Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday. February 27, 19:,2 Loca I ANSON VILLE, Out. (K The(mius. He knows what's in the town hall staff have presented parcel it's always a shirt and I a birthday gift each year lor tie. "But each year we change eight years to E. C. Lapalme, the color of the tic," said an em-, clerk of this township near Tim- ployec. 'lilf,oiiicJ I jclH '!', May Ask Parliament to Vott a n d Earl Batt returned to the city ,.!. n lnlir4Mro 1 tUo PERSONAL $1000,000 Under Culture Plan PYREX' and FIREKING' Prince Rupert ! J. Whitby and W. B. Lee, Vancouver; F. Q. DomJco, Stewart; W. H. Trotter, Prince George; A. E. orn and J. Jeffcries, Smlth-ers; L. H. Vallee and D. G. Little, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Warficld, Juneau; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ehly, city. '""""'b in mi fouth. OVFNWARF st mis. n. m, uuwura anu wb Edith Watson returned to the city on the Prince George today , from a trip to the south. Following a round trip to Van- couver, Howard Hill, CNR shed By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian I'rtse Stall Writer OTTAWA (CP) A vast scheme for the creation of national scholarships and bursaries for some 10,000 university students is under active consideration by Prime Minister St. Laurent. Planning has developed so i " - well that the prime minister, j g0 l0 distinguished and promis-keenly Interested In Implement- , ing" students. loreman, reiuriieu 10 trie cuy 10- uay un uie i-mice ueurge. .... , ... .... vr LOAF DISHES NEWS BRINGS RESULTS jlng recommendations or the, 3. j.0r "able and diligent" Masrey Commision on arts, may students, in financial need, there To Whom It May Concern; As of February 5, owing to a change in partnership, no contract will be honored unless signed by the undersigned. PAT STEELE, Manager. Seacoast Roofing and Insulation Co. Phone R 548 3lc k. is , would be 2 000 bursaries of $500 each also tenable for four years 1 4 'Finally utvre would be a w... anu mis. w. j. ueaion are sailing tomorrow night on the i-iuicc ueuiut: iur Vancouver enroute to Southern California on vacation. ,...., . ,.... vwiiii n. liiintj, pj uuui.Liuii manager of Nelson Bros. Fisli'cr-i its Ltd. arrived In the citv toilav Victor Bcynoa Is Ksllint! .. ....... muiiuw on 1110 rnnce ueiuge ior a trlD to Vancouver. iveiiiiein joniioione. now out of the Army after having served in Korea, has returned to the city. Mrs. Vincc Daly and young son, who have been spending holiday In Vancouver, 1 Hurried to the city on the Prince George this morning. Mr. and to oev Dominato, 1 luuuwuig a nouuay tour wnicn took them through to southern United States and Mexico, re- .trned today on the rnnce Georec I ' Mr. and Mrs W A Mi'Rmnm who have oucn on a holiday trip to Vancouver and the Okanagan district, returned to the city on I the Prince George this morning. ' I wh WI1U have .been vLsithig in the city several wccks, are .K WIlllfllVH ItlUlll. U II lilt ..' 's meir icturn to their home in Victor! James Bremner is sailing to- i morrow night on the Prince ask parliament at the next ses - sion opening February 28 for $7,000,000 to get the scholarship Dial! rOlllnil. In addition, It has been def in - Itcly decided that he will seek ,,Mbcis - Mrs. MOw of Alberni. k.h:lHlS. HOW 01 revisiting the ,1 at Use 1?KU- . u.chcs' Orange I with Mr; W. H. the ill tu.lross. I"" . ... the clvpmy , Unrrisol). tlic spring sale linu hi Mrs. it. , ncr, Mrs wu- ... ii p Mrs. i w. Moore- lUiinHon, Mrs. j. Miliue anu Itlu. dental clinic ihmnusuii wa.s nc ratllo ol a .jum-nus wire 0' "lC ": Wil:,un u-ssi.stcd ,n. Mrs. J. v 1 n .r wi r n. cut by Mrs. 1 .,w. II I' ward to Webster n:.,tii oi ciiir- A.iui' Vvest. us in on the Prince George Irom Van- anollw ?