A IX seats kesikv El Prince Rupert Dailv News Wednesday, February 3?, 1952 WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE RESERVED SKAT TICKETS MI ST UK I'K KK p ... . M M TrvC pv I On the some I DIMM Vzb, Terrace Church March List at Plays Enjoyed Totem Theatre TERRACE Plays presented by In addition to the weekly V P A. of the United Church were "Curtain at 8:30" features. Totem .well received with good attend-1 Theatre announces an lnlcrest-J'ance both Friday and Saturday' Ing booking list for the month of m evening. j Ma-ch with several outstanding In the "Bracelet of Doom,"! films such as "Calling Bulldog three men were killed by the ' Drummond," "D.-ath of a Sales- clasp on a bracelet of mystic man'' and "Something to Live .-rperstitlon, after which the For." man behind the poison on the! Following is the Totem list for valuable bracelet also met his March: a doom" at the hands of the law. February 29-March 1 "Call- Those taking part were Melisa iug Bulldog Drummond," with IB Punasuick. Ivy Gillespie, Colleen Walter Pidgcon. Sites Robin McColl, Flora Mel- i March 3-5 "Millionaire For : vin, Aaron Haaland, Allan Atru i Christy," Fred MacMurray and lal Call McColl. Eleanor Parked "Of Men and j "The Perfect Gentleman," a Music," Concert Package, delightful comedy of a youthful: March 6 "Curtain at 8:30," APRONS DRAPES HEADKERCHIEFS YARDAGE BRIDGE TABLE COVERS TABLE CLOTHS INFANT PANTIES PILLOW COVERS program: "Art is For Everybody" COTTAGE SETS GARMENT BAGS SHOE BAGS HOSIERY BAGS All cutest one o the 9 s an of Tuencla" euCr uiritien! : WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE :ne siiowiNt; only ;Cc;t' V I Thnrlav tt-311 tint 7 ' . ROBtM NWON STEAMLrt Prince George B TOTEM W ALSH tC GUINNISS. )OtlH nv"- SHIPS and VATERFRONT "p ('AUDI'S I'l. -.U US TIIEATKr Commercial Air Ace Returning One of the commonwealth's commercial air aces, V. S. s Bill i May, formerly Senior Captahi and Ofticer-in-Charge of Training with Brtah Overseas ways Corporation, has accepted the appointment of Chief Pilot with Queen Charlotte Airlines. uaJ 1-4. Kmls Today 7 Mill - 9 p.m. Jeff (handle 'r in crush on a chemistry teacher, "Ron-Tiki." and how smoothly these youthful , March 7-8 "Ivory Hunter," crushes can flow from chemistry, Anthony Steel, D. Sheridan, to poetry, to art, was a comedy' March 10-12 "The We'll," that was really amusing. Those i Henry Morgan. Barry Kelly, taking part were Karen! March 13 "Curtain at 8:30," L 'Strange, Carl Philip. Sclma ' "Happiest Days of Your Life." ! Farkvam, Avis Mould, Tom Rich-1 March 14-15 "Ten Tall Men,": ardson. : Burt Lancaster. In "Dora the Beautiful Dish-1 March 17-19 "Death of al washei." the long lost child was; Salesman," Frederic March. Mil-1 the surprise element, cnmniwo rlml Dunnoek ! RAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday it 11 :l' p. in. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations TflhAV' 'THE ROYAL JOllBKitv..,J I "Oh! Susanna Thrill Film . i wnrvwvyri MAN Only two pa'senger liners will be operated this summer by the ' CFF's .Brili h Columbia Coast : Steamship Service on the Alaska tourist run. They will be the Princess Kathleen and the Princess Louise. After having been served during the winter by the ficghters Yukon Princess and CusMar. Alaska will be getting back the passenger ship Princess Norah next month to be replaced by the Princess Louise In May. with "pursuing female" and for tune hunter. It all came nu Marcn zu curiam at 8:30: Bitter Rice." 1 Showing Once Only at 8:13 Thursdaj . f, Saturday Showings 2 : 00, 4:38, 7:46 mit straight when Dora n inn uui a "cleaned wrailtu up. UU. March iviailu 21-22 il-tt "Mask IViaSK OI of 111 the , TlT.XJA tnL'lv,r A . . . LI.nih jjaii wuic nerina nvi.-iitti, iuiiii ucroK, ooay Law- j Amdam, Gerald Tood. Sheila rence. Kill, Allan Atural. Carole rial.. Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT .(1! 1ICK PRINCE RUPERT March 24-20 "Something to1 NO! IM h .. Live For," Joan Fontaine, Ray Milland. j March 27 Curtain at 8:30 "The Browning Version." I March 28-29 "Flaming Feath- ' er," Sterling Hayden. i . JK M 1 . IVj tween the capitaLs of Beleium France, Ciermany, Austria, Hungary and Switzerland. With tlw opening of the Empire routes in 1937, hp captained airliners which flew routes between such Joan Dale. There was good co-operation amsng the cast and good acting. Proceeds from the two nighl's performance, said Rrv. p. H. Mallet, will 'go for interior decorating of the church. Master of ceremonies Friday evening was Qeorge McAdams, ft. C10S ; 1 colorful centres as Alexandria, Singapore, and Durban an.i across the Middle East, central and Saturday