THIS AND THAT Irinrc Rupert Daflp J3nus CtD. Thiinday, February 26, 1048 NOTICE Reminiscences ByW.i. Reflections All legumes, including lujsms ; mcnis with so-called nutrient land s.veet peas as well as gar-; solutions, in which plants are ; den peas, do bftt?r when inno- grown without soil. Some device j dilated with one of the prp- by which air can be supplied to parations which help them sec- the roots has been found nec-rete nitrogen . from the soil. jessary for healthy growth. A ; loose soil, composed of coarse I The need for air in soil has particles, allows air to pene-been emphasized by experi- trate. The Dailv News, wishes to maw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the olfice at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise In this manner In the Daily News are askad to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified If counted and classified, the number of transfer vehicles In J Prince Rupert today would, beyond perad venture (fine mouth-j filling phrase that!) be a for-( mldable total. Everything must anything! Fed up with daily routine! Tired of it all! Would like to get out! Willing to co- ( operate with anyone feeling tne ' same way, either sex! Any j takers? Speak up! Well, there j are such people and it's under standable. There may be a lew right here In Rupert! UPHEME i IBM IMF M I t Si. needs have a beginning. When and where did this procession start? John Rutherford Beatty, from Fergus, Ontario, in 1908 was No. 1 man, and he car or truck. But he had a wheelbarrow and Grade A. muscle. Soon there were five wheelbarrows and then a horse and rig. The first ana uii:; time, to certaini.v mean jail for him. Many years aso, when the late W. H. Viekcrs was head of the city poiice in Prince Rupert, a man who was up on some minor charge and awaiting trial, sent 'a parcel containing five dollars and a box of ciar3 to the chief, suggesting that his case be "fixed." He was sorry he had ever thought o such a thing by the time the chief got through with him, for his attempt at .bribery was a most sorious offence. At J JfiJ (fa V. v, : A A. : "3 1 -t 4 . ,. ;..'Ti,f,r" v m t-n . ....... .. ' W M rV""- - ; .a .y. It can be embarrassing as well as distinctly irritating to the point of Judicious profanity to seek a badly needed match and discover something else. In other times, when we slept the nights away in the old Empire office, one mild, black morning the editor awoke with a sUrt ..jres were down. No lights! And how dark how lnfernaay, wickedly dark it could be. Well, there was a box of luclfers on the counter downstairs. Find it, and one could locate a candie. Seemed simple enough. For no obvious reason, it did appear that every unwanted object in the office had been placed on the counter. But finally, the familiar feel of a box of matches, and empty, at that. Pv Ti. r..r,f m...i .. ,i. ,irr , i... r date, that a Prince kupert cafe was ever wrecked Is recalled by the recent death of a Sixth i Street proprietor and closing of j the premises. Since the days of j the first war, there had been a i restaurant here. It was known i as the Allies Cafe but It must rgaret McLeod "Thpy should know the boss ju.t did this so th.y wouldn't think I got a raise." nrTOMITIilT NEW OFFICES Mod ern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE be admitted, the place of refreshment did not suggest the Allies. One day, from Anyox, came a stranger who, Instead of ordering a beefsteak, started distributing bad language th hJtJ"-r t' 14 m tviS''P """t-'rmft- ..i ,,iii "1 moment he sat down. He spat- i tered the walls with tomato ketchup. He pushed everything ' ' .- Next to it was something else, only larger. Wonder, darn it, what it could be. An ink daubed, prodding fore-finger found out. It was only a pan of cold paste, but being strongly allergic, we did not lick it off. IE . , Q. What should the hostess sorve at an informal tea party? A. Tea, sandwiches, and cakes are .served at an informal tea. Nothing should be served that is difficult to manage with the fingers. Q Is it permissable to call out to a friend to attract his attention? A. No, wait until you are beside him before speaking. Try to avoid using a tone than can be overheard by other people. Q Is it necessary that Invitations to formal functions be engraved? A Yes, always. It takes more than kisset lo keep e man happy! It takes brainx. The' sure way to t urn a man into a faultfinding grouch is lo feed him wrong. You must not only give him enough food but enough of the right kind of food. One "profecfive" food a man needs eivry day is Kellogg's All-Bran. It does two important jobs to give him that lu.ty, driving energy he must have to succeed in life. First, All-Bran is made only from the outer layers of the wheat grain. That is the vital part no unusually rich in iron and other essential food elements he simply must have. Second, All-Bran is guaranteed on a douhle-your-money-back basis to keep him regular naturally. And, if you want to enjoy living with him, one thing you must help your husband avoid is that "jumpy," irritable feeling constipation causes Let All-Bran help you. Serve it prv day as a cereal with fruit, or in delicious bran muffins. Get some now. Clip this as a reminder. moveable off the counter. He hurled the cash register through the mirror. He pitched chairs through the windows. He kicked sugar around and upended what Is supposed to be spilled on hotcakes. And the