V p.?OV'.NClAL a it . DISPATCHED f PROVINCIAL L122.mmwmmi ' H3 nnnps phi r,s viQro?.:., NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER - . cabs Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHOIIE! VOL. XXXIX, NO. 194 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS 4m Ww!k FLASH ! ! '1 gilt's the Night; : ival Opening Optimism Felt As To Possible Settlement J MONTREAL (CP) With the appointment of i - ! mm- ' BKLLINGEN, Australia A fourth baby, another boy, arrived today in the slow motion birth of quadruplets to Mm. Betty Sara, 29-year-old British war bride. The first baby was a girl, the second a bqy, and the third, a girl. Then came the fourth ho v. The firt two -are nearly ready for normal care Instead of being treated as prematures. The u It--, .fi Lure Railway, Centre of Attractions, 1 Already in Operation r ,50 Civic Centre Carnival will be officially j I Dr. W. A. Mcintosh, ' vice-principal of Queen's "Uni-. versity.'as mediator, negotiations were resumed here today between the managements of Canadian railroads and the heads of strike-threatening unions for a settlement of the dispute which threatens a general railway strike next Tuesday. ; mother is in good health and I 7 o'clock tenight, marking the commence-e biff seven-day program of entertainment resting comfortably. mcls for the operation of The Civic Centre. I.vhaite, M.P., will open the carnival. It was predicted today that an Y the golden spike in the Civic Centre I p.m. today, was In For Oueen ! . . .J t ft early settlement of the dispute might be forthcoming. Some weU-lnformed quarters were saying that the announcement might be made by this afternoon. Meantime, however, there fcational Railways. NEW WEATHER SHIP The former naval frigate 'St. Catherine will sail for the west coast within the next six weeks as a feather ship with the Department of Transport. The vessel was refitted at Sorel, Que, and the job Is being completed at Halifax. The ship will be commanded by Capt. J. P. Sleight, who served on her during the Second World War. (CP Photo) Embargo mm m Last minute entrant, in tha Civic Centre carnival Queen con akingthelirswiue plevhatte, M.P.; J. Three Tuna Boats Land Three beats landed at the Prince Rupert Fisherman's Co-operative with about 66.000 pounds of tuna caught off the Queen Charlotte Islands. They were : Fredelia 25,500 .' Tramp 20,000 Viking 19,500 The Yukon of Vancouver Is also In with a load for Atlin Fisheries. test is Benia Windle- daughter txtended i II A ; Mayor George was no official statement after j 0f Mr. and Mrs. Benny. Windle. 5KEENA DRIVE STARTS Football- the meetings which Dr. Mcln-, Her entry brint-s to f ive the num.; ber of contestants for Northern tosh sot under way this morn Multi-Million Foot Log Drive ! Legion Wins For Cellulose Mill Commences i0ver Battery ing, i British Columbia's representative Prime Minister L. S. St. Laur-1 in Miss P.N.K contest at Van", ent, in making announcement of couver next week. Other contestants are two 17, Dr. Mcintosh's appointment as ' year-olds from Terrace, blue a special commissioer, expressed nntimhrn that a jmint.inn wnuki I eyed, fair haired. Norma Perry ,nd Sub Inspector -Johnson, R.C.M.P. this afternojn is larity among rides with the chair-o-was set up this ; gymnasium Is the with games of ry store, ice cream ing gallery and In the second gym-it will be held the MONTREAL. The Railway Association of Canada, on be-1 half of the railways, yesterday Issued an embargo effective 11:59 p.m. Monday, August 21, on all carload and less than car- , load freight shipments, Including the acceptance of shipments j from all connecting, rail, water. and steamship lines. The association