:3 , Prince Rupert Dally Nevys Saturday, August 19, 1950 T"l r- . JL Experts I he Vacation School Comes To Close HOW CAN I ? ? V I Bills High? oay . . . Cash for old gold, Bulger's. Q. How can I prevent the juice of a pie from sinking through the bottom crust? thcm down and enjoy the added com-fan insulated home by installing About 70 pupils and parents turned out Thursday night for the closing exercises of Conrad Street Daily Vacation School. Highlighting the program was a play about the Nativity prepared and performed by the pupils and directed by Miss Beverly Parkin. Other features were a display of craft work done during the two weeks and presentation of diplomas. Forty-five children were enrolled. Teachers were Miss A. M. Stewart A. Brush the bottom crust with the white of an egg before putting In the fruit and the juice will not sink through. It will also make a nicer pie to serve. UgLAS Roll blankets. A. E. Branch Is making the return trip to the Queen Charlottes on the Camosun this weekend. The Jack & Jill Kindergarten Will reopen September 5 at 510 6th Ave. W. Please phone Black 446 to enrol new pupiis. C194p) Making the round trip weekend cruise to Masset and Port By KAY REX (Canadian Press Staff Writer) EATING OUT When "eating out," pi,ck a clean-looking restaurant to begin with and chances are you'll find the food will be good and carefully prepared. Health department experts warn- that the germs which cause food poisoning, dysentery and typhoid are Invisible. But their presence can usually be determined by certain danger signals given by the premises Itself; the equipment and utensils used; the way the food is prepared and served; the ap REGLAS can easily be installed in your Mrs. J. L. Williams returned last night on the Camosun to Port Clements after a visit In the city. Valhalla dance tonight Is cancelled. (It) Mrs. S. Simpson and granddaughter, Faith Simpson, returned by the Camosun last night to Masset after visiting in the city. Attention parents of Terrace Bible School campers. Children returning home on Sunday morning's delayed train Instead of Tuesday night. (It) Q. How can I change the air i in on evening, and costs oniy o per in an invalid's room? A. Pour a small quantity pf eau de cologne into a pan and set fire to it. It will impart a square teei. Clements on the Camosun Is Dr. and Mrs. M. Helse, assisted byjJ. F- L- Hughes. REGLAS, complete with vapour barrier, 1 ,.. i -1 r-rrn inlcte ii ict mil delightful odor. . j Q. How can I overcome the ' Meeting of International If to tit dciwli-'ii a jv....-, .w... Union of Operating Engineers, Local 115, Sunday, August 20 Doraleen and Joanna Olson. Everyone enjoyed the exercises at the end as did the children difficulty of threading the sew-! ing machine needle. , A. Slip a piece of white paper I or cloth behind the needle, and' pearance and habits of the staff. of the school Itself. Carpenters" Hall, 2:30 p.m.- Brother H. W. Flesher will be present.. All members are urged EGLAS can also be installed by your see how much easier it is. G. Thompson, prominent Vancouver lawyer, and Mrs. are passengers aboard the to attend Archbishop On AL CONTRACTOR, on a time payment Sport Princess Kathleen for the 'Alaska Trip Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gordon and sons left last night on the Camo- 20r; down and I L months to pay tne present round trip to Skagway and Intermediate points. Aboard the Princess Kauueen , sun for tne Queen Charlottes. SMrte ice. on her present Alaskan cruise Is They will spend a two weeks' Fred Hemsworth, resident min holiday at Limberlost Lodge. Archbishop Joseph Charbqnneau of Quebec. The Archbishop will INQUIRE TODAY AT There should be no flies buzzing about; no chipped plates or cups or greasy dishes. The good waitress does not handle the inside of glasses- nor Invert a glass over a bottle thus contaminating the rim. The