4 have still so tar. to-go. Keith Prince Rupert Daily Nev Saturday. August 19. 1650 SHORT SPORT Maltman's comments, explanatory or humorous were all much usiness -tr- r ""v candidates were taking the tests for the various groups and trying to qualify for graduation eerti-l f ication one could readily see jU'hat a demand Uie tests mad? upon the contestants. To some the whole exercise seemed to come easily, they were confident, efficient and apparently without i courage to jump or dive oil tiie 'springboard; it does take eour-I age to keep on swimming alter one has gulped a mouthful or was it a gallon of water unex-i pectedly. But the children had il' ! j The training through the dif-', ferent stages, ducking, floating, swimming had been thorough, I skillful and complete. Of course ; there is the funny side, too. I : saw a little contestant duck right under (?) three . . . but ;she didn't get a strand of hair :wet! And it is disconcerting to swim for oh, ever so long, and then ''ook up and see that you enjoyed. But now can one save 1 the swimmer" In difficulties byi The boys from Watson Island the "hair grip if the swimmer , neVer really got hi Thursday has no hair? ! night's baseball game as the Following are the names of : Commercials started off right In the graduates in the various the first Inning to score three groups: runs. The first two men up, Six Years and Under "Duck- I Shier and Simondson, walked ers": Bob Gordon, Bruce John-i'and Sinclair followed with a hit. stone, Margaret Mailman, ; Marshall, next man up. hit to the Seven to Eight Years "Duck- i shortstop who. relayed to second ers": Sherlyn Furman, Blanche base to force Sinclair with Shier Girodet, Sonia Halvorsen, Jerry j scoring. Morgan struck out and Jensen, Ann Macdonald, Aileen D. Scherk came through with a McDonald, Gerald Oakey, Ray-; nice hit to score Simondson and mond Oakey, Jimmy Russell, .' Marshall. S. Scherk grounded swimming J , Gradua i Courage of Youngsters Displayed at tool ! By M. E. Andcrer ; While watching the display ' p y , and demonstrat'on at the swim- ; mmg pool at McClymont Park . n Thursday afternoon whea i i kl.. . - on two hits and one error. BOX SCORE Commercials AB B H Shier ss 2 0 Simondson 2b 4 2 0 Sinclair rf p ... 5 4 2 Marshall If 5 4 1 Morgan c 4 4 2 Scherk D 3b 5 2 2 Scherk S lb 4 12 McDonald lb 1 0 0 Unjaey cf 5 0 0 Rasedale p. rf 4 0 0 Watson, Island. Berquist, c, ss 4 0 0 Baxr lb 4 0 1 Avlson 2b 4 Q 0 Robinson ss, p 4 12 Maddock If 3 0 1 Howard cf, $b 1 10 Tekhman, 3b , 1 0 0 Tucker If 2 0 0 Carolei p. c ill, Carroll rf 2 1 1 Commercials 30 3 505 319 Watson Island 002 uo. Or- 4 Shir pv Rolvicy- ''fhiiloro". "floaters.": y-..i Delo- ' res Schneider, Sharon Slize; ! "swimmer": Karon Taylor. Nine to Fourteen Years "Duckers": James Arseneau, Charles Barker, Joan Furmen, Muriel Prockter; "floaters": aeivig, onaron. wuuams; "swim.- lners.': Jimuue Currie. Heather'1'0 errors to go runner ahead. Sonj ja a Jensen, Jensen, Danny Danny Pick, tick, Sonia Sonia Watson wawuji Island, xaiauu. revived revicu in u thei inei Classified Advertising is payable In. advance. Plea refrain, from, telephoning. Classifieds, 2c pei word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. OPTOltf; Complete w 9a.m.toi; Mczzanistjf Ge- Cook', Telephone MARGARET i OPTOMA; Rooeu 8TONK BUI; PH0S1 HI Trp J P.O.BOX; OIL BURNER "jpjj New wick orpci J suppliedAn type and stoves wrrtac conditional guar". led saUsfactiatJ serr.tt 733 5th West QUAUTV hZ. For Downtrodfc and Wore 5 MAC SHOE HCS Box 774 t MATTSC' ITPHntJTTtV Phone Blue tit. F 330 Second At Prince Rjjr HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches; 204 4th Street Phone 635 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D.C. 