previously placed an embargo effective 11:59 p.m. August 17, on ail lieslock, poul-' try and other perishable ship-1 Our lro ,,. tv,i Canadian lainn strength on rt ' he reaz-herf land dark and vivacious Norma Another Arrest In Spy Round-up beginnings of 'a multi-million foot log drive WSTf.K Terrace marked the beginning of another phase in'"0" last evening when theyj being made for a strike emerg- aPconvernednYyOUMr"s!,nvernon the development of Columbia Cellulose Company, Ltd. Bauery ly t teLX Xl 'T'min renre,en,ive su Cicronp' 1948 J- the Cut along the Kitsumgallum River, the lo are &&4z: T iS fift'S t'ZZ 11 contest and the ind Queen contest. fc.il also house the WASHINGTON t -The United ments. In view of a possible wrk i the "Gay Way." Slates Ju oe a monster bingo announced st co Department today being rolled from their decks and carried by 1 flotation the first three goals for the L-: tlie. ,i in" i "Vqm ontest' wiIl?e,r wll recPlve ;h-t'-'cr to Terrace and down the Skeena.-, j gion. Armstrong and Baxter got VePtable" to the M?rftTLS Hiaies tales Navy Navy civilian en- ,fh. m,.H f,h!n.u RiuerJ-.'. . the other Legion eoals narrow I mlfM be ccePlaDle w vne an all expense trip to Vancouver stoppage at 8:00 a.m. August 22, Teen Axe Barnes unuea resulting; from a labor dispute main lobby will be c , u A... a -o --- o " unions 4- in tha WiFiss p N K pnntea. t ' Rineer 1 on charges rnnrues 01 of civins civinE na- na- u t.h rerlii n nn tins the rai wavs ,v,, u or. v!,, boomed " uomez missed a penalty kick, .. . ., . ., 1 w " ' , . . .'T. v u ,j game machines. also advised the public that a,lonal defence secrets to Russia. for towlnl? to the mill site at Leaving Here but later scored from the spot rtrike would dlsruDt all of their 11 ls said Federal Bureau ol ' Watin island Towini? nnera-' : to register the Batterv's onlv t room will serve r UliUWIIlg tllC bcUUHU UlcVLlIlgj 1 lie luvrai -Jill:i -'tin with the negotiating committee , foment in the auditorium at of the Intenational Railway , the Civic Centre. Unions, the presidents of the; ; other services, including pas Investigation apenls took Morton I tlong wU1 slart in ahout two Mr- and J'trs- George Wilson, goal. Sobcll, 33, New York electrical i ,,. . hmit -n men are em. residents of Prince Rupert for. u rial exhibition In jus will feature ex- senger train operations and telegraph and other communi Canadian NaUonal Railways and NEW YORK - Vereement cal merchants and Canadian Pacific Railway stated was reached today in Vhe two cations. Among! them will engineer, infa custody at Laredo.1 pi0yed on the drive which will over thirty years, are leaving the L rj I ft . Texas He ls the ei-hth city, sailing this afternoon n person ;, t about t monihs or more. LC QlcM LOmmiG arrested in a roundup of Amerl-, ls tn Prin"ss Louise for Vancou- "vijimii wviiiiiiiw Nothing spectacular expect- cans accused of channehng atom pd from the drive ..In Iact,ver, Mr. Wilson came here as a I J I C' bomb data and other secret in-, fiaid ForeSt Manager R . L. John- yun man rom Scotland and LcClUcr IS formation to n Soviet snv rims. ! ... i .v?. i. was emnloved at the drv dock. the Prince Rupert no progress towards settlement months old strike of the Ame-of the long standing dispute had ; rican Newspaper Guild ?Kainst been made. The representatives J the New York Word-Telegram of the unions stated their final' and Sun. The terms were not Surprise Storm on arthritis and e for the carnival room where piix'S expert staff Is op-re is found a stock Jed at more than F. aLDirertor J.Hjcv;rsaidjs.J,rt n rtn-mrr troubles--Ac--Fofiny years he was businessr J. tFy-L; ',,,,,' "; - J dennnih to be a five-day 40-V;jnatJe pnblio pending--beins Sobell fled the United staff In cording to hinTThe Skeena is so manager of the Dally News and i Jf" thiJromm.. 