inner cussedness of It was that, being broke, he was unable to pay for a cent. Yet he did a most workmanlike Job. a YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FII.L-COIRSE MEALS II a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 tr.tiiilahh! A PIECE OF GOOD LUCK And it won't come by picking up a horse shoe. .You'll have all the good luck you need for buying or selling needed services and articles by using the classified section of The Daily News. The Dally News A Montreal man named Beau- : vais was prosecuted last week, In that city, on the charge of driving a car while under the influence of liquor. There was hearty laughter in court when Beauvais, hearing the charge, turned to the judge and said: "Please, your honor, I'll give you five dollars if you'll fix my case for me." Judge T. A. Fontaine remarked that the offer did not interest him and, in the ! event of a conviction, it would Guaranteed to .?25bJl""7 double iliZT YOUR KEEP YOU "REGULAR" am m m M J MM M a. We noticed a classified advertisement the other day, from a discharged airman aged 31 who, be:r.g bored with everything, wv3 ripe for adventure. Willing to go anywhere and do NATURALLY NICE CATCH Some codfish rtow to a length of eight feet and weigh about 100 pounds. mm r" i y0i rOK THE tV RED AND J WHITE i5 Al LABEL .1 'a B Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Card inued i by MM all insurance companies to motorists covered by 'MM II II. l y standard public liabil !t Ml' M h.r trltfl ity and property damage insurance. im ,r'a rrtn 01 "f . v X mn these cafiBS rm-- w f I 'iiS,i ..v.- Mf)t 1 ! t.w itutiHi Min- " 'ho Portiund " i'I.-i'i-i I.unclstrom. 5 : r irns nun- : i -r ' 1 W H Ferret, g "'" MS "Knit fur T 1 ""' N" 14039-F. i. mmv (Ihvs fmni ''"'"' !. i ,y HIP Mm. ,r 1 ":.- or im- '' piitp-M- of ol- 1-: - '1 ihi- above 2 '' "'' that nr. ,": ' "I Hit- "Mm. I ' ! rMiniucnrnl be- ( J ;.- . , h Certificate HILL MEAD TO Financial Responsibility Card issued by the s vi, y Motor Vehicle Oepartment to motorists X. depositing with the provincial Minister of . t X Finance prescribed security against pos- N. sible damage claims. N. . '"" 'l.'V ,,f AUKUSt. w II t-OR REST. 1 l I'll! Ml ........ .... ' T ," I Mill N I'liollHl i'm'i" ""' "f I",,",', I,v Orcl.T of I ig. v "i "i nil. All M4H ,,, frt -' i- ii i is. nls.i "ho dud on or1 'l iv o! Octiilvr Hid7 1 v "uv. r. Tlritish ; l!.n,s IlKlfbtrd to qnin-d i'rpci to to pny pnv . ,; ' ' . nun hu-dni'ss to The twofold purpose of B.C.'s new Safety-Responsibility law is to reduce, the toll of death and damage on B.C. highways and to give a greater measure of protection to all motorists and pedestrians. On or after March 1st, the automobile of any motorist involved in an accident resulting in death, personal injury or property damage apparently exceeding $25 will be impounded and his driver's license suspended unless he can produce to the authorities one of the cards reproduced on this page. Possession of either of these cards is proof of the motorist's financial responsibility his ability to pay for the injury or damage he does others. Here is what these cards will mean to you: As a motorist involved in an accident, possession of a card will permit continued driving privileges except in the case of certain infractions of the Motor Vehicle Act. ' As the victim of a motorist possessing a card, assurance is given that claims allowed by the Courts as redress will be paid at least up to an amount of $5,000 for bodily injury or death of any one person and $10,000 for bodily injury or death of more than one person in one accident, and $1,000 for damage to property. On the North American continent generally, traffic accidents are on the upward trend. The excellent effect of legislation of this nature in reducing traffic accidents and fatalities by barring irresponsible drivers from the roads has been demonstrated in Manitoba where Safety-Responsibility legislation was introduced in December, 19-45. B. C. Manitoba 10 mos. 1946 3171 killed and injured 10 mos. 1946 1914 killed.and injured 10 mos. 1947 3566 killed and injured .10 mos. 1947 1335 killed and injured .Increase 1 2.4 decrease 30.2 Despite increased driving activity, Manitoba's traffic accident toll is expected to decrease still further as the law continues to work. With complete co-operation by everyone, B.C.'s accident record should follow the same trend. '"i" ii. 1 pi-rsnns hav-"'!!'--' t, liii. said Kstate nr.-7" ""'m wh n pr. k rrh '.'r '"'f"r'' llw Slst lr'l 1MB fm hlch (, i' niiide hnvliiR i-::i;,;!;;!:;r of whw ' ' f'rihrn 1), ....... ... ,f !ASF:H 'nnKs o n UI";l"l Administrator Prico Huprrt. BC. (54) PRrf ' I s it ) vi , , . . OP BRt- I, 1N I'KOIIATP tS? ,'I,AM VANCE, lr l,tat,.y ordor of Ci !, S 'I'reniP Court f r,.h ;V "s on the y' D 48. m ,,p. if- nnrl1.R.r'!!sh Pltimbta. Ml. a, '',"p 15h day of In- lhi " 'sim.H nrp n- '. ' 'he amount m w their mo forthi.u and ' . C 1.. A 11 V J , .1 I . ""Perlv nlp thPm v.r f . lUslrlliim. ;.y . ..inn " will be Public Safety and Financial Responsibility Amendment to the Motor Vehicle Act become effective March 1st. to such " i shun fcWMWinrWWiWIi. filiww aTr-rn ii 1 mi iH ll I . .. I have been afeS? C. A . n nun pin,;,, i Fourth in a scries of statements published under the authority of the Honourable Gordon S. Wismer, K.C., Attorney-General of the Government of the Province of British Columbia. I JOHNSTON. Administrator, '''''iinipi) v ""p. n. c.