City fire department respond TEMPERANCE qo- ed to a call to a chimney fire at 6cdl:?fsJews Items... Prince ntiprrt Dailp rto JUU, Thursday, February 26, 1948. ;;- the residence' of 'A. A. Antllll, 1308 Overlook Street, at 8:30 but the person who had taken Wednesday night. No damage resulted from the blaze. Mrs. A. W. Llipsln left this SALE SALE! SALE! Dresses. Less than cost, whii t.hp imt a few drinks which were sufficient to effect the higher senses afternoon by air on a business John Mallow., of Port Clem 8tar's Stylewear. tfi and Impair Judgment and con trip to Vancouver. ents, who arrived from the Isl trol. Miss M. Shrubsall inri vru. ands this week, will sail Fri Meeting of International 1 An impressive movine picture Union Oneratine ' Eneineers, Frances Webber are sailing on the Prince Rupert tonight for a Local Independent Merchant day night on the Cardena on a trip to Vancouver. depicting heartbreaking tragedy caused by the driver who Carpenters" Hall, Friday Feb. 27, 8 p.m. (49) FREE DELIVERY i k'KS 5S3-3S6 mp vo Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Dorkriii Made v to Measure CLOTHING NO INCREASE OVER - Leo Beaudry, well known lo or Teikwa are arriving in the Limit 1 round cal fisherman, left by air this afternoon on a trip to 52 OB COFFEE had taken "a few' was shown by Dr. Coburn with the assistance of Don Forward. Rev. R. A. Wilson pa-stor of First United Church, introduced Dr. Coburn. . , Dr. R. G. Large presided over the luncheon in the asbsence of Pouitd ny on tomorrow morning's train and will sail Fririav nn th Cardena tomorrow night on a EDUCATION Public Has Been Deceived in Minimizing; Dire Effects of Alcohol, Gyro Club is Ttold With the public deceived as to the real seriousness of the liquor situation and senses dulled as to the deteriorating, tragic and undermining effects accruing from the use of strong drink even in what might be considered moderate quantity, a thorough-going educational campaign based on convincing scientific facts is essential to meet the situation and that Is the Immediate objective of the Canadian Temperance Federation, the Prince Rupert Gyro Club was informed at luncheon yesterday by Dr. John Coburn. general secretary of the Federation from Toronto. Dr. Coburn commended the government of British Columbia for its leadership in Canada in temperance education. He had mrf Tlr II T rmnWi Rev. Dr. John Coburn, gener 25c ? irip to Vancouver. Camera Fans Fiv KtX APPLE JUICE 20 oz. 3 tins Is ibish 1 5C al secretary or the Canadian Called south on account of the continued Illness of his wife who has been receiving treatment in, Vancouver for several months, R. G. Macaulay left this week for Vancouver. Again delayed by connections at Jasper, tonight's train, due from the East at 10:45, is reported four hours and ten minutes late which would bring it in at 2:55 a.m. Members of the southern fishermen's co-operatives who plan President O. G. Stuart. Guests PRICES OK .... LAST FALL nnliinfl V.aJ Tl r l t ( Temperance Federation, Toron will be paid by the Public Rela 16 oz t"' ,lTn-In To- 35c J CURRANTS 2 lbs tions Council for pictures used in its new publicity namnhUt 1111.1UUCU f icu oiuwu, jlu if orris and Walter Neilly. of Van-:ouver and G. H. Stanbridge oX Prince Rupert. Sauce. o J"'J to, after a visit or a couple of days In the city following his arrival from Vancouver, left by last evening's train for Edmon Turn in your best scenic pic 25c f DATE BARS 12 oz. pkt. fe,abei lb- - ton, the next stop in a western temperance organizational tour. tures or Prince Rupert to Al Manson, Manson Jewellers. (48; Mrs. Joseph - Ward, vlf nf i fcroi- 25C 28c t FKi BARS Cello Pkt. 1 There's no question but that a special-measure Job does ' something, tor you. In addition to perfect pt yoy-Avyfe as' wide chore m Styling and K-20 oz. 2 tins MOTORISTS Do you realize that in one week's time the new the engineer on the police boat to return south Friday night on the Cardena after attending the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative include T. H. Sorensen, R. McKay, W. Peck, W. Wood, J. Motor Vehicle Act will be in r.wi.L,. ia, returned on the Home Prince Rupert Wednesday from ..a i 11' t r I i a irip to Vancouver Hurino force? See us at once regarding the Public Liability and Property Damage Automobile Policy. H..O Helgerson Ltd. (50) 25c win i.i""1 j-""' "" 1) Pancakes. 