Fi2 R Prince Ruperi' uuny itet,: ,10 . o Wednesday, a, ivat II 1 ,nw Jni taring for Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor 220 Sixth St. Phone 049 BLACKWOOD on J?. (CLOSURE TIME 18 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds. 3c per word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. MARGA;: a By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Slam, Impossible With Either Seven-Card Suit as Trump, Is .Made With Three-Carder This hand is from a. match between Mr. Champion's team and a team of four representing the Uptown Club. When the hand was first played, Mr. Champion held the East cards and defeated his opponents' six-diamond contract. On the reulav in the other. Mr. t ' ' " Dale sat South. "Your opponents , must have got into the wrong SjX hearts. I thought he had a SUit. Chamnion." he sniff "brvnrlnl ln.i,ii,i In thumilnr; cause r made the slam." j 'Impassible,'' Mr. champion replied. "On any kind of sensible uuuuiig, you reach six diamonds ; or six spades and neither con iract can be made South dealer North-South vulnerable t Nurlli Mr. Miiv) S-A Q 109 8 7 5 HK Q 10 D--A C K J West Kiwi (Mr. F.t ( Mr. Kill) S 8 ! S K J H J 7 8 4 H 9 5 D 6 D Q J 10 2 C' -Q 10 9 8 3 C S 4 t Sunlit (Mr. Ihilr) S - Nunc H--A a 3 0--K9I7S43 C A .7 8 Mr. Dale smiled. "Who said the bidding was sensible?" he said. "And who said we played at either spades or diamonds? PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 PIGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B Agent: Bus Terminal Inland City Builders John F. L. Hughes, D.C CHinOPRACTOK Hrs.: 10:3o-12:30j 2:00-5:00 Eves : by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT fames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 874 GEORGE RORIE&CO. ACCOUNTAN TS fc AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all . Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 55 WE KENT , TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS. CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 9.9 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STI'DIO 216-4U1 Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert Train Schedule For the . Daily except Sunday 6 p m From the East Daily except Monday 10:05 p m. ANNOUNCEMENTS Legion Card Party,- February 27. United Church Leap Year tea, February 28. Rod and Gun Club banniiet February 28. 6:30 p.m., Cana-1 ciian Legion. I Individual display of Shell-rraft and Nature's Treasures i February 29, Civic Centre. Free admission. (P) Catholic card party, March t3. The Business and Professional Women'.s Club's first annual card party, Friday. March 7, Civic Centre. Refreshments and prizes. King Edward P-TA tea, home cooking. White Elephant sale. March 20. I St. Patrick's Tea and Home-cooking Sale, Catholic Hall, March 20. Card party and drawing of rafllc 8 p.m. Conrad Street School P-TA card party, Conrad School, March 21. Royal Purple tea and sale of homerookiug, Elk's Home, March 27. Pre-Easter parade, Civic Cen- ln, March 27. Presbyterian Church Spring Sale, April 3. Rotary Rummage and Auction Sale, April 5. Conrad Street hool Par-Elephant ent-Teacher White Sale, Conrad School April 5. Legion Auxiliary Snring Sale, April 9. Job's Daughters Easter tea. April 10. Women of the Moose Spring Bazaar and Tea April 17. Cathedral Spring Bzaar, April 17 Girl Guide tea and sale, Anglican Cathedral Hall, Saturday April 26. United Church W. A. Sprint Ba;:aar May 1. L.O.B.A. Spring sale, home- cooking, etc. May 3. St. Peter's Spring bazaar, May 8. Sonju's Tea, MayTo! ' PERSONAL MRS. CLEI.A KHt.V nf the Mnrt es wnat haPPened. I bid a (lf)diamond and Muzzy bid two KttlAnz T 1 .1:. I. :.Hio. - icuiu uun uiamonus trump.' eJ! U bid because he still didn't know!.Ia,y h younger people,' where e we we were were orln going to to play ! the: ti,'ueu ,1, 01n Mr' Mr. Dale Dale' , "It s old-I. Anyway I showed my two : '?ned to Prefer 8 seven-can! with a bid of five hearts. I Ultri ,to a good' Payable three-tuzzv "Muzzv arJDarentlv tnrant fnnrnt n . ! caraer- OrTr lv 870X1 RALES a Cleaners : has: HOME' GENERAL" Buiidii:; it