1 nour wetlc eectlve January 1 ' voted en by Ihe Guild member, Juneto avoid arrest. He was ar- , lT"tl the drive 1" more recent years has been k!, !"51. with maintenance of take- ship. Principal dispute een- ic uiiit ,i rariv arm mnn npr fir K,nr arrrnnr Wreaks Damage tred about a Job security clause. home pay on a 48 hour basis and a wage Increase of seven cents per hour retroactive to July 16, j handed to winners week of 48 hours remained un- troths. Prizes will VICTORIA A Unv coastal sw at Laredo when domrted ; tk in the otnee ol e provm-, -at m b th odd 1 just appeir e e qK his j mmp craft and the Canadian Navy 1 from Mx:ca back f the United : J do,e slaLin In PUc works department assaSS 1 0 6 Kir Hrnthrrlon today still souqht States fl.,hrll wM empHved on ThAllo ter nPar snore Mass. from which he is now superan- automobi"! re,tr'ctd work for the U.S. nuated. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ' P ' " f".1! three fishermen still missing H in 1U be avoided as much as Navy at the Onrr,l I Fltrle " 1 lrst to vis" 1 X Z the wake of an unseasonable pole. Drive, will be made In Jro??? m iX. ! "WCt , Periods when the river Is ouiet 1' Tl'l JalrnfcTeSSta rent types of dolls, book ends, paper ornamental figures. The storm st.ruek Monday mnr- ',, , u. ... and logs can be more easily con- "r"' " ' ' r:h"hi' the dispute over the return of quality. nlng near the northern fp of 'VwJJh tr0lled' T1,ere h 100 mUCh dan" Vt,.re homiTn KI"S Leopold who has since re-t ,i t f .i. pW-if-d with other .her Americans rnerlr.ns err ,hrn ,h rivpr ,, rinnlnff make make their their future home In the the .,,'',. 'T u. hb , in favor of volunteers a night 1949. The railway presidents changed. said that, If these demands were During the discussions the rail-met and the equivalent applied j ways also offered to accept any to all employees, they would cost reasonable proposal for the pfac-the railways an additional $lll,-jtlcal applications of the gradu-000,000 annually and a retro-1 ated wage increase In addition, active pay increase of $35,000,000. j the railways repeated their moral At these meetings the railways; obligation to institute a five-day offered to reinstate in their en- 1 40-hour week when conditions tiroty the offers of settlement j warranted and stipulated cer-m'ade by the railways on August tain minor amendments in cxlst- linqulshed powers Vancouver Island. It, took , one d to keep the show prevlo-sly -.rrrMed in nhtVn'n-, high ln ,hv?e nj the drlve ls Okanagan. Vfrn-" ".- rl'irtnff tin - v Trrmh- ,v snrintenrf-! '! be supplied by his son. Prince Baudoin. Mrs. John E. Davies left on binary to the Can- rer'-d Sine- b" U eh d "'" .f nt of vcr Cperatlons. ! life, sank two fishing vessels, blew right ashore and damaged 40 others. Two fisherman were rescued Gyros. Women of Timber cutting ls expected to or Norway, Rotary c0Ve'l. like rthft il'vCa'-.' n ; Wednesday night's train for ' Jasper enroute to Cumberland, American New York 3, Philadelphia 2 Washington 6, Boston 7 !an3e Ladies, who Thursday nieht by the Hcather- ei a poj'le dcrtth 10 and which were withdrawn : ir.fi work contracts. reach a rate of approximately 100 million board feet per year,' In perpetual production, and nre-i fa per ally. specific tasks, i ton, and the body of James Watt. The Canadian Borthcrhood of w hen negotiations broke down on Maryland, after spending the past two months with her son, f voiunteers amone St. Louis-Detroit postponed that date. This offer, which ex- Railway Employees group wh'.ch citizens from the Chlcngo-Cleveland postponed