HOKTRERN AND CZNTRAt WUTTM COLUMBIA 8 NEWSPAPER TAXI 13 lone i t . .. u-uiTK TABS A Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific PortTrince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. 48. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1948 P2ICE FIVE CENTS AAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAA.' AAAAAAti 2 overnment New I Red G n en n - 1 Londemned v.. 'LzeciniouovaiKia ' ; r i . ... . . V .-"rr. "Disguised Dictatorship" Says U-S., Britain, France LONDON (CP) It was rnade known today that Great Britain, the United States and France condemned the new communist regime in Czechoslovakia as a "disguised dictatorship" which "placed in jeopardy the principles of liberty" and can only be disastrous to the Czechoslovak people." However, there , C N OLTPOST MANNED BY HAGANAH Photo shows a typical Tel Aviv defence point. Would Cut Off Czechs Export Controls May Be Imposed By United States Against Communist Regime WASHINGTON, D.C. P The United States government may clamp rigid export controls on Roods going to Czechoslovakia. Officials say they are considering this move as a way of expressing displeasure at the communist overturn of the Czechoslovak government. Such controls would limit the Hanah, the sUII Illegal Jewisn army, wun a man and a girl. This outpost, like i ir3iuun tl ad connected by telephone with Haganah'S defenee headquaru-rs. i AviVs norihern border. is no move, as yet to break orr IR IS JUDGE RULES AGAINST UNION ATED - The INDIANAPOLIS 'Judiie Lu thf-r W. Wygert yesterday ruled acain.st the International Tvmt- Urges Trans-Canada Road Ontario Mr miter tails Fur rrdrral and Provincial Co-oprration OTTAWA (tl'Pl The fed iA To relations. In a joint declaration, the three governments also said the communists had seized power in Czechoslovakia through "a crisis artificially and deliberately instigated." With an apparent reference to earlier communist power grabs such as in Hungary the three western powers charged that the crisis had served as a REVISION COURT ENDS HEARING Canadian National and Other Appeals Dealt With Civic Court of Revision concluded its hearings into appeals against 1948 property assessments this morning by sustaining the assessments levied by 4v . f " ' 1 - J 1 acquitted lat , .. t,xf.r.-i brl-j 4'. A ( in.-pir.tcy : tinvt-rnment : r. - - C'Ki'ove 'r ',d I-i-im- I v : c first I praphira! Union A.F.L. in its amount of heavy machinery and effort to d-adhxk the Tail- equipment Czechoslovakia can buy in the United States. Czecho-it. Hartley injunction filed ag2in.st Slovakia $49,000,000 in the spent Wvgert denied the union s "nited States last motion to dismiss the petition year. for an injunction tiled bv the . . . .4 office of Robert N. Irhr.m. ! URGE CANADIAN general counsel for the National' pil IK INDUSTRY ' . i Li"- City Assessor H. D. Thain against nine pieces of property and reducing the assessments against five. OTTAWA P Trade Minister C. D. Howe told Commons that Labor Relations Board. The judi'e announced that he would hold a hearing on March 3 on ths Injunction petition. cover for "use of certain methods already tested in other places." As a result, the statement said, Czechoslovakia has suffered "suspension of free exercise ol Parliamentary institutions and IGE BILL Appeals by the Canadian Na- the government hopes to see the development of motion picture production in Canada, and said HELICOPTER BRINGS FOOD TO LIGHTHOUSE Buffeted by a howling gale, a frail-looking helicopter dropped food supplies to the three keepers shown on the light balcony of the Wolf Rock lighthouse eight miles off Lands End, England. The men had been marooned for 2 days by storm. The high winds were churning the waters over the rocks below as this picture was made. eral covrrnmrnt was urged in the lloune of Commons rs-trrday by G. K. Kraser (Pro-j;reisivr - C onservative, Petrr-lioroufih) to ro-operate with' the provinces in building a hard-surfaced, all-weather highway from Halifax to the Pacific Coast. .Mr. I rase r said that Canada wan losing millions of dollars annually because there was no TransCanada Highway. The Department uf Resources should draw up plans for such a highway and