' in tlie Victoria Time!., spins tne 1 tale in sprightly fashion. Prince Rupert Daily News World Svhohirs and I'nesco OfflviaU Plan a History of Mankind "wiaft " ' ' ' -4 5 x . ( T , Wednesday,1 February 27, 1952 ray . . . ' Reflects and Reminisces Vn Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert anti Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Dvess Audit Bureau of Circulations Harold lives at Saanich Peninsula. He still uses a bicycle. He went to sea at 17. He made six voyats on clipper ships. He settled on Vancouver Island, became a partner with Warburton Pike and was among the first to go north when the Klondike stampeded the world. They bought a stern-wheeler called the Casca, loading It with whut rri its - . -n , Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. ' i P A HTTMTFT? M-lltfliiinff TT(litr,-- T.T n DITOnv If a nnirw n;..nA. . . -. v ... ..... ...-j,... ..,.,.. , . u , . .Ji.iv.l441iu&,i,5 fill Ct Wl SUBSCRIPTION RATES: tc:Lf..j k a n . t ' Survevs are being made away ' to the north and not so far from the borders of British Columbia and Alaska. Eventual discovery - carrier, per week, 25c; per month, $1 00; per year, . , $10; by mail, per month. 75c; per year, $8.00. 1 Hth-fcxf VSei 0-r Vf J 1 was neded up the coast. They lld toC ntatio,,.! Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily Nrws Ltd.. 3rd Avenw Prince Rupert. Enh'ied as second class mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa. I of oil, of couise, Is the prime nlno bought 50 mules, shipping hope, if not full-blown expecta- them north aboard the Amur, hui i Hon.' Why is it, some times, dis-'lt was not all plain sailing. The ! tnn and not proximity, lend Casca served a While oh the ! enchantment to the view? To Stlklne. carrying mining iharh- " with eti-h VEIJ!B n Boy Scout Week i dnte, western oil sinxcs nave inery. nnaiiy, just lor a chnnge.j ! been convenient to or near pnyne Jumpvd to South Africa, i I settled areas. One nevM only He's a sort of young-old man. think of Calgary, or Edmonton, And can't he tell about lots of : or Fort St. John as well ns other contrasts! jf ' 1 Z-1 Th ft ; 'y-.s . o t' " " " handy districts. FINANCIAL STATEMENT" School District No. 52 (.Prince I iiiw L Km,. HEAL NI KilinnitLV From the book of memory. It is worth ULulllr.g that, ns long aeo as 1912. what has been lftTAf irMtTW't' -n"! "w ! STATEMENT OK KEVENl'K A nil mw. For the leaf Ended IM-rtrnbM li 2 T REVENUE- V called the largest seepage of oil I e.r found in British Columbia was reported by surveyors lot Municipal Rural ".. . Ome & McGregor of Victoria.! 1 lit inner uim suuuiviuru mc i :ria3 Valley In 1912. The discov-. 0ovf rnment dnnt. cry was In the Cranberry Rivrf Sll 1.181 im ii Basle Dormitory and Boarding Vocational Transportation Additions ana Reconstruction Buildings Equipment Wight School ' region where It flows into the Naas. This, of course, made anything In the way of a potential 1 strike, exceedingly easy of ac-jc?ss. Perhaps too easy. That s cm.- the trouble, sometimes, It is not sufficiently remote, or too hard to gel at. Other Revenue THIS is Boy Scout Week in Prince Rupert. We are 'ji'lad to pay our word of tribute to this splendid movement which is flourishing these days and doing mch a good work not only in this city but the world over. Going more than forty years now, Scouting has long been playing a part in. building character, good citizenship and all around usefulness among boys. It is the largest organization of its kind engaged in this kind of activity. So it is worthy of all the support we can give it. Incidentally, its most crying need here is the enlistment of leaders to carry on the work among the many groups that are now active in the city. Something of the importance of the work in Prince Rupert may be realized by consideration of the fact that 250 boys are now enrolled here which is a very substantial proportion of our population of boys. It has been said that a Boy Scout is never found in a juvenile court or in the toils of the police so it speaks very well for the boys of Prince Rupert that so many should be actively following the healthful and useful pursuits of Scouting. 