jH. O. Davies. During her stay Nanalmo Fisherman, was found washed ashore near the northern reaches of the Island. Res- 1 cued were Albert Hadley and I "id city hall staffs , . i .will provide year-round employment In mill and woods. The Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Burcess. j current drive will provide logs Miller Bay - Hospital, left by plare I of - pulp - species hemlock, balsam I business establish- clty. National i nere, sne ana ner granusuii, n. Philadelphia 4. New. York 7 E. Davies, visited in Ketchikan. Boston 3, Brooklyn 8 Mr. Davies is pipe superintendent Pittsburgh-Chicago postponed at Columbia Cellulose at Watson Cincinnatl-St. Louis postponed Island. " eludes hotel and water transport ; met with the railways yesterday employees, covered a 44-Jhour I demanded a definite date for the week with no deduction in take- I adoption of a five-day 40-hour home pay, or an alternative offer j week with maintenance of take-of a graduated wage increase ! home pay, a wage increase of. 7 effective August 1 averaging 82 j cents per hour and a check " of cents per hour if the basic work I unions dues. - - Lenara itooi. ooin oi uuaucuiu. , , . Th,,o f, , hot , ict f I this afternoon for a week-end . . in i and spruce-for starting up the entertainment will miu in 1951- 1 mountainous seas. I the Queen Charlotte Islands. j he nightly programs Comm unists Are Being Turned Back Need Weather Tonight - - at the Carnival iTrain Dclaved I Americans Follow Up -warmer weath-'By Derailment ! oe the urnpnt.' ' Local Barrister Named King's Counsel 7 p.m. f ln Canada's field I nPrailmenK of a freldit train I Victories In Korea ntncrany from f Mj.,Brlfle ,n wnlcn ien W. BROWN IS HONORED BY BENCHERS men,. 8 awav icars of lumber were upset at 10 menrementof har-i0.clork Frlria morning resulted -r OFFICIAL OPENING Midway Industrial and Photo Exhibits Outdoor rides. Junior King and Queen Contest. Miss P.N. E. and Carnival Queen Contest. . -NIGHTLY DOOR TRIZE TOKYO (CP) The main 'effort of the North 7.30 11.30 r, i. in ho injuries uut utmjcu I. rust n SOniC rviKsenrrer train rino tnnltrht from VICTORIA Oi Among thirty British Columbia lawyers - - o--- Mnnnnn.. i.. .... . poppers in others, the East, it is renorted to be ,,', t,i . mmei hv the omvinrini coverr.ment. is Thomas Korean Communists to capture the . provisional ir. 'mistCr.e,aLr twclve n0,"'s late whlCo W?U''d W. Brown of Prince Rupert. The lawyers were chosen by a special 5 capital of South Korea, TaegU, has been stopped in 11 Intb account .' . 1;":.' a committee consisting of two chief justices and representatives of its tracks. Tho The fwn two nrinpinal principal riri drives,have been turned the Law Society's benchers. a ii.irve.snil', ; back and the enemy have been subjected to a bloody , 1 Junjor Kjng Qnd Queen Entrants report at 7 p.m. Hne ltly crop department nf . defeat in the Naktong Kiver bulge. i Mr. Drown received advice and first cdngratulations on his THE WtATHLR SYNOPSIS Mnadi.ln Natinn;t American B29's soared far to the north to pound the port of i appolr-tmcnt as King's Counsel from the Daily News, bon oi me I late Judge J. R. Brown, for many years County Court judge at I M 'larnase ha oi,.j. i onaay Peace River nf7' U is part clourty today, "v.the i Or and Forks Mr. Brown is a 1925 graduate of University of British Chongjin, its rail yards and the "cl bv no k. Morl0 at tne London School of Economics, important Miisumsni iron iwor. ; Region ana wre.r V:t rolumbia. He als0 also studied studled at the I almost within sight cf Russian are are I0S log DanKs Danns aiuiijt aiong uie uic hmi -a. ,. i, f., f r,ot,i , On I "mate nf h .arniva . -iror Teianrt.i Havine been arucieu iu vo.ii.uu.ci mi.. u. ..o - f . K the ""ma'ie Coast m,-. m; ... . uoi, ui lanwu.Li -w- . " .... . , . , . . . i ,. i a lernuuiv. DMkta ui ... jhu. ANCHORAGE A l8.