seek co-oprration of the ninr provinces in bringing it into bring. i iionai Railways against mree ! waterfront properties were ' pressed by W. D. Meyers, coun-'; sel. for the railway tax commis- sioner's office, Winnipeg. These appeals were in behalf of les- the establishment of disguised dictatorship .of a single party." A- British Foreign Office spokesman said today that Britain will have to consider the that the country's "interesting possibilities are obvious." M. J. Coldwell, C.C.F. leader, said that Canadian dramatic art had reached "a very high level" in radio and urged the govern DOCTORS ARE HOLDING OUT I Not Favorable to National Health Scheme In Britain OOOKWoowweHj0oOKW Ssees of railway property. The 1918 Court of Revision, question of recognizing the new : : TOD A Y'S STOCKS : : which was resumed this morn' ment to encourage filming full length stories of Canadian life. , -li,c govern- i '., rf e x c i. a ii k f ! D. t,.;, approval : rrpi lis Corn-1 ! : 1": bart.'ly .sk.n:- j a! Pai;:a:nentary ; ak nf ( i: c t'.- d ; : saw oppo-' '.i;:.! ol de f.:n:i.i r.:. Tim i A spokesman said that the com ing after a two-week adjournment, was featured by a far Courtesy S. D. Johnr.ton Co. Ltd. munists had, forced . their ( got- "smaller percentage of revisions ; ernment upon Czechoslovakia, Toronto GIRL ROBBED OF than was the 1947 hearing using undemocratic means, which followed re-appraisal of Britain has been In consul-property in the city by a Van- tati0n with France and the couver appraiser. United States on- the Prague This morning, the court made crisis, the following decisions- 'd by ,i!intli( j LONDON The BntUh Medical such as the "epic" settlement .!rAfiucfcUum And BnUsH of the prarrtes.'-T.'- ' -jcrnment cannot aijne on the' They spoke during considera- National Health scheme. The Hon of the government's emer-' former represents the majority fjency program to conserve 'of British physicians. The Mm- United States dollars. ; i.stor of Health charges that the Medical Association can be best ' j described as a "small bedy of I KULJfc. 5 1 Lt-L. j politically poisoned -leople." PRICE BOOST J ! $6000 IN SATCHEL ":,:r.'!it won by j:. a Pronressive- Al.hona 03 Aurnaque 20 Beat tie 71 Bevcourt 48 Bobjo 13'2 Buffalo Canadian 11 Consol. Smelters 95.50 Conwest 85 Donalda . 80 Eldona 88 Elder 03 Giant Yellowknife . .. 5.20 God s Lake 76 Daring Daylight Hold-up On Street In Vancouver Tmlay VANCOUVER CP A daring ir.rr.Snu Rt which T..:id eu:reiiy- i r'.tnrt;..n in the '.j haid-curmncy i ancouver Bralorne 10.30 B. R. Con 03' 2 B. R. X 07 Cariboo Quartz 190 Dentonia 111. Grull Wihksne 04, Medley Mascot 75 Minnto 02 Pend Oreille 2.30 Pioneer 3 40 Premier Border 04 Privateer 25 Reeves McDonald 1.10 Reno 10 . Salmon Gold 20 "2 Sheep Creek 1.02 The start of the ::rewo:ks oc-1 WASHINGTON f On White I P r o v i n c i al Department of ; Mines, former ore essay office, reduced to $400. Armour Salvage Co., waterfront, reduced to $3,500. Both of these properties were i Immigration For Alberta ! curred when the Minister moved instructions. Attorney- n..iinly the j d vlih, rohberv of a woman! : , '.!, the car- 'House a resolution welcoming ryinu out of the scheme next i mesyenner netted two and pos- j Gencral Thomas Clark sent ( Federal Bureau of Investication July. defeated ; Mbiy three thiic.s about $0001) In 'I'.i'.'ti. ami short - cash cash and ana cnecus checks iictc here thix iiim morn- iiihih- reduced because the buildings "" . now'ing. ine cnici n,m.mu,., ; panics to inquire into last week's wnich Elite as adopted Audrey Blaikie told police that j is U1C plp"M" advance in steel prices. ;o2 to the bank with ! w UK uw ' " '1 ' . : she was going .06'2!in question are being demolish-.14 ed at the present time. .35 j Assessment on the former R. .05 jC.A.F. warehouse at Seal Cove .38 was reduced to $10,000 on ap-.12 peal by Canadian National Rail-.061.1 ways. Hardrock Heva Hosco Jacknife Joliet Quebec Lake Rowan Lapaska ol wuu annuany. me uut the niiinev when a man trabbrd aimed at mak ,.tw.i .1,0 r.rrvine fed the plan i Ketchikaii Plane On Mercy Flight Jumped into a waiting car and i fVEATHUl f nuisis ing them "a branch ol the government" and imperilling