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. it Fri. 7:30 Phone Blu 442 COLUSSI'S . MUSIC STORE AgenU for the finest in Musical Instruments ' PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. , Ph. Black 389 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. ' GEORGE RORIE & CO. I Public Accountants and Audi-I tors. Income Tax Returns compiled. O. L. RORIE. A.A.E. J S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 887 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kind ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P. O. Oor 1870 It all adds ud to a wise act out to end the inning with the Hatelmen ahead 3-0. Watson Island could do noth ing In their half of the first inning and there was no further fcoring until the top of the third inning when Commercials got three more runs on two hits and third inning sconng two runs onj two nits and one error- '! Commercials cot five runs in! the fourth inning on two hits and three errors to go further! ahead and Watson Island, came' oack with one rim in their half lf fourth. , Commercials did not score in . . .. , fVln fiF.k U 1IF.I T I I u wmu isianu was able to shove one run across! (when Robinson hit a nice three; bagger and Maddock followed; wiui a hit to score Robinson. ' In the top of the sixth Commercials went further ahead with five more runs on one hit and four errors and got three more in the top of the seventh Salt Lake Ferry SCHEDULE Leave Cow Bay Floats Dally 12 noon 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p m. 7:35 p.m. Sunday Continuous Service Starting 1 a.m. Last Boat Leaves Salt Lakes 10:00 p.m. Phan: Green 391 Black 928 roB rent SLEEPING ROOM FOR RENT One double also a single. Apply 1865 East Seventh. Phone Green 482. U94p) FOR RENT Room to share, Red 471. . (tf) FOR RENT Room and board for 2 men. Phone Red 600. (195c) FOR RENT 4-room furnished suite. Phone Red 780 uap) REAL ESlAlt FOR SALE Eight-roomed house, two cultivated lots, near Conrad Street. $5,000 -$3,000 cash, balance like rent. I- Phone Blue 245. (219p) . FOR SALE 20-acre farm 2i miles from town on good road. 4-room house, bath room. barn. earaae. woodshed. 1 acre gar den. V, strawberries, fruit trees, also trap line. Aouiv to ; O. Matv. Box 35. Terrace. B.C. Phone 23-M. U99p) FOR SALE 8-room house. Fifth1 Avenue East. Box 7G2 Daily, News. (20tip i FOB RATE Wntprfrnnt nrnr.- ertv on Lakelse Late 2 iibins. - about 300 vards south of oid hotel. Write Mr S Kohut now Dodson Hotei. 25 East Hastings St.. Vancouver. B.C. (tO FOR SALE 5-room furnished ' house with 2 lots. Aonlv 436 blierDrouke Ave., or Dhone Red 267. 204o rvr oTi7 r 4i-- : . Doug glas .Maryiya Formia, Donna 1 Jonas ason, Judy Lloyd, Arlene' Moxley, Beverley Parkin, Libby Pierce, Joanro Prockter. Julis Prockter, Florence Renwick, Alberta Renwick. Jaeauelinp Vie- reck. I In the senior swim for the Koii cross test Donald Way baa also qualified a.: well as Gordon ' Kresge. j BUSES FOR SALE 28 passengers capacity bus with rellner seats, engine and chassis International K8. For fuU particulars con- tuct Western Canadian Greyhound Lines Ltd., Calgary. Alberta H)t5c FOR SALE OR TRADE DEALERS IN ALL TYPES of used euuiument: mill, mine and loeeine suDolies: new and used wire roDe: DiDe and fittings: chain, steel plate and shapes. Atlas Iron & Mends Ltd.. 25 Prior St.. Vancouver, B.C. Phone Pacific 6357 (tf ) ACCOCrTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Incomf Tax specialist. S. G. Furk