7ow the boys have a major project in view for 1952 the building of a $1500 cabin, at Grassy Bay as a headquarters for their outdoor activities. Anything that can be done to aid them in this project and their functions generally will be appreciated by the boys themselves and will be an investment in good citizenship. A six-volume history of mankind, from prehistoric limes to IMS', the year of publication, is to be written by a team of 1000 leading world scholars. , The sponsor of the program is the I'nitcd Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (I'nesco), which is advancing $400,000 (or the work, which is estimated to cost $600,000. The project will take five years to complete and will assemble knowledge of all races, cultures ami peoples, past and present. Here are I'nesco officials and mFmhflrsof the International Commission for a Scientific fiid Cultural History of Man- kind, which is in charge of the work: I.rlt to right, seated: Dr. Constantine K. Zuravk, Syria; Dr. Julian 8. Huxley, tire I'nited Kingdom; Dr. Paulo B. Carneiro, Brazil. President of the Commission; Dr. Jaime Torres Bodet, Mexico, Director -General of I'nesco; Dr. Kalph E. Turner, the I'nited States, chairman of the editorial committee, and Dr. t'arl J. Burckhardt Switzerland. Standing: Dr. Pedro Bosch-Cimpera. Mexico; Dr. Jean Thomas, France; Dr.' Silvio Zavala, Mexico; Dr. Charles Morale, France; Dr. Armando Cortesao, Portugal. Commission secretary-general, and Dr. Mario Praz, Italy. Tuition Fees .. Rentals Sale of Assets Night School Fees Miscellaneous A new commercial building to cost well beyond $100,000 Is to go i ) an Third Avenue. Could Arthur Little be alive today (he pedd.-'d peanuts down on the watei'iiorit i he would munch one, and. exclaim, "W'll by Judas!" Total Revenue Surplus Balance December 31, 1961 As I See It Excess of ExfScnditurc over Revnue for the ffatn Victoria Report ... by J. K. Nesbitt December 31, luai BE IT EVER SO HIMBI.K In the face of Alcan development, Ootsa Lake ranchers of course must movj, yet f'ooding .should, and no doubt will mean substantial compensation before there is final settlement. What Changing Political Stripes Members Aren't What Thcv Used To lie - EXPENDITlilE Administration Salaries Administration ja-, J Clin ore i ol the sentimental angle? When VICTORIA;The way members of the Legisla- one has lived part of a lifetime 4. u l. i .l ' r.- i l i ,l In oui neighborhood In a region ture have their less than changed political stripes in like central B.C. it s a wrench, to Ofllce Expense Trustees Expenses ... Oeneral Administration Sg. three years leaves one astonished by the vagaries ' t leave and stay a,way for keeps, induction iV i ,i ', ,i . -In It has been home. ; Teachers' Salaries lSS'r politics or is that the way to put it? . j c,esrfcal e6alarlM ; In June of 1949 the people part of future training In the' 'leaching Supplies ' ; The Sham Shift Vote Political Tempest . Other Instruction Expense r 1 r n in i i voted tor 39 Coalitionists. 