Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, August 19, 1950 TODAY 6.50 -9 D.m. patients back at work again when treatment naa been completed. The other side shows various stages of deterioration when "Fatherof thP k Arthritis, Rheumatism arthritis Is neglected. It is an' want smuggling ring crackdi . .... I ll .1..- J. 1 J ' Waterfront --Whiffs Among interesting exniOllS at "'" uvutc umiutty nnu gutrs the Civic Centre carnival will be long way toward explaining mod- ' one by Prince Rupert Health em preventive medicine's doc-1 v it it'uiuru'.g rneumausm ana early diagnosis and Mine Ul ;.; ...-.iuu ...... We feature a complete stock of arthritis. Hie exhibit will be easier cure or arrest of disease. in the form of pictures showing how to recognise symptoms In their early suges. methods of treatment ar.fl lehabilHation and Rail Strike Would Tie Up Coastal Passenger Vessels Tuna Run Causes Stir Smc P.F. CIIKJnAY M nN TF . MONDAY FmSiftSmX SH011TCAKE . 'Co. r4 mi nr- 3 wriiiiiiiim I The national railway strike, if it comes into effect next veek, will mark an almost complete tie-up of i coastal passenger vessels. Canadian National Steamr ships announces that its steamer Prince George, due abca'.d t!ie popular cruiser. Arriving here September 13, S Prince George takes over the Canadian National regular weekly coastal run, relieving SS Prince Rupert, between Vancouver. Willi ICE CHEAM I 1" ft ; AO fliis satisfying, whole It Prince here tomorrow mornine- northward for Alaska, will . westview. ocean Fails, some, sweet, short -....Li .i v.j..i.j n:,i.,i RuPMt, and Ketchikan you; :g mapje KtcoNAio UNION MADE ; OVERALLS and WORK-CLOTHES RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE biscuit can be served not call souuiuciuiKi, as scneuuieu hcal rnuay; Prominent passengers due here with any dessert, with ginger ale Mim Mon:-Tucs. ' fi5 or a cup of I evening if the railway strike is 777 ' 7 7T1 011 the Geor TC tomorrow will be I on The voyage of the steamer vessels of the Frank Waterhouse f. m. ccnnell- a Toronto mining 'Prince Rupertnext week on the:line would continue operations executive; Roy H. Davis, Presi-I local run will be cancelled. Can- j uninterrupted. . j dpnt,. AUas S;Pti Company, Wei- iadian Pacific British Columbia ! land, Out. and Major Gregg Coast Steamship Servi;e an-j The advent of the tuna run Vegeant, Kansas City architect. tea or pack- Tt liS 7 On m m -vvi . iwi jf - - , sr- t: Cd in lunch i m ser-:.x . tAKLY AiJVflU-iS,n Ci.Y 13 AITRa o rmes Inounces that the railway strike off the west coast of the Queen ' would result in the tying up of , Charlotte Islands stirred the CPR steamer Princess Kath-i its coastal fleet including the iocal waterfront this week, send- iorn cpt G. O. Hughes, arrlv-1 Alaska and Prince Rupert ves- j Ing local boats seaward with PCj jn port at 9 a.m. Friday with I seis. The steamer Princess Norah i trollers, hallbutters and other 292 round trip passengers bound will be here Monday . and will , vessels leaving or readying to do tor Skagway and intermediate complete the round trip. -Union j so for the harvest. There were points. She sailed at 11 a.m. Steamships Ltd. had no of ficial ; repeated reports of a substan- Trie vessel is due back next I announcement up to noon to-jtlal run similar to that of the' Thursday morning southbound, j day as to cancellation af sailings late summer of 1948. First catch,! . WORLD FAMOUS mmmm D 'rugs but seemed to be preparing for,"" pounas, was lanaea to me ; Qfjiki-' DIIDTDI Choi 'unior mmmm tiqar j such an eventuality. It has been ; Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co the Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION SERVICE stated, however, that freight operative Association Wednes-, day by Capt. Fritz Husoy from ! the All Star. Other vessels are i V ' ' ' ' '' I due but are, apparently, staying DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD EKIPBTJIUJILRS AND ENGINEERS PACKtT MADI BY the run Is strong and the weath-! er is good. i Daily Delivery Service PHONE 81 Enter your Favorite Photo in the Photographic Contest to be held at the Carnival in the Civic Centre, August 19-26. 1 Entry Forms obtained at PEEK FREAN'S 'ron and Brass Oasnngi .tctric anu ACMiicne weia'.nir Fisheries Patrol cruiser, Ho- (way, Capt. C. W. Earnshaw, ar-' I rived 'in port yesterday after-1 !noon to take on provisions. She! sails again this evening. Her) I main duties are protective and FIRST UNITED CHUi 8 p.m. Aug. 23rd 121 Tickets $1 .00 & 50c Student. At Uptown MAKIRS Of WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Commercial Photographers iiodaks and Amateur Supplise. 