2 lb. Jar which she acted as escort for uonaldson, A. Eyton, L. Wylie, (former Prince Runprt whnnl and Mr. and Mrs. G. Greenwell. I superintendent), director of prisoners last week. Deaae-s Quality Cleaners P'ck-up and di livery. Phone 283 43c I SMITIIERS SPUDS 10 lbs. THIS AND THAT (tf) ...AnotherJobforJAVEX JAVEX transformj dingy, dirt-gray clothes to sparkling white. Just a little In the washer or rinse water produces a sweet-smelling, , OKANGKS ORAPK- 22C "v -M's. 4 for ,D.m;s- NO. 1 ONIONS- 3 lbs 25c I i cleaner wash. It s " death to germs too. Announcements All ndwtlsnrjmta in tbu column will b charged tor a full month t its cent a word Card party.' Catholic School a 25c 15c NO. 1 TURNIPS 8 lbs PASCO ORANGE JUICE 20 oz. tin AT YOUR DEALER'S temperance education for this province, and was deeply impressed with the program. Both youth and older people must be educated on the evils of alcoholism, Dr. Coburn declared, asserting that it was really the older generation who were responsible for the present serious and critical situation. Dr. Coburn ranked alcoholism fourth among Canada's serious disease, being exceeded in number only by tuberculosis, cancer and venerea disease. Speaking on the s u b j e c t of drunken driving, Dr. Coburn said that the dangerous driver was not the person who was urn 07p - I 20 oz 2 tins " " No question either of the '"super lative cut and workmanship in 7 suits designed, by our makera whether they be for oldsters, ' youngsters or in-. between-ers . . . Shiffer-Hillman $57.00 to $87.00 . , . John Lombardi $52.00 to $77.50 Hall, 8 p.m. February 26. Kinsmen Leao-Year Dance. Civic Centre, Feb. 27.' BUY GOODS BY THE CASE Conrad P.-T.A.' White Elephant Sale, Feb. 28, 2 p.m. Women of the Moose SDrine 4 TINS CORN i tins green bk.a.vs 4 tins green beans Bazaar. March 4 and 5. TOMATOKS PI.A( IIKS PRl'NE Pl.l'.MS 24 TINS FOR Bridge Party. Civic Centre. completely under the influence, March 5, 8 p.m. S4.75 ? Galloway , Rapids I.O.D.E. tea. Less Than 20c per tin March 6. March 17 Catholic School Hall ? ' M.(ll.r A.lj,.,. nr t 3 ' . Tea, Home Cooking, Apron and Novelty Sale,- 2:S0 p.m. Card Party. 8 p.m. . Booth P.-T.A., March 17. Junior Chamber St. Patrick's UNITED ASSOCIATION OF JOURNEYMEN AND APPRENTICES OF THE PLUMBING AND PIPEFITTING INDUSTRY OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. LOCAL 180 The regular me' 'ing of the above Local will be held in the Civic Centre, 8 p.m., Thursday, Febrary 26th, 1948. Tf you are working at this trade, in any of its branches, you are invited to attend this meeting, for the purpose of getting organized. There is work ahead in this district, and this Local will supply the labor, through mutual agreements with the employers. Geo. S. Weatherly, Secretary, Local 180 Day Dance, March 17, Civic Centre. Presbyterian Tea.. March 18, Presbyterian Church Hall. Queen Mary Chapter. I.O.D.E.. "It isn't that I forgot your birthday, dear. I ts just that I didn't want to remind you that you're a year older." Daffodil Tea, March 29. Ji.YSGI.O- CQp PURE GRAPE 7Q lm tm UgV JELLY 4 1o tin ' , 1ftf tXAn CHOWDER OQn ' V AVU SOt P-3 tins J III OATS- arn NO. 1 HONEY CQn I 2 lb rarl0n ' .j 1 VMjIihI Milk 41Z0 C HICKEN HADUIE Off n fuissuE 3 " 29 t SIIORTKN. 9Qn I-RINES QQ J j: pound lib. Cello. J Sea Cadets and Jobs' Combined Show and "Musi cal Revue, March 31" and April i ' 1 J '4 l m I ft lT 'V " I 1, Navy Drill Hall.. ... . Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Sale, March 31. . Anglican Easter Sale, April 1. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 15. .'.!.- J.C.Q, Smoker, Moose Templei April 17. Women of the 'Moose tea at he home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, S48 8 th Ave. East pit' April 22. Wt;vn yon tfkrit asltlsfactory job, t.'epeJk Jsindle it. Get full value from your radio by keeping it i:i . good working order .throuqjjfr good repair service. .. ' i ' ONLY 7 MORE PAYS TO GET j Orange Tea, April 21. United Church Spring 3alei April 29. p: AUK MANY OTHER "MAS" D1S- RUPERT RADIO St. Peter's spring sale. May C, &LpTRlC AYK!) IN THE STORE. COME IN AM) LOOK AROUND Rux 1321 Phone 644 "Build B. C. Payrolls" E-d-out? Pacific r"H A DlT f P. '. f o p A T ! f WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF Vi POUND OF tlr may be in perfect hut it run't go very One Quart Per Day -.I Ira; UPTON'S TEA OR 60 TEA BAGS l-.tHU III',..- Tl... j i Mai a wny 1 .viir.s in kdocI concli-I "' first ,siRn of breaks X your tire bring ! J Uft ll)r export vulcaniziniz srvlrp Wp handle all 11 0 KEE0(5VARM? If Not Then You Had j BETTER CALL US! , Prince Rupert n 4:)" X 21 to 825 X 20. OB PARKER LIMITED I Plumbing Heating Doctors claim growing children require a quart of milk a day. One cup of Pacific Milk is the equivalent of two cups of whole milk in food value . . . in your cooking and as a beverage use irradiated and vacuum .packed Pacific. Nothing Is taken out of the pure whole milk but part of the natural water. . PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Hume of Friendly Service" PHONE 83 I 1 SlT.flTTTRWS I W (tf F-2 for 1 VVLK THEY LAST! " LIMITED QUANTITY EXCELLENT QUALITY GET YOURS TODAY !Vith your first" taste of Liplon Tea, you'll realize what "flavor-lift" means a combination of brisk flavor and a lift that sends new energy through you from head to too. Dut hurry ! The Free Soup offer expires on March 6 ! ATTENTION FISHERMEN! . u.-.;iwslk.'.. Maciflie On Your Boat Engine and Avoid Harmful we m-rW; Tiluf ners to suit your engine. ?Sil-Lee hulies' Wear loifOM' 7B 7r? ea, , FURNITURE REPAIR LOVI NS BLUE 818 330 2nd Ave. (Next to CFPR) m ? n m e PHONE GREEN 774 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. D V. TRAL BRmsH COLUMBIA 3 NEWSPAPllH Prompt Mall "Oerwice I