-000.000 to continue ln!OTMI. st sif.rSTIONS ilnnn fund mmn (j. all slurlnnt,! i whose work is acceptable to ! university authorities. ruUons scholarship Masse? ' in f" ? ' I rnent coitsiueraiion. These inese in-, m- ... c'UdfUPP.0ri rt b of ,t-gr.fd,l!ate5 post JJUlUlllS AIUUICA idies in 111 th Hie ll!U.' Ol couver. , v. - m . School girl perms. -Drop in humanities, ' ot.;al sciences and I (1 tlr Kl'l-lnr. A UlrtrU frnm-on- Now Kraft's Parkay offers 50 pieces personalized CASSEROLES PIDDING DISHES MEASI RING Ct'PS CUSTARD DISHES ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY I Afhwl Sie 30 20 In colorful "Pvrksr" li 7Mf I'lrtuw -ten! me frh !p. imieriHl I oih t from iMivknj f tied. Jerry's Beauty Salon. Phone 855. I51c) World Day of Prayer, February 29. 2;30 p.m., Full Gospel Tabernacle, across from Armories, (ltct : A general meeting of ail members of the C'CC 300 Club, Tuesday, March 4, 8 p.m., Ladies' Civic Centre. (ltci United Church W. A Leap ar tea, mursaay, renruary uary George for a trip to Vancouver a aid to iiri-rl ward nft off ftn..n,.il financial crises to receive treatment at Shaugh- threatening universities. In Que-ncssy Military aHospllal. ' bee, for example, there was no 1 ea?y agreement and Finance w Mr. Eric Druce. public reU- Minister Abbott and Provincial Hons ollicer of the provincial Ti.axurer nnesimo Rininn hurt Your own 1 1 nam and address 1 1 printed here! N. 1 1 r tiom Miijoi Lounge stationery 28. at 'the home of Mrs. L. M. wicvue, ma ourura ot z.i'j forestry department, arrived to- day on the Prince George from Ocean Falls on an ollicial tour of the norih lumbering areas. M jit i . o'f v.fl! ' " loaa'i plane for Vancouver whcie she Ik taking over a beauty shop ff.. l,n-l .... t.n r , Leauty i. fehop ci, here , 7 for some ; tim' Mis. Muriel Gagnon has to 5. (4'Jc) your own name anil address (or address only) , imprinted in rich blue ink on each piece , You'd expect to pay at least $1.50 yours i. a piiiii' i i Kuptrt and a .if the city, wno l5 been livm; I mi Both will ful. local pioneers, c .lei" neie iu .rj iiiuck-Welisier, .i 'in C.uiailiaii iklfliC to the Lira- i i; HritHi Ciil-iiLi- l.'.rrcsted in the ji.'sirunieiital ir. hundred am-v.ern Canada. I M Ryu I M,t Ma You Your opportunity to nut your layette te essentials away at saviim. Babv Week March 3 to 8. Inclusive, u THE STORK SHOPPE. (52c Rupert Rod and Gun an- 1... lu. 11-10. 1 I VUII" If l.'ll, Inlrn taken . 1 .1- t over M.s. thlls. shop heu.isidcred by tne govcrnment as Moving pictures of scenes in 1 its cultural guide to promote double sheets of fine white vellum matching envelopes blotter portfolio- for only mi ll Iviiuiiii.r SVhr.iiii-v 911 t in Valley, uutjr, jji c- ' iini. national . un:fy umry through iiiiuubii cultural cuituiai irom num ivu Mr. . Massey, iiaz!K), were: tic. Arthur! vimui I , i Vi l m , r. 8cntcd sl- L- A- N- Potter J development of the country, was Surveyor of Montreal, civil en-.;"' ra.Vu, ?nv v RCMP, will comprise the pro- placed before parliament last gineer; Dr. Norman MacKenzie,! nd red end-flap from package of Kraft's Now Improved Parkay Margarine is Irum tnc i,.,,. ..euoine. ror K r t "t'.kew k i call i. 770, ' Gieen jij. rcea 16f or Red . 