their nrofcssional freedom toward. Prairie Province May Take 400,000 Britons In Ten Years Starting; Now LONDON A. J. Hooke, minister of economic affairs in the Alberta government, said yesterday that his province plans to begin a movement of imi-grants from Britain by sea or air in June with the goal 5000 for the first year. If the economic development of his province permits, Mr. .45"2 .50 .mi .04 .07 .02 "2 .13 01 Vi .43 Taylor Bridge Taku River Vananda Congress Pacific Eastern Hedley Amalg Spud Valley Central Zeballos Silbak Premier was driven away by a confederate. A third man may have been in ih? cat, she believed. , Dry dock assessment was sustained at $300,000. Assessment of $6,670 against Swift Canadian Co. property was confirmed. This appeal also was entered by Canadian National Railways. BRISCO TRIAL IS CONCLUDED ,;!:i- 'orm moved ' ;'"u!ii-r;i Hntish ; n.nrtui ii . A broad j '' ' Kotiib niid ruin '"''liii;:" in ad-wnrot;e dear ; ':':'i'r.v : i.."s and ""'"'ty v iiiiis are I til" v .ike of the I i vira-ht-r and! - urc j j expect - 1114 "f the province i j Friiiav. Oils A. P. Con .15 Calmont 45 C. and E 4.00 Foothills 3.50 Home 6.00 I William King, 976 Ambrose j Hooke said that Alberta should j Avenue, improvements confirm- aDie to abSorb 400,000 emi-,ed at $1,500. Grants x in ten vears Little Long Lac 1.26 Lynx 10 Mad.sen 3 10 McKenWc Red Lake 57 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.40 Moneta 36 Negus 2.53 Noranda 45.00 Louvkourt : 1.25 Pickle Crow 2 30 Regcourt 07 1 San Oiitonio ... .. 4.15 Senator Rouyn'' 56 Shcrrit Gordon 2.15 Steep Rock 2.15 Sturgeon River 20 Silver Miller 35 patients. Minister of Health Bevan says, the opposition of the Meclie-d1 Association "links more ik? ; ; squalid political conspiraey than representation by an honorab'e . and learned profc.s4on." Their; (.pposition was nnthims mere oi less than attempted sabotage , if an Act oi Parliament. The chief Oliposititm Speaker.1 R. A, Butler, accused Bevan of; lining words such as "squalid I politics" because he knows thai ' lit is in "the waters of squalid' I polities that he mo.st enjoys R. C. Wilson, 1143 Ambrose; , Case of Gill-Nrtter Unds In Keronvieliiiii VANCOUVER The Bri:;coc trial, involving a Vancouver , fisherman and having a Prinri Mrs. A. T. Holland, wife of a Massctt building contractor, was flown here Wednesday af-teriiot.n by an American Coast Guard plane from Ketchikan. She is in Prince Rupert General Hospital where her condition, according to her physician, Dr. W. S. ICerg!n, sat-islaetory. The flight was made in a PBY, American counterpart of the Canso amphibian, in command of Lieut. Robert A, Lemmon. " With Massett community irking under the heavy charges that are made for Canadian commercial aircraft to make "mercy flights," an appeal was made to the United States Coastguard in this case and there was quick and ready Avenue, improvements confirmed at $2,160. J. L. McEwen, Sixth Avenue East, land reduced from $1,100 ASK RUSSIA FOR ACCOUNTING Tanker Being "1. Qi!, n Char- Rupert anele, ended yesterday u,i,n Cloudv when Edison Brian Brlsco was sivitered rain, again convicted in Supreme Cifarme tonieht 'r.i f nriticv, r,Unmliia on a Towed to Port to $1,000. i LONDON (("Diplomats said David Crocker, two lots on j yesterday that the western pow- Park Avenue, one confirmed at ; ers mtend to ask Russia for a $223, one confrimed at $250. ; detailed accounting of what the Mrs. Olea Dybhavn, 2104 At- goviet gOVernment had taken lin Avenue. Improvements con- out of Austria slnce the war himself." i northerly . charge of retaining a stolen i(ic in temoer- riciK..nt on'Rnt and hintm Tll..n.... Un4 U..... mrlriiclV tn Ha fly 32 and of the charge at armed at $d.suu. Olof Hanson, two lots on At-Un Avenue,, confirmed at $400 Iraq Combatting j Smallpox Outbreak BAGDAD IP Boundaries of. 42. Princi GOVERNMENT'S CLOSE CALL Only live Majority in Latest Division in House at Ottawa 28 ai J 45. They said that such a list is essential as a basis for discus-ision for the Big Four deputy I ministers trying to reach some i o n room (inf r m Vt o inrmc f rv r each. Peter and Borghild Knutsen, Prince Rupert before Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson in the Assizes there last fall but successfully appealed a sentence of two years. Briscoe was arrested last July 325 Eighth Avenue West, im- "B'" JL V AncrriQH ncifo rroatv Thn o f provements og $1,920 confirmed. " r" - OIHT" Joseph Naylor, 1010 First Av tempt to get an accounting may be made today. eight districts of Iraq have been j ordered sealed and compulsory1 vaccination imposed throughout; SWARMED OVER PRAIRIES It is estimated there were the country to stop the spread By last; about 30,000,000 buffaloes In of smallpox In the urea. Friday, 1C0 cases had been noted North America when the white ,i l. J n -1 ! man f i ret Q rH V-H Til in possession of a 34-foot gill- UftL 'net boat bearing the name Dinamac Suffered Broken Crankshaft Down Coast The Home Oil Co. tanker Dinamac, Capt. Roy MeLeese, was expected to arrive here this afternoon in tow of the tug C.R.C., Capt. Charles Cur-rle, after breaking her tail shaft last night near Wrhite Rocks, at the north end of Banks Island, about 30 miles southwest of Prince Rupert. The Dinamac was proceeding from the Queen Charlotte Islands to Prince Rupert when the mishap occurred. The C.R.C. left shortly after midnight to give the vessel aid. The Dinamac had unloaded a cargo of oil at Queen Char- enue, improvements reduced from $4,060 to $3,860. Robert McCarthy, Fifth Avenue East, Improvements confirmed at $5,075. uuess Who ' whicn ne saia nt had purchased in Victoria. The ; and eleven ctcams nau ulu... - FOUR DEAD IN PLANE CRASH OTTAWA. 0 The Liberal government emerged from the closest test of the six weeks old session and this Parliament yesterday, defeating the combined opposition by a vote of 103 to 98 on a Progressive-Conservative motion to table certain documents passing between the Canadian National Railways and United States shipping con - Premier Man -Iberia Legislature Crown alleged that the "Guess boat "Rio II" f R. E At 1 wh')" was the 1 i MERIDIAN, Texas ff Four 1 members of the twelve-man I crew of a United States Air I Force B-29 bomber were killed LOCAL TIDES Incial cabinet ' was slulen lrom tw0 vet" re-,Whl,'h lis v'Pwpoim' b"inu' PranS at stpveston- Vai'iance'' viithtt.. ' Brisctx as charged with re- Friday, February 27, 1948 ? "n ltle talllin8 the stolen craft but cie- quesiii,, ion of r 3:15 cerns in regard to maritime port jHigh wcessarv ' 1 11,0 Ule Guess WHO" was u- proce . business. 15:30 11 4 feet near here last nl.ht In a crash. 21.7 feet. Eight members of the crew para- 3.4 feet chuted through rain and fog to 3.0 feet safety. the estah,,. e.stahlwi, '. . ;i"Ri" . I II." It was the fourth time in this low g 22 Last week Judge A. M. Man- lotte Island points during the ; session that the government 21:39 RUSSIAN PIRACY I BALTIC IS SUSPECTED BY PAPERS STOCKHOLM. 9 Suggestions of "piracy In the Baltic" were made Wednesday by Swedish newspapers following the mysterious disappearance of crews of two .small Swedish merchant ships which left Stolpemuende, former German Baltic port now In Poland, a week ago. The evening paper Aftonbladet suggested that Russians might have seized the ships and taken off their crews. The Swedish foreign office has instructed its embassies in Moscow and Warsaw to ascertain whether the seamen, 18 in all, have been picked up and landed at some Russian or Polish port. wty. an., last week. had come through a vote which 1 Mr a,,.! , im the Assize Court, visited the requtst da j Premises of the Johnston Na-' a- r phasiL i !U'a"lkmal Storage Co. under the mem thai a-amDie Street Bridge, ana jgave it a majority of ten or less , jin the 245-seat house. It came HUGE STORM AREA when Minister of Transport When fully developed, a ty- Lionel Chevrier objected to pro-phoon or hurricane may be 900 j duce documents from the files miles In diameter with a 30-'of the Canadian National Rail-! mile centre of calm. ways. U.F.A.W.U. WHIST, CHIRK AGE and DANCE Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, February 27 Cards 8 to 10 Dancing 10 to 1 Admission 50c Refreshments rise fr om '""isonally inspected the boat, iasi. , - vnaiige nnient al"'Cianee summer It was moved from Prince Rupert to Vancouver, being taken 1,255 miles by train. (lit. I