Prfnte Rupert Dan? Jftetos Friday, November 5, 1948 Civic Centre ROMANCE IS CULMINATED FORT CARRY CARRY Tf'f MEETS FORMER RUPERT PEOPLE Dates YELLOW mi LADEL Petite Australia Girl Arrives to Marry American VANCOUVER A romance between a tall American and a blonde-, ptitt, Australia girt that started In Brisbane, Aus Mrs. E. H. Hicks of this city, while crossing the Atlanl'c Ocean recently aboard the liner ; Aquitania, made the acquain-j tance el Sir. d Mis. W. H. : Waldorf, former residents of prince Rupert, who reft this city for Vancouver tn 1930. Mr. Waldorf was on his way to Oxford, England, to undergo an opera Sports . P.M. 2:QttTeen-Age Badminton. 2:00-Adult Casual Badmintoa. TOft-Teen-Age Badminton. Basketball Leagu 6 :3ft-Junior North Star an4 High School. 7 :30 IntermediateMereha n ts and Fashion. 8 : 45- Senior Bo - Me - Hi and Co-op. tralia, during wartime and bi bee kept alive siivce 1944 by f P0UNC correspondence will be happily eliminated in Vaneoaver whw Joan Dredge of Irswiteh, Queensland, . and Clifford Phelps of tion for cancer of the throa;. Mrs. Waldarf, hiie travelling, was still convalescing from tiv: effects of a broken leg. In con Reedley, Cal., are married with-in the iext two or three days, Mori's Sleeveless A!l-Wool SWEATERS frM .... .. $JD9 ytm's WORK PANTS . : Ail Sixes fifii Men's English Gabardine 'f COATS, Aqiiarouk ' Brand $20.69 Men's Fur Felt IIATS Silk Lined, res- $7.50 v.f S5.M Men's Sample TOP COATS $12.56 Children's Lace RUBBER BOOTS 99 Boys' AU-Wol PNTS All Sizes, ref. $5 : $3.59 ChiKrea's RUBBER CAPES reg. $2.25 - $1.25 Boys' S3IRTS for School mni Dress Nicely . , Ta4lvred $1.25 Best KNITTING WOOL - 3S assorted shades 10:00 - Wurrwn P e o p 1 e ' s and Dum's. SUNDAY Sports A.M. versation such old timers here as George Frizzell and' I. A. Lindsay were mentioned. follow rug her arrival at Vancouver Airport on a British Commonwealth Pacific Air Lines plane. The marriage, it is hoped by the coupl, will be the act that wrH permit Joan to enter Mrs. Hicks is vLsiting near ll:06-City Rip Basketball Bath, England, not far from one of the old Roman roads. SB ' 1 ' A J '..I'... , Team. P.M.' 2:00 Adult Club Badminton. Speeial .t'-t'r.-, -jf the United States and take up perrrkanwit residence with her VANDEKHOOF P.M. husband. The coaple first met in Aus- IraHa htt rKffni4 wnn fin Dan Fraser of Fort S.t James 1 1 " i I &tjJ?$i&$& 2:00-Little 2:00-LHue Theatre. Theatre. J ROYALTY AT BOOK EXHIBITION Queen Elizabeth and her daughter, Princess Margaret Rose, were among the visitors to the exhibition of French books recently opened in London. They are examining a 13th century volume, "Psalter of St. Louis," which is now being shown for the first time outside of France. The women of. the royal family have long been noted aero engine mechanic with the is a patient in St. John's Hospital here suffering from a broken leg. re. 40c .'. .30c 1 - I riifc HOW CAN I ? ? lU.a. Air Transport Command Ladies' HOUSE SLIPPERS i and were separated by his re- rer. $1.50 for-distinctive' hats. These two seem to follow the line. Princess Margaret's is held oh with' a beneath-the-chin veil. KinsmeB's Club and Parent-TesM-hers' Aitsoclation joined on 'lurn to the United States in 11944. At that time, and since, Q. How can I make I . J Saturday night to entertaift the ' 1 the girt could not enter the U.S.A. because of immigration quota restrictions on the entry JAJUIlg luia v ti . i ...... mniscences iff '.TTTg, Hallowe'en iamboree in in delible stencil ink? A. Mix 2 parts of sulphate of manganese, 1 part lajnpblack, 4 parts sugar (all in powder loan). Then make a paste by ol single persons. The six-foot . . ! ion HaU. A masquerade was three-inch California boy di3 and Reflections leaxureu ttnu iinwjr i t.- " - offered. eovered that, it might be possible J adding a little water. I Q. how can I make win ,to bring Joan Into the States as his wile, however, and they de double alarm over I According to the . Labor He HAS TWO NAMES !l. ' . .... ...... dows stay clean lor a lon&er time? cided to marry la Canada. WRATH ALL'S..,-':''' PHOTO FINISHING DeveioTinr. Printing '", , Knlareinr r QUICK SERVICE Amateur and s.caUfd, for Juve-; WKSiayers in me united The North Sea, between the A. Add a little vinegar to "e awm 5H ,J,i is realign The neat step will be to ob east of England ana uie nor the water when cleaning the tain a visitor's permit from the harm, it prob- ;(iual flr(l nnt nM,,ntjvi a f, thern part of Europe, is sometime called the German Ocean. windows and they will remain Amerlcan Conml hen and then aies over me neaa;jow might be able to strupiue clean much longer. And a Utile . Dermanent visa when ihev have become established in thetr new home deep in the San e youngster. By the along reasonably well. 4 enough to under- 31 be no longer a Harry Truman used to sell bluing added to the water will produce more brilliancy. Q. How can I remedy soup that has become too salty? A. Put a few pieces of toasted bread in he soup for a few minutes, then remove, and the Joachim Valley, about 200 miles from San Francisco. He has already arranged a marriage li 4 jack, one can re- genuemeo s ciommg, ana iriKti. ii ol dashing, devil-'However, in hU recent traveig old friends and through the United Slate?, not ' looking in the story lb slightest fault cm:!d be bread will have absorbed much cence with court hourse officials here. On a month's vacation from his Job as an automotive mech To mention but a j found with his window dressing.! 