Friday, November 5, 1H4 I AY if IMui HlL1 ILiUJii ill ill IWiU (B NOVEMBER 11, 1948 my o o o November Sixth Poppy Day mn You? Lest we forget; I suppose there are a few ' Who need a gentle hint to buy a poppy, DO YOU? But those who have lost one very dear Look at, the sky and feel him near, Whisper softly, why did he have to die? If it will, help the living I'll gladly buy; WILL YOU? Mildred Scott. Bj a Poppy Shall we. forget the lime they marched away Singing, a though to some glad holiday? Shall we forget what anxious watch we kept Of the returns? How anxious mothers wept? Shall all our sense of gratefulness be lost, Shall we, who 'scaped: the dreadful holocaust Be niggardly in a response to give T Uiofce. who cannot work yet who must live? ' Rube Hull, Stewart, B.C., 1923 f L UK Order of Service Legion Week SATURDAY, November 0 "Poppy Day" sale of Poppies on street's. SUNDAY, November 7 Church Parade to Salvation Army Citadel. Veterans of all war invited to attend, " in" at uanacnan Legion Hall, 10:30 a.m. AT THE CENOTAPH Prince Rupert, B.C., November 11, 1948 "At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we shall remember "them." "O Valiant hearts, who in their glory died." 11AM. SIGNAL BY CATHEDRAL BELLS , PRINCE RUPERT SHRINE BAND, 1. O. CANADA - - O, Canada, our heritage, our love, Thy worth we praise all other lands above. , ' , , From sea to sea, throughout thy length, from pole to borderland,. 1 ' ' At. Britain's side, whate'er betide, unflinchingly we'll stand, -With heart we sing "God Save the King," "Guide Thou the Empire wide," do we implore, ' ' ' "And prosper Canada from shore to shore." 4 ' During singing of "O Canada" flag will be raised top-mast 2. CEASE FIRE - - SOoNDED BY BUGLER W. J. RANCE During the sounding of "Cease Fire" flag will be lowered half-mast 3. TWO MINUTES SILENCE MONDAY, November 8 Card Party (whist and cribbage) open to PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Saturday, November 6, 1943, is Poppy Pay. Poppies will be offered for sale on the streets, jn stores and public buildings, on. that day bv scores of women-of the Legion Auxiliary assisted by school children helping the Canadian Legion in one of its most worthy projects. The sale of these flowers, blood red in hue and symbolic of Flanders Fields and Canadian cemeteries in many parts of the world where sleep the nation's war dead, is inspired by one ideal : "TO HONOR THE DEAD BY HELPLNG THE LIVING." It is from the distribution of these flowers that the Canadian Legion derives funds for meeting the needs of those who are up . against it. Many are sick incapacitated their spirits at a low-ebb They are desperately in need of the aid we can provide encouragement, advice and service. Through the Poppy sale your contributions make it possible for the Canadian Legion to meet such calls for aid and keep, faith with their less fortunate comrades. contributions to the Poppy b una In the past vear your have aided over one hundred-and seventy needy cases. Correspondence pertaining to veterans'af fairs has amounted to oyer twelve hundred letters ,. king despatched from our local Legion, office. , it ? " So when you buy a Poppy from the Canadian Legion, 6Wt feel charitable-feel proud. And wear the Poppy proudly. It s your proof that you have not forgotten those who gave so much and expect so little. They did their part. Do yours by buying a, Poppy tomorrow. RALPH P; SMITH, President, Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L., 27. .. LAST POST - - SOUNDED BY BUGLER W. J. RANwa 4. 5: ail. Canadian Lecion Hall, 8 p.m. Charge, 5()c player. I TUESDAY, November 6-Commlttees meet p.m., Legion Hall. WEDNESDAY, November 10 Bazaar (Women's Auxiliary, Canadian Legion) Annual Tall Bazaar, Canadian Legion Hall, 2 to 5 p.m. and 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Games In evening." THURSDAY, November 11 Remembrance Day Parade to Ceno- taph (Court House Grounds). "Veterans of all wars invited. Fall In" at Canadian Legion Hall 10:20 a.m. Caps or berets and medals or ribbons to be worn. Parade Marshal. Cde. J. S. Wilson. 