j March 9 -c trinrc ttunrrt DaiSp fSruis LttJ. iliuisttay. reoruary 2H, tltT" SIMONSON WINS SCHEDULE OF LEGION TOURNEY BASKETBALL , 1 . ! iuxi vs r, i. vs. H,,.h - .J'.ijiKJi WILL DISCUSS SKATING RINK Kinsmen Hope to Make Improvements at Kiddies' Kamp at I.akelse Co-on. n,,.'ir,.Bri!i, in Spnrts BASKETBALL STANDINGS I .Senior ' League (55 Defeated Nell Cameron by ( lose Margin Last Night High achnnl h 1 February 28 bnvov v. Co-op, Ho-Me-Hi vs Merchants, Stone's , vs. On Taxi. 1 March 2 Co-on vs. Brown-' SWFFTttT MAPLE LEAFS ASSUME LEAD Ma arch ic. -..""' Leuln woods. Fashion vs M -lrcnn's A lu rue attendance ol vs Hum fch-hooi tivros vs. laxi. uiv.n acnooi SHAVING v,s PfODles members was present last night to witness the final niat.'h in the Enclish billiards tourna An open discussion, designed to bring out the members' reaction on whether an artificial Mar, 0 Savov vs. Brown-rehants vs. Mortjan's, T'v a (j win ids. i m MR I hi A TEAM V Defeat Boston to Top National Hockey League Chiraijo 7, New York 4. . Huston 2, Toronto 4. ice rink would be a practical and worthwhile addition to the , citv's recreational facilities or ; IHU ..err. I ON EARTH! 00 Butte , W L Pet. j ' Co-ops i-2 5 .5 Savoy 12 C .067 Brown woods S lfi 158 IMerdmriate League Bo-Me-Hi 15 0 MOO Merchants . C, 8 .420 i.shion Foot w ear 6 9 .4(1(1 Port Edward 5 10 333 - Morgan's 2 12 .143 Ladies' League ! People's 9 1 .000 High School 4 4 .500 Sweet Sixteen 19 .100 Junior League Stone's . 13 2 .8(17 G5 Taxi 12 2 .857 High School 3 12 .2(H) Ovim 2 14 .125 i not, will be held at the nexi. TORONTO 0 -Toronto Maple ' 1 general meeting of the Kinsmen r.pafs d( leated Boston Bruins Club. Decision to bring up the QV a s(,ore () 4 t,0 0 al ti. Maple 'question was made at the exe-Leaf Gardens here last ni'dit : cutive meeting held in the Civic an(j wrnr jm0 exclusive posses-! Centre last night when George sioll of nrst place in the Na-lDibb pointed out that other ijona! HIKkey l.-aeue .standhip. ! service clubs in the city were rhe rtroit Red Wings, with j interested in the matter ami wnxn. ult Maple Leafs had been rod thnt thp T-Tinsmrn :t i ,-,. jobctd ' For the kind of shaves that make you look your best, use the Gillette Tech Razor and today's Gillette Blue Blade. These two are preci sion made, Fit exact ly, and protect you Club define their policy. chi(.;i,,(, B1..k mwks won A new feature for May 24 free-scoring 7 to 4 victory over celebration will be Maypole the New York Hangers at, Madi- from the discomfort caused by misfit blades. Yes, Gillette double edges mean double economy. dnncing, according to President R. G. Moure Vwio said ivirs. Gul-land had agreed to instruct a group of girls for the event. Members discussing the Kid-eiles Kamp at Lakelse Lake felt that accommodations could nor look son H(imre Garden. The liauks are imw bidding fair to climb out. of the cellar thty have occupied so lone,, behi-; one only game below the Montreal Cana-diens now. The week-end schedule of play is as tollows: Saturday Detroit nt Montreal, Chicago nt Toronto. rfeelitv ment at the Canadian Legion Hall and. although the runner- j up was not sfrn at his best, tin result of the game was In doubt , until the last minute when ( Cameron, needing five to wfi. failed urter making 14 whi n did not count, leuvi'.i.-. R. II. Sim in Sim an opening whi::h lie, took lull advantage i.f and ran out winner with a i-.-ore of i!')(i j to 195 S monson played a steady game throughout the nuit.-h and, altiioii'Ali he did not pile up liny large breaks, was frequently ' in double littures ami v til deserved his win. Comer m was very erratic in hi piey and never thoroughly settled down to Ins proper form. Although lie compiled a total of 423 noiiUs duvins' the match to his oppon-'lt's 23"). he made four bait ' nislakes when his fifteenth point si'cnied inevitable and IIicm' errors lost him the gain'. i Iiiu iii!..', the evening Cameron ' made breaks of 2,), 21, 49. 25 ami 40 and. on numerous occasions. hart to re;.!-;'er "no .-.core" with 12 and 14 points to his credit. 