1 . nJ pr:vi:;cial u.: ORAAES - V.;... tr? r " r -j ft DRUGS UnilMIMIMIM DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port -"Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 I 1 t , t J VOL. XLI. No. 49 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS .., . , ' ' MI MM PlPlL if u u jyCABS t IHSP.4TCHKD Local Packers Not Too Worried About Assessments Slashed By Court of Revision Zfrg ? on j Protection From Douks Effects of Embargo Court of revision sliced assessments of city property and improvements by $107,150 in its deci VICTORIA O The British i sions handed down yesterday. Greatest cut was made Icciumbia government spent With enough meat on hand here to meet locirl ing house in the assessment of Elizabeth Apartments, reduced . at slxteen schools m the Kooten- , , , , . , , , ki demands toi about ten clays, local pacKi w by U,m. 'ifion Pp Ke-assessment .nmprt loi for Uo vr,9 w was as $1 V, fiOO i ays to prevent possible Sons of .ee(i0 fire ras. ; offices t worried too much today about the v Other improvements reduced Thta was made known Tuesday .... ih . c. 0 nf olr,w.rpa hoinrr imnnscrl were: In the British Columbia Legis- I caxlo wn ""-n ..w.teo fc ....t.. . .; . - , ! tabled, by followine the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in rniipoii, tvm xq $22.600 -'"" J Mature iature in in answers answers Fire Kills to $21.00. I Attorney-General Wismer for T. A. Prystay, $18,900 to $15,- I Rupert W. Haggen, CCF member for Grand Forks-Greenwood. I i 000. loot CHAMPSAn figljt-cnilcr be leved the first perfect end scored in a national Answers said that the consul - c... ..I... 1 rl.il. U.K. 4 .1. i..lninnJ Oirt.i P...l.u ,. n J U rnnnrlln Four Boys Saskatchewan. "We are doing business a. though nothing can happen to our supply,", said one local manager. He said it was doubtful if the proposed provincial embargo on dressed and frozen meats from east of the Alberta border could Churchill Backed Up )i CurlliiB Championship In competit on at Moncton, N B. The perfect end was a match acainst Quebec, vfon by Sas ;atoop 17-5. The national champions are, left E. Carlson, $13,200 to $11,900. i How Guey (Grand Cafei, $21,-'800 to $19,600. W. J. Alder, $26,400 to $23,800. Eleanor Hill, $8,250 to $7,500. PRINCE ALBERT Four Conn, second and Gary Cooper, third. Garv Thode, skip; Roy Hafamith, leal: Doug tative committee on Doukhobors felt it "unwise" to remove guards ' and that the Royal Canadian j Mounted Police expected "fur-! ther Incendiarism." School boards had asked for the guards. , (CP PHOTO) , boys, the eldest 13 and the youngest four months, died Tuesday when flames swept through A. and H. A. MacKenzle, $28,- I a ; their farm home about 130 miles GX to $25,000. '' oast of here. ; Victory Cafe, $7,800 to $4,800. Thi,(.nm.u rv,ri.. Charles Mc J L. and A. Blain. $18,900 to klC HockeV Final ! Today s Stocks Thirteen-year-old jutiiisiMii . i.ii.) Gratten and his brother Lester, $13,700 cMirl't w O. ; 12; Ross, eight, and Glen, four Dave Zille. $35,000 to $25,000 Nick and Bessie Powiuckl, $25,- i Wn" Soviet . Charges ' months, died in the blaze. 000 to $11,200. Th. Mh, l fK Wins Division on Foreign stand up. Policy in Commons 318 to 285 In spite of the report that the interprovincial embargo would LONDON f -Prime Minister g0 on tonight, this spokesman Winston Churchill, who told the sald that his COmpany was dis-House of Commons Tuesday that patching a carload of meat from Britain has the atom bomb, won Edmonton in the usual! way to-from the House a 318 to 285 vote ; nlght of confidence for his foreign it was agreed that there might policy. be a considerable beef supply in Fighting off Labor Party at-'. Bulkley Valley, for the local tempts to censure him for his ; market