-rt cracked up and burned on the walls of a canyon near here yesterday, killing three persons and gravely injuring a fourth. The pilot, Richard Rude, 19, was thrown clear and crawled two miles for help. His brother. Babe, 16, a.rd two others, an unidentified elderly couple, were killed. . ascer- Elsewhere in the province it Is he was called to the Dar apru o, ruur aays mr ae j. u &nd gmoke columTls ina sunny ana .warm, whuiwj me law in m ui . owerea ior neany a niuc. witv, "'""'er was Sunday will Do mucn me same i93i tne partnersnip was cnangea vo w imams, mausuu, diuxu , . factory was Dne or me most ptnQ thl-n, 1- uiwv v-o.. . . v w. i MarVcY.,. I. naiirj iiflii'6 jutiitu u. uivmhumuv. ... " j nitUCHt IlirbtVI wwtio ill ijc. Nlnetv Superforts hammered rang, in il tfe. Columbia can look lorwaro toi wuliams and tne now Mr. Justice A. M. Manson had dropped out in thi.7L; n"igooa wealner Ior lne weeu1' and the firm became known as Brown & Har.vey. Since then A. i .ms section. FORECAST . i i ,u. f t- r fi fi i, military and Industrial targets in North Korea with nearly eight hundred tons of .bombs as . i ' urilCE iJiOWIlt uiutiici ui x. , uivvii, jwiiicu iuo xn in aiiu o u-n L TIDF; I North Coast .Region-Cloudy amember AIR PASSENGERS ! To Vancouver (today)' Mr. I and Mrs. G. L. Brodie, H. Leder, Aucut . I with sunny intervals tooay on bust 20, 1950 tomorrow. Little change In. , - - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi - i the Americano followed up their victories in the field. i SURPRISE LANDING I A surprise landing deep fore the fire department was able en :: 4 t.emnernt.nre Winds licht. Low - : 2-5 p.m. Outdoor rides Train and Chair-o-plane Industrial and Photo Exhibits. 3 p.m. Todd and Plutc Stage Show children free. 7 p.m. Doors open Midway Outdoor rides Industrial and Photo Exhibits. 7.30 p.m. COMMENCING POST OFFICE CARNIVAL "P. N. E." QUEEN PARADE.. , 8 p.m. Coronation Carnival Queen and Junior Kina and Queen. 11.30 p.m. Todd and Pluto Stage Show and Dancing till 1 a.m. NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZE J. Hatch, Miss M. Furk, J. Marice j Mr. Snelerove, Mr. and Mrs. T. 1 1 Ul lR:in 185 fwt tonight and high tomorrow ati rJcwIvwcdi HoYC NCWiywca- 19 5 feet Port Hardy and Prince Rupert j Olson and son, H. Harris, D. Ol-'son, W. McLeod, H. Leeder. today as the North Korean i o ieer, on ana bo; oanaspn, au mm u". i rire in huj To Sandspit (today) Dr. and! to control the burner, soot had spread about the house and caused considerable damage to furniture and appointments Communists retreated on two fronts, beaten back from thetr Mrs Burgess, J. Jeffries. most serious threats to the From Vancouver (yesterday); HAU.EMGE FOOTBALL United Nations forces. The sur Mrs. Coulter, Miss Coulter, Mrs. i Strebe. W. M. Rody. F. Neave. W. 1 prise landing was made by South Korean troops. The hazards of home making were brought to the fore early In the married life of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Mahablr, 1014 Alfred Street. Married Sunday. Mrs. Mahibir. found the oil burner flooded and causing a great deal of smoke at neon Friday. Be- F. Wickett. Mrs. Konkin. W. L. ' Lyons, O. Lldstune. W. Tyeman. 'yonjh vs. Prince Rupert SATURDAY 7 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott and( Mrs. Elliott's sister, Miss A. Sut-j terith. flew to Ketchikan byj charter plane this morning. I Another Canadian destroyer not named has taken part In bombarding of Communist shore objectives. K. Klillboton, F. H. Stevens, D. K. McMillan. .