ordered sent to W. H. Tob'jv, pio-j neer local Gyro, past district gov-I crnor and now secretary of the j Vancouver Gyro Club, on attam- ing his seventieth birthday, W. F. Stone reported arrange-flood dan-; ments complete for an installa- Y " XL A Jl ifa I , ' KL w p r ' O SPECIAL In Drtigning ond Re- "Russ" C CONTRACT Box I'liuiK m ""aa f-s) , f vvtf & A&aas,! mmi : tion dinner and dancing, party ncxt Wednesday night when i.ipntpm.nt. nistrw. r,nv,.rnSr , Hiinilnlmlliiim nf Mom U7ot- I minwtor will Hp hprn in intal A J. Dominato as president and other executive officers of the club for 1950. On Wednesday there will be an executive luncheon and Thursday ever.hm a iT-mTTiM ii mi W in i mi i ii ii . 1 j PAT-A-CAKE BAKER'S MAN -Johnnie and Tommie, twin sons of Mr. and M-s. Jaek T. Cowles of Hamilton have just tasted the cake they marie for their first birthday anniversary and don't seem surged to its highest mark'send-ff for tne heutsna:it:aov-.since 1937. Some 4,000 other, ernor at the nome of thfi new residents in the birds point-' president. I CABS 1 They're NEW -ggg. r " s "MS.,, lHW'!-- VTt T 1'Olt FIRE Lyon .... the gasoline, Can be automatically. Require no Insurance Price (Liberal PRINCE RUPERT 712 Second Ave. P.O. LOCKER HALIBUT (chunks.) - Excellent ctipvd lu batler anil ried In deep fut or boiled and Mived with luuhroom or lo- IHtlo MlUee. per OysU-rs !apl, 4ac BsiluM.I- Vi.rk Ilotf I Fire Extinguishers scientific way of smothering electrical and wood fires thrown at flame or will work LYON Fire Extinguishers will not fi'eeze or deteriorate. servicing. Approved by Fire Underwriters everywhere. $5.00 Complete Discount to Dealers) . Expert Vaich Repairing ALL WORK FULLY ll A A . ViUAKANIttU A T. TV T ir hn u L'-'-l - , .v,x-j u- : -' u , . f ux . -r, i.v' f-.;'.', You'll Bo Satislied , loo terribly happy about it - handiwork. .. M?'rA Cents Watches From $29.73 GEORGE COOK, Jew; New Madrid floodway remain-e in thearea. Army engineers kept an eagle eye on the main danger points oi the flooding rivers. Biz-Pro Women Hear Pianist The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Bus!,i""i mcl Professional Women's Club was held on Tuesday night with a dinner at thu Civic Centre, ful-'owed by a social evening at the home of Miss Audrey Wrathall. Plans were made to hold a telephone bridge in March and to have a raffle In connection with this bridge. The speaker for the evenlncr was Mrs Murln Rnlumin. ' Lundquist who gave a very inter- j esting talk on her recent trip to Poland to attend the Chopin Centennial. Reduction Company Chief Pays Visit On u vi.sil, of iusporlioik to the company's reduction plant, al Port. Edward on which extensive iui)ioveiiicnt-s and additions are being made, John A. Clarke, production manager for Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd., arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, lie is accompanied by Mike Olson, the company's production malinger for the .southern urea. t The Port Edward plant resumed 51 ui.uiij Ilt-Jtuig IKJl 1UUU1 U11U I ii) today following a week's shutdown while weather was too cold for herring seining. j To Advertisers To insure publication of display or classified advertising, cony for same must be in the office of the Daily News by 4 p.m. the day previous to advertising. Requirements of the mechanical department make this rule necessary. 527 3rd Ave. PHONE 79 RUPERT FREEZING CO. LTD. 230 2iul Ave. Plume Red 3(i7 HOUSEWIFE SHARPSHOOTER Mrs. Marcellin Gaul Uier, 38. bag Oauthier farm at Corbeil. near North Bay, Out. Drilled, every one Son Omcr, 15. admires morn's SUPPLY HOUSE Box 772 Phone 632 PLANT I lLLLlb oi 15 J KtU COY) M4e 11. .SOLE :ihu lb HAM HUT WiK II) II) " SM.MON . . 4H: II) Shrimp Meal. 1 2 lb. :e FOR THE MEAL. ' THAT'S THRIFTY NOURISHING AND DOWNRIGHT DELICIOUS DEALER FOB PORK 5 SAUSAGE PHONE 79 110 ' L h an? i td Be Thrifty In '50 piumuary IOURS Weekdays Sundays 9 o.rn. to 9 p-1" 12 Noonto2) ffl .ASK YOUR MAPLE LEAF 7 p.m. to 9 p."1 SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVtNL A Product of Canada Packers Limited SIGHTS YOU SEE ON LONDON STREETS Vari ous aspects of modern Greek life were portrayed in an exhibition at Chenil Gallery, London, Eng. This group of Greek girls dressed tn traditional costumes caused much comment as they paraded along London streets.