0j tne sat. wre Jesse, i , - - .... ftg.Baaffll fp,JK.,i.. ..... Ji Old Sleuth, Pawnee With the United States ?Wc-; bright and early explore a pair i Holmes, Kit Car- lion out of the way, a ra.-h of 0f stockings hanging by the ftre- anic, Clifford motored to Vancouver and met the girl yesterday as she stepped from the B.C.P.A. plane from Australia. ner, oh, at least a Canadian elections off the c(.f-cb sjde. art wasn't a Pansy and party leaders picked, thH j ; Yur Dealer ean supply you GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. LTD. Local Distributors: VANDERBILT AND BRIDE Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., 50. writer and scion of one of America's distinguished families, is shown in New York with his bride,' the former Mrs. Patricia lot All this might French coal strike settled again, if the dominion and provinces They plan a quiet ceremony for) doubtful influence the west coast shipping tantjle can get together on this trans- the wedding and will remain' aud while w&ve nearly straightened out and a Canada highway business, it here until her visitor's pemiit clink off and on, thoughtful gaze at the Juvenile will ' be of immense value andSlt. forthcoming, then return to PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE MurDhv Wallace, 28, ot Los Angeles. It was the fifth marriage Prince Rupert, "lie-- ! Jar,. Vanderbilt and i-he second for Mrs. Wallace. 712 Second Ave. always short and delinquency exercise, p?vhaps advantage. This Is a hard cpuw-fRcedlcy, California. with.) try to become familiar Mir.ess. we can ail settle aown soon pnu r FISHERMEN Millions live and die ift Canada without ever going further away than to church. Consequently, some folks become more narrow than a corkscrew. The more her people meet and mlngU', the more they mix and see where and how others live and what they are thinking of, the b"i U;r for everyone w - . f k i) 'Vt t ".' ? 1 Repairs' to HIGH SPEED ENGINES is our; specialty. We have the latest in modern ma- cninery ana spenaiiv mniim" to handle this class of work. Let us have your ) engine now, do not wait until the last minute for t that overhaul. If you are thinking of an over. haul we win be triad to loa .jour motor over. J mi GARSON TO GET MANITOBA SEAT RIGHT DOWN THE LINE and make our recommendation. PHONE us or V OTTAWA Hon. J. A. Glen is expected to resign his House of j better still DROP IN and talk it over witn our. Shop Foreman. RUPERT MOTORS LTD.; PHONE 566 ; Commons seat or Marquette, Manitoba, in favor of Hon. Stuart Garson, Premier of Manitoba, who is slated to Join the federal cabinet a smlnister of justice. i-l I f JtfA AM I' KF.W LUXURY STEAMER I f i-X i 14 r, i PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR ' The favourite i for more than Electric Ranges L LATEST IMPROVED QUALITY MODELS ': We are pleased to announce to our customers': that we have received a small shipment of electric ranges. . ONLY A FEW "ARE AVAILABLE While they last, immediate delivery is guaranteed. ... The Northern B.C. Power Co. VORS OF BAHAMAS PLANE MISHAP Twenty-three oJ the DC-3 DouBlas airliner which made a belly land- VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT 1 small Bahamas Island after running out of t;as while half a century When preference for one jr 10 San Juan, Puerto Rico, from Peterboro, N.J., are ending at Miami, Fla., In a coast guard life raft. They up from the Island by two coast guard rescue am-Planes. The airplane was on a charter flight with 20 Ricans returning home from New York, and a crew of For Reservations wme- i' JJt,' lf i.. Phone 210 LIMITED or viiu CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone 209 TERRACE JkiqJ is handed aown iroiu i firher ro ton and even to ' grandson nd prat-grandson the merchandise must hve given extraordinary satisfaction . That'! the atory ot StaafieU's Unshrinkable Underwear. For amy years and more it has been the first choice of generation after generation It will be yours, too, onct too have known ita com-' fortable fit, its softness, warmth and durability. See Sunlicld'a wide selection of styles, weights and fabrics kena Restaurant TERRACE LLOYD SAUDER, PROPRIETOR t' -" ' :! . ' Tone Quality Beauty Sensitivity WOI) FOOD GOOD SERVICE WANTED I " mm pn 6:30 a.m. till midnight closed 9 a.m. Sundays tavouritc store i t your men's wear drpirtmcnt NINE AND DANCE Br'ng your friends and enjoy yourselves ,, AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5 . Jy . ' Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER jr a,. ! i i t ; u Large Stock Now on Display. Ask for a Demonstration in Your Home. Liberal Trade-In on Your Present Radio."" Stahfigld'S Hollywood Cafe "est and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupert pcn from 5:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOUR DOOR Bros, UtjoonvJEAn Chinese Dishej CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 281i LIMITED FOR outside orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN BBMaMMBaMlaJl THABS MARK M