and meat can always be controversial speech before the imported from the United States United States Congress last i although this might mean .1 month, the Prime Minister de-1 hieher nrice. VANCOLVEU American Standard 25 Bralorne 6.00 Brought by Immigrant? Government Officials Klame New Arrival For Foot-Mouth Malady family and Mr. and Mrs. Norman McGratten escaped from the burning building. B R X 04'4 COW (Canadian Press) The Soviets havej I...... m ,t li o n l01.vn-irt titvic7 if i WMllL'l HUM aim dliduin wij iiijju. w-aiiio vii , 000. Northern Properties (Elizabeth ApartmenUI, $153,600 to $120,-000. Heilbroner Estate, $12,700 to $11,500. the scenes deal" by which Edmonton Mer-j reu" the last game with the America.n.-: Teachers End Their Strike Cariboo Quartz 1.10 Congress 06 Cronin Babine ,., 47 Giant Mascot 97 Indian Mines 21 Pend Oreille 7.75 Pioneer 2.10 Premier Border 33 Privateer 09 Reeves MacDonald 5.60 OTTAWA f Federal govern-; nied vigorously making any; There is always, of course, an ment officials disclosed yester- i secret agreements in his talks at j abundant fish, supply available. , day that they consider an lm- Washington with President Tru- . lmitting tne Lnuea states to win secoiiu ie Winter Games. Navy "Surgeon .d the United States- SYDNEY, N.B. Two hundred ' migrant as the possible source of man. He insisted that Britain's i . the loot-and-mouth infection foisign policy toward China re-, ; that has struck the Regina area. mained unchanged: and forty-three Cape Breton! PtUfQ$ .02 Reno ill tie in the last Olympic compctl- Eavo the Mcrcurys ! The Royal Canadian Mounted Churchill said that the Labor ; Tory Admires CCF Scheme school teachers returned to their Jobs today, ending their strike of Slwep Creek ... 1.67 Canada Boosts Contribution LAWRENCE. Mass. The man Police said today that It has government, dejeated In last .58 Siibuk Premier several weeks. who Dosed as an expert surgeon made a "serious effort" to appre- October's election, not only pro- r I i championship and They had sought a $300 a year in the Canadian Navy, Ferdln- hend the suspected immigrant duced. an atom bomb in secret Americans from increase but accepted a $100 cost ;ani Waldo Demara, has return- but he is "still missing." ; but also set up a plant for regu- VICTORIA 9 High cost of ond place in the 07 20 Ot .14", 240 3.25 Taku River Vananda Salmon Gold Spud Valley Silver Standard . Western Uranium ui living minus pius iuu ior'ed from Hollywood, where, ne A ponce spoKesman said me lar production. V 'living, automobile " insurance For Europe marrK'rl men Which illCV hfld , ..;.,, . , tt, (mm;rart lact rnnrtAH at TV. nr,jrro m ,e; en SPorpt. t.h' , i.M clinched second j previously rejected. - - - ffirered hU life story to the films Port Arthur' "but lea'bf himself Prime Minister said, that he had! rates tra -iiuauvi.j Ninety-four other teachers In for $100,000. by train yesterday, apparently oniy, learned about the bomb, plight were discussed in continu- Jl ... I OTTAWA Thl Minister of il 002 pUlllUi. ......... . -- -j,. Anligonish county are still on1 What sort of contract he sign- I heading for Toronto or Montreal. himself after coming back into ; )ng Throne Speech debate yester- n-i ,Mi.H hp. wauonai uvience, nun. diuukc, . We are checking all points In j power four months ago. ed. he did not state. strike. i lies deal was so cvl-' v-ibi.uii, u. u . ".' . 1 H i .' veil the bourgeoisc tnat Canada nas ooosiea ner air contribution for ' promised press was forced ; an effort to apprehend him," the j spokesman said. "There is no ... ! charge against the Immigrant." llAlinorato I RCMP Identified him as Willi ' LCllUCIulC wfr. akc declaration on ! turopcan aeieuce w..n. , eleven jet ngnier squaarons ana I said all will be overseas by 1954.! 