evening, Harry Notional nMii. inciia ana me east coast rninp of Africa. prcxnti "Royal Journey" Delights All I "The Royal Journey," National ! Film Board s record of the visit I to Canada last fall of the nowj Oueen Eliznheth inrf Prini Exciting battles between Sioux Indians, United Stales cavalary-men and gold-mad Invaders of the Black Hills of Dakota provide thrilling action in "Oh Su- , sanna." feature picture for this ; Thursday, Friday and Saturday ; at the Capitol Theatre. One of the top members of the cast is Canadian -born Rod Cameron who plays the part of u cavalry captai.: w.io has a bllter feud with Forrest Tucker, hu commanding olujcr. Both of them have their romantic sights on Adrian Booth, singer In a gambling house. Chill Wills is a rugged cavai.y sergeant. In defiam oi a treaty with the Sioux, increasing numbers of opportunists arc attempting to move into the Black Hills country In search of gold. Cameron has things well In hand until the commanding officer leads the garrison Into a massacre. Then there is a desperate defence of the post but surrender is Inevitable. The Indians, however, know that the captain has endeavored to enforce the treaty and he aud the remainder of his party are permitted to leave In safety. The picture is in color. Francois S. (BILL) MAY ... Chief Pilot Lak( JOHN H. BULGER Oj'lomctrisl Philip, has been delighting large I Several car loads of Francois aU(llcnces at CaP"l Theatre! After the outbreak of war Cip-tain May was transferred to Montreal fcr Ui operation of Liberator Aircraft on the retur.i ferry service across the Atlantic, which he has crossed a near-record number of times, 260 in all. During his sixteen vears with EOAC i in the course" of flying over 2 million miles). Captain May hung up some records which still stand. Included in these is the highest freight load ever N E W A Fill MFNCTH Captain May, who recently retired from the famed BOAC after sixteen years' service, started his flying career as a bush pilot in Winnipeg in 1931. Joining Imperial Airways in London five years later he was engaged in flying their European Service be- COLOR Lake people went to the Collcy-mount dance on Saturday and had a good time. Since the weather turned colder again, it has been easier for cars to cross the lake ice as " WW l 1 1 W 1 1 FEATURE John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue '""""fj uiiu luesuay nignisj Those -who had been hearing, about the charm of the Idolized' young woman of royal station! and her handsome consort have ! found that all that was claimed Is Indeed true. "Isn't she lovely?"! hap been the unanimous gasp of everyone seeing this very splen- j did record in color. The picture includes scenes NOTE News con la ins shuts ol ll the late King (irorsf VI carried across the Atlantic 24.000 lbs. erass His pvi-im-mr, they do not sink into the deep snow as thev did when It. u-as in Emergency flight operation.! thawing. , ranges from eoninian-i nf ., Mi.niving Tuiee Thupclay, Friday al Ml it C . I .. -.I .. .. i fc. : . .. . , i Air prv.-e from Eastern Canada jto Winnipeg during the dLsas-( trous 19.-i0 flood, to special trips It was so cold for three days fm thn ndins at Dorval . that there was no school through Quebec, Ottawa, Toron- i ' -to, ' Windsor, Rcglna, Calgary,1 On Wednesdav afternoon Mr. ' Vancouver, Victoria. Edmonton!! Rk. ,T Following the massacre of Oeneral Custer find his cavalry, Chief Sitting Bull and his Sioux warriors spent years in refuge in Canada. iu Aoaoan, Iran, to evacuate Van Zanten entertained a num. untlcaL Frederlcton, Halifax,! - ff) If A ber of ladies j women and "children uunr.- hc ; oil crisis last year. and children in Y"":ouelown. Sydney and St. honor of Mrs. Van ZantenV - l" obinuiy I'UlOiirKa- tion fiom Portugal Cove aboard sisier-in-iaw, Mrs. Edward Sho- 1 lander, and Mrs. Ken Rensbv -J tno H"" of France. A ii a, . 'I Thn The nilA one small cmlt fntim town ,,l visit whi.h oociai nine anu some i , Quiz Answers i TinVfll .Innrnpw'' riiniivl .. t i t ' amusing and interesting con-! tests the hostess served a de-i licious lunch assisted Mrs. Coyle. I wU.vj i u.t m li nil i to Salmon Aim in British Columbia. Thprn ,,iln... .i ...i IKK.IDAIKK KEI RIGI UATOR More beautiful anil practical than ever in four completely new models including this fine IH Luxe (old-Wall. There is still a little cleaning i ANSWERS: 5. 8 minutes. 3. The CBC. 1. It .separates Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. 