L .R00PS-0&c K P.O B lft MA; Phone Blue : 234-! Print H. G. K r REAL EST. Phone I Oil HK: LAWEi: B.: Completer bunas. Stoves. Bt. Rcpiitf ELECTRO Motors Rewound H CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1940 Pontiac coach. Phone Blue 106. (54p) BOATS FOR SALE TENDERS will be received until Friday, February 29, 1952. where is. as is, for the fishing vessel "Takla" located in the boat shed of the P. R. Dry-dock & Shipyard. Fishing gear and equipment included. Apply at the office of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Credit Union. Highest or any hid not necessarily accepted. (49c) FOR SALE 5 H P. JohnorTout-board. used approximately 200 hours. Apply 946 10th Ave. East after 6 p.m. (50pl LOST AND FOUND LOST 4'i-months-old brown and white Boston terrier. February 21. vicinitv of 4th unci 8th West. Phone Kaien Co-op I 227 or call at 218 8th West.' Reward. 5np) ! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Cash Wartime 4 in . good condition, Rupert East, including new furniture! Prince Rupert Realty Co., over Broadway Cafe: (tfi FOR SALE Acreage, good buildings, school and store place. Ideal for poultry or fur farming. Price $2600. Inquire 549 9th West. (5')pi WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Alias Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St.. Van couver, B. C. Phone PAeiHcl 0357. , ! no pert for some months requires furnished accommodation, prefers house. Phone Card-well, Columbia Cellulose. 49p WANTED TO BUY Four "room nouse. Good down payment, balance monthly. Box :lt) Daily News. (5ip) CASH for scrap east, brass, cop per, uauft.ios and radiators Phone 543. Call 023 Gth Avenue West. City. (tf, WANTED Two men boarders. Respectable home. Non-drinkers.' Box 309, Dally News. (50p FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT Young lady preierria. Kea 879. itf! poR RENT -Four room furnish- Availahlp Mnrnh 1 Suitable for working couDle Apply Box 308, Daily News. ( 50c I FOP RENT General Electric .floor polishers, $1 per day. I bone Blue 992. Pacific Electric. (tf) BOARD AND ROOM for working man. Black 6G0. itfc) Re: WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Light housekeeping room for Celan- ese worker. Phone Black 248. loss (49pl WANTED TO RENT Three lour mnm tlniKp r,v ov,o. at ment. furnished or unfurnished, the preferably furnished. Apply to Mrs, Chenier, General Delivery. . (4!ip. HELP WANTED MALE BOY WANTED As carrier on Eleventh Avenue paper route. Daily News. (tf-nc) HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Female store clerk Apply Blain Brotners. (tf) of ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income 01 lax specialist. S. G. Furk.l.h Stone BuilduiK. Red 593. (20ml' FOR SALE Tenders are invited the 113 for the purchase of one Reo 1948 Z'i ton dump truck as is his for cash subject to S.S. & M A Tax, marked Tender for Truck, the until noo Monday, March 3 to 1952. The highest or any tender the not necessarily accepted of M. M. Stephens, Sheriff. (Hi If you want to seil it. advertise Spring Clearance Still On OFT THEY CO 11)30 Chevrolet Sedan Clean as a pin. nice family ear. 1(149 Meteor Coupe Lots of extras CHEAP TRANSPORTATION 1U42 Chevrolet Sedan Heater 104(1 Ford Sedan 1037 Ford Sedan ALL READY TO OO BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of fiiendly service" PLUMBING end HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alteration Smith &Elkins Lid. p.o. bo m j i j If you h a v e a printing problem we con solve it. We've a printing form to fill your every need, and to add more efficiency to your operations. Dibb Printing Co. More than one quarter of all those gainfully occupied in Newfoundland earn their living from fishing, hunting and trapping. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER. OP THE ESTATE OF JOHN GRAHAM and IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Hla Honour Judge w O. Pulton inurte the th day of February. A D 1852, I was appointed Administrator of the bntate of John OHAHAM deceased ... lute ,f vi,.t,.