1 At the conclusion of the tame the prizes were presented to the players by Present V, G llmis ton who, in a few well chosen words e o n g r a t ti 1 a t d h ' players on the hard fi"ht that they had put up ' Jack Ju.le acied as releree t for the match and Alex Harvey marker. Several names were added to ' the list of players taking part ' in the next tournament which 'will start next week use j be expanded a great deal this I year but the present structures Gillette 3LUE BLADES New Sunday faonilvM! at Yolk, Boston ton at .'lli"M',i). should be replaced by permanent buildings if possible. They were also of the opinion that, if a suitable arrangement could be With tho jiif edges ever honed) as .ue The lc. I IOCKLY SCOKF.S Faeific ('oast .Seattle 3. Portland 1 Los Angeles 5. Fresno 4 fc.un Diego 3. San Francisco 2 PRO BASKETBALL VaiV'imvcr 61!. Hellingham 04 CIV'IC CLNTRE CARD PARTIES Owing to othei social activities yesterday afternoon, the weekly indie.':' bridge party at the Civic Centre was not held. In addition to the women's parties, similar mixed parties are bein.- organized by Garnet Hull t.i take place weeklv indings to date: D L F A Pt.s 13 11 1.S4 122 (if. W 2(i 1 on should Ik'tinioc Murli y e one of iht r loh.utos jimwn , . aii(i n mihidiIi. niillow fragrimt worked out, the Kinsmen club of Terrace should be permitted Toronto to send some children to the Detroit camp during the summer while New York the Prince Rupert youngsters Boston are there or after if there is Montreal time left. -Chicago 27 9 1.4 100 119 18 12 19 147 ir.3 48 18 10 22 133 143 4'i 13 S 25 111 131 39 10 5 29 11)8 187 '37 Native Basketball Tournament Civic Centre March 3, 4, 5 lh.it fastvs nut'ially guoil in piH. Kutlvi taiilv . . . burns sluulv . . . k.ivts a ilun, white ash. Ant' il i,v lit! New pipe MiWikiT enjov ihis uml, Mitti (oli.ueo. rijlii from the first piju-lul 'ett r.ir, swear hy it. 7 ) ( 1'iju nj i FOR IS.C. PACKERS TROPHY Reserved scats sold at Native Brotherhood Office, Wallace Block, or Phone Green 909 ARDEN ' D) l- over the garden, ana try to lit!" It evenly with the soil, so that it will create "pores" all throuuh it. and thus improve aeriation and also water retention. i the depth to Gardening begins with turn- than lessening Advertise in trie ixiily News! at ing over the soil. This ancient which you dig. practice, dating from prehistor- j One hour's work a day lor ic times, has been attacked by eight days will turn over to critics like most traditional meth-; spade depth 1.500 .square feet, ods in agriculture. But rec?ntsci-' and leave its owner without entitle tests have moved aaain even sore musi-W. Civic Centre that spading in gardens, and ' Spadin oo.seni the soil, lets and leaves it in the f06 JUL ENGLISH air into 1 FRIDAY Sports a.m. 9:00 Bo-Me-Hi gym class 10:30 Rup-Rec tiny tots, n.m. plowing for larger areas, are the best methods of conditioning soil for planting. Depth of spading has ion" fa?7M M.OVLItLY KKIVMI.S Rcgd.) Breeding and Personality Blood lines as advertised by CUPS & SAUCE best condition for both water and air to enter. Spading also can be used to mix with the coarse soil m a t : rial s wh!.:h w ill improve its condition. Good sail. Eng K-sn-Ann.mrifltinn vm class. ' bopn a subject for debate lish gardeners, with the experience of centuries behind them. 3:30 Rup-Rec junior girls. 8:00 Run-Rec ladies. Ohio State experiments showed is composed of 25 per c e 1 Raskethall ! are are strong strong for lor 'trenching 'trenching' many of the large kennels in "pores" containing air. 25 FANCY DISHES for TEAS and DINNERS the East. cent "pores" containing water. o)!GLlIj! 4:00 Booth vs. King Edward No. 1. 6:00 Stones and 65 Taxi. 7:00 Sweet 16 and Savoy. 