407 or scc onnes Druus 4Jc) Trn, Ontirit win of IVrmmalixrd SlatiomTV. V'or Ioht ,Mf in coin, ami one red end-flap Altention all Trawl Fisher - men A special meeting of 1'HrWay MarKarin Draggcrs will be held Friday, the next isca year ine leaerai- au'-lo-unlversity scheme launch- yar ago. . ! The universitv-aid nrotzram ..T. , . . still hul montr tlnlfc Thiira Hio ' ' ' ' Twhcther the i . melhod of Iund distribution " thn hn.l. nf n,n.. . n nn.,1nll,. i.- the best feasible svstem. I Argument continues as to what type of institute of higher learn- Ine should be eligible for federal tn hen,i .... c sneriai mmmiinn tn iufiur. hnt institutions wou'rl become eligible in that province a injviun Ku.n,ninuA-nuji Launching of the scholarship scheme was one of the major recommendations of the 500- f. page report ,CF"1 by or Rt. Hon. Vincent Mastoy, Governor -Gencral-Des- El,.an!,ri, nnrl fm,r nthnr ...m,i,..i.,. T1,. . , year after a two-year lnvestiga- lion of Canada's c u 1 1 u r a 1 .achievement achievements. , It envisioned: 1. A total of 100 annual "Can-ad!'.' scholarships of $1,000 each, tenable for four years, granted to students showhiR outstanding abll.ty and exceptional promise. When the Dro-iam was in full swlnj. 400 Canadian students would be able to attend univer- Kdv free i total of 250 "national" scholarshiijs, valued at $500 each, awarded annually and tenable as., for four years. These would .BHWMKMMHUak. Kids Don'' forgcf f-o com; Vrith itUtnty Ix-low cxitrlly how you wih your name anil fultlrcwM 10 a(trc your slntiorHTy. tjhock here t ) tf you winli 01y your Bilorcw to appear. February 29, at 2 p.m. at the Metrojwle Hall. All members of the trawl lleet arc urged to at- I wdrr tend. Sponsored by the United risiieruicn and Allied Workers' Union. I50c ciir and Tough Guy This offer m:h by Krult I'immIs to iirjtq mow x'ople ti iisi:ovuf New Improved I'arkay Mrv-trine with flrtvor "swtvt 8k c lover!" Two puks tbc time-savinR ('(rltr-Kwik I5nj or ilcjtylar. Buy n pound Ulay! i Act htdu ! Scnmttinnn offer &xd for a V u ithdr'tu n u itii4nit notice, (iittid on; fiii tim and may t a undo. ivory earlior (ban 2 week fir you mail wmtwdf. gm lh mil ciHVl del N wwV I ' " '.;'"". " ' w Some hint of lhe goverllment.g intntlns nn oiH ,.,,. oram, mnv hp ivpn in fh ,ra. " " " ditional Speech from the Throne, 1 the first Mr. Massey will read in his new role of governor-general. . Along with the scholarship program, Mr. St. Laurent is con sidering the possibility of estab- lisnlllK tlle 15-man arts council '.which Mi. Massey recommended to direct the government's over- all cultural policies. The council would be' indepen-! dent of government departments, reporting directly to parliament. II the council Is created, it still 1 U nnsslhl. th..t. mornhpr nf thP' , . ! U1WS 1.U1 111 1 i 1M1UH 111UV UK' invited to become part-time; members. The memhers, apart' president of the University of British Columbia; Most Rev.! Genrtre.'-Henri IjvIsoup dean of I the faculty of social sciences, I Laval University; and Dr. Hilda j N.'atby. professor of history, j University of Saskatchewan; Swi- 1 i W.iIlv' At lh first symptoms Relax in a Soothing HOT MUSTARD BATH Mix 2 or 3 tablespoons ol mustard hi little cold watet and pour inlo hot bath. Afiei bathing, (jiveoursclf a brisk rub-down . . . then off to bed for a gowl iiitiht's rest. Yout muscles will relax with reliefl nil n i mi to the CivicJ 7i'fM quality shoes ot CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS S9c WOMEN'S SHOES 1.95 MEN'S SHOES 6.95 FOOTWEAR s . . . the lower Skeena pre-; gram tomorrow at the weekly : luncheon of the Prince Rupert ; Rotarv Ckib. j 1 Aj1lCP gm rlflf At Cemetery Reconstruction and laying out ol a new section in Falrview 1 Cemlery of a Moose Lodge plot wii be earned out by a com- mittce heacd by B. J. Bncue, i tlie regular monthly Moose meet- j decided last night. 