4. S721 million at an. 1st. 2. April 20, 1923. .... ,0 unutr jiaiiutiou Dy ; f lourtecn-year-old gUi at Tor-I onto, a housewife at Winnipeg I and a Scottish coal miner at! being done at the seed cleaning j 1 plant. , Mrs. John Scott and family! nliH Mru .Qlmx. Hf., .i ti. i-i... .bydmw. Tli- scenes ut Quebec and Montreal arc Fre-r it h-Canadian dialed cd. uw.li ivtati. tlliu nunuy uaW4Ug& - iiiririiiriTur--' i lii ii'i l'n , R00 CAML80N AURIAN BOOTH -10151 III -E Till ItSOAY - I ItlDAY First Show 7:00 C A U I I I SATl KDAY Vrl Continuous from 2:00 A I AMOI S PI The only comDlalnt. nhnnt .--lit.nl me wccK-end at the Emerald-Glacier mine. 1 Royal Joui r,ey." and that seems ' I', b" a p -iier.il one. Is- "ir nut i Mrs. J. Henkel is now staying i '''"U f no.igh. We'd liav Iked to with the Mummery family injnavCi' cn more." Burns Lake. She expects to j It continues ah veek -spend a few days at the Kecfc ! fcHMUr I i WHEN ONLY I This advcrllsemeiit is not published or disiilnycil by the Liquor Control nome Deiorc going to Vancou vcr for the rest of the winter. JjoarU or by the Ooveriiment of British Columbia i ; i The Jeffrey boys arc now away logging for Earl Hankc at i For groceries Canadians .spent ; three times as much in 1951 as in 1941 $1,608 million compared jto $587 million: independent ! merchants did 62.8 percent of the total business, chain opcr- ators the remainder. There was a Fair board at the Snyder ranch evening. WILL DO John Kecfc has been hauling the pilings across the lake behind his tractor for the new wharf at Southbank. Bob Morris is now working at Tahtsa. WELDING Government Certified Operators Hign Pressure Tanks . Refrigeration Slacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. IZ5 1st E. Phon. Green 884 FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE Models for evtry kitchen anil burf. Bet. Motlel RM-60 cook a whola " uical while you're away. Come in and sec our (Krigidairc) Refrigerator and Stoves at amazing reductions. i' ks ) ' r Captain Wallace To Lady Nelson MONTREAL Appointment of Capl. Neil J. Roach,' O O.E., as assistant marine superintendent, Canadian National Steamships! and Capt. D. C. Wallace, O B E.. D.S.C., as master of the "Lady Nelson" to succcd him were announced today by Capt. R A. Ciark'..-, general manager of the company. Capl, Roach will replace Capt. P. A. Kelly, O.B.E., who has resigned Jrom the company after serving as assistant marine superintendent for the past nine years. (Capt. Wallace, new master of the Lady Nelson, was naval officer in charge at Prince Rupert for a time during World Warn.) GORDON & ANDERSON Limited Phone 46 u?causo you think you can't afford to? Because you're afraid there's too much risk? 3?cnuso vcu think a broker won't bother with a "r-n!l acco'.in; . . . saves his service and his help or lm customers only? 1- brrr r; you reallv. don't know too much a'-ou! stocks o' how vou buy them anyway? II liiafr-. how vin feel about investing, we think you'll wan' rea-l "What Evc'ybodv OuRlit To Know . . . About Ihi Slock and r ind Ittivitips." It's written for you a four-pagr paniphlet that answers Ihr. common qunstions anybody prtlii ask answers llicni in the plainest English possible. II you've iiivrr l.oiiahl stocks before, we think you'll find . tlu-sr aiisneis in! icslinr, helpfulyes, anil surprising, too. Tli-n's m; havKe for "What Everybody Ought to Know . . A' nit This Slock and Itoiul ISusincss," or course. Il you'-l like a ropy, just send hi the coupon below. I Dept. I'K-S I ivn !;tioai. nt)M) & sn viti; cokp, ltd. I V. ad Oirice: 509 Howe Street, Vancouver 1, B.C. I I NAME 1 . VAN('(ii; Elt and VICTORIA , SUNDAY s.s. ChilcoUn 8 p.m. TUESDAY ns. Caniosun 12 noon Al.Uli ARM, STEWART ANU PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, II p.m. FOR NORTH O.LEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS February 29 ss. ChilcoUn midnight VOll SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin March 7 and 21 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Aver.uc Phone 568 The average Canadian factory worker earns the Dries nf a WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING. PRINTING ENLA RGINO EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES hone Green 1.18 bi'x 478 I loaf of bread from 8 minutes work; in 1939 it took 12 minutes j work. UnTMT (Ei DUTY Police constable Tom an's it" another of the hazards of a policeman ,, A! ,T pi.i." Please . send me copy of your pamphlet on stocks and bonds. ' " l'"" ""'"' " " .her This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by h. Government of BntiH Columbit ballerina Judie Colpman of Toronto, a nu " tcf Ballet Company which will appear at tlve, ff,ket;. clatlon's concert next Wednesday. Consrm'C of the Association, Canada's production of crude oil last year was almost four I times greater than ten years ago.