8: :00 Bo-Me-Hi and Co-op. 9:00 Brownwoods and Booking orders now for Honey Breeze's litter, three i 4ltll and 50 per cent solid matter. ! Heavy clay soil has particles so fine that there are not enough "pores" in it. But it cah be made good by mixing one inch of fine cinders or very coarse sand, an inch of manure or a substitute such as compost or peat moss, to four inches of clayey soil. This will give an idea of the quantity of coarse material needed to loosen heavy garden soil. Spread it evenly Fashion Special Events Leathercraft group. Community Calender DELIVERED FREE C.O.D. PHONE 654 weeks old. Five champions on sire's side, four on dam's side. We have satisfied patrons in Prince Rupert. These pups are natural hunters and have wonderful dispositions. PRICED ItllASON.UiLY 10:30 5:45 . . P.O. Box 1118 SIR Third West 1 Please 25c per dozen paid for empties. (CFPR) 8:00 Rotary rehearsal Camera Club Adult Card Party Mrs. Mead's pupils recital 9:00 Kinsmen dance. have them ready when, the driver calls. Ormcs Druj DRUGS the soil two spade lengths deep. Since the standard garden spade has a blade 12 inches long this loosens the soil to a depth of two feet. For roses, perennials, and some annual crops, private gardeners in this country often : : practice trenching. It is a good way to prepare a perennial bed, where the plants are to grow for several years without disturbance. But for vegetables, and annual flowers, trenching seems to be not necessary. Turning the soil to a depth of 12 inches is sufficient. By the ime you hav turned over a hundred square feet on the first warm day of spring, you will be inclined to settle on that basis. Spading, in fact, can be overdone, especially that first day. When muscles are soft after a winter's rest, they must be broken in with caution. It is important, however, that you do not skimp on the depth of spading. Drive the spade straight down, never at an angle, so that vou get the full advantage of i its 12-inch blade. If you want and pedigrees Particulars on request. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS COAST BREWERIES LTD. SICKS' CAN LA NO BREWERY LTD. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LTD. J.C.HUNT 1U-UKS LAKE, ll.V. Advertise in tin- Daily News! You saw 11 in trie Daily News! I f J f ft v J 7 PACIFIC REPAIR Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. "till 9 p.m. and Sunday PHONE 81 pi yi"! ly li." ol Bi iti.ti O i ArTOMOISILE INSURANCE R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRi rriisement i' not puUi.licd or d. bcMrJ 01 by the Cioveirimcr.t T:.,.,:.J C ctitrol This is the Season for- DOOR MATS PANTS for Outdoor Workers Humphrey, I'aiiniii kliiirn anil Hopper King 10U9J, Wool Pants to take it easy, and it is advisable that you do. limit the area that you spade each day, rather We Also Service WASHING MACHINES 326 2nd Ave. West Red 367 SEE I S EOII ALL Hl t'l'IKI "MI NTS IN LI I mini Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage am Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cot. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 0 ic mi i British India Coco Fibre Mats TWO SIZES each SI. 65 20x33 each S'i HI Heavy Duty Rubber Mats 10x2 Victor Co, of pi'iil:n Krmii 1; WEAK Consult us lor yonr needs in all t.vpe -LEATHER LOOTED 1 1 OI'TDOOIt MEN Everything in hle.h-rl.iss stationery. SI. 50 12x20 Hit Parade SI.55 17x27 S2.75 20x30 SPECIAL SIZES MADE TO ORDER FuiinWn Cards lor every occasion. D1BB PRINTING COMP of records you have been waiting to hear Acsne CLOTHING STORE PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phono r,:',2 712 2nd. Ave. The Popular third i IHCRNRK BLOCK Ballerina How Soon Now is the Hour Golden Earrings I'm My Own Grandpa Civilization With the Roses in Her Hair In a Little Hook Shop S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails For i t SI-HVK F I OH THE I5I.ST IN AETOMOTIV TRY Al Jolsen's new record No. 2426!) "Let Me Sing and I'll He Happy" "If 1 Only Had a Match" DEALEK Kee Your GENERAL MOTORS Above records now available Also UCA Yictor "I iilellone" Neeif.es ,hrv.' r.uii k Olilsntohile Chevrolet Pontiai- JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue VANCOUVER AND .INTERMEDIATE POKTS SUMMIT ICE CREAM FOR YOUIl PARTY II is Good, I IM SII MADE anil Delicious VALENTIN DAIRY Phone f.57 i l'V maciiinb: woitK Terrace Machine Shop & I (tf J TEIIKACE. B- 111 I EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY '-MIDNIGHT . . .. j 1 1-. .' Fr information call or write City fr rpnt Tiket Offt PRINCE RITPEUT. B.U. SE DOES! EVERYBODY EL (CALL o o