- - ..vb-.ij vc, in mr Province of British Columbia ALL PARTIES having ' rl(m against the said Estutc are hereby required to furnish fsame properly venlled to me on or before the lHth day of February. A D. 1052, gfu r which date. rlulmK flwl n. i.n without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge ALL PARTIfi'tl inHhl !,.. Estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their inriLhu,!,,. me forthwith. DATED at the Cltv of Prince nn. pert, in the. Province of , British Columbia, this fith day of February. ' AD. 1952. O P. FORBES. Official Administrator. Vrir,- ,.n& r, - Dy nis mmcitors, Hav. rraser Si Hogarth. Prince Rupert, B.C. (67c) Cookie Cuts a Wisdom C. rtOl I v..rWV!AT -r TO SNFAK IN HFR ROOM ) AND PUT A QiMH umdcr her pillow continued, "because he now bid and I passed. It was a bit of- a shock when the dummy came down and fount myself playing six hearts with only three trump., in each hand. "Mr. West opened the 10 of club and dummy's 1ak held jiily as the contract was. I saw a remote cnance lo mane u. 1 leu a .small spade and ruffed it with the deuce of hearts. I led to the ace of diamonds, returned a second spade and ruffed it with the ace of hearts." SPADE KING DROPS Then I led my last heart and finessed dummy's 10. I cashed the king nnd queen 'of hearLs. discarding diamonds from hand. When both opponents followed, there was only one hurdle left." "I see It now," .said Mr. Champion. "Next VOU Dlaverl tho swp nf spades and the king dropped." "Right," exulted Mr. Dale. "Now all I had to do was to keep on leading spades until West trumped. The king of clubs was an entry for the rest of the spades." tereMf 'Tnntitii 'fantastic, i, unbelievable." mpion. mut. "Guess I'm going to have to kid- RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycle (Subjert to Change) The investiture ceremony of Governor-General Massey will be bi aadcast. by t UC commencing 7:30 a.m. Thursday. WEDNESDAY PM b 20 International Commentary 5 30 Have You Heard 5:45 Question Box 8 00 Supper Serenade . 6:15 Hawaiian Melodlt 8:a0 Musical Varieties 6 45 -nuley Burnetle Show 7:00 CP.C News 7:15 CHC News Roundup 7 :30 Peter Grimes 10 00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:16 Supplement io ao Jiwcph Victor Laderoute. tenor 1 1 :00 Weather Report Bnd Sign-off THURSDAY A M 700 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here Bill Good 8 15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8 45 Little Concert 8:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Music for Moderns :30 Sunrise Serenade 9:50 Dorothy Doughis Show 8:05 Recorded Interlude :59 Time Sigi,ai 10 00 Morning Visit 10:15 Riders of Purple Sage 10:30 This Week's Artist 10:45 Musical Program 11 :00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11 :30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies PM. 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:65 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Afternoon Concert 1 :30 Women's World Day of Prayer 1 45 Deeds That Live: Cumty. 2:00 School Broadcast 2:30 Records at bandom 3 :00 The Music Box 3:30 Solo Guest 3:45 Novel Time 4:00 Sunshine Society 4:30 IXud Man's Island 4 45 Stock Quotations; Interlude 4:65 CBC News 5:00 Bill Isblster Trio Last year Canada's sugar beet factories produced 241 million pounds of beet suar from the country's croD of 9fis nnn rn r sugar beets. (iKOKCE DAWKS AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 BLONDIE i on SALE KEYSTONE CURLING BROOMS TOP QUALITY BRANDS Available at KAIEN CO-OP HARDWARE HOcI FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up " to noon of Wednesday, March 26th, 1952, for the purchase of the following described property belonging to the estate of William Hobill. deceased: Lot 19, Block l'J, Subdivision District Lot 406. Plan 1191, Village of Stewart, together with improvements situated thereon and contents. Terms Strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. F. Forbes. Official Ad ministrator, Administrator of the Estate of William Hobill. j Deceased. Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (51ci FOR SALE 5 H.pTiomeTThain ! saw in excellent shape, complete with 48" bar and :I0" bar, one 48" chain and two 30" chains. Must sell this week $195.00. Phone Blue 992 or may be seen at Pacific Electric. (5-c) FOR SALE Two revenue homes, """.-, 1 bath tub. new fill tank, oil burner restaurant SSS I stove, canopy and sinks, cement wash tubs, bassinet. Phone Green 959, afternoons. (57pi FOR SALE Fur coat, 34 length t-anacuan squirrel, dark brown, excellent condition. Has been worn only 3 months. $300.00 or best offer. Savoy Hotel, Room 19, phone 37. i5upi FOR SALE Immediate delivery "MARATHON" Planers, New and Used Machine Shop Lathes, Drill Presses, Shapers, etc.. General Machinery items and "COOLIDGE" Propellers. Box 311, Daily News. (54pi FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom" rues, radios, chest of drawers ! airtight heaters, chesterfield est possible prices. B. C. Fur- J niture Co., Third Ave. itf I terprise range with wick burner in excellent condition. Green 114, 409 4th West. (52c) FOR SALE 1 oven and 2 oven j restaurant rnneps Prinrp Rn pert Plumbing and Heating. (54c) FOR SALE Livingroom, dining , room and kitchen furnishines Red 899. (49p) FOR SALE Gas washing machine. .$100, Box. 307, Daily New3. (51p) FOR SALE Wartime house kitchen stove, $20.00. 1337 Overlook St. (50p CARS FOR SALE FRIZZELL'S MOTOR PRODUCTS USED CARS 'j 1950 Oldsmobile 2-door sedan Coupe. Heater. 20,000 miles $1995.00 1949 Vauxhall 6-cylinder sedan, only 450 miles $1650.00 1946 Chevrolet Club Coupe, radio and heater $1095 1940 Chevrolet Sedan .... $500.00 1948 Chevrolet Sedan, ' radio and heater ... $1495.00 We also have privately owned cars and trucks at owners' prices for immediate sale. We finance private sales under our G.M.A.C. Finance Plan. SEE OUR BUDGET PLAN FOR FINANCING. REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES TRADES and TERMS Phone 871. Ask for John Bennett tf FOR SALE 1937 Hudson Terral plane, with 80 ft floating walk and wood float. Ideal set-up for fishertifin Box 307, Daily News. (51pi FOR SALE 1946 Dodtfe panel, Kood condition, 1952 licence, good rubber, recent complete overhaul. Priced for quick sale. Phone 644 or Blue 454 evenings. (tf) For the MEAL that RE' ern Beauty Shoppe wishes to FOR SALE Rare book' Auto-sincerely thank her many cus-; biography "Giraldus Cambren-tomers for their patronage in sis," $5.00 post paid Write the past two years. Mrs. Ehly i Mrs. M. A. Williams, South leaves today for Vancouver I Hazelton, B.C. (50dI where she will talrn nr thl ' BEST OF FOOD Avalon Beauty Shop. tltc),FOR SALE While enamel En FOR TAKE OCT OKDERS PBOM BROADWAY tt hand aces had used Blackwood," Mr. Dale! SAW FILING CIRCLE SAWS ' We are fully equipped to gum- i grind and sharpen all tvpes' of Circle, Rip. Combination,! Cut-Off and Planer Saws. We have the latest model grind-1 imt machine available and a complete stock of aluminum1 oxide cool cutting wheels, also; an automatic band saw ma-! chine, automatic hand saw) machine, and automatic re-' toother. A trial will convince! you. For your convenience you may leave your saws at Island ! I City Builders or at the Bus Terminal. I Precision Saw Filing ! ! 1345 Piggot Place I i (51c) 1 I LAND REGISTRY ACT I I ' Certificate of Tltl Nr. 99n.l ts. Lots Nine (9) and Ten (101,! Block Twenty-eight (28). Sec- 1 tlon ( S j . City ot Prince Rupert,! WHEREAS satisfactory proof of of the above Certlticate of Title issued in the name of William C Balioy has been filed In this office! notice Is hereby given that I shall, the expiration of one month from date of the first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of sulci lost Certificate, miles; in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 26th day of January, 1U52. A.D. Andrew Thompson. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (50p) IN RE THE . "MECHANICS' LIEN ACT" TAKE NOTICE that Edward Rell 383 Tax! Company. Prince Rupert. BC, having owed Albert Ootxiwln Burtlett. carrying on business at Prince Rupert. BC . under the name superior Radio Sales Jtr Service r. , ,..". OVtT three mnilthc f,u- laKmir aH materials bestowed on one PYE PTC A Serial 247, Mobile Radiophone, said Albert Goodwin Bartlett will offer the said radiophone for sale at premises at 204 4th Street, Prince Rupert. B.C..' on Wednesday. March 20th. 11)52. at 10 o'clock a.m. unless said Edward Reil shall sooner pay the said Albert Cloodwltl Bartlett said sum of 428 06 and the costs advertising this notice. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this ieth day of February, 1952 "A. G. B.irtlett " (52c) ' ' J worM- rOUndatlOnS . Estimates e;" GREER & BRIDDEN 213 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 MRS. MURIEL GAGNON, proprietor of Beauty Lane Salon, is taking over the business of the Modern Beauty Shoppe on February 29. You can be assured of the same courteous treatment and personal attention as in the past. t51c) THALIA HAIR ELIMINATOR re" moves unwanted hair safely, painlessly, permanently, from any part of the body. No re-prowth. New home treatment Thalia Herbal Products Ltd., 4371 West 10th Ave., Vancouver 8, B.C. (49c) VELMA MARION, no word from you since suitcases sent to Dawson. Please contact me Maria Wootton, urgent, Post Office Box 972, Victoria, B.C. (49c) BUSINESS girls' perms appoint-ments to suit latest styles at Jerry's Beauty Salon under new management across from Super-Valu. Phone 855. (51c) NOTICE Due to Rod and Gun Club's dinner Thursday, Elk's meeting postponed to Friday," February 29th. 51 c PHONE 18 vour Northland Dairy for daily delivery exceut Sunday Bv lookine after vour milk vour milk will look after Vou. Keen it cool. All milk guaranteed. (tf) RICHARD SEPHTON, District Agent of the Mutual Life of Canada, is in the city on a periodical visit. Phone Savoy 37- 55c ) -iI."t1, NOTICE I am not responsible for any debts incurred by Helen L. Bridden. Wrri. Bridden. (49c) WE PAY castTloTMiTnt" rmt motors, any size or make. Wil-ford Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391 (tf) KINDERGARTEN will open at Conrad United Hall March 3. For registration phone Red ' ' FOR SALE FOR SALE Pair of Davidson laminated skis, steel edges, safety harness; size 8 Narvie ski boots. $40 cash. Phone Red 510. (51c) X i , , Jsl, , a. .jr .. DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Tooth! I , T'T' HrST" ' CCOTt, " r I'LL GIVE : VOU 1 V A niMF FOP J 1 VOUB TOOTH J eoo-Hoo r? ' NOTICE OP HEARING Of APPI?'!!1?? BY CRNTRAI, BRITISH COLUMBIA AIRWAYS LIMITED' tOR A LICENCE TO OPERATE A CLASS 2 REGULAR SPECIFIC POINT COMMERCIAL AIR SERVICE TO TRANSPORT PERSONS ANDOR GOODS, SERVING TERRACE AND VANCOUVER. BRITISH COLUMBIA. APPLICATION BY CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA AIRWAYS LIMITED FOR THE REMOVAL OP THE FOLLOWING CONDITION FROM BOARD I.It'KNCK NO. A T B. 60551 IC) WHICH AUTHORIZES THE OPERATION OF A CLASS 4 CHARTER COMMERCIAL AIR SERVICE FROM A BASE AT KEMANO. BRITISH COLUMBIA: "THE LICENSEE SHALL NOT OPERATE AIRCRAFT HAVINO A DISPOSABLE LOAD IN EXCESH OF 3200 POUNDS " Any )erson desiring to make representations concerning these applications must hie a complete submission with the Secretary. Air Transport Board. No. 3 Temporary Building. Ottawa, by March 3rd 1952 and send a copy concurrently to the applicant whose address is 844 West Hastings at. Vancouver. B C. Tf1- A,'r TrwSPrt. B""rCl has mt Tuest"y. March 11th. 1952. at 10:00 am in, for the taking of evidence and hearing represemat Ions on the above Vancouver" Vc. ' PUb"C hWm T"e U" Court S.wrt H. .be the ALVW htesirin1: the BHar'1 " ",'lve evidence from and on behalf of applicant, such persons as may have filed -submissions In pursuance of w i"mn "ler p"rsons a5 "'"y authorized by the Board When an applicant, or other person entitled to he heard Intends to file written memoranda or data by way of exhibits, he should 'in all cases where It would appear to facilitate the expeditious conduct of the proceedings prepare five additional copies for the use of the Board with further copies for use by other parties. AIR TRANSPORT BOARD. GERALD MORIbSET, Secretary. (") R I put my tooth V r UNPEI? IW PILLOW l Em didn't i favf Mr ti I , ; aBB-VA0IME.'J- - 0 mm