'Us charged an al- i Brutjen, between 25 and 30 j years of age, tall and well-built. M was aimed at keep- Two already are in England, i Mr. Claxton and Minister of. ; day. ! Don Brown, Progressive-Con-j servative, Vancouver - Burrard, I praised the CCF government in ' Saskatchewan for its "good job" . I in the automobile Insurance field. He said that auto insur-I ance rates in Saskatchewan have ! remained the same for the la-st j two years despite increase in ac- cidents. In Vancouver, on the i other hand, insurance rates aie ! up although accidents have de-j creased. ! Mr. Brown suggested that per- A P Con 52 Calmont 2.05 C & E 15.00 Central Leduc 3 05 Home Oil 16.00 Mercury 28', Okalta 3.80 Royal Canadian 22 Rcyalitc " 1600 TORONTO Alhona ,. 11 'j 21 ' Auinaque j Bevcourt ..... 95 Buffalo Canadian .23 Consol. Smelters 38.00 Conwoflt 3.80 .'.iviikm out of the hockey coin- I External Affairs. Hon. L. B. ! Planting of 'Disease Seen j OKONAGAN, Wash. (P A fed i eral veterinarian said here Tues Brutjen, a German, speaks no English. The man Is known to have worked on the farm of Leonard Waas, 40 miles from Regina, where the first outbreak of the dreaded livestock disease was re- Pearson, both tired men. flew 1 jbaik to Ottawa from the Lisbon T I meeting of the North Atlantic j ' jr .1 i Council and joined in hailing It rdttlGr "s 11 "mr':'tin of decision" which i i British Columbia Shuts Out Cattle From Prairies J Ottawa Fears That United Stales Embargo May Prove Disastrous Blow j VICTOIUA (Canadian Press) British Columbia government Tuesday closed the Alberta border i to westward movement of cattle to prevent spread I of foot and mouth disease into, the province. Agriculture Minister Harry Bowman made the announce-j ment at the start of a sitting of the Legislature on "fc I matter of urgent public business." t Europe has long been plagued I day the foot and mouth disease deliberately l eons involved, continually in with the disease. may nave Deen iitae.c nnij n n n. . The twelve squadron will form j 'two so-called air divisions. j The spokesman said NATO ; Away accidents should nave ineir Meantime, official quarters j planted in Canadian cattle herds. licences withdrawn permanently. wanted all the air power It could i get and Canada felt she could i be held Saturday mi bat her. 67. we .47 .30' j 8.50 1050 .39 .13 .12', .12 Donalda Elsona . East Sullivan Giant Yeiliiwknife God's Lake Hardrock Harricana H.va Dffcr one more squadron. j Hew Building in here heavily discounted suggestions that the outbreak of the infection had been the result of sabotage or "communists." ftoval Canadian Mounted '(1 fisherman, 205) nle. ho died sud-'iv night. Services' The veterinarian, ur. tiai u. White, did not say w ho might do this but told a reporter; "Other countries were considered." "Federal veterinarians have been warned for a year," he said, "to watch for outbreaks which Mr. Bowman said that the sit- March or April . i uation Is still not clear but that wcn as practically all livestock ! are being blocked police officers In Regina dis- Plebiscite on Daylight Time ; British Columbia could J.akc no and meats, i chances on the disease spread- flom cntrv Juliet Quebec 49 Lit tle Long Lac 70 Lynx .' 13 Into the United claimed reports that the disease Construction of the Woolwoi'Ui ing to its livestock and wild states because of the outbreak was intentionally introduced to might have bein man-started j building on Third Ayenue oppo il"'lPd at 2:30 p in. He Court Chapel by 5 li-en. ; ninsUansuncl. Nor-! 