1 i nity new plots were recently purchased from the city. Other business was conducted, ncludlng approval of a donation for charitable purposes. President Howard Walker was in the chair. . Jim el ti R ECIPES OI.1VK SANi)Vi( II . Al lunch tune the most p ipuhu choice Is a sandwlrh. Each day It's fun to vary the filling and tiro bread. Olive sandwich filling of cottage cheese, ready-chopped rljjc olives and pimento spread on thin slices of rye bread is a favorite. It's c pecially good for the coming Lent .-n days. 3;i cup c: earned cottage cheese "i cup chopped ripe olives 2 tablespoons chopped plm-lento 3 tablespoons mayonnaise fail, 't teaspoon prrpar.d horsr-r:nl sh V. leaspjon Vorccstcrshirq laucc, Combine Ingrctlicnls and blend ve 1. Use as filling for saiul-:rhes. Makes about I1 3 cups i;lin'. if V 1' -sJW' 1 V '"k.A. i T.J STAINLESS STEEl UTENSILS taw ifl "'f V,' ' f a 'm " . o o . j i itng i : inc a.tian Drama , iivrn outsiue yar.i ui.nuwcu un 'of. r of Thuiiue ii:-::on. in roe- ik for the dc- i.a in Canada, I a number of I has recently ticiate ot ti'c aina AJj.idi- gh i ank 1 T J f t t . f f .Trf- Csn'.rc Teen Club Dorics this Fridoy.V February 2C, in the Little Gym from 9 00 to 1:00. Doors closs ot 10:30. Adm'ssion 75c person. SrvitMiretl lhe C'ivir Centre T:en Club rCONOMIt;AL nraltkM co"kln rrduccf food fhtinkage and conserves flulrimcnt. LAROl'R-SAVING Exactly the I heat al the flick of switch. AUTOMATIC You the control 3 clock and pto about yout other duties and pteaaurcs. Hia,h Speed units instantly 4fAS"f ready lor use. No waiting. No CLFAN No smoke of twA to toil pott. allt. curtaini. COOI All the heal rocs into the toou ooo ioco tbe kiuht-u. SAM- No matches, no darnel, no ove pities t veihcat. ACCl'RATK BkacUr the ripht tempcrtturca tat cuiiitly the fig Unsih of tim. Anyone betweer the ap;;s cf 13 and 21 riv1 a member of Civic Centre arc Invited. $5ch.ool teaches arc also invitJd. Dances vil be held every second F;iday night. Ccme otfl and have r good time . . . wc need your support to make it a success! "NO DIFFICIXTT Ktalnst n? Russian-made tank it has met" Mas the rrport from Korea ol the British Commonwealth Division on the British Centurion tank. Pictured ahove is the Centurion, also claimed to ha lhe best designed tank Britain has ever nad, as It went throusn a ioiin tcss in oermany v nere we British forces also have it. Pictured left is Lieut-Col. Doujrlas Drvsdate, Commando leader of Britain's Royal Marines, who has arrived in the I'.S. to he instructor at the U.S. Marine Corps School, tjiianliro, Va. Fighting with the British in Korea, he was awarded the U.S. Silver Star for "conspicuous Ra! lanlrv and intrepidity in action.' good reasons for electric cooking They add up to : Less work Tastier, more nutritious food Long term economy See your electrical deafer or come in to -inspect the latest nioikU. Seo gram's Crbiun koal . Seagrams v.o. Seagram's "83" . ot these FASHION Seagram's Kings Plate Seagrams Special Old S"' PuWiaticd or displayed b the Liquoi C01U10I Boaid 01 b, tlieGovenimsnt ol B.kuIi Cou.nbu - - j