Stone Building. Red 593 (20m) REPAIRS WATCH Reran Dromnt efficient service. George Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction guaranteed. OIT. BURNER SPECIALIST-Stove Service St Repairs. G n Konson. Black 503 Uf) Aged Furnaces, Heal Robbers The owner of an average Seating system five or more years old is warned by National Warm Air Heating Association that the odds are 7 to 10 his winter heating bill is at least 10 per cent more than necessary. This is because 7 out of 10 older type systems of heating are in need of repairing and cleaning. Air leaks in and around furnace combustion chamber, soot in the chimney or furnace, warped, burned bars, corroding smoke pipe all create loss of heat right in the furnace itself. Therefore using more fuel to keep the proper temperature. Heating experts report that home owners are "robbing Peter to pay Paul" through use ol improper firing methods and negligence in furnace mainten- The majority of costly repairs could have been avoided if owners had followed a regular program of having heating systems inspected each year, says the Heating Association. Minor repairs can add longer service to heating systsems and Insure health and safety ol. families. TIHIOM Sheet Metal Ltd. view lots in Section 2. on AUm FOR SALE Taxi business. hirh-Avenae. couosite Gvro Park. wav plates included. Box 777 k. E. M'-irr.fr. 32 2nd Ave Daily News U54o) , Phone 88. Real Estate and i - - Insurance. Usji. FOR &ALE 1948 WUlv's 4-wheel FOR SALE 5-room furnished nuuse ciuse to iic3ride ia Kofjd cendition and avai.ab.e tor ti-r".- "-curjtncv. nnced to seJ at $1000.000 down ti-ruom wartime with Iarsre nerves" Others had problems. It does take courage to get one's whole head under water; it does take courage to swim in water j out of one's depth; it does take bllLDEKS & CONTRACTORS i MODERN Painting and Decor-' atina Soence and Matuik ! Phone Blue 215. P.O. Box, im. uf ) COMPLETE builders supplies fast service. Lsluua Citv Buiid-i ing Supplies. Blue 820. U8ui)j fLUMBINu and Heatin i Sheet Metal work. Tar and Gravel Kootinu. Call 629 tiu-i' West. Phone ziX telourneau and Sons. (tf) i t'OR eltetrical contract work; larae or small caU Grant & Newton. BiacK, i'H ' ltfm ' iTidtTt T : --i MARINE and eenerat sheet m. etCia w.orK'c,,TtonJ.sneet1 iaetal Woras. BlacK W4. ! Horn) FOR SALE ; 'FOR SALE Fur coat, American , opossum, small size. Good as new. Phone Green 273 or call 344 Sixth Avenue East. 1 194c FOR SALE One lady's imitation! muskrat fur coat, size 14, very; reasonao.e. Good condition. Apply 646 Fulton St. (upstairs; Ant. 3. after n.m nr Satur day afternoon. U94)' - I FOR SALE White babv carriage ' in ?ood condition. Half prite. Phone Blue 296. (194pi . " . , rvjn onx-Kj id cnev. ricsup. A-l condition.' Phone Black 152. U35p ; FOR S LE 8-niece ok dinin? room suite. Phone Green 155. 1196D) drive, one-ton Dick-un. 22.000 mileage. Best offer acceo'.ed. Box 774 Daily News. (195pj FOR SALE 1S37 Ford Sedan, Recently overhauled. 202 6:h Ave. West. Phone Green 331 FOR SALE 1949 Mercurv panel. oerfect conaitipn. Radio, heat-, er extra seat, leather covered; l-nder 9 000 miles Spare new.; ":v,,alr f. on oaiuruav ai., N. MiLer. 334 8th West. City.: (194p)i - ! FOR SALE 1937 Ford Sedan. 9.000 miles on reconditioned: engine. 5 good tires and in : gocd mechanical condition. Reasonably nnced for auick sale. Phone Blue 782. 245 6th . Ave. E. U95p) FOR SALE Refrigerator. 3- Dicce dining room suite, wash-" i?v mnr-hinp hnv' htnvflp and numerous items of ex- j cellent household furnishings. 