'Iier pioneered it In rt 40 years ago and 'aii amiiiig fi.shrr-ie coast s w,d,,w, ho is sur. the Saskatchewan area. and deliberate infections to des site the post ottice diock, according to the announceemnt. is Authorities may be working on tTOV North American cattle." the theory that the immigrant VICTORIA. Pointing out that farmers and mothers were opposed to daylight saving. Alex Hope, MLA for Delta, proposed game. He said tnat, it tne ais- f foot-and-mouth disease in ease got to British Columbia's Canada, a United States official wild game,' it would never be snid yesterday. . possible to control it. He said h?1 .-.,. Vniv UWBARGO ON v GRAIN lHHcd the government order, would only be temporary until! At Winnipeg, George Mclvor, i h sitimiinn was ri.!ircd iin chief commissioner of the Can- ur' wnlle 15 ln cnare 01 11 may unintentionally have'' e! but there is a possibility of the brought the infection to this inspection of Canadian cattle j worfc not beginning until April, country in his clothing. : ccming into the United States .This was the statement Tuesday sons. Rcinholdt and In the Legislature yesterday that home! and two there should be a plebiscite on Olpa and Mvrtle ' tho niiraMnn nt the nrovincial The disease is caused by a per- through the Okanagan Valley. from a responsible source. Miidsen Red Lake 1.95 McKenzie Red Lake 40 MeLeod Cockshult 2.75 Moneta .37 Negus 62 Noranda ' ' 79.50 Louvicourt 29 Pickle Crow 1.64 San Antonio 2.50 Senator Rotiyn 19'i Sherril Gordon 15 Steep Rork 7.30 Silver Miller 154 Upper Canada ". 1.62 Golden Manitou 6 50 Immediate closing of the in-1 heat Board, f "S slstent long-living, hard-dying f '"''Oliver. 'Iplprtinn ' ter-ni ovincial border will leave u"f ''vc"t"'""'&" " virus known to be transmitted in i that manner. Historic Session to Open With New Governor-General en Conducts First -WEATHER- a vust hole in British Colum- ' - bia's meat supply. ctables to the United States as Meantime at Ottawa the em-; a result of the foot-and-mouth bargo on Import of Canadian : disease "is all news to me." meat and livestock because ofi Tne Canadian Wheat Board foot and mouth disease In i last week banned shipment of ! clouding wmtTvariabie over I OTTAWA (Canadian Press) - Parliament open stiture of Reign grain from the area around Re- iRritKh l-nlnmhia tnriav with U Klo oncolnn (nmrnwrai ami hlstnl'lP CirCUm southern Saskatchewan may dc a blow from which Canada's $2,000,000,000 livestock Industry will never recover. That was one gina where the disease was ais-( t tions navi ome sunn j u nf rmnn anil i Members of the House of Commons an covered. Dpr.Qd, An active storm is movl stances. Cabinet Meet On Meat Crisis The United States had en- j ing into the Gulf of Alaska today genate will convene a few hoUl'S after formal lnstal- of a number of possibilities:. . "UN (Canadian Press) The Queen, dress-111 a black frock set off with a pearl necklace 'no(I brooch, today held the first investiture ...c.. SM 15 expeciea u give suuuKjl . ... f ,,M. a PannHa'a first which emerged from confusion ,u,lsu , restric from Canada tQ ,nc,ude .n,ithn nrfnrle ra n nunr IMf lOH I1T mill. VllUJClIl. iuaoovy wo following announcement yester the north coast tonight. The ! tions on meat products, hay and straw. I rain trom this wcatner system ; ''''W in the state ballroom of Buckingham day of the embargo and of measures Canada will take to stamp out the contagious dls- VICTORIA. The provincial j cabinet is meeting today to dfi-i Bans of British Columbia and : will spread to the south coast by ; native Governor-General. . Mr. Mafsey will be sworn ln at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time in a glittering ceremony In the Senate chamber and at 3 p.m. will return to read the Speech from the Throne opening the new Long Missing Nurse Found "fUerred knichlhomk ment lease. keep I Western livestock traders were eidc. on whether frozen should be permitted to