1 p m. Armistice' Banquet and Smoker at the Armories. Admission by ticket $100. Open to members of Canadian Legion only. , Ami.siice Ball-Navy Drill Hall. 9:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. Open to public. Admission by ticket. 50c. FRIDAY November 12-Social Evenins (Canadian Legion Hall) 8-11:30 p.m. (Brimj Your Missus Nk'iit). Members of Canadian Legion and Wives, Women's Auxiliary and husbands. ti. JS. HJSWUALU REV. PRAYER - - - - - - Presbyterian Church HYMN - - - "O GOD-OUR HELP IN AGES PAST" ADDRESS - - SR. MAJOR C. N. WARRANDER, ' DiVl Cmdr, Salvation Army, Northern B.C. PLACING OF WREATHS 8. n,,rnn tvm r.iacinor nf wreaths DiDers will Dlav "The Lament" 9. REVEILLE - - SOUNDED BY BUGLER W. J. RANCE, During the Sounding of "Reveille" flag will be raised top-mast 10. GOD SAVE THE KING. In the event of inclement weather, the service will be held in the Auditorium of the Civic Centre Soil of Sjmtor Among Ihose dead or killed on active service: Legion Facts 2180 branches giving it a total or The Canadian Union lias 300,0(10 members. COMMUNITY WORK OF THE LEGION To give the public an idea of the great work performed by the Canadian Legion we list below a few of the organizations we have felt honored to support in the past. Donations to these and other worthy causes have amounted to close to Twelve Hundred Dollars in the past twelve months. A few of the organtiations the Canadian Legion has felt honored to support in the last year are as follows: Prince Rupert Film Council Prince Rupert Civic Centre . ' ' Prince Rupert Boy Scout Association Prince Rupert Public Relations Council Prince Rupert Womens' Co-ordinating Council Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal The Red Cross Association Th Kinsmen T.R. Seal Campaign ARMV Charles G Lord I). Montgomery Aldo Campagnoia Jack Campbell D. J. Edlund Whitefield Elder F. E. Hodgkinson Wm. C. Hood David W. Ol&nd Thomas A. Phelps Thomas II. Ryan James Suden Rodney Valpy Jack Wearmonth A. McRae Radford Aves Capt. C. A. Nixon U. S. ARMY George A, Glay NAVY J. (Sonny) Hfrays -llarrv Monkley Harold (Bud) Ponder Alan navies John Montgomery AIR FORCE Wm. Brown W. C. Cameron Mike Itudema Alan Lcighton ' f Ralph Morin Clarence P. Finley William Haddon Edward Smith George Zbtira Rudolph Wame Leonard Lineham Charles Edward Flewin Louis Arlen Glay Vernon Quinlan James Thompson The Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion has 550 menihers. -I ! 7(1:.. The local branch caters to the needs of veterans confined In the liical hospital; supply comforts for veterans in military hospitals; assists distressed veterans; arrange funerals for deceased comrades and assumes responsibility for care of the. veterans burial plot. The Mayors Fund for Needy Families in Britain Food Parcels Fund for needy families in Britain The B.C. Flood Keliel Fund The St. John's Ambulance Association The Canadian Cancer Society Queen Alexandra's Solarium for Crippled Children ,t in j v i This Tribute And Appeal Is Sponsored By Veterans In The Following Firms NOBLE & V1CK GREER & BRIDDEN m. m a m r m -w-r m mm a n. m u IEY MARKET BLAIN BROS.-GROCERS McRAtBRUi.uu. .:n)rAinE Dan Wick James Greer Bernard Bridden .iuc iVIClvav Iniu mm J""' NORTHERN PRODUCE CO. LTD. Sid C. Thompson GORDON & ANDERSON LTD. RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC J. II. Jefferies Frank Parlett PIONEER FOOD MARKET Russel Cameron SCOTT'S MEAT MARKET Jack Scott Iee Cordon SMITH & ELKINS II. A. Breen HYDE TRANSFER SHEARDOWN'S - GROCERS 1,1 Harry Sheardown 53? TAXI NESBIH'S Bill, Ken and Bob Nosbitt Station CFPR 7:30 Tonight 0 0 "Listen In" to Canadian Legion Broadcast