53,500 THEFT " Cmiut Rupert Oailp tti&i Thursday, September 8, 1949. FROM CITY SAFE N. : . . City police are investigating vi J the disappearance early Wednes i ( YOUR Help is needed , . . to mend broken lives! YOUR dollars will aid The Salvation Army in restoring to usefulness the victims of self or circumstance. Again it looks confidently to YOU. vO f ARoof.'it ) Over Yonr Head II ! - ACE-TEX ASPHALT I.. . : -.Av, : SHINGLES ' ' ' ' m f i ' 4t. day of $3,500 reported stolen from a safe in a downtown business place. Art Murray, proprietor of Kaien Island Stages Ltd., told the police Wednesday that the money had disappeared during the night after it had been locked in the safe at the 99 Taxi headquarters on Third Avenue. J1 Respond generously to the Appeal of The theft was effected by working the combination of the safe, police said. The strong box had not been entered violently. The money that was taken was all in bills. About $1,500 in checks and silver was left Jv & The Salvation Army FRIENDSHIP-Trapper Ous Llnfrren of Cranberry has unusual friends a Tiusky dog, a pup and a The moose, siaf mis wun Kiarvauon, wandered , st June. The tuisky nursed film along wth her .- 1.1 ..... ln,nfl V.. ... e moose, a 'b. ue a companion Mr. Murray and Howard Wright told the police that the money 1 armiml after his foster-mother everywhere she Your generous support h heartily urged by ulitr Daily Nruut had been securely locked in the safe on Tuesday afternoon. It (30503313 wos misvjng when the safe vas opened Wednesday morning. WfcRTISlNO COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED The theft was the second of its kind in recent years from the f.ame establishment. A couple of years ago $700 was taken. Most of It was traced later. 7:00 Musical CmcK . . 8:00 CBC New 'ftfra Tasty, :15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Com't'y Is Injured In 9:15 Morning Devotion , , . 9:30 Sunrise Serenade ' 9:45 Coffee Time ;, -. 9:59 Time Signal X V,1 10:00 Ellen Harris Mountain Fall Dr Neal Carter, Formerly of Prince Rupert, in Party But I nhurt r C D D Radio Dial V I I K 1240Ki'Dcycles (Subject to Change) THURSDAT KM. 4:00 Bernie Braden Tells a Story 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Simply Jazz 4:45 Sleepy Hollow Farm 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Western Five 5:45 Supper Varieties 6:00 Canada at Work 6:15 Music a la Carte 6:30 Musical Varieties 7:00 CBC News 10:15 Morning Melodies i 10:30 Round-up Time 0:45 Scandinavian Melodies 1:00 T.B.A. VANCOUVER w A perilous Flavor -freih to the ry mouth-JilL 0 dtrisens and salads have sue b :g tolnr . . . glorious fresh-fruit flavor (frUA ORANGE MOWta 11:15 Songs of Today i 11:30 Weather Forecast A 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Rec. Int. iJ fine texture! Hut's hy everybody climb over treacherous moun-j tain terrain in the Squamish' area to rescue an injured! mountaineer ended successfully' late yesterday. The injured man, j 2 cups hot water 1 cup sliced, canned peachei K '- I ' fit 0! 11:45 Famous Voices P.M. .even ot leii-us tamous lotked-in in itay ui lancuuver, was brought back to Vancouver by 12:00 Mid-day TVce:oUles mean ted enjoyment. And Jell-O plane and .taken to hospital to receive treatment for facial abrasions and leg injuries. suin tcunomicM, convenient, versatile 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast Dissolve Jell-O in hot water. Fold the peaches into the cooled mixture. Turn into a mould anJ chill until hrm. Unmould and garuisk with sliced peaches set in mounjf of sweetened whipped cream, . Equally delicious with Raspberrf Jell-O. mi salads. Insist on the jelly powder 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Even tide 8:00 Tales the People Tell 8:15 Recital 8:30 Prairie Playhouse 9:00 Wateha Know, Joe 9:30 Chamber Music 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Voice of Canada 10:30 Nocture Kay plunged rorty feet down c big red "Jlil.L-0" letters on the box. Thar r Sevan Famous Jall-0 Flavor 12:55 Recorded Interlude a tongue of ice. 6000 feet up Red pular Jell 0 often! Tusk Mountain on Monday 1:0 :00 Summer Symphony 1 2:C I Only one of the part was in 00 In a Lighter Mood , DM WliJfj -fourul cnl mi J ? jured. He was climbing with n 2:15 . 1 Novelty Tunes Renate Kay (no relation), Dr A Product ot Gnarol Food 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Commentary " Neal Carter, formerly of Prince 1 11 -.00 Sign Off Jll O h m Uod iticxk owioa by - -Gflral Foods, limited J 338 Rupert, and Herman, Gens- Arrivals ehork. FRIIMY-A.M. Housing f 3.00 The Music Box iiiiiMiiiiiiiiittiimiiHt'iHiiiiiiiwii'iiiiiin rimtinnt'tf 1 1 nr i rrrTiifif nituiirHnrfc 'tu- ntiKifiiii!!iiiimi!fniiifiiriii'iiMiiii! lllll!lllfll'l!l!)mrmil!!l! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijimii'imii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi!-!!!! mm H1'WII'I!11"''I"W'!P titimii"ti"tmms'r'ii!nii jiiiiirNiiiiai;,:! 'iW"lf Willi pajii'l"! T'll'" l.m.,lilli,f1iili.,ll.i1;il..;ii;i!,il,.;llHilli1,iiM illilll'IW .j,'!l'i,:!i lift ii iiiiiuiwiliihliifiiiii! .iiliiiiiillliliiiiiiillitiiiiiiiiitliiiiiilJllli ity InliiiliililJiillllilliliiriiilllllililiillPIOii'iilliliililil UIiUUHI!litt!UHui!i j,, jf " . - ..... .rf' v' K"fi TolMake Room For New Fall Merchandise LAMEILD!1 PM(CIS i9 CANVAS CASUALS Reg. $4.75 Nationally Advertised FOAM TREADS Reg. $5.95 to $6.95 $1.99 J1.50 j SPflDT Dll o r-. FIFall our regular prices OXFORDS -Wedgie Crepe aoies Keg. $7.95 RUMMAGE!! Values to $5.95 99c. I $3.50 j SALE COMMENCES FRIDAY, SEPT. 9TH AT 9 A.M. PURSES NO REFUNDS NO EXCHANGES NO CHARGES 1 , ODD LINES Values to $12.50 (CIHIILPIiaKf'S (NO SAVAGE SHOES ON SALE) All Colors $2.95 I $4.95 ADEEM enc GREEN 595 1 Y..ui J7J llllllll!ii5I!ii'i!!ll!; I """'"Uiiillllllllllllll 4