Ontario mention only livestock. , tomorrow evening, bnow is ex-. In Saskatchewan, agricultural ! pected In the northern interior officials will slaughter 1015 cat- tomorrow, tic. 190 hoas and 140 sheep in-; Forecast wards upon more rsons. Iromlnx into British- .Columbia first to suggest that livestock ! from east of the Alberta border interests in the United States ! following the outbreak of foot wju try to keep the embargo on tected with the easily-spread . North coast region Cloudy! "Buy British" MLA Urges $ the same ivr.. OITAWA (CP) Army Nursing session of Parliament. "WW. ,iu, ..u E,.,ohpth Ransom. Th Sneee.h from the Throne the Om ; and mouth disease In Saskatcne- indefinitely ii nnt nn rumnrrnur TJinrnnir jv.v. -.. - ..... the Ottawa said Officials in i 'm cold inri Last year Cnnada shipped temperature! object of widespread search for expected 'f! national crisis ih' Little w. change "'f"1 In " - j, o( (he fltuation was a v VI 111! state. and ma mean price support for i wina-ngm increas ng to soutn- found y in New York . City. Rova, commission which spent be- beef as part of a federal plan f of Edinburgh stood studying Canada's ..,.,i,, th .ii. ,...,.,., of. in a onei siaieiucui, iu jrau i VICTORIA Pi A "Buy Biit-. Ish" campaign In Canada would iwm...S i. . - ....,,; ,hlomc S130.000.000 worth of cattle, hogs, sheep, goats and meat from these animals to the United States. With the loss of the United States market, drastic price cuts were forecast. naval uniform. More Families Enter Province ration Presented was n., vt n h mrris CroiUi r.. . Wil- (Nan ternoon. Lows tonight and highs 'le luesuay. m.uy nw " - n v .... tomorrow-Port HarcTy. 34 and said she has been definite.) Mo- In the in e rnat on al f le Id. P ar-Us- Sanrisnit 34 and 42- Princv cated and will be returned to liament will likely be a.sked to iRuUt 34 and 42 'her parents at Stanley, New ratify the Japanese peace treaty P ' I Brunswick. and also will be asked to approve i . The nurse, aged 26. has been a new extradition treaty with whn niiw apunen in nis qicinory, a im lori u g bcr of the British Columbia Leg- i'mnded. herl"B mach ne-B, e said yesterday in the to meet the crisis. Giant cattle graves are being prepared for slaughter of the victims. Diseased 'animals will be shot by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and covered with unslaked lime and buried. First grave, 200, by 60 feet and 10 feet deep, was dug on the farm of Konstan-tin Haun where ' 10 cattle caught the foot and mouth last Nm,mSI" ""one opeecn aeoaie. I T I ) F C ' mining since last December 24 the United States Maurice Finnerty, Liberal mm mm . uhn slip hoarded a train at The budnet tnis year is ex- VICTORIA The trend of Movement of livestock out of population movement to British the prairies and trading came Columbia continued during the to a virtual standstill on the past month as 455 families en-1 western livestock markets and tered the province, while 267 traders generally forecast a left. Alberta headed the list, price drop within the next few smuilno- 159 families and recelv- days. member for Similkameen, suggested that Canadian people, business men and provincial and Thursday, High February 28. 1952 ! Kingston where she was station- pected to be introduced early in 3:16 22.4 feet ed. i April and may include some, tax 15:36 20.8 feet An Army statement says that ilief in specific fields. No gen-... 9:30 2.8 feet Miss Sansom "appears to have eral reduction' of taxes is ex- 21:37 4.0 feet bccii the victim pf amnesia.". pected. . .1 iwhth. "u "UD- Low "'Me swdrri "oul-;as possible from Britain In pre- ing 65. Saskatchewan was sec-1 At Roust's Point, New York, onct grains and some vegetables, as, disease. iference to the United States.