601 6th Ave. East or phone Green 963. U94p; FOR SALE Buffet "and table. Phone Red 471. (tf) FOR SALE 28 ft. 5 h.D. East-I none. Al ronrlmnn. Phone, Black 986. (190p); . ' . , j FOR SALE Good piano. Phones - Green 707. U96p) ! SACRIFICE for auick sale 1949 fullv LVLuxe Hvdra Glide 741 v- wariev Liavicison motorcycle. See at 112 Taxi. 11S7QPJ FOR SALE 14-foot clinker built row boat with 3.G outboard! motor. Can he seen at 521 8th i East. Phone Red 219. (197p) HI -POWER ED Soortinir Rifles-Write lor latest cataloe. Dealers enauiries invited. Scope Sales Co.. Ltd.. 326 Queen St, Ottawa. Oni. (tf) FOR SALE New beds complete. S I e e o 1 n e cots. Unoainted chests of drawers. Scores ot other articles, verv reasonably priced. B.C. Furniture Co. (tf) FOR SALE 1949 Chev. Sedan. 4-door. one third down Annlv 70 Cabs. (tf)) I NATIONALLY KNOvVNNAMES Line-belt Soteder Shovels: Cranes: Draglines: Adam; Road Graders: Littleford Bros Black Too Road Maintenance Equipment: Cwen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grapples; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifueal Fumos: National Draeline Scraoers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoi s t s: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited 1 Vancouver. B.C (tf s rear Dor'fl ana manv improve- before 8 p.m. (194p menu, located inside bruise ,"7 . ; ' T on 6th Ave. East, cloe to FOR SALE Steel crib with mat-schooU. Onlv S2.0o0.00 down tress. $8.00. Phone 522. t tf i and it pays off t DOM'S DEP'T STORE WHEN YOU SHOP PERSONAL The Ruoert Order House, wish! to announce to their manv customers that thev have moved to their new location at 733 2nd' Ave. west. Agents for "Master-built" and Hord ' Raleieh" clothes Fall suits and overcoats froiuS31.00. (t) Commercial stude ;t, will do light housework in return for room and board startina September 4th. Write P.O. Box 832. (I960) AICOHOL1CS ANONYMOUS ; Of ters a positive and permanent release from arintunz. It is a personal and confidential s?rv- jce for men or women rendered' without cost or inconvenience! bv other alcoholics who have found freedom from alcohol. Prince Ruoert. P.O. Box 130. tH UNWANTED HAIR Fermanent- Iv eradicated with Saca-Pelo. The most remarkable discov-i ery of the age. Saca-Pelo is! guaranteed to kill the roots, of any hair and contains no: drugs or chemicals. Lor-Beer Lab, 679 Granville, Vancou-i ver. B C. (H I HtLP WAJCIED CLERKS GRADE 1 S1080-$15O0. ; ana tL.tKrvo ukalic, in. il500-$1860 ter annum, plus stecial allowance S18u oer an-. num. Male and Female, for Government' Departments. Prince Ruoert. BC. Full particulars on Dosters at Offices of the National EmDlovment Service and Post Otlice. Ap-Dliration forms, obtainable thereat should be filed NOT LATER THAN 31 AUGUST 1950. with the Civil Service Commission. 701 Yorkshire Buildine. Vancouver. B.C. Uto WANTED Experienced ladies' wear sales cierk. Nune other need aDoly. Box 78 Dailv News. U94 1 HELP WANTED Female: ex rierienced PBX orjerator is re- ouired bv Columbia Cellulose Co. All aoDiications applv in person to emolovment office. Watson Island. (I960 . f HEL HELP WANTED-JBovs or gi'ls Re Pn!inh!o hnvc nr oirlo -Aci r t no1 t0 handle Dailv News routes should leave their names at the office Dailv News. (tf) rltU' WA.MEU Maie. ine Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Tequire the services of a young I man preferably between the ages of 20 to 25 years, for a permanent position. Applicant should be from establish-1 ed local family, with Matricu-j lation standing. Applv in-person Room 15, Besner Biock.l (194c) I WANTED Local girl for sales and tvoing services at the , Ruoert Radio and Eiectric. Experience and personality required. (tf) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMTVATTONS PREPARE NOW FOR Fall Examinations. Write M. C. C School, 301 Enderton Bldj? Winnipeg. Man. (hi Losn LOST Blaclt rlooer wallet con- tainintr Hrivor'e lionco nnrl some money. Please phone Green 418 or return to Health Unit Office. Reward. dtp) TTTTZZTZT,,. w,", IjVOI DV IJVn l- Uilll-C, liaT gabardine billfold with monev and small check. Finder please leave at Dailv News. Reward. (194p) LOST Dark blue budele bird on Saturday. Phone Blue (194p) LOST Small home-made leather purse near United Church. Sunday. Aueust 13th. Mrs. Bureess. Miller Bav Hospital. Phone 130. (195p) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE . 3rd Avenue Business for Sale. Ideal for Woman or Couple. Location is j -ne of the best. $5,000.00 WILL HANDLE Information only to those Genuinely Interested S, D. JOHNSTON CO. PHONE 130 CAR GOT HIGHWAY HOBBLE If your car bumps along the highway, making life uncom- fortable for you and the family, better drive up here for service on your springs and shock absorbers. The' cost is low and s e r v i,c e is rapid. Drive up today! Bob Parker Ltd. Ford-Monarch Dealers rhe Home of Friendly Service. Prince Rupert, B.C. E $.00 n I tTkt.rSVS . . r i i in run i n in 1 II IF YOU ARE WISE YOU WIS to riant party 3 ana 4-rom bedroom houses. in Ko.xi locations that can be handled on terms. ; ror inf ormatiun or inspection .ee Robert E. Men tad jr Ltd.-Evenines phone G.een S35. i H99 WANTTD WANTED TO RENT Accommodations required for teachers room and board, housekeeping rooms, rooms. Contact School board ofiice. Phone Red 442. (196) WANTED Small family wish 2 or 3-room furnished suite or small house up to 575.00 per month. Non - drinkers. S.' Johnson Jr. Box 1000, Prince Rupert. (I98pi WANTED Sleenins room bv single gentleman. AddIv Box uu uaiiv News. (197p t Accommodation reauired for teachers room and board, housekeoine rooms room School Board office.' Red 442'" (190) WANTED Small house. Box' 760 Daily News. (217d) i WANTED Room and board bv two hich school eiris. (199ci; BORD A VD room for 2 men.! Phone Black 6G0. (tf ) WANTED TO RENT Couple ' desire 2 or 3 laree room semi- iurnisneu suite, seif-contain-ed if passible non drinkers. Reasonable rent. Electricity nreferred. Permanent basis. AddIv Box 775 Dailv News. WANTED Hou-sekeenins room for auiet respectable eentle-man. viclnitv of new schools. Box 775 Dailv News. , (193p) WANTED Room and Board by eovernment emolovee, male, single, aee 29. Please phone 498 between 9 and 5 or write P.O. Box 337. (195p) WANTED Two eentlemen just .arrived in citv. desire room and board in private home if pos- 8ible.AoDlv Daiiv News. (tf) WANTED Scran cast, brass coooer. batteries and radi ators. Phone 543. Call 629 Ctn west: (tf) WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scraD iron, steel, brass. cooDer. lead. etc. Honest cradine. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St . Vancouver. B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf) OUTFIT THE LADS AT THE SPORTS SHQ Saturday at Block 884 Jackets Trousers ' ! Raincoats Hats MANSON'S VARIETY SAIE BROADWAY CI i WATCHES RINGS CLOCKS WATCH BANDS Always Prompt and Courteous! 1 1 We're Here to Servj you J, jCommodore Cafe?1; 'Hospitality and Good Food"! I 1 Phone 17 for Send-Out Order ) f 3rd Ave." David Chow. Mtrr.l O Free E Expansion Bracelets with Every Watch rirtesi v- Hour 7SJB-1 over For TQk.'e-Home Orders Phn ' -J BASEBALL - SUNDAY - CITY LEAGUE PLAYOFF i 2:30 p.m. watson Island vs. u""s 1