customer is served with a pair of spotless hands which pick up knives and fork by their handles, lift ice with a scoop or spoon and butter with a fork. The customer can assume his responsibility and protect his health by patronizing safe eating in places and by reporting infractions of sanitary regulations to his local health authority. , ing engineer, is making an inspection tour of the Skeena Valley. He expects to be back by the middle of next week. - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin and two children left today on a motor trip to Banff and Calgary. Enroute they will visit w , ( i - - , " .... if A 'SVL f ;r:f.'.f be remembered as a prominent figure in the miner's strike at Baronet Shirts Are Styled i Exclusively for Asbestos, Quebec. lerl & McCaffery Limited Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Constable Ted Brue of Terrace was an overnight visitor In the city on official business, coming In by car yesterday afternoon. I Mrs. Karasosky, . at Nordegg, V: has the ability to sweeten foods Alberta P.O. BOX 160 Your Comfort, :6-117-03 jFit and without adding forbidden caior-: les to the diet; that with itj diabetics and reducing patients now may Include a variety ofi A .new synthetic sweetening i foods in their diets which for- ! agent (sucaryl) Is being pro-merly were restricted because Smart Appearance Priced from $5.25 to $6.95 IMPORTANT IIOTICE TELEGRAPHS duced In Montreal and its manu- of sugar content. facturere claims it will be of Incidentally there now Is a great Importance In restricted variety of sugarless tinned fruits .m. Every Day and low-calorie diets such as and vegetables on tne canaaian IT'S A FACT ... that tJiS Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada has well over a million policyholder! throughout the world. In the more than thrpequaTters of a century of the Company's existence over two biIiondollars has been paid to policyholders and beneficiaries. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Fine market especially prepared ior; diabetics and others who mustl watch their sugar Intake. those followed by thousands of diabetics and reducers in this country. It is claimed the new product I Gabardine " " INVALID An Invalid In the house? Egg noggs are excellent, to help poor appetites along. Ingredients: Three - quarters cup milk or milk and cream:i Shirts Priced at ' ') .' $6.50, $7.50, $8 95 Announcement , In view of possible work stoppage due to labor dispute, the Telegraph Departments of the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Raliways announce the acceptance of all classes of telegrams will be subject to the following conditions: 1. Full rate and day letter telegrams for' delivery on Monday, August2l, to busi IOIIN T. FOWLE one egg; one laoiespoon sus,, Vacation School First Bap one-half tablespoon vanuia, 142 5th Ave. East l saH.. tkt Church, mornings 9:30 -11:30. Children 3-14 years. August 14-25. Beat egs. add sugar, salt, van-) ilia and milk and blend thor- Residence Phone Black 549 ' Office: 11 I Trades and Labor tounctl oughly. Ingredients should be ' Labor Day sports, September 4. well chilled before combining. Dance at Civic Centre. j piNEAppLELDrlng tnta.hot, Catholic Buwiar, October 4jwea.ther pineapple can be espe-, I - : - and 5. .1 dally refreshing for the invalid i i ingredients: une-quarier cup HOUR orange juice: one-quarter cud pineapple Juice; one-half cup REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED I R. E. Mortimer Rebekah Bazaar, October 18. St. Peter' Fall Bazaar, Oct. 26. Sonja Baaaai, October 27. Moose Bazaar, Nov. 2 and 3. PORT RAITS EUms Developed and Printed J PROMPT SERVICE;' . CHANDLER'S STUDIO s ; 216 - 4th Street '' Boxj&45' Phone Oreen 389 Prioce I Rupert I water; one tablespoon lemon Juice: one tablespoon sugar. Make a syrup of the sugar and water. Cool and' add strained fruit iuices. Serve with chipped -WE WILL BE QPEN TO SERVE :AKFAST AT 6 EVERY MORNING!! Under New Management 324 2nd Ave. (Neat CFPR1 t : Legion Auxiliary Fall Btwaar jce, November 8. Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 16. i . Prince Rupert Florists SPECIAL BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH ness addresses should be filed as early as . possible to enable delivery to be effected before the close of the business day , 2. Nicht letter telegrams will not be accepted on Monday, August 21, as it will be impossible to make deliveries on Tuesday morning, August 22. 3. Cables filed in Canada destined to over-vu . - seas counties will be accepted until 4:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time August 22. 4. Telegrams received during the evening hours of Monday, August 21, and early morning hours on Tuesday, August 22, in . . cases where deliveries cannot be effected " " before 6:00 a.m. local time will be mailed to addressees "Special Delivery." 5. After 6:00 a.m.Ujocol . ii'maTuesdtry; ' August ,22, all public telegraph services, will ba suspended. CANADIAN PACIFIC TELEGRAPHS CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS 10.D.L. fall ua.aar iaember Flower for Ad Occasion rfll KAIEN CO-OP f.OO 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 771 J 65c rlj J .111: It HARDWARE ;v L O B A. Bazaar Dec. 1. ' I ! HOLLYWOOD QfE fT-H Wi Jul; -fc If it's Linoleum -t ; Nonx drop .n7afd; ' ;hcck our stock-fjf;' r MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY O Inlaids 1c British made O Hal! Runner six and 6 Floor Mats Nutly O Congoleum. nine feet wid'. Rexolcum Rugs WRITE . Box 1127 OrEN FROM 3:30 T.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialise In Chinese Duties c CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 Oj as a Fruit Cake? WE DELIVER 251 - 3rd Avenue PHONE 179 -4r Cortainlv Our Fruit T Cakes arc Full of Delicious Nuts and Fruits. ?ERT BAKERY IID. THE NEW IIILLMAM SEE LADIES MULES OPPORTUNITY KIIOCRS . . , FOR A BUILDER OR INVESTOR txccptionol Offering ' ' i j Large subdivision in Prince Rupert's better residential sct'on. All sftVicrs-avoilable. No taxes to pay until 1951.' Panoramic harbor 'view. Aica comparable to 38 city lota com-prishiK nearly 3 3.;re Easy walking distance to schools, hos-' pita'., downtown shoppir.S centres, waterfront, and churches. Individual lots availablo or will sell entire property for muchi.r needed housing development. Priced to sell below city assessed value on similar property. Terms If desired. Se Allan Armstrong for full particulars. Phone 343 or Green 297 (eves.) office of Armstrong Agencies. Blue White SERVING THE B.C. COAST Now a? and P'JEEN CHARLOTTE JSLANDS Ilniwiiwottds '' im ....J: '"wsaismttt... i ii . ' -- IKO.M rillNCE KtTERT l'OUT CLEMENTS JUoKATLA Q'JEFN CHARLOTTE CITY ALL1FORD BAY CUMSHEWA INLET PHONE 79 PHONE 79 FULL PRICE DELIVERED $105 I'lNCE RUPERT 9.00 A.M. Including- Expt Thursday and Sunday I ROM PRINCE RUPERT E ARM STEW APT . . R!!F.E RurERT THURSDAYS :.- 9.00 A.M. ELECTRICALLY! 289 SINGLE BURNER HOTPLATES .. $3.45 . 285 TWO BURNER HOTPLATES .... $9.25 RANGETTES, Automatic Oven $74.00 G.E. WASHER MS9 $139.50 G.E. WASHER MS9P $149.50 G.E. IRONER. Table Model $60.00 MOFFAT RANGES '. 277-95 GURNEY RANGES $236.30 NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO." fllutnmmj -vkt FRIDAYS 9.00 A.M. O FREIGHT O TAXES O LICENCE 9 REGISTRATION O HEATER O DE-FROSTER BILL'S SERVICE STATION For '0r ' JilTU I S 'F ORMATION - RESERVATIONS PHONE 476 CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. HOURS " Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. o 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUZ 1 Killas & Christopher Bldg: Air Freight on all Flight! STEWART. B. C , PRINCE RUPERT 404 Mc Bride Phone Black 605 IIILLMAN AND Ill'DSON SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 210