6PEClALl-if 'N SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY coast guard work. Union ss Camosun, Capt. William MicCombe; arrived in port BLONDIE Go Down and Roll It Ud. Daisv! Bv CHIC Yff NOTICE WATSON ISLAND LIMITED ANNOUNCE THAT BUS TERRACE IS 1N0W IN at. 7 n m VPfitflrriiw film catlm-l STAGES SERVICE TO OPERATION about 10 p.m. for the north ueen Charlotte Islands whence ' OIL HEATERS?, Ifsrtniii", ;hi 11 iillilfiiiihiln1- .. I! fiisiliii'" she returns here tomorrow southbound. BUY NOW AND SAVE! The threatened railway strike hQe ctnnmi1 fic-K n ! let'S see--) ( ru err t walk ) ( t poptot ) SAPDiNE, BEANS,S AND J T, IMF2 N UP DOWN 1 PEANUT BUTTER, ) C THESE STEPS A 'i , fVfSftjc A ( AN 00 J ' r V. r CHEESE, EGS HUNDPED TIMES 7 J iGOOPNESSy V SALAMI, JSft'lL vJ ADAV . y I V-sS N, ( MAYONNAISE.Y T.J3 s As V N .n JL V NAM AND 7 JbTT.f I -, jfJ 854.50 . na up , coming over from Alaska with - Leave Prince Rupert ; 11.30 a.m. j Arrive Terrace 4.00 p.m. Leave Terrace 5.30 p.m. Arrive Prince Rupert 10.00 p.m. NOW ON DISPLAY j fish for transshipment. Last vessel of that sort here was the ! Sidney Thursday morning from Ketchikan. Her cargo was kept ; ' in storage here rather than take j Rn tHrMfi nas Mf; THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., LTD. GORDON RONSON a chance on shipping it. 2POTS: Prince Rupert, 3rd Ave. at 7th St. 'Service Cabs) Phone 555 ' Terrace. Silver Tip Cafe. 1 Last fish to be shipped from . Prince Rupert prior to the em-jbargo which commenced Thurs-I day night was on Tuesday night i when thirteen cars of frozen fish by freight was dispatched, most of it to the United States. Now j there will be no more fish shipped until a settlement in the .strike dispute iias been reached. AUG 23 The Good Earth. SEPT 4 V,: WW V"A c cleanliness is next WA X mv fountain pen iiiiirmg in pjru tomorrow I morning the Canadian National liner Prince George, will have a capacity load of 269 vacationists bound for a 10-day, cruhe to Skagway, Alaska. One m;,T3 scheduled cruise voyage h?ro or. August 19 completes the Prince George's summer sailing to Skagway. On September 8 the Prince George leaves for a thrce-riiy cruise in coastal waters, under charter to the Washington B; Chicks Association which Is holding its annual conven'ion 4 DAY WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP WESTERN MUSIC ROUNDUP " AUG 23 - 26 SHRINE PNE CIRCUS PRODUCED BY POLACK BROS. 2 Shows Daily Aug. 28 -Sept 4 m so Z1" 1 I Dv 1 YOU CAN DO MORE THAN I, , , j "Jr TALK 'adout ?&J:-x-xA ' W rf&ff&rrft0 br V -r. JO lnrr of Progress on Parade A FAIR Tor ALL the FAMILY! GA1M1A K EEIS MEM - 1 1 f- TO TRAIN FOR SIGNAL CORPS OPERATIONS COME TO I'AXCOUVER . . . EMllliiriOS TIME'. . . . ek-cn , gay, t xiitin days at Western Canada's birsi l aii! Sec it all . . . enjoy it all . . . hec shows at the Otitilixir i heatre i . 4 days of fircstfiiks displays . . . ftin along the (.aynav . , . hundreds of exhibits lioin It C. I.uins and fattoiies . . . Hoise K.u iin; every day! See and hear the Western Music Roundup. August 2"-2i. iviih Riicst stars Wilf Catier and Rule Davis . . . square dam in for all . . and smres of eiiiertainers. Fxnniinr the latest and finest in Home Arts. Fashions. Farm Machinery, Hobbies. Manufacturers' Exhibits and prae winning entries by B.C. Junior Farmeis. ' THEX . . .during tlie last week of the Fair . . ; there's the world-famous Shrine 1'. N. E. Circus prixlueed by I'olaik Bros. ... a Siectacular perluiinancc with new acts, new tin ills ... be sure to take the kiddiesl From the Kis;,"l'f 0eniii(; day parade on August 2Hrd . . . r ijlit through 'til Labor Day . . . there's more to do and more to see at the 1950 P.N.F.. Plan your holiday now . . . bring all the family with you to the Pacific National Exhibition at Vancouver! ' 4 The Signal Coris is vital to almost every phase of operation in the network of Canada's defences. Nerve centre of the Army, the Signal Corps helps co-ordinate the vast and complex operations of our modern forces. To young men who want to serve Canada, the Signal Corps offers service that is interesting, exciting important. TO ENLIST YOU MUST- GO ACTIVE SERVE YOUR COUNTRY by tit ngt htnlng Canada'i Armed Force today o buiW "P tie defence against aggression everywhere. Report right away to Ask your local Travel Agetit about reduced fares ! 1. B a Canadian citizen er British subject. 2. B 17 to 29 years of ag. , 3. Be (ingle. 4. Meet Army test requirement. IS. Volunteer for service anywhere. fit if IB A A No. 11 Personnel Depot, 4th Ave. & Hiflnbury S VANCOUVER, B.C. Pepott eptn S A.M. to 10 P.M. dally. Bring cerfifieotei of ogf ond dueqfio " V 'JJLL H. M. KING, President t. ten rt 11.UIAM5, tjen. Monogcr Join the CANADIAN AM ACTIVE FOUCE Novl ... . ti r v . ij . - . .ul -a. . finrr itlaMallittJllliilKli tfMmumwMiijerA MPa; Jtna Mai