7 C C tive? riht nut in the open and British Army will include th ers. one Independent, one La- hev dnn't rare who knows alter gradual dcveii.oment of a feeling; cial election, which is bor-for a total of 48. mre or nidlng their iden- ol friendliness for serpents. For , Operation , . , Now look at the Legislature; titv ttty these these last last 10 10 years. vears. this this purpose, purpose, snakes snakes are are alreudy already ' Jn tor and Engineer Salar es lit S ; all to the good. But it i janitor ana engineer ouppues Light. Power, Water, Fuel Hat Insurance, Rental, Other I THEY play politics not only in Victoria and Ottawa but this week we see them hitting it hot and heavy at august Westminster in London. And the technique is very similar. The Socialists accuse Mr. Churchill of double- there are 23 Liberals; three straight Coalitionists; 11 Conservatives; eight C.C.F.'ers; an Independent, (not the same Independent); a Social Creditor; one Labor a total ol 18. The 23 Liberals still maintain being brought to camps In Eng- j they're Coalitionists but, of . land. We already perceive Mont- course, they know they're n:t, ' gomeiy and Alexander in full' and deep down ln-side they've end swift retreat. glad that they're Liberals again. , I Oh yes. sure, they say ALWAYS ACTION I "We're Coalitionists that's huwf Every life has Its Interesting I 1 all to the bad that it is to be under the absurd and costly system in vogue in Alberta. ; This transferable vote system r m Repairs and Maintenance Grounds Wages and Supplies Buildings -Wages and Supplies Equipment Wages und Supplies The first llip-ilop came abfut. throuah Quiet, modest James we were elected, and Coalition-.side. But. first of all. the party j is not to be blamed on the Mowat of Alberni. He's so quiet ists we are until the next eles- concerned must be prepared to . Auxiliary Services Dresent Social Credit aovern- nnrt sr mm;p fnot. nrnftirnllv : tlnn Rut in thp mpanftj-nw nv snmethtne Munv a m;in nr Health , is , ment of Albeaa for it was in nobedv pavs anv attention to they're behaving lust like Lib-, woman can tell a lot and some ! Dormitory and Boarding Expense ll- Other erals, with no Coalition draw do. For example, not long ago,1 there was that colorful story in ' peM jcrvi,.. vogue tnsjre long betore mat him. Yet he' started the style. party came In. Let's look back a bit. In the ; I call It a sham shift vote 199 general election there wa. isvstem. for there is no evidence some strange sort of skulldug-i Sinking Fund Principal lft Sinking Fund Interest gery up Alberni way. Mr. Mowat the News, descriptive of Crocker ;and the Klondike, written and pictured by Larry Stanwood. And this l . minds us of another trail i blazer. Harold Payne is a Victor- lan, and he's eighty. Cecil Clark, H.SK n;c; whatsover to prove that you get any more fair or democratic result under the Transferable Vote backs. So, looking at the House-that leaves only a handful wearing the same suits they wore when they were elected less than three years ago. There are still three straight Coalitionists just as they were in 1940 John Cates of North Vancouver; II. i. Welch of Co-mox; ri. Maclntyre of who had been the coalition MLA for Alberni. lost out in the Coalition nominating; convention. H;. Serial Debentures Redemption Serial Debentures Interest Bank Charges and Interest Conveyance of Pupils taiK, saying one mmg ai nome in regard to me Korean war and intimating something else when he calls on the Americans at Washington. Mr. Churchill criticizes the Laborites for having made an atom bomb and not telling Parliament about it. Apparently, it was a well-guarded secret, too, for even Mr. Churchill did not find out about it until he got into office. So the Laborites are to be congratulated on their security. But like our own politics there is a good deal of eyewash about the British brand. Britons, in their politics, and Canadians too, possibly in a lesser degree, have the ability to quarrel, and sometimes it seems very bitterly, among themselves but, when it comes to the crisis, they stand, together back to back. . ' than you do under the old famil : inr system where you mark an friends told him to run as Inde Contract Expense X after the name of the candi j the complexion .the electorate c - ' pendent. He did. Me won. so that means the people of Alberni, in electing Jim Mowat an ; date you want to win. I In fact, an analysts of the re IK' Hi- ago. rto wonacr me electorate I baffled by the strange golng;- Reconstruction and Addition to Buildings Equipment sults in Alberta's provincial Independent, were voting against i elections clearly shows that they ; "ie Coalition Government, come out substantially the same. Yet. than a year later. Mr The C.C.F.'ers haven't chang- on In this capital in recent weeks, ed their political stripes ar.i; No wonder the electorate ' 13 ,&s do the federal.'. elections m Mowat was back in the Coalition neither has Mr Total expenditure Uphill from sometimes given to say. In effect: "These politicians they're ; that province. tleM- A" those who had voted Fernie r t . ivi hum uaauc uicj vvcic bS.u i ou. i0oKing over me political ah the same they ask for our ONE MIGHT wonder why the the government, suddenly found complexion of the House today, vote and then they say 'to he;k Liberals are going to apply ; themselves government support- one sees it va.si;y changed from with us.'" These tempests in the teapot may have then this one piece of legislation, while era iicpfulnosa Thc. ,,.1Q tnvo.tl i., kl,. : all the other pending and much lake w.a.l. Bennett and Mrs. . . ' 1'"- more more neCessarV necessary and. and, urgent urgent bust- bus) Rolston. Thev were elected, as STATEMKNT OF RKCEIPTS AM) DISIIIW For the Year Fnded December U, KECKIPTS Revenue , Revenue las per Statement "B" Add AccounU Receivable, Dec. Si, 1950 Deduct Accounts Receivable, Dec. 31, 1951 Cash on Hand and at Bank, Dec. 31, 1050 altairs and keep governments on their toes. ness is to go by the boards. Coalitionists, with a Conservative tinge, of course. Yet last session O well, some people have to learn the hard iwy, I figure that they left the Coalition, which one election unrieV. ine shnm:meant, too. that they left the liplare Paiiage for Doclay "The earth is the Lord's." Psalm 24:1. Conservatives. Now Mr. Bennett shift vote will be all that we will is a Social Creditor, Mrs. Rolston says she's an Independent, but you can see she's flirting, and ever have in B.C. There is no greater fallacy than the thenrv that, all t.lbernl voters too, with Social will give their first choices to Very coyly. NOTICE Capital Advances City of Prince Rupert Grant City of Prince Rupert Provincial Oovt. Building Grants Bylaw Bank Interest Provincial Govt. Equipment Grants World Population Jumps By 75,000 Per Day, U.N. Says " " their own candidates, and their , credit. second choices to the Conserva- Tne 11 Coalitionists who were lives; and all Tories will likewise ' rpa"y trul' deep down inside mark their Number 2 choires for Conservative have suddenly be-the Grits. -pt'p r!'ant, proud Conscrva- 1S10SB By ROBERT E. GEIGER The I ne main main rival rivalry in this elec iiut'TtiMn'i'AvT a n mi.. . i i. i ' Deduct Grants Receivable, Dec. 31, 1050 ..nonnvuiuiv tix ; ine world s peoples are 'tlon will be between the Liberals1 newspapers, in the early twen- ... 6693'" tiC Deduct Bank Overdraft, December 91, 105 multiplving at the fastest rate in all history and Conservatives. Hence I fig- ties they still called the Liberals Litest 'united Nntinn n-nri-t U ' , ure that a great many Liberals the, Rouges, or Reds, and the . I , 'T u I i and Tories will give their second lories. Blues. iZZd 5 '"d'cate about then the population hail sky-1 choices to theCCF or Social; In Laurier's early years the 75.000 more people show 2.400,000,000.! ! up every; rockeled to around Credit. church in Quebec was solidly It virtue of the authority vested in me by the Minister af Public Works, pursuant to Section 33 (1) of the ItighXiay Act, I hereby declare a gross load limit of 12 Ions over Diana Creek Bridge, situate approximately 14 miles cast of Prince Rupert on Highway 10, unlil further notice. 'Signed L. E. SMITH, Divisional Engineer, ,. Department of Public Works, Prinee Rupert, B C. n v.u kuuii..' ii me pstimaLes are anvwner; wv.An fv.A ioot , there i, !! ?, Pnn mea'ls near crrect this means that in everybody will wonder why .we , take active part In politics, liiths th,n f t I l morei300 years- since 165- tne world !were such dumb clucks as to usually, beyond making such Dutns than deaths each day. oained tmnt. in t.im h num. ... I . DISBt'RSKMENTS Revenue Expenditure (as per Statement "B") Add Accounts Payable, Dec. 31, 1050 The UN wnnlntinn vsarhn.ir V. , .a j ' ! spena an tne mu money lur iiuo-pai ii;ari remans as mis: j'-""""" uei ui people it naa accumulates nothing. Heaven Is Blue, but Hell is Red. tf couinaies aooui z.iuu.uuu.uuu peo- jn its first 100,000 years. P ijii- iivn iic un Liie earin. LFSS HFATIIS meres a net increase of about ' Tho The iin UN re,, report ov. Deduct Accounts Payable, Dec. 31, 1951 says the de- rlitliriiT HootVi rata lc mnn 0 nnn nnn . 1 ' . H J 1 j I SEE THAT the Liberals have READING the accounts of the blossomed forth in the B C. ; recent civic election In a Mont-Legislature wearing the tradl- real suburb, I usk myf;-lf, what llonal red roses. Makes me think has Moscow got that we haven't of the ditty I saw in a prairie got? 'if'ju.uuu prupie a year If this expansion continues at i reason world nnnnlntion i in. its present rate the world will Deduct Bank Overdraft Dec. 31, 1051 Less Cash on Hand, Dec. 31, 1051 K. .. 4! -- i " " """' GENERAL ELECTRIC Is is anyc anyone worrying about, the i mimeograph s'.ieet a few months uurc nines as crowaeo wit.n j people In 100 years, experts estl- inrrense? Lc Devoir for February 2 devotes its whole front page to the disgraceful events in Ville St. ago; . Is there a man with soul so dead Mitch -A. This place has recently mtte' , ' Many are, and many have in! Some population authorities the past. They ask where Is all j assume man has lived on earth j the food and all the elbow-room! about 100.000 years and estimate ; coming from? j his numbers increased onlv to i Othe rs ATP rnnfiriorit Vi Who never has Been called i come under fierce criticism as a Red? : a centre of wide open gambling Capital . New Buildings , Reconstruction New Furniture and Equipment Premium and Accrued Interest to Revenue Accounts MODELS 5.6 The one and only time I saw : houses, and gangster protected around 200,000.000 or 300 000.000 ! growth rate will level off even-the fi AC-DC Battery Portables mous Laurier In parlia-ivicc irr riod would renrespnt'a'hnnt o nr' TJ f u i i ment he Was wearinK a flaming But the Mayor and his Ital- ntTmaTTu ZrTX; :1 kl,d the warts.-won" the. election by a and 7 calculations are correct. ! people, not feed them " ? " " i"wt...m. .l.n! ' ?."i,.T'J T ln- ..a'?n.'!wrf Deduct Accounts Payable, Dec. 31, 1051 Add Balance at Bank, bee. 31, 1051 '16.H- ivim..u j-jio oiy&. out laurier i siroiJiy RHinappea ana aeiainea disappointed me when I went up I the entire opposition election to parliament hoping for fire- "ntachine" of fifty workers. These works. He went to sleep at his were held in jail until the polls at In the 1650 years after Christ j - - ', the population just about dou- A giant DougUs fir tree re-bled, from le.- than 300.000.000 , ccntly felled 6n Vancouver Is-td possibly 550.000.000, the calcu-1 land for lumber had a clrcum-lations Indicate. This was at the i ference of 16 feet, was 1 l0 dawn of "modern times," about i years old, and must have been a the year 1650. large tree when the Magna But In the 300 years since Charta was signed in 1215. aesa. ins natr was wnite as wool, closed not allowed to communi with a sun tan bald space be-!cate with anybody outside-not Rupert Radio & Electric tween side-burns. even their lawyers. W. J. 8COTT, Chairman ' JnTf,,' not YOUR OF. DEALER EVEN WHEN I worked on Quebec Sure I said Montreal-Moscow, or Chicago. MYRTLK